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TLME. Solutions for LAHO3542001 Solutions for questions 1 to 6: By observing the input and output. we can say that words artangod in te alphabetical oder in the alphabetical order numbers aro arranged in ne descending order. ana Input t stop The fst word in te alphabetical order is shiftod to loftend ‘Step fo stop 1! The fst argos nunber is shited to the second From thot ena ‘Te above Iwo steps are coninued atematvely unt we get ested ouput Inout Snow 81 blow 37 fow 49 53 huge Stop 1 blow snow 81 37 flow 49 53 huge Slop I biow 81 snow 37 foe 4953 huge ‘Siep i. blow 81 flow snow 37 4953 huge ‘Slop IY blow 81 fou 83 snow 37 49 huge Step V: bow 81 fou 53 huge snow 37 48 Slep VE blow 81 fow 53 huge 49 snow 37, ‘Step Viss the lst step noice (©) Inout: 143 make 157 floc hick 149 jack 173 ake 168 ‘Sop 1. cake 143 mako 187 oc hick 149 ack 173 168 ‘Slop I cako 173.143 maka 157 loc ck 149 ack 168 Slop TT cake 172 lc 149 maka 187 hick 140 jack 162 Slop IV ake 173 fe 168 143 make 457 Nex 149 jack Slop V. cake 173 for 168 hick 143 make 187 149 ack ‘Slep VI cake 173 fe To8 nek 157 143 make 149 jack Step VIL cake 173 foc 468 ck 157 jack 142 make 149 he Step sleep moming energy postive desserts power Step It power sleep morning energy postive desserts Step IL postwe power sleep moming energy desserts ‘Stop 1. moran postive pover sleep enoray desserts ‘Stop V: energy morning postve power slop cessors Stop VE desserts energy morning postve power sloop ore, Stop Vis the output ‘Choice (6) In the above question, the third word from the ff in tho fourth sep 1s power ‘choc (8) Input. decine reply mute unseen ignore block Step unseen decine reply mute ignore block Step I reply unseen decline mule gnore Bleck Step II mute rep unseen decline yore block Step 1V ignore mute repy unseen decine biock Step V_decine gnore mute reply unseen block Step Vi block decine ignore mute reply unseen Fore, Stop V's the ouput Hence, fh step decine ignore mute reply unseen block Ghose (A) Input: destny ambition success luck effesh bean Step 1 success destny ambton luck efesh begin ‘Stop I: rofesh success destny ambi luck boar Stop I luck rltesh success destry ambition boon Stop TV_dastny luck refosh success ambition bepin Step V_ begin destiny luck refesh success amiton Step VE ambiion begin destiny lick refesh success Fore, Stop V's the output Te tl word from the ight end nth last but one step & retesn Chace (C) Solutions for questions 10 to 13: ‘Step VILE cake 173 floc 108 hick 187 jack 149 143 make ‘Step IX cake 173 fe 108 hick 157 eck 149 make 143 Choice (G) Input mark 28 maps 49 mana 44 main 56 ‘Slept main mark 29 maps 49 mana 44 56 Step Ir main 5 merk 29 maps 49 mana 44 Step Ir main 56 mana mark 29 maps 49 44 ‘Sep IV. main 56 mana 48 mark 29 maps 44 ‘Step V. main $8 mana 49 maps mark 23 44 ‘Stop Vi man 56 mana 40 maps 44 mark 20 ‘Choice (A) Input 288 pish 802 pods 297 pst 412 pach Stop Epoch 288 pish 202 pads 207 past 412 ‘Slop IL poch 412738 psn 202 pods 257 post ‘Siep IL pech 412 pis 238 392 pods 297 post ‘iep IV pach 412 psh 397 238 pods 257 post Slep V_pech 412 ph 392 pods 738 297 post ‘Sep VI pach 412 ish 392 pods 257 238 post Step VIL pec 412 psh 382 pods 287 post 238, Choice) Input cannot be determined fram the output oie (©) ‘Solutions for questions 6 to &: ‘The words are arranged in alphabetical erderin the cutout ‘The last word comes fist step by step ath tho ner weds in same sequence, 8. Input: morning energy positive slegp desserts power From the output we can observe thatthe numbers are arranged In he ascending order inthe Wrst half an then the Worcs are ‘arranged in alphabetical oer In each stop one number and one word is shifted. The smallest ‘urnberf shied fo te le end and fe word wrich comes last {he alppabetcal orders shied to he ght end and s0.00, Input cake 49 ad 2481 vilage 12 base pink 29 jungle 51 77 tissue ‘Slop 8 cako 49 24 vilage 12 base pink 23 jungle St 77 ‘issue aid ‘Slop 77 81 cake 49 24 vilago 12 pink 30 jungle 51 tsu0 ad base ‘Step 51 7781 49 24 vilaga 12 pink 33 jungle tssve aid ase cake ‘Slop 495177 81 24 vlage 12 pink 33 Ussue ala base cake uae Step V 33.49 51 77 61 24 vilage 12 tissue aid base cake Jungle ik Step Vi 24°55 4951 77 81 vilage 12 ad base coke jungle pink tissue Step VIE:12 24 38 49 51 77 81 ald base cake jungle nk tissue village ‘Step Vitis the ast step 40. Choice (Bis he last but one step choice (8) 11. The word ‘pink is atthe eighth poston fom the let end in he Stop IV. ‘Choc (C) 42, Thegvenoutputis Step V. choice (A) ‘© Tumenantinetiote oF Wanagoment Education PvE Lid, (HiME), 958, Stameciy Complex, Pak Lane, Sesuaderbad 500 005 Allsights reserved. No par ofthis material may be reproduced, n any form or by any means, without permision in writing ‘This course matenal i only forthe use of Bonafide stents cf Triumphant Insitute ot Menagoment Education Pvt Lid. and fs licensees fanchees andi not forsale. 3 pages) agewagee) LAHO3S42001 5011 48, The number 81's ith tothe lf ofthe word ‘cake which is fourth element from the rgit end in Step VT Ccnoice (0) ‘Solutions for questions 14 to 18: It we observe the given input and oulput, the numbers are aranged in ascending order and words are aranged in Biohabetical order From one step, tothe ex! sep bo operations {ake piace From input to step I, the smallest numb & shied fo the sich place and its an even number 2's subtracted fom it and its fn odd number, 2's added to € The word which comes frst in| reverse alphabetical order is shite tothe seventh pce after ‘adding prefix etait From step Ito stap I, the second smalest number's shifted othe sit place and t's an even numer, 2 Is suotacted tom ano fits en ood numer 2 added te an ‘the smalest wil bo shod one plac towards ltt. The word which comes second in reverse alphabetical order ts shifted to the Seventh place after adding prefix ‘eto and the word which Comes fst in the reverse alptabotcal ord wil be shied on Place towards right. This process ss continued unl we ge the fesied output Input arate wt 67 tum TA ganerate 36 akect azasewver 19 Stepl 9t terale 67 tum 74 21 36 dredt 42 dscover StepIl Bt ferete 67 7421 34 retum reurte generate drect 42 ascover Step 81 67 74 21 34 40 reiterate retun rewrite generate direc! dscover Stepiv. 81" 74 21-34 40 69 regenerate reterate retum ‘eure drect dscover StepV: 51 21 a4. 40.69.72 rediscover regenerate retefate retum reunte avect reunite generate StopVi 21 34 40. 6972-09 rodroct reaiscover regenerate reterato return rownte Stop Vis tho last stop. 14, Nosuch step exits Choice (0) 48. There are. four elements between ‘return’ and "09" step V choice (©) 16, The element third fo the right of the si element from lf fend in step IT's the ninth eement fem the lef end. Te denerate ‘onoice (A) 47, ‘reterate rotum reunite gonerato direct discover is the coraet order of wores step I. Choice (C) 48, 91 74 21 94 40 60's the comet order of aumbars inthe stop Iv Choice (8) Solutions for questions 19 t0 22: Step 1's muting tne numbers wan 1,1, 11, ME and respectively Step lis the mutipicaton ofthe digs of the number Step II's the action ofthe fr's dig to tice the unis dit Step IV includes arranging the numbers n ascending order 48, Stop 98.2731 508077 Slop i 17165 17 1221 Stepiv 612 16 17 1721 Choice (0) 20, The input cannot be determined fom the third step. (Choice (0) 21. Secon step 65 29 1927 4950 Stop III the adaiton o he t's igh Yo twice the uns at Thi step 16 18 19 16 105 choice (a) 22 Input 21.37 4354.05 76 Step | 21 32 8 106 195 228, Step Il 26 460.45 22 Step i 412200 147 Ghoice (8) Solutions for questions 23 to 26: ‘Step 1's reversing the digts of a number ‘Step I's eding I, I, I, V, Viand VII respectvely ‘Sep Is tne dation of tne cis of re number. ‘Sep IV's artanaing tne odd numbers in ascending oder followed ‘by ho even numoers n ascending order. ‘Stop Vinvotves squanng the number and adding tho unt’s dot 23 Secon step 81 34 16 45.2534 Fst step 7031 12401927 Input 97 1321-491 72 Choice (¢) 2A. input 20 15 5238.26 28 Step 1 9251 25 8362 82 Step Il 94 54 9 88 65 59 Step Il 13911 16 14 17 Step IV 9111317 14.16, Choice (6) 25. Thindstep 1413121198 Second step cannot be uniquely determined ence, he input cannot bedetermined. Choice (D) 28. Input 15549026 56.27 Step 5145962 6572 Step: $3.48 1367 71 79 Swp urs 12413816 Swp iv 134881216 Stop V. 17220 72 72148 262 Solutions for questions 27 to 30 choice (A) “Tho sot has a particular pattom of positioning of he words which 's repeated in every stop Input is back to the fue ‘Slop i future to back ie t Step I futur tt the back is Step I iis the to back ttre Step IV's future the back Step V future back the fo Step VE fs back to the future Hence, repeats afer every si steps, 27. The third word in the it step of the gen inputs back ‘Choice (C) 28, Third step from the to predictable memorable Fst step: rom the predictable tone memorable Choice (8) 28, The whale pat repeats ater every VI stops, The question asks about 13" slop, which's the 10% stop. Honce option 8 Chace (8) 30. Stop I! and nats now tis now Step Vand hats snow now choc (0) “Trurnphant insttule of Management Education Pvt Lid (TAME)HO. 955, "Floor, Sildanseity Complex, Seundeabad 500 008 Tet:040-40088500_ Fax: 040-27847334 em infotimetedocaton com website wirwtimeseduetioncom LAHO3S42001.S0l2

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