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Nama : Wulan Suci Ramadani

Nim : 042021782
Prodi : Manajemen
TT2 ADBI4201

I disagree with that statement. GDP shows how much wealth a country generates, but what about
the distribution of wealth? Is it distributed evenly among the people or only for certain groups?
Prosperity has many meanings in it and wealth cannot be the only determining factor. This does
not mean that determination based on wealth has different problems such as for only a small
number of countries where others are marginalized and not well off? Other problems with wealth
not being evenly distributed include crime rates.
The level of employment, education is also one of the many factors that exist in a prosperous
country. Just looking at one factor can't tell much about the country.
Thus, wealth can be said to be a rich country but it cannot be said that it is prosperous. It could
have a lot of problems in it that just can't be said using PDBs alone. Therefore, GDP cannot be
used as a benchmark to determine whether a country is truly prosperous or not.

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