Drivers Against The Current On Toll Roads Have Not Been Able To Drive For 2 Years

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Drivers Against the Current On Toll Roads Have Not Been Able To Drive For 2 Years

Monday, November 29 12:55 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- The police revealed that the driver of the Mercedes-Benz E300 with
the initials MSD (66) who was traveling against the current on the JORR Toll Road in the
direction of Rorotan to Cikunir has been banned from driving for the past two years.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono said that
MSD was no longer allowed to drive because his dementia was getting worse.

"It's not allowed to bring a car again since the last two years, since the condition has gotten
worse, it's forbidden to drive, forbidden to go anywhere, must be accompanied," said Argo
when contacted, Monday (29/11).

Argo said that MSD is always accompanied by a caregiver. However, the nanny is only on duty
Monday to Friday.

At the time of the incident, MSD was alone at his house because his sister was not at his house.
Then, at that time, MSD, who is a retired civil servant, felt that he had to go to work until he
finally drove the car.

"So the feeling is that he is going to work, I want to work. He is a retired civil servant in
question," said Argo

On the other hand, Argo said that the results of the latest investigation of the vehicle driven by
MSD did not turn around in the middle of the toll road section. However, MSD has gone against
the flow of the toll exit.

"Information from the officer concerned entered the toll road against the direction of the
Bintara Toll Road. So the entry was from the toll exit, not on the toll road across the road. But I
want to ask for this with CCTV while we are looking for it," he said.

Previously, a Mercedes-Benz E300 driver with the initials MSD (66) was desperate to go against
the current on KM 53,600 of the JORR toll road in the direction of Rorotan to Cikunir on
Saturday (27/11) at 17.00 WIB.

As a result, the car hit two other cars from the opposite direction. Moreover, one person was
injured as a result of this incident
From the results of the examination, the driver is suspected of having dementia or a disease
that results in decreased memory and way of thinking.

"It is suspected from the initial information that the person in question is in a condition of
dementia," Argo said when confirmed by, Sunday (28/11).

Japan Bans All Foreigners from Entering, Prevents Covid Variant Omicron
Monday, November 29 12:01 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Japan has decided to ban the entry of all foreign arrivals as an effort
to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus.

"We will ban entry to foreigners from all over the world from November 30," said Prime
Minister Fumio Kishida today, Monday (29/11), as quoted by AFP.

The Japan Times reports that this rule does not apply to Japanese residency holders on their
way back. They and Japanese citizens can stay in under strict quarantine rules.

Japan also requires citizens who come to a number of African countries to quarantine for ten
days upon arrival in Sakura.

The rules apply to arrivals from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Botswana,
Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.

Kishida also emphasized that citizens returning from other countries with cases of the Omicron
variant of Covid-19 must also undergo a ten-day quarantine upon arrival in Japan.

The Japanese government imposed this ban just weeks after they relaxed border rules.

Japan is one of the countries that implements strict border rules to prevent the transmission of

At the beginning of the pandemic, Japan almost completely closed all of its borders to foreign
arrivals. At one point, foreigners were completely unable to enter Japan.

However, in early November, the Japanese government announced that it would allow foreign
businessmen and students to enter.

Series of Data Sharing Problems on Social Media: Add Yours, KTP Challenge
Monday, November 29 12:29 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- The commotion was created because of the latest Instagram feature,
the Add Yours sticker, which became a loophole for user data leakage until the KTP Challenge
became a polemic on social media in the past week.

Previously, Instagram introduced a new feature called Add Yours through Instagram Stories.
Starting from the sticker feature as a joke, Add Yours then opened a gap for users to sell
personal data.

Besides being able to reply to messages via Instagram Story posts, Add Yours is also often used
as a challenge or challenge by users. When viewing the Add Yours sticker in their friend's
Stories, users can participate in the challenge fun by tapping the Add Yours button.

Add Yours triggers the problem

However, in the midst of the user ramble, some of them actually complained about the Add
Yours feature platform being a data leak gap to the modus operandi in cyberspace.

The challenge asks users to provide their personal data, starting from the user's year of birth,
nickname variations to the user's date of birth.

In fact, leaks and the spread of personal data through the Add Yours feature on Instagram often
lead to crimes that cause losses. The mode was then outlined in a Twitter post on Tuesday
(23/11) morning by @ditamoechtar_.

Dita Moechtar explained that just this morning she was called by a colleague who was deceived
and asked for some money to be transferred. Dita said that her colleague felt confident
because the fraudster called her by a familiar nickname that was allegedly taken when the
victim took part in the challenge on Instagram.

"What made my friend believe, the fraudster called him "pim". "Pim" is my friend's little
nickname, which only close people know. Then he remembers he has joined the Add Yours
challenge," said Dita via twitter, Tuesday. (23/11).

The noise made by Add Yours made cybersecurity expert from, Alfons Tanujaya,
speak up. According to Alfons, the Add Yours feature is not the root of the problem in the crime
mode, but user carelessness is the cause.

According to Alfons, many users are not aware that individuals have shared confidential
information, through quizzes or additional features such as the Add Yours feature on Instagram.
"It depends on the social media users, the term is if the social media users are careless and can
display personal data in many ways, that's only one way. So the term is not the tools that are
problematic but the social media users who are less careful," said Alfons to

Alfons suggested that social media users should be more sensitive and avoid sharing personal
demographic data. This is because it has the potential to carry out criminal acts through social

On the other hand, Meta Indonesia representatives said they would delete a range of personal
information that causes physical harm to financial, residential and medical losses. Not to be
missed, it will also delete personal information obtained from illegal sources.

"We will remove content that shares, offers, and collects personally identifiable information or
other personal information that can cause physical or financial harm, such as financial,
residential and medical information, as well as personal information obtained from illegal
sources," Meta told CNNIndonesia. .com.

'KTP Challenge' Had Appeared on TikTok, User Umbar Photo KTP

TikTok ID Card Challenge

Another thing that has made social media excited over the past week is the KTP challenge on
TikTok. Starting from a user who spit out a photo of his Identity Card (KTP) in his upload using
the hashtag #KTPChallenge.

Some of the uploads are from the past week with the majority of the content showing columns
of name, date of birth, gender, and a photo of the ID card owner's face. Other uploads are from
a period of several months back, even to the end of 2020, most of which show photos of the
faces of the ID card holders.

Uploading personal data like this can certainly pose a risk to the ID card holder. This is because
the personal identity displayed in the content can be "stolen" and used by irresponsible parties
to commit crimes.

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