Talking To Heaven

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TALKING to HEAVEN Your loved ones in heaven want to talk with you, and share their love and reassurance t6 help heal your grief. By using this guidebook in conjunction with the Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards, you can ask your departed friends and family members questions ‘and receive answers and comforting messages. Draw- ing upon James Van Praagh’s years of experience as a clairvoyant and spiritual medium, this deck offers you a healing tool to facilitate your clear conversations with heaven, James Van Praagh Is the internationally renowned #1 New York Times best-selling author who has worked as the voice of the Spirit World for the past 30 years. He hhas appeared on Oprait, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil, Coast to Coast, and many other programs. He is also the successful creator and producer of the CBS's long-running series The Ghost Whisperer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt Website: wa 4 F 5 : s - MEDIUMSHIP CARDS JAMES VAN PRAAGH HOWVtid NYA SaWVf Guidebool SaLKING ta AOEAVEN MebIUMSHIP CARDS Guidebook JAMES VAN PRAAGH an HAY HOUSE London + Sydney + Johannesburg, ‘Vancouver * New Delhi Copyright © 2018 by James Van Praagh Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc: www.hayhousecom + Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Aus- tralia Pty. Ltd: wwwhayhouse.comau © Published land distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Lid: * Distribut- ed in Canada by: Raincoast Books: www:raincoast ‘com * Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: Interior design: Riann Bender Previously published as Talking to Heaven Medium= ship Cards (978-1-4019-4261-8) by Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh. All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, tansmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private uuse—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embod- Jed in articles and reviews—without prior written per- mission of the publisher, ‘The intent of the author is only to offer information ofa general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the Information in this uidebook for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. Printed in China Also by James Van Praagh Books Wisdom from Your Spirit Guides* The Power of Lovet When Heaven Touches Earth (with Sunny Dawn Johnston and Lisa McCourt) Adventures ofthe Soul* How to Heal a Grieving Heart (with Doreen Virtue)* Talking to Heaven Reaching to Heaven Healing Grief Heaven and Earth Meditations with James Van Praagh Looking Beyond Ghosts Among Us Unfinished Business Growing Up in Heaven Watching Over Us Card Decks Messages from the Guides Transformation Cards* The Power of Love Activation Cards* The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards* “available from Hay House e Please visit: Hay House USA: Hay House Australia: Hay House UK: Hay House India: Contents How to Work with the Talking to Heaven ‘Mediumsbip Cards The Messages of the Cards Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason Asasoul, can be in several places at once. Believe in yourself—you can do it Don't be afraid always give you a good-night kiss Jam here helping you Jam just a thought away Iam learning over here Tam not dead Iam so much better now. Tam sorry; please forgive me Tam standing right next to you... am surrounded by loving animals. 7 21 23 25 7 29 31 33 35 37 239) a Lam with the rest of the family. | feel healthy and happy. If [had only known then what | know now, I would have lived differently. Thad to leave that way I have a new understanding Ihave become one of your guides [have no more carthly worries I see all of your thoughts. I send you loving signs through nature Ie is beautiful where | am. It is not your fault Tt was my time to go. I was met by so many loving people I watch over you every day. I will always point you in the right direction. I wish [ had told you more often how much I love you. . Life is a series of choices. Choose love My death was painless. Please don't worry or hold on to guilt 43 45 47 49 31 53 55 37 59. 61 63 6 67 69 71 73 75 7 My mind is free Now I have no pain Remember me by the happy memories we created Tears cleanse the soul The earth is our school There is no such thing as death... There is no time where I am. Time is only on the earth We are so connected We are soul mates We have been together in dreams We will be together again You are never alone. You have nothing to feel guilty about About the Author. 79 81 83 85 87 89 o 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 How to Work with the Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards Losing a loved one is one of life’s most painful experiences, because grief is a complicated mixture of emotions and insights. You miss the person's phys- ical presence, touch, and voice. You hold regrets, and wish that you could talk with your loved one again. You worry whether everything is okay and how he or she feels about you. These Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards were made with the hope of eas- ing your pain, As a spiritual medium, I have the ability to communicate across the veil . do you! Everyone has spiri- tual gifts that allow them to hear the voice of heaven, including God, Jesus, angels, and departed loved ones. But when your heart is grief-stricken, your feelings and intuition are numbed. This numbing effect is a merciful way of help- ing you cope during a painful transition. Unfortunately, though, under these cir- cumstances it’s difficult to hear messages from the Spirit World and feel heaven's comforting presence. My prayer is that these cards will start a healing and loving conversation between you and your friends and family members in heaven. Once you start the flow of contact, you and your loved ones will be able to communicate without the use of cards or other tools. Even though life after death has not been provable by current scientific methods, researchers have lots of evi dence to support its validity. For exam- ple, Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia conducted many studies on dream visitations from departed loved ones, as well as near-death experiences. His conclusions were that human con- sciousness survives the body's physical death and that our deceased loved ones really do visit us in our dreams. Ym not here to convince anyone about the existence of life after death; rather, my aim is to provide comfort in the form of these mediumship cards. Or- acle cards are a time-honored way to seek guidance and cultivate a connection to the Divine, and this deck focuses upon opening up a conversation with departed. loved ones (which is known as medium- ship). These are the cards that I person- ally would have loved to have had while going through my own grieving process. Here’s how you can prepare and work with your Talking to Heaven Medi- umship Cards Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck Your cards are sensitive instruments, so they'll need to be cleared of any en- ergy they may have absorbed from the manufacturing process. Steps 1 and 2 only need repeating after another per- son touches your cards or if your read- ings lack clarity because the cards have become clogged with too much energy. To clear your cards, first hold the deck in your nondominant hand (the one you normally don’t write with), as this is the hand that receives energy. Then, say a prayer over the cards, asking that they be cleared of any energy that they may have absorbed, such as: “Dear God, thank You for ifting atoay anything rom these cards that is not of Divine love.” This clears out the old energy so that the cards are now a blank slate and ready to be imbued with your own vibration. Step 2: Consecrate the Cards Briefly touch all of the cards to in- fuse them with your personal energy. You can simply touch one of the corners of each to accomplish this. Then fan the cards out with the artwork facing you. Hold the fanned cards to your heart, and think about any prayers or intentions you'd like to bestow upon them. Your cards are receptive to the inten- tions you infuse into them. For instance, while shuffling the cards you can say aloud or silently: “Archangel Michael, Divine protector of all, please ensure that only my true and intended loved ones and God's angels speak through these cards.” Ask and pray for whatever help you'd like while working with the cards, such as confidence, clarity, compassion, and so forth. Your cards now carry your per- sonal vibration and intentions. Step 3: Talk to Heaven Think of a person in heaven with whom you'd like to communicate, and 6 meditate upon his or her name. Don’t worry that you might bother that indi- vidual, because everyone has the freewill choice of whether or not to enter into a conversation. Most likely, your loved one will be delighted to share messages with you. Every person has a unique energy “fingerprint,” and you'll feel his or her particular energy. It’s the same sense you use when the telephone rings and you can tell who is on the line with- out even needing to look at the caller identification. If you're pulling cards for another liv- ing person, ask him or her to either think of or verbalize the name of the person in heaven with whom he or she wishes to speak. Heaven hears our thoughts, so we needn't voice our queries aloud. Step 4: Shuffle the Cards Continue thinking of the person in heaven as you shuffle the cards, and ask God to help you with answers and guid- ance. | often say this prayer, similar to the one in Step 2, while shuffling: ‘Dear God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, and all of my angels, Lask that ‘you watch over this experince, making certain that nly the messages of God will come through, Please protect my loved ones and me from lower energies. Please belp me release my ego fears so that Ica clearly st, bear, fel, and keow the messages that ‘you have for us. Lask tha tis oracle-card reading bring blessings to everyone involved.” If one or more cards “jump” out of the deck while you're shuffling, place ‘them to the side. They'll be part of your reading. As you're shuffling, you'll likely no- tice feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. This Divine guidance will help you fur- ther understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to these impressions as they come to you. When your cards begin to clump into two distinct sections, it’s time to stop shuffling. You may also receive a feeling, thought, or vision to cease—or you may even hear the words Stop shuf- fling now. Trust and honor these Divine messages that are helping you with the reading. You can’t make a mistake and stop shuffling too soon, as the Divine Law of Attraction ensures that you'll al- ways choose the correct cards. Step 5: Choose a Card Pull the top card from the deck. This is the message from heaven for you. As you read the words on the card, continue to pay attention to any thoughts, words, feelings, or visions that come to you, as these are additional messages from heav- en that personalize the card’s particular meaning for you. The picture also holds significance, so be sure to study its de- tails. If you set aside a card (or cards) that “jumped?” out of the deck while you were shuffling, carefully examine it, too. If you ever get an uneasy feeling while using these cards, please say: “Arch- angel Michael, I ask that you clear away all lower energies immediately”—and he will! Archangel Michael always answers this prayer instantly for everyone who asks, without exception. Step 6: Consult This Guidebook ‘Turn to the corresponding page with- in this guidebook for each card drawn. As you read the words, again notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you, as they, too, are a personalized part of the answer. Heaven will give you specific guidance to help walk you through any life changes or to take appropriate action. Three-Card Messages With the Talking to Heaven Medium- ship Cards, youll receive most of your answers from a single card. For example, you can ask heaven: “What does my loved one want me to know?” This deck was created to help you have meaningful and healing conversations with your de- parted loved ones; however, you can also use the cards to have conversations with God, Jesus, Mother Mary, the angels, or other heavenly beings. After completing Steps 3 and 4, pick three cards from the top of the deck. With the pictures and words facing up, lay the first card to your left, the sec- ond one in the middle, and the third to the right. The card to your left speaks about the immediate past with respect to the situation you inquired about. The mid- dle card reveals your question's current status and what you need to know or work on right now. And the card to the right shows your immediate future if you continue on your present path and fol- low the guidance in the middle card. You can always better your future by holding a positive outlook and listening to your inner wisdom, In the next section of this guide- book, you'll find specific messages for cach card. Always remember that you have freewill choices about life. You can also improve the outcome of any situa- tion through prayer, visualization, and positive affirmations. Heaven can help alter your future for the better if you'll ask for, and be open to, Divine assistance. rs The Messages of the Cards This guidebook contains messages associated with every card in the Talk- ing to Heaven Mediumship Cards deck. The cards are listed alphabetically, according to the beginning words on each one. When you're ready to look up a card, find the corresponding page and read the full entry. Your intuition will offer you even more personalized guidance from your departed loved ones, so as you read, simultaneously pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Your inner wisdom will tell you which of the specif- ic details of the message apply to you, or the words may trigger further insights. > a Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason. “There is a Divine order behind ev- erything that happens, including the time of my passing. I realize that you weren't ready to let me go, and in many ways, I wasn’t ready either. Since my pass- ing, I've received spiritual counseling to 7 help me see the big picture of my life and death, I now understand that I had to leave the way I did. It was part of my soul contract—and yours as well. “[ now see that everything in this uni- verse is mathematically precise. There are noaccidents. At some level, your soul knew that I would leave before you did. We've both been preparing for this transition since the beginning of our relationship. I am grateful for all the beautiful moments we shared together, along with the lessons I learned from the difficult times. It’s all Divinely perfect.” AAs oul Lean bein several places at onc, Asa soul, I can be in several places at once. “Without the human body, I am free, and I have amazing new abilities! I can travel to any place and almost any dimension, with just a thought! It’s 1 living in one of those flying dreams that you and I discussed. So, I can be with you as often as you need me, and it won’t hold back my spiritual growth. If you 9 miss my presence, just say the word and I'm there by your side instantly. “Although I’m not technically an angel because | still have my human ego to deal with and learn about, I am like an angel to you. I will do my best to protect you always, and you can count upon my continuing love.” 20 Relieve in yourelt— you can do Believe in yourself— you can do it. “From my heavenly vantage point, I can see and understand everything so much more clearly now. I can see that you and I never had anything to be afraid of. The only thing that was ever standing in our way was fear about the future. Yet now I realize that you and I create our own future. “So Ym urging you to go forward with all of your heartfelt dreams, Leave nothing to chance! I believe in you be- cause I love you, but also because I can see that nothing is stopping you unless you believe it is. I will be with you every step of the way.” 2 Dont be aad Don't be afraid. “My transition has changed every- thing for both of us, and you may be frightened of the future as a result. Please know that you have nothing to fear, my love. Rest assured that all of heaven is watching over you, including me. “Although you can't be in my physi- cal presence any longer, you definitely can rely on my spiritual presence . . . 8 which in many ways is much more pow- erful than when my soul was limited by my body. My love for you has increased now that I'm no longer restricted or dis- tracted by physical demands. And with my increased love for you, I'm able to help you even more.” 24 = sive yous goodnight his yp ie I always give youa good-night kiss. “1 know that you still need me in your life, so I make my presence known in order to comfort you. I enlarge my energy so that you can clearly feel me standing next to you, and I move sig- nificant objects that remind you of our shared times together. “When you are ready to go to sleep, 1 always visit with a loving kiss to tuck you safely into bed. My love for you has been elevated to its purest level, and I am now as close to being an angel as a human soul can be. So when I'm with you, please know that my intentions are solely to help and comfort you. Of course, I receive great happiness from sharing more time with you—but ulti- mately, my good-night kisses are my way of bringing heavenly healing energy into your life.” 26 am here helping ou, lam here helping you. “V'm not technically an angel, but 1 am acting like one to you. My spiritual growth continues on, even though I no longer carry physical burdens around. One way that I grow is through loving and selfless service to others, and that includes you! “Too many times during my earthly life, Lacted selfishly out of the misguided 7 belief that there wasn’t enough of this or that to go around. I competed with oth- ers, including you, to get my ego and physical needs met. Now that I'm here, I realize what a colossal waste of time and energy that was. So I’m balancing out my old selfish ways with my ‘new and improved’ energies that are completely focused upon selfless giving. When you accept my gifts, you allow me to accom- plish this, and you therefore are giving back to me as I grow and learn.” 28 am usta hough aa. I am just a thought away. “Please don’t think of me as ‘gone,’ because I'm not. I’m right here. Please don’t think of heaven as ‘up in the sky,’ because it’s not. It’s right here. Yes, I am happily busy with learning and help- ing, but I'm also happily willing to be right by your side the moment that you need me. “All of our former communication barriers have been lifted, and I now un- derstand and hear you perfectly. I hear your thoughts—and please don’t worry ».. I don’t judge them or you! My heart is now completely open to compassion, and I understand and love you like I never could before. That's why I'm with you the moment you think of me.” x0 1am leaning over here I am learning over here. “V've always loved to learn, and some- times I thought that I knew it all. But now that I’m beyond the three-dimensional physical world, I am astounded to be learning how everything really works in this beautiful and perfect universe. Even now, I can't completely comprehend all of God’s plan. But I do see the bigger pic- ture... and it’s amazing! 3 “You and I are so much more than we ever dreamed of, The only thing I can share with you is how important it is to appreciate and honor yourself and everything else in life! You and I—like everyone—are God's sacred creations, which means that we honor God when we honor ourselves and each other. And I definitely honor you!” Lae ot deed Tam not dead. “Only my physical body is gone, and I now know that our bodies are just a small part of who we really are. 1 am aware that you miss my voice and physi- cal presence, but my soul and spirit are very much alive! The times when you've felt my energy, I really was there next to you, as | am now. We each have a unique energy fingerprint, and you recognize 8 mine when I'm with you. Trust that feeling! “1am actually more alive now than ever before. Gone are all the distractions and stressors that I allowed to rob me of the enjoyment of my life. Now I see how trivial everything was, and that all that ever mattered were the important priorities of love, family, friendship, car- ing, and helping. But I've also discovered how to turn my regrets into learning and growing. I ask you to do the same. “I now see that I never had anything to fear. There is no death, and nothing bad can ever happen to anyone in spiri- tual truth. Of course, it’s important to be smart and careful, and always follow your guidance. But please don’t forsake joy because of fears, because there’s truly nothing to fear.” i am so uch beter ow 1am so much better now. “[ know you worry about me, and you wonder how much I suffered in my life and passing. Both you and I would feel so much better, though, if you would focus on the present. I promise you that I feel a million percent better now that I'm here! Your love for me is a true miracle, especially after all that we went through together. I value and honor your love more than you will ever know. “Now that I'm out of my physical body, there is no more pain or suffering. Iam free! My mind is also healthy, as I no longer have to worry about any of the stressful parts of Earth life. Truly, the only thing that would make me happier is for you to be happy! And as much as you pray for me, I pray for your happi- ness, too. I love you.” Lam sorry, please forgive me I am sorry; please forgive me. “Now that I’m over here, I've had a chance to review my life. I understand how my actions affected you, and I need to apologize so that both of our souls can move forward. You see, if either one of us is hanging on to guilt or resentment, it stalls our personal growth. “Please know that at every moment I was doing the very best I could. I will a now finally admit to you how frightened Twas. I made an effort to appear strong, but underneath I was scared of every- thing . . . including life. I covered up my fears by closing my heart to feeling emo- tions, and I know this hurt you quite a bit. I promise that I’ve now learned from this error, but I’ve also had to forgive and have compassion for myself. I ask that you please do the same, and forgive me, too.” I am standing ‘abt vex to yo. I am standing right next to you. “As you're reading these words, so am I, because I'm right beside you at this moment. I do respect your privacy and freewill choices very much. If you'd like me to give you some space, just say the word and I'll retreat. But for as long as my presence comforts you, I'll stay nearby. “Time is very different where | am now, so I’m no longer in a hurry, nor 39 do I need to multitask. I love when you talk with me, and I hope you trust the answers that I send to you through your feelings, intuition, thoughts, and dreams. Our relationship can become even closer now, because my old ego de- fenses aren't as strong as they used to be. Thave finally opened my heart fully, and now I can love you as you deserve to be loved!” 0 am surrounded by loving animal Tam surrounded by loving animals. “You know that I'm an animal lover, so you'll rejoice to hear that I’m sur- rounded by beloved pets and an array of wonderful animal friends. Animals defi- nitely have souls and feelings, and they make the best earthly—and heavenly— companions. They're even sweeter here than they were on Earth. en “When I passed from the physical world, I was met by my loved ones . . . including pets! I’ve since learned that animals are angels who accompany us in our physical lives, helping us keep our hearts open when it’s difficult to love other people or ourselves.” 2 Tam with the rest, tte ami ae bette 1 am with the rest of the family. “Please don’t worry that I'm alone or lonely, because I’m surrounded by all of our loved ones. They met me when I traveled here, and it’s been like one sweet family reunion ever since . . . without any drama! Every relative and friend you think about is here with me, and they send you their love. “Family relationships are quite dif ferent here, in that there's pure love and no ego competition. So all of the an- noying habits have dropped away, and our memories of our human quirks are handled with a compassionate sense of humor. Everyone is in a constant good mood, and no one is in a rush. Defenses have all washed away, and our hearts are all open to one another. From a relation- ship perspective, this truly is heaven.” 4 eel healthy and hoppy 1 feel healthy and happy. “I can now do amazing things I never dreamed were possible, and it feels like I'm doing them in a physical body except I'm so much lighter, freer, and more flexible. So I can do acrobatics if 1 want, I can fly, I can jump as high as a mountain, and I can move instantly be- tween locations, It’s magical here! “The main thing that I want to em- phasize to you, though, is that all the aches, pains, and suffering went away with my physical body! I can breathe, see, and walk like a healthy young per- son now. All the limitations of a physi- cal body are gone, and | am enjoying my spiritual body. “1 also see how I could have taken much better care of myself physically and enjoyed better health, and I hope you'll take this to heart, too. After all, we only get one physical body per lifetime, and it is built to last a lifetime if we take care of it.” 46 If | had only known then what I know now, I would have lived differently. “While living on the earth, if I had realized just how creative and powerful my thoughts were and their effect on another person, I would have been so much more aware of what I put out. “Of course I have regrets. But now I also realize that these were merely opportunities to grow. We never stop learning here or on Earth, My deepest wish is that from my words you learn to treat another person as you would your- self. Let go of the old earthly patterns of judgment and fear, and make an effort to bring love to everything and everyone who walks upon your path, That way, when you come here, you will have no room for regrets, I promise.” 8 Thad to leave hat ey. I had to leave that way. “Please don’t relive my death in your mind, as from my perspective, it was very different from how you imagine. To me, it was like a dream that culminated in a very happy ending. Yes, I was so sad to leave you, our loved ones, and our life together. But I have to be honest and say that I am truly happy here! My soul is so enriched by all that I'm learning, and 0 I'm still able to be with and help you. I am finally free of all earthly suffering, which allows me to love you even more than before. “My life plan was designed with Di- vine wisdom, and that included the tim- ing and the way in which I exited. It is the same with your life and everyone else's. It's exciting to finally know these truths and to share them with you! Please know that Iam truly sorry that the mode of my pass- ing brought pain to you. And yet, every- thing happened exactly as it was supposed to happen. You couldn't have stopped it or changed anything. There was no other way.” havea new understanding. % I have a new understanding. “Ironically, I understand life so much better now that I'm not physically alive! Of course, my soul—like yours and ev- eryone else’s—is very much alive. In fact, T've learned that nothing can harm our souls, because they are God’s handiwork. Oh, sure, our emotions and our psyches can get wounded, but those are still part of the human ego . . . so they can be healed with the right understanding. “Basically, I've learned to have com- plete compassion for myself, for every- one, and for the process of life. I wasted so much time judging myself and others, and I held back because of insecurities that had no foundation, Now I see that there's nothing to fear at all, because nothing bad can ever happen to you at a soul level. So, please learn from my ex- periences: live your life with gusto and joy!” have become one of your guides, I have become one of your guides. “Now that I’ve had time to process and learn from my earthly experience, 1 am working through my remaining life purpose by helping you with your life purpose! It’s a vicarious way for me to fulfill my destiny, as you fulfill your own. Please know that I’d never interfere with your freewill choices (although it’s admittedly difficult at times to sit on the sidelines and watch you make choices that I—if I were asked—would advise you to make differently). “As one of your spirit guides, my role is simply to love you. All of the love that you receive from your many angels and guides is your shield that safeguards you in the face of stress and fear. Our collec- tive love is healing, guiding, and protec- tive. And know that you can call upon. me or any of your angels or guides for assistance or comfort. We're always here for you!” have no more exthiy I have no more earthly worries. “L have to be honest with you: life was very stressful for me. I probably should have been more open and forth- coming about my feelings, because I held them in most of the time . . . and that was damaging for me physically and emotionally. [ will admit to you now that I was deeply afraid during my life. 1 was afraid that you and others wouldn't love me if you knew who I truly was. I felt like I was deeply flawed, and didn't want you to know. “Now that I'm here, though, every- thing’s turned in a completely new di- rection! I now see that I had nothing wrong with me, except my belief that I was flawed. And that belief caused me to act in ways that were hurtful to myself and others. I apologize for hurting you! “| thank God that I have no more earthly worries, and I can now express myself fully to you as I truly am! Now that I no longer am concerned about others’ judgments—and don't stress about money, work, or day-to-day life— I'm completely carefree.” lace all of I see all of your thoughts. “I can now hear your thoughts and feelings so much more clearly than when I was living in my physical body. Back then, I was consumed with my own ego thoughts and distracted by my fears. Now that I'm free of those shackles, I can focus upon giving and loving! “So whenever you'd like to talk, can clearly hear you. Just think my name, and then trust the thoughts and feelings that you receive from me. Those are my communications with you. I totally re- spect your free will and would never im- pose my own will onto you. I only want what is best for you, so please know that I'm here when you wish to talk. I love you!” 1 send you loving signs through ature I send you loving signs through nature. “Yes, that is me sending you signs of my love and presence. I learned how to do this from the angels and from our other loved ones who are here with me in heaven. Together, we send you re- minders that you are cared for, watched over, and protected by us! “We've sent you birds, dragonflies, butterflies, flowers, clouds, and rain- bows. Each time you notice these signs, your body has given you confirmation of who sent them to you. I'm so glad that you're trusting the signs and your body's signals. We are so connected, and that includes our connection through nature. Love you!” 0 t bea where It is beautiful where I am. “wish that for just a moment I could share my world with you. This heavenly realm is beyond description. It is where colors, hues, and patterns of all different types sing and come alive. “Here there is a brilliant light that permeates everything, and everything in turn is filled with indescribable joy. ér Here, you suddenly become aware that you are connected to everything! There is no anger or hardness in this world; those emotions have been replaced with overwhelming peace and joy. It is love at its finest. It is heaven—the place where I will be waiting to greet you one day.” @ eis not your fal It is not your fault. “Please, do me a really big favor— stop beating yourself up, thinking that you caused my death or were in some way responsible for it. You were not! It’s so hard from the earthly level to under- stand the spiritual elements of life. No matter what you think you could have done or should have done, I would have left anyway. I am releasing you of any os

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