Narrative About Subjective Test Items

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Different type of Subjective test and its uses

Short-Answer Items
 Require students to supply a word, short phrase, number, or other type of brief
 Virtually any completion item can be rewritten as a short-answer item (and vice
 Assess similar content and skills as multiple-choice items, but students must
recall or create their answer (as opposed to simply identifying it from a list).
 Most efficient for assessing lower level thinking skills.
 Relatively easy to construct.
 Relatively easy to score (not as easy as objective items since responses must
be handwritten).

Two important issues related to scoring:

 Spelling and sentence structure.
 Students must be informed if these will be assessed on the test.

Creating Short-Answer Items: General Guidelines

1.Short-answer items should be worded specifically and clearly.

2. In completion items, place the blank near or at the end of the statement.
3.Avoid copying statements verbatim.
4.Omit important words only.
5.Use only one or two blanks.
6.Standardize the length of blanks.

Relatively easy to construct.
Easier than multiple-choice (no options needed).
Probability of guessing is substantially reduced.
Primarily used only with lower-level cognitive skills.
Scoring can be made difficult by spelling errors and poor sentence structure.
Essay Items
 Questions or prompts that require students to write paragraphs or develop
themes as responses.
 Involve a wider variety of thinking skills (students must recall, select, organize,
and apply).
 Responses may range from a few sentences (restricted-response items) to
several pages (extended- response items); range along a continuum.
 Essay Items (continued) Appropriately used to assess complex thinking skills
(i.e., analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).
 Sometimes used exclusively or as part of a larger performance assessment.

Creating Essay Items: General Guidelines

1.Essays should consist of the application of essential knowledge to new situations.
2.Essays should present a clear and focused task to students
3.Specify for students the desired length, time limits, and evaluative criteria.
4.Develop a model response.

Can be used to elicit a wide variety of responses.
Students are permitted to create their own responses.
Probability of guessing is substantially reduced.

Bluffing can be a problem.
Very time consuming to score.
Content coverage may be restricted.

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