Brazilian Instrumental Music For Guitars

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Brazilian Instrumental Music for Guitars


This proposal aims to hold four concerts between the 18th and 24th of June 2022, in the cities
of Berlin (18th/19th-Saturday/Sunday), Dresden (21st-Tuesday), Munich (23rd-Thursday) and
Trossingen (25th-Saturday), bringing to the German public, Brazilian music for solo guitar and
chamber music, by the artists Mirael Lima and Tapioca de Shark Guitar trio, who gathered in
order to present a representative panel of compositions for guitar, specifically of the production
from the Brazilian northeast.
Within the regions that divide Brazil, the Northeast is recognized as the region that, throughout
its history, acts as a birthplace for great artists, composers and instrumentalists, contributing to
the establishment of a genuinely Brazilian music both in the sphere of popular music and in the
sphere of today's erudit music.

The set list

The set list to be presented is divided into three parts, the first is dedicated to the compositions
of Mirael Lima for 7-string guitar, the second is dedicated to important northeastern composers
such as Hermeto Pascoal, Antônio Madureira (founder of the Armorial Movement) and João
Pernambuco, one of the first instrumentalists to obtain national and international recognition
for their compositions for guitar. The presentation will bring together the performance of
several typical rhythms of the northeast region of Brazil, such as frevo, choro, maracatu and
For the final part, we have invited soprano singer Simone Foltran (Berlin and Dresden), as well
as the accordionist Filipe Nicodemos(Munich) and (Trossingen), who, in the third part, will join
us to perform a piece by Heitor Villa-Lobos - the most famous Brazilian composer - a piece by
Sérgio Deslandes - composer who is part of the “Songbook International Online” of the
National Art Foundation/FUNARTE - and the frevo Vassourinhas, characteristic of the region,
promoting a musical celebration that will certainly please the public.

Simone Foltran erhielt ihre Gesangsausbildung bei Neyde Thomaz in

Brasilien und als CAPES Stipendiatin an der UdK in Berlin bei Ingrid Figur,
Julie Kaufmann und Axel Bauni.
Im Jahr 2003 schloss Simone Foltran ein Aufbaustudium an der Hochschule für
Musik Dresden bei Hartmut Zabel ab. In dieser Zeit nahm sie an Meisterkursen
bei Peter Schreier und Sir Colin Davis teil. Ihr während des Studiums
erarbeitetes Spektrum reicht von der Musik des Mittelalters bis hin zur
zeitgenössischen Musik, welches sie in Konzerten und Opernaufführungen in
Brasilien, Deutschland, Spanien, Italien, Österreich, Schweiz und USA zur
Aufführung brachte.
Zu ihrem Repertoire gehören u.a. die Gräfin in “Figaros Hochzeit”, die
Fiordiligi in “Cosi fan tutte”, die Rosalinde in “Die Fledermaus”, die Titelpartie
in Mozarts “Zaide”, Agathe in “Der Freischütz“ von Weber und Mimi in “La
Bohème“ von Puccini. Sie ist Preisträgerin des Maria-Callas-Wettbewerbes
1997, mit dem 1° Preis und des Mozart-Sonderpreises in Brasilien.
Filipe Nicodemos started studying the accordion in 2008 with self-taught
masters of the instrument, such as Arlindo dos Baixo and Camarão. In 2009
he entered the Pernambuco Conservatory of Music. There he completed the
preparatory course for music in 2011. In 2010 he joined the undergraduation
in music at the Federal University of Pernambuco, finishing in 2016 . Since
September 2016, he studied at the Hohner Konservatorim in Trossingen,
Germany, in the class of professor Andreas Nebl, taking a degree course in
classical and popular accordion. In 2020 he entered the master's degree in solo
accordion in the class of Professor Hans Maier at the Staatliche Hochschule
für Musik Trossingen where he still studies today. As an artist, he has been
acting since 2010 in various festivals in Pernambuco. For example, the "São
João da Recife City Hall'' from 2012 to 2016, the "São João City Hall of
Jaboatão dos Guararapes" in 2012, the Recife Carnival in 2014-2017 and the
"18th. Festival Collors of music for accordion in Bolzano Italy in 2017 and
2018 and others . Currently dedicated to the study of the baroque and
contemporary repertoire.

Mirael Lima

Guitarist, composer and arranger from Pernambuco,

graduated in music from the Federal University of
Pernambuco – (UFPE), and postgraduate in Music
Education from Instituto Pró-Minas.
He was born in the city of Caruaru, the second
largest city in Pernambuco. He began his musical
studies at the São Sebastião Philharmonic in Belo
Jardim, a city close to Caruaru, and had his first
contact with the guitar when he saw his father
playing and singing in festivals of Repente
throughout Brazil. He regularly participates as a guest
in presentations and festivals throughout Brazil, emphasizing his award at FEJACAN 2013, an
important music festival in the city of Jacarezinho, Paraná (southern state of Brazil) and his
presentations at the Projeto Semer des Notes et Guitares da Alliance Française from Pernambuco
and the 1st Northeastern Guitarists Festival held at Centro Cultural dos Correios in Recife.
He is currently working on the production of his third album, in duo with the Pernambuco
singer Jacy Lima and he is dedicated to teaching 6 and 7-string guitar in the city of Belo Jardim,

Previous work
In 2007, CD “Entre Amigos”
In 2011 CD “Carro de Boi”
In 2017, he performed concerts in Trossingen, Germany
In 2019, on his second tour of Europe, he recorded his third album in the city of Munich in
Germany, performing a series of concerts in France (Monein, Bouge) and Portugal (Covilhã,
Vizela and Porto)
Tapioca de Shark Guitar Trio

The Tapioca de Shark project was born in

2018. The trio develops a musical activity
focused on the execution of chamber music
for guitar, which includes pieces from the
18th century to the 21st century, erudite and
Formed by teacher-instrumentalists, their
presentations always have an educational
tone, since the instrumental music they play rarely finds space in the media, although the guitar
is one of the instruments that most represents Brazilian culture.
The name Tapioca de Shark, is a pun that refers to two characteristics of the city of Recife:
Tapioca, a typical food of the region and shark, that sounds like Charque, a common type of
meat in the northeast region. The beaches of Recife are famous in Brazil for their shark attacks
on bathers. The name identifies the group in a fun way to the city of Recife.

The trio is formed by:

Abraão Marreira, from Recife, got a Degree in Music at the Federal University of
Pernambuco/UFPE, and then he got a Bachelor's Degree in Instrument/Guitar, also at UFPE.
He continued his guitar studies with teacher Napoleão Costa Lima. He is currently a teacher at
the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary of Brazil / STBNB, and at the João Pernambuco
Municipal School of Art, and he has a Master's Degree in Music at UFPE.

Hugo Rocha graduated as a classical guitarist from the Pernambuco Conservatory of Music
(2016) and at UFPE in 2021. He held a master class with guitarists Gilson Antunes, Nicolas de
Souza Barros, Glauber Rocha, Orlando Fraga, Djalma Marques, Ezequias Lira and Spanish
guitarist Jaime Velasco. He participated in the Recife Carnival in 2013 as a guitarist in the Flores
do Capibaribe Lyric Group. He participated as a guitarist in the UFPE Choro Orchestra
between 2014 and 2015 and in the UFPE Frevo Orchestra between 2016 and 2017.

Sérgio Deslandes was born in Curitiba/PR, where he worked as a Professor at the

Conservatório de MPB de Curitiba, at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná, at the School of Music and
Fine Arts of Paraná. Since 2008 he has had an entry in the Cravo Albin Dictionary of Música
Popular Brasileira; in April 2013 he won the title of Honorary Position of the Order of Cultural
Merit Carlos Gomes by the Brazilian Society of Arts Culture, and Teaching of Campinas (SP).
In 2015, he completed his Doctorate in Conducting at UFBA.

In 2018, the group held the 1st Northeastern

Guitar Festival, honoring the composer Antônio
Madureira in a series of concerts at the Correios
Cultural Center with the best guitarists in Recife.
Despite the pandemic, Tapioca de Shark has
performed virtual presentations on its social
networks (Instagram, Facebook and YouTube)
and approved in 2020, by the Aldir Blanc Law,
the 2nd Northeastern Guitar Festival, which honored guitarist Henrique Annes, expanding the
reach of its guests to Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte.


Mirael Lima - own compositions (

• Sanctuary
• Pega do Boi
• Ladeira abaixo
• Forró nº 1
• Station

Tapioca by Shark Trio de Violões - Brazilian Instrumental Music (

• O Ovo (Hermeto Pascoal)
• Coisa nº 8 (Moacir Santos)
• Minimalist Maracatu (Hugo Rocha)
• Batalha de Confete (Maestro Francisquinho)
• Elegia (Edvaldo Cabral)
• Romaria (Antonio Madureira)
• Aralume (Antonio Madureira)
• Rubro Negro (Henrique Annes)
• Sounds of Carillons (João Pernambuco)

Brazilian Quartet With guest musician

• Modus Paraibensis (Sérgio Deslandes)
• Sentimental Melody (Heitor Villa-Lobos)
• Vassourinhas (Mathias da Rocha and Joana da Rocha)

Lecture - Guitar and Northeastern Music (approx. 40 min)

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