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1. The art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a Common Goal.
b Leadership

2. Which style of leadership makes all decision alone without consulting team members and expect
the team members to obey
d Autocratic Style

3. Which style leadership followed in government departments. The decisions are taken by strictly
following rules and regulations
c Bureaucratic Style

4. In Laissez Faire leadership style, what is the meaning of the French term "laissez faire"?
b Let me do

5. What is the Statement of Purpose (SOP) is also known as?

a Application Essay

6. Which of the following is the Set of the Skills comprises of character traits and interpersonal
skills which characterize a person's relationships with other people?
a Hard Skills

7. Which of the following skill is the part of the soft skills?

a Time Management

8. Upward Communication Flows to Above layer(s)

a Subordinate to Manager

9. Downward Communication flows to Below layer(s)

a Manager to Subordinate

10. Which of the following is an example of Non-Verbal Communication?

a Sign language

11. Which of the following is an example of Written Communication?

d Memos

12. Which of the following is an example of Oral Communication?

d Interview

13. What is the term used for LANGUAGE related barriers in Communications?
a Semantic

14. Defects in communication system or devices is an example of what type Communications?

a Physical

15. Which of the is a Mental process that involves attention, interpretation, evaluation, responding
& retaining the message
a Listening

16. Which of the following is an art of understanding what someone is saying in the process of
b Listening

17. When a student is required to prepare the Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

b Admission for Graduate Courses/ Diploma

18. What term is used to refer to technical language used by the group of people belonging to the
same occupation?
b Jargon

19. Name the type of leadership where leader is highly task oriented and focuses on getting work
a Autocratic

20. Name the leadership style where leader trusts the ability of subordinates
d Neurocratic

21. Public speaking is the part of what type of soft skill?

c Communication

22. What type of communication takes place between the people belonging to same
department or person on the same level?
c Horizontal

23. Name the term use for somebody’s first positive impression that leads to overlook their negative
characteristics and treat them more favourably than others.
c Halo and horn effect

24. Name the form of communication where words are used for communication.
c Verbal

25. Who focuses on the content of the speaker than the personality of the speaker?
c Good Speaker

26. What refers to the process of enabling group members to reach to the common goal?
d Team Building
27. Name the disaster where earth surface shakes and releases energy from the earth core.
d Earthquake

28. What types of disasters release toxic gases in the atmosphere?

a Volcanic Eruptions

29. Pandemic COVID-19 & Locust Pest attack are the examples of
c Biological disaster

30. Which river from Mumbai was flooded on 26th July 2005
c River Mithi

31. What was the cause of the Elphinstone railway foot-over bridge disaster?
a Stampede due to rumour

32. Natural disasters do not affect people equally but they affect more
a Women

33. What types of disasters contaminates reservoirs of drinking water?

b Floods & Tsunami

34. Loss of Property, damage to the infra- structure, and loss of employment can be broadly
categorized under which of the following disaster effects?
c Economic effect of disaster

35. Terrorist attack is the example of what kind of disaster?

a Human induced disaster

36. Why People from Mumbai were not prepared to face the Mumbai flood situation in 2005
b Meteorological department failed to give warning

37. Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster are examples of what type of
a Human induced disaster

38. Death, Physical injury, outbreak of diseases can be broadly categorized under which of the
following disaster effects?
a Physical effect of disaster

39. Which step of the disaster management attempts to prevent hazards from developing into
a Mitigation

40. Name the disaster management stage includes activities to prevent the disaster?
b Prevention
41. What term is used to refer the disease that wide spreads globally?
b Pandemic

42. What is the name for the cyclones that occurs in North Atlantic Ocean?
a Hurricane

43. What is the correct order of disaster management stages?

b Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Recovery

44. Name the stage in disaster management aims at restoring the affected area to its
previous stage.
a Recovery

45. What is the meaning of the word Science in Latin Language?

a Knowledge

46. What does the Heliocentric theory of Copernicus propose?

b The Sun is centre of the Solar system

47. According to the Geocentric theory of Ptolemy Who is located at the centre of the Solar system?
a The Earth

48. Which characteristics of science enable to forecast heavy rain by studying wind
a Predictability

49. What does the meaning of statement that- “Better technology may change scientific
ideas or may challenge the prevailing theories”
d Science does not believe in earlier knowledge

50. Which is one of the characteristics of science that gave birth to Aeroplane by
imagination to fly like bird
a Creativity & Abstract Thinking

51. What is called as widely held irrational belief or especially leading to good or bad luck or a
practice based on unscientific, or supernatural forces.
a Superstitions

52. Name the term that refers to an individual's attitude of logical and rational thinking
while using scientific method of decision-making in everyday life.
a Scientific Temper

53. Which Article from Constitution of India states that It is the fundamental duty of every citizen of
India to develop the scientific temper?
a Article 51A
54. What is called to the “Ability of person to accept & respect the views, beliefs & practices of other
that differs from one’s own”
a Tolerance

55. Name the scientists who proposed the Law of the falling bodies?
a Galileo

56. What does mean that- Science discarded Geocentric theory and accepted Heliocentric theory
a Science is Progressive

57. Who developed the theory of Gravitation?

a Newton

58. The attitude which enables man to apply logic and arrive decision based on reliable and practical
c Scientific Temper

59. Name the logical predictive statement regarding the outcome of the research.
c Hypothesis

60. What are called as stories which may not be true?

d Myths

61. What are called as unfavourable or negative opinions held by people without any
knowledge or examination of facts?
d Prejudices

62. Which field of science combines disciplines such as genetics, molecular biology and
a. Biotechnology

63. Which period is known for development of scientific knowledge and new ideas?
d Renaissance

64. What knowledge of science refers to the application of scientific knowledge?

d Practical

65. Who is known as “Father of Medicines”?

b Hippocrates

66. What type of knowledge refers to the observation of the Natural world?
b Empirical

67. Who is known for his early works on vision and metaphysics?
b Berkeley
68. The period in the evolution of science when medieval Christian church suppressed natural
scientists and had little scientific and cultural advancement.
d Renaissance Age

69. Name the Greek philosopher who has been called the “Father of Science”.
b Thales

70. An organized crime where Girls and Women are bought and sold for commercial sexual
exploitation, organ transplant, begging or forced marriage is called as what?
a Women Trafficking

71. What is the term used for the section of the society that experience socio-economic
backwardness and social exclusion as compared to the general population?
a Vulnerable Groups

72. Right to Equality, Right to Freedom of Religion, Right to Privacy, Right to Life etc. can
be classified under what type of Human Rights?
b Political Rights

73. Which of the following Act protects women against crimes such as physical, sexual,
verbal, emotional or economic abuse or threat of abuse or unlawful dowry demand?
a Domestic Violence Act

74. What is the age limit to consider any person as Elderly or Older person in developing
countries like India
a 60 years

75. Which Article of Indian constitution guarantees protection against Untouchability to

Indian Citizens?
a Article 17

76. What is the full form of NHRC?

77. a National Human Rights Commission

78. What type of rights are guaranteed only to the citizen of the country?
b Civil

79. Which Act proposes- No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any
hazardous employment
c The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act

80. When Sexual harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, Redressal) was
d 2013
81. Which rights can be availed by virtue of being born as human being?
d. Human rights

82. Name the right which enables the citizens to participate in working of the State?
a. Civil right

83. Which group experiences Economic and Social backwardness?

d. Vulnerable group

84. Who guarantees Constitutional right to the citizens?

d. Constitution

85. Name the body set up by the government for redressal of Scheduled castes?
c. National commission

86. Migrants/refugees belong to which of the following groups?

d. Downtrodden group

87. The state is empowered to make Affirmative decision in favour of which vulnerable group ?
a. Scheduled Caste

88. Name the act that prevents working of children in factories?

b. Child labour act

89. What does NCPCR represent?

a. National Commission for Protection of Child rights

90. Which of the following term correctly describes Scientific Temper?

a. Attitude

91. Which of the following is a verbal source of communication?

d. Lecture

92. Lack of care of the people belonging to the weaker section of society refers to what?

93. d. Form of violation

94. Abolition of human trafficking refers to which of the following safeguards?

a. Social safeguard

95. The use of computers in 3D drawings is described by which of the following terms?
b. Computer Aided Design

96. Name the ability to trade via websites?

a. e-commerce

97. Appreciative listening refers to appreciation through which of the following?

c. Speech

98. Earth is the centre of the solar system; this is which of those given below?
a. Myth

99. The Scheduled tribe community has been a victim of the conflict between whom?
a. Government and Naxalites

100. The right to adequate means of livelihood falls under which of the following rights?
a. Social right

101. Quick settlement of family disputes is done by which act?

b. Family court act

102. The act of holding the promotion of women in offices refers to what?
d. Equal dignity to women

103. The right to free and compulsory education is the basic fundamental right of whom?
c. Children

104. Which is the main principle of Tolerance?

d. Live and let live

105. A person suffering from Autism is classified into which category?

b. Disabled person

106. Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana is a scheme meant for which of the following vulnerable
d. Elderly persons

107. Oral transfer of knowledge occurred in which time period?

b. Historic times

108. Which of the following refers to Minority community?

c. Jain community

109. Who is given the credit for the Heliocentric model?

a. Nicolas Copernicus

110. In which period did the Greek and Roman society flourish?
c. The Classical Era

111. Which Scientist postulated that matter is made of small particles named Atoms?
a. Leucippus

112. Name the geographer who accurately calculated the circumference of the earth at the
equator ?

113. a. Eratosthenes

114. Which period witnessed the black death or the plague pandemic?
a. Early Middle Ages

115. Which of the following is the meaning of the word Renaissance?

b. Rebirth

116. Living in agreement refers to what among the following?

c. Harmony

117. What is the internal system of computer communication called as?

b. Internet

118. Multitasking can be classified as which impact of Science and Technology?

b. Negative impact

119. Soft skills are related to what?

d. Communication skills

120. Written communication is important from which of the following perspective?

a. Maintaining records

121. Signs pictures and sounds are used in which type of communication
b. Non-verbal

122. Industrial accidents are which type of disaster

c. Hybrid disaster

123. Floods occurring after forests are destroyed is known as which disaster?
a. Natural disaster

124. Loss of employment is classified as which effect of a disaster?

c. Economical effect

125. What does the DMAP stand for?

b. Disaster management action plan

126. Effort to reduce loss of life and property by reducing the impact of disasters is known as
b. Mitigation

127. What occurs during an earthquake?

a. Sudden release of energy
128. Escape of lava and rock fragments from layers below the earth’s surface is which
b. Volcano

129. Measures designed to timely rescue in case of disaster are known as?
b. Disaster preparedness

130. National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) is which impact of Science and Technology?
a. Positive

131. Who gave the Oath for Physicians still relevant and in use today?
c. Hippocrates

132. Teamwork is which of the following skills?

b. Soft skills

133. The type of listening where the listener listens with interest is known as what?
a. Active listening

134. ……………………. among the following is the part of process of listening under features of
a) Interpretation and evaluation

135. When words are used to communicate then it is called as…………………….

b) Verbal communication

136. ………………………. is a called as advantage of written communication.

a) Permanent record

137. When two bars are shown for each activity, one bar for targeted performance and the
other for actual performance this chart is known as………….
c) Bar chart

138. The process of throwing arms up indicates excitement so ……………………………. form

of the body language does it indicates.
b) Gestures

139. A meaning of the sentence can be changed by a process is called as ……………..

c) Word stress

140. The process of speaking to a group of people in a structured manner is known

a) Public speaking

141. The voice modulation to hold the audience attention is called as ……………..
142. a) Pitch

143. ……………………………… communication is required for the purpose of framing plans

and policies in the organization.
c) Downward

144. ……………………………………… is required by graduate schools to select the applicants

for the graduate or diploma coursed.
a) Statement of purpose

145. The name of the people suggested for the verification of your credentials are called
a) Preferences

146. ……………….. defines leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for
group objectives.
a) George Terry

147. The types of listening is depend upon the content, ………………. , the speaker and the
d) Purpose

148. ………………….. can generate better ideas.

a) Verbal communication
b) Nonverbal communication
c) Oral communication
d) Written communication

149. The major disadvantage of written communication is …………..

c) Time consuming

150. ………. Indicates the trends of increase or decrease in respect of sales, profit prices etc.
over a period of time
a) Graphs

151. The process in which involves the way in which the speaker speaks or the way in which
the speaker modulates his voice or speech is called as………….
a) Para language

152. The influence that space and proximity has on the communication is called as ……………
b) Proxemics

153. In public speaking the process of audience subjective knowledge, grasping power,
familiarity, vocabulary etc. specifies the ……………………………………. Of the subject.
b) Level of speaker understanding
154. The secondary network communication is called as ………………………….
b) Grapevine

155. ………………….. is a summary of the qualities, academic and professional qualification,

work experience, achievements and awards of the candidate applying for the job.
d) Brief cv

156. In group discussion the examiner may look for ……………. Skill in participants.
d) Captivating

157. ………………………………. refers to interpersonal skills.

a) Human skills

158. The best way to make a presentation a dialogue rather than a monologue is by the
process of…………………….
c) Feed back

159. ………………… group face the problem of discrimination, deprivation, exploitation, neglect
and violence.
c) Vulnerable

160. According to …………………. of Constitution of India, Untouchability is abolished and its

practice in any form is forbidden.
b) Article 15

161. According to Ministry of Home Affairs, in 2016, 10 states are afflicted by the
……………………. Conflicts.
b) Naxalite

162. The full form of PVTGs is ……………………………………………………

a) Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

163. Article 32 states that when an individual is deprived of his ……………. Rights, he can move
the Supreme Court and seek justice.
b) Fundamental

164. Article 243T (3) states that one third of the total number of seats to be filled by direct
election in every Municipality shall be reserved for ………………………………..
c) Women

165. In 2007, the Ministry of Women and Child Development released a study report on
b) Child abuse

166. Compensation and rehabilitation package and claims for death and damages
necessitates regular interface with the …………………….
b) Commercials

167. The full form of the NGO BSC is …………………………

c) Bachelor science centre

168. The collision of MSC Chitra and MV Khalija is known as the accident which lead to
………………………… type of environmental disaster.
a) Oil spill

169. On July 14, 2010, …………………….. incidence was reposted at Haji Bunder hazardous
cargo warehouse in the Mumbai Port Trust, Sewri.
c) Chlorine leak

170. The full form of the term MSIHC is ……………………………

a) Manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemicals

171. The full form of the term DMAP is ……………………

a) Disaster management action plan

172. Who postulate that the Earth is a spherical in shape?

a) Pythagoras

173. Who introduced a concept of atomism, the theory that all matter is made of indivisible
and imperishable units called atoms?
b) Leucippus

174. The fist systematic discussion on natural philosophy was done by ………………..
d) Aristotle

175. ……………………… introduced empiricism and the notion that universal truths can be
arrived at via observation and induction.
d) Aristotle

176. Greek philosopher……………………… dubbed as the “Father of science” was the first to
postulate non-supernatural phenomenon.
c) Thales

177. In prehistoric times, advice and knowledge was passed ………. From generation to
c) Orally

178. The chain in which one person obtains information and then transmits to others in the
organization is………………………………….
d) Cluster chain
179. ………………… statement relating to the functional area of interest combined with the
d) Future

180. …………………… is a face-to-face communication between the candidate and the

b) Interview

181. The science of body language is known as ……………………

a) Kinesics

182. ………………. Is the form of paralanguage.

d) pace

183. The ………………….. disadvantage of the non-verbal communication in which the audience
may appreciate high pitched voice, where as some may not like the same.
b) Problem of fake body language

184. ……………………… among the following is having a chance of misunderstanding the

message shared.

b) Nonverbal communication

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