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Selected short story: "GHOSTS"

Because of its name, I picked this story. The title “Ghosts” creates a
mystery for the reader; itsmetaphorical character is fascinating and
instantly attracts the reader’s attention.

The story revolves around Pascal and his family’s life as it unfolds and
how the “ghosts” (gangs) in their neighborhood have impacted them
both personally and professionally in their business.

I loved reading this story. I am one of those who desire history; the
narrative depicts the battle that our ancestors had to fight due to
politics and gangs, used by powerful men to bend the world to their

A quote with APA Citations:

“Pascal’s parents had moved to Bel Air at a time when the

neighborhood was inhabited mostly by peasants, living there
temporarily so that their children could finish primary school.”
(Danticat,2008, p. 2)

A paraphrase with APA Citations:

High-profile people utilized Ghosts/Gangs for their own personal and

business benefits in the region. (Danticat, 2008, p. 4)

Danticat, E. (2008). Ghosts. New York, NY: The New Yorker.

Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An

observational study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research,
17(10), 1442-1452.

Ghosts by Danticat(2008) it's a sad story.I picked the story assuming that
it's a horror one but it wasn't. I generally don't like sad stories but it's
quite different with this one. The story is about a man who survived in a
brutal world full of slums, violence, and gangs. The man had a restaurant
were the gang members are always there and he had to pay them to stay
safe him and his family,but he didn't like it and he wanted them away
from the restaurant. So he found a plan to report everything from inside
to the police even though he failed at rst. But at the end the showed
doesn't matter he always protect his family, and as long as he's there
nothing will happen to them.
“As long as I’m here, nothing will happen to us tonight.” (ghosts,
Danticat, 2008) teachs us to be
brave and never be afraid of anything and protect whom we care the
”Ghosts” by Danticat (2008) is an eye-opener story of the difficulties
facing the Haitian slum’s inhabitants, and the reasons why some people
become gang members. Danticat shows that in slum’s life everything
will face death, from ambitions to souls. No matter how good the
person is, the circumstances or the bad people will force him to be part
of the gangster’s life. This appears when the gang member assured
Pascal to not be worry “but also, it seemed, to himself. “As long as I’m
here, nothing will happen to us tonight.””(para. 82). Thus, no one can
survive from the gang’s life except by leaving the place. Furthermore,
by referring to the gang members’ tough background, how they raised
and how they became like that, Danticat presents the causes. Those
who were homeless orphans in a city that was not governed by a law,
they were armed and used to gather crowds of protesters against the
government, then they turned to become killers, kidnappers and drug
dealers.(para. 5). So, this cruel way of living drove them from bad to
worse until they formed a criminal group.
The story was touching, filled with details; sometimes excessively, and
sometimes it is presented the readers with a full image of the
surroundings. All in all, this story convey the tragedies that occur in
places that its news are rarely heard about, and gives hints of the
solutions in posing the reasons of the problems.

Ghost'-by Edwidge Danticat (2008) has so much to say about our

society, no matter where we live.

Pascal Dorien, the central protagonist of the story, might have a happy
and prosperous life because he was hardworking as seen in the story,
"When he wasn’t helping out at the restaurant or going to computer-
programming classes at a vocational school, Pascal worked as a news
writer for Radio Zòrèy" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8), and he was genius too,
which showed when he made a beautiful idea for a radio program and
later the biggest radio station of the country stole the idea (Danticat,
2008, para. 16). But instead, he ended up getting arrested and sent to
This story shows that intentionally or unintentionally you will get
involved in the criminal activity when you are living in a neighborhood
like Bel Air.
I love this story because it shows behind a society, which we usually
avoid and blindly blame them when sometimes they are the victims.
"He wanted the rest of the country to know what made these men cry.
They cannot remain chimès to us forever" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8).
Even in a cruel neighborhood, there is still friendship. Max lost his job
because he stood for his friend (Danticat, 2008, para. 21).

The tale is "Ghosts" which is writing by Edwidge Danticat (2008).

Ghosts is a Haitian story, which is about the social problem, social

chaos, and gang culture.

Pascal is the main character in this story. Pascal's parents run a

restaurant, and he is helping his parents work in the restaurant. "Pascal
was also going to a vocational school and worked as a news writer for
radio Zorey"(Danticat, 2008, para 8). In the Bel Air, there was a gang
named ghosts. "Pascal thinks to create a news report for the radio
station, to analysis that, why country people faced problem." (Danticat,
2008). But unfortunately, the radio station stole his idea. After that,
although Pascal wasn't involved in any criminal activity, he was arrested
and sent to jail.
I liked this story, because this story told the untold about our social
problem and gang culture. Here, Pascal is a victim of the situation.

Reference: Danticat, E. (2008, November 24). Ghosts. The New Yorker.
Ghost'-by Edwidge Danticat (2008) is not a horror story about ghosts. It
has so much to say about our third world’s improperly developed, and
poorly governed societies. Though “Ghost” is a Haitian story about the
social problem, social chaos, and gang culture, but wherever we live,
we often would feel that our lives are manipulated by the illegal
activities of “Ghosts”.

Pascal Dorien, the central character of the story, could have a happy
and prosperous life as he was hard working as we saw in the story.
"When he wasn’t helping out at the restaurant or going to computer-
programming classes at a vocational school, Pascal worked as a news
writer for Radio Zòrèy" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8). He was genius too, so
he deserved a prosperous life. But, he ended up getting arrested and
sent to jail for a crime which he didn’t committed. This way an innocent
person got involved in criminal activities when he lived in a
neighborhood like Bel Air.
I liked this story because it told the story that laid behind a society,
where we blindly blamed somebody when they became the victims of
the culture or systems of making gang members. "He wanted the rest
of the country to know what made these men cry. They cannot remain
chimes to us forever" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8).The good this is,
even in a cruel neighborhood, there is still friendship. Max lost his job
because he stood for his friend (Danticat, 2008, para. 21).

Ghost'-by Edwidge Danticat (2008) is not a horror story about ghosts. It

has so much to say about our third world’s improperly developed, and
poorly governed societies. Though “Ghost” is a Haitian story about the
social problem, social chaos, and gang culture, but wherever we live,
we often would feel that our lives are manipulated by the illegal
activities of “Ghosts”.Pascal Dorien, the central character of the story,
could have a happy and prosperous life as he was hard-working as we
saw in the story. "When he wasn’t helping out at the restaurant or
going to computer-programming classes at a vocational school, Pascal
worked as a news writer for Radio Zòrèy" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8). He
was a genius too, so he deserved a prosperous life. But, he ended up
getting arrested and sent to jail for a crime that he didn’t commit. This
way an innocent person got involved in criminal activities when he lived
in a neighborhood like Bel Air.
I liked this story because it told the story that laid behind a society,
where we blindly blamed somebody when they became the victims of
the culture or systems of making gang members. "He wanted the rest
of the country to know what made these men cry. They cannot remain
chimes to us forever" (Danticat, 2008, para. 8). The good thing was,
even in a cruel neighborhood like Bel Air, there were friendships. Max
lost his job because he stood for his friend (Danticat, 2008, para. 21).

The tale is "Ghosts" which is writing by Edwidge Danticat (2008).

Ghosts is a Haitian story, which is about the social problem, social

chaos, and gang culture.

Pascal is the main character in this story. Pascal's parents run a

restaurant, and he is helping his parents work in the restaurant. "Pascal
was also going to a vocational school and worked as a news writer for
radio Zorey"(Danticat, 2008, para 8). In the Bel Air, there was a gang
named ghosts. "Pascal thinks to create a news report for the radio
station, to analysis that, why country people faced problem." (Danticat,
2008). But unfortunately, the radio station stole his idea. After that,
although Pascal wasn't involved in any criminal activity, he was arrested
and sent to jail.
I liked this story, because this story told the untold about our social
problem and gang culture. Here, Pascal is a victim of the situation.

Reference: Danticat, E. (2008, November 24). Ghosts. The New Yorker.

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