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QUANTITATIVE ABILITY HANDOUT (Permutations and Combinations) Ref: QAHO1031315, Directions for questions 1 10 6: Select the correct altemative from the given choices. Ae BCom +O —"C5— 809 = 25 (8) 19 OB oo 2. Cia = "Crs, then Cy = (a) 620 @) 310 (©) 666 (0) 1932 3, The number of words that can be formed by using all the letters ofthe word 'GENESIS' Is (a) 5040 (8) 2520 (©) 1260 (0) 630 4. Anmedabas Is connected to Bhopal _with four highways and Bhopal is connected to Delhi With three highways. In how many ways one can travel from Ahmedabad to Delhi via Bhopal? As 84 C7 M2 5. How many different signals can be formed by arranging 8 out of 6 ciflerent coloured flags in a row’? 20 (B) 20 (C210 (D) 729 6. The number of ways in which 8 persons can be seated around a circular table is an B@ Cx OF Directions for questions 7 and 8: These questions are based on the folowing data From a group of 10 persons, In how many ways can a selection of 4 persons to be made such that 7. a particular person is always included? 40 @) 120 (C) a (0) 210 8. a particular person is always excluded? (A) 120 (8) 320 (©) 126 (0) 60 Directions for questions 9 to 11: These questions are based on the folowing data, From 6 Maharastrians and 4 Punjabies, a committee of 5s tobe formed, In how many ways, can it be done 9. Ifthe committee consist atleast two Punjabies? (A) 186 (8) 60 (©) 66 (©) 126 10, ifthe committee consist almost two Maharastrians? (a) 182 (8) 66 (©) 60 os 11, Ifthe committee consist exactly two Punjabies? (A) 84 (8) 371 (C) 120 (0) 480 Directions for questions 12 and 1 ‘are based on the folowing data, Find the number of four digit numbers that can be formed by using the digs 0, 1,2, 3,4, 5 without repetiton so that hese questions 12. the number is ess than 6000. (a) 200 (8) 300 (C) 360 (0) 240 1 the number is even. (a) 96 (8) 120 (c) 158 (0) 216 Directions for questions 14 t0 16: These questions are based on the following data The number of ways of arranging three boys and three girls in a row so that, 114. boys and gis sit altematively Is (a) 36 (B) 144 (c) 72 (©) 120 416, the row always start with a boy and end witha gil is (A) 216 (8) 240 (C) 800 (0) 72 416. no two girs are to sit together Is (a) 720 (6) 72 (c) 36 (0) 144 Directions for questions 17 to 20: These questions are based on the following data In how many ways can the letters of the word "MEADOWS be arranged so that the words 117. do not contain all the consonants together? (a) 5040 (6) 576 (c) 4404 (0) 4320 18, always start with letier A? (a) 120 (8) 720 (c) 6040 (0) 24 49. never end with E? (a) 720 (6) 2400 (c) 4520 (0) 4320 20. in which vowels occupy the even places? (a) 208 (8) 144 (C) 486 (0) 676 + Trarmphant intiute of Managernent Education Pvt Lid (EME) S58, Sridannatty Coupon Paik Lane, Secunderabad 500008 ‘Auli resrved. No part of thie material may be reproduced ia any form or by any mean, vathout pemnisstonn wating ‘This course material is ony forthe use of bonaide students of Trurmphant Insitute of Management Education Put_Lid. and ste licenses Sanchoss and isnot fr ea (1 pass) (ance ene) qanoisisist

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