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What is product design?

a. Read and write these three headings in the correct place.

Lee el párrafo y escribe estos 3 encabezados donde pertenecen.

• Selling a product
• Having an idea
• Creating a product

→ Brainstorming: Another way to create

new ideas is to talk to other designers
about thoughts and possibilities. Two
or three or four heads are often better
than one.

2. ___having an idea_____

Product design is simply coming up with new Once the designers have produced an idea, it
ideas to improve the efficiency or is time to put it to the test by creating a
productivity of existing products or the prototype. A number of designs ideas will be
creations of new ones. This generation of ideas discussed, including the materials best suited
then leads to production. Here, we outline for the product, the technology required for its
some of the steps in product design in order to production and how the product will meet the
give you a better understanding of it. user’s needs.
1. Creating a product Once all of the design requirements and
refinements have been made, the product will
go into production.
There are a number of methods used by
product designers to help them come up with • ____ Selling a product
ideas. 3. _
These can be: After the product has been made, there are
→ Needs based: Designers think of things two ways that product designers may bring
that would help make our everyday the idea to the public. They might decide to
lives easier by fulfilling a specific task. sell the product to a new client or maybe they
This can even be building on or have already been contracted by one. That
improving an existing item. client will then manufacture the item and sell
→ Imaginative thinking: Some designers it to costumers. Alternatively, the designers
focus more on using their imagination, can sell the product directly to the public,
their own research and observation of having the item manufactured and marketed
the world around them to come up with themselves. Nowadays, anyone can create a
their product design ideas.
great product design idea to get the help they
need to make their product a reality.
b. Match the words in bold from the text to these definitions.
Une las palabras remarcadas en el texto con estas definiciones.

a. Efficiency
b. Productivity
c. Outline
d. Come up with
e. Brainstorming
f. Prototype
g. Refinements

1. To think of, to get or have (for example, an idea or a plan) outline

2. A process of exchanging ideas and thoughts. brainstorming
3. Improvements, small adjustments to make something better. Come up
4. A full-scale working model of a new product or a new version of an existing
product. Productivity
5. To make a summary of something, for example, a process. refinements
6. The degree to which something works well efficiency
7. The degree to which something gives favorable results. prototype

*Outline; dar una descripción general o proceso

*Come up with; presentar ante alguien (por ejemplo, alguna idea)
*Brainstorm; lluvia de ideas

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