Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Catarina: Answer The Questions According To The Lyrics of The Song Daniel

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Name English Activity Instructor: Date:

Answer the questions according to the lyrics of the song Daniel

1. What is the profession of Daniel?

Daniel was a soldier that came back from Vietnam war, perharps people look at him as a hero.

2. Why is he going to Spain?

Could be some reasons :
a. He wants to go far away from his homeland because he didn´t like the environment around
b. He needs peace for his spirit.
c. He had been in Spain before,and he loves that place.
3. Why is the autor watching Daniel waving goodbye,but then says it must be the clounds in his eyes?
Probably he was crying or he was meaning that just was his imagination
4. It´s the writer Daniel´s brother? Or justa n idiom?
I f is his real brother must be a very close relation between them because itisn´t normal that a
brother feel like that,some times good friends express that feeling.
5. In one parograph write down the story you think is behind the lyrics of this song:
Well I think Daniel has a little brother that feel sad when he was send to Vietnam because he loves
him, after time Daniel came back for a while, and his brother was happy, but Daniel was not
thinking to stay for a long time, so he dicided to go to Spain and his brother that love him a lot,
and when he saw his brother departing he start telling the story.

Daniel está viajando a España esta noche
Puedo ver las luces rojas de la cola marcando el rumbo a España
Y puedo ver a Daniel despidiéndose
Oh Dios se parece a Daniel, deben ser las nubes en mis ojos

Dicen que España es muy bonito, nuca he estado allá

Y Daniel dice que es el mejor lugar que él ha visto en su vida
El debe saber, el ha estado allá lo suficiente
Oh como extraño a Daniel, Oh lo extraño mucho

Oh Daniel mi hermano tu eres mayor que yo

¿Sientes todavía el dolor de las cicatrices que no sanaran?
Tus ojos han muerto pero han visto más que yo
Daniel tu eres una estrella en el cielo

Oh Daniel mi hermano tu eres mayor que yo

¿Sientes todavía el dolor de las cicatrices que no sanaran?
Tus ojos han muerto pero han visto más que yo
Daniel tu eres una estrella en el cielo

Daniel está viajando a España esta noche

Y puedo ver las luces rojas de la cola marcando el rumbo a España
Y puedo ver a Daniel despidiéndose
Oh Dios se parece a Daniel, deben ser las nubes en mis ojos
Oh Dios se parece a Daniel deben ser las nubes en mis ojos

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