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Subject : AFA – Horticulture

PO6: Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers – Assessors
Qualification Framework (PTTQF);

PO7: Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood

PO8: Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood

CO1: Asses and develop the different competencies required in the Philippine TVET Trainers – Assessors Qualification
Framework (PTTQF) related to Horticulture.

CO2; Apply and demonstrate a meaningful knowledge and skills in plant propagation technology in livelihood education.

CO3: Create various and effective approach on different skills related to Horticultural practices and /or plant propagation
technology, and its arts

Topics: 1. The Art of Horticulture

2. Plant Propagation

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