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Data analysis related to Flexural test

During each test the data generated is load and displacement. We have to convert the load
displacement to flexural stress verses flexural strain.

The formula used for calculation of flexural stress and flexural strain are as below
𝐹𝑙𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 𝜎𝐹𝑙𝑒𝑥 =
𝐹𝑙𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝜖𝐹𝑙𝑒𝑥 =
Please note that stress and strain measured through these formulae are only for the surface
layers. Please refer to a standard solid mechanics book for more information on it.

Total 21 such specimens are tested.

Part 1

Out of 21 specimens tested, you will be provided with load-displacement curve data for 3

Determine the flexural stress and flexural strain curve for each of the three data.

The main idea behind this part of the exercise is to let you know that the flex stress-strain can
vary a lot for the same material and the fracture happens in a brittle manner. Please think
about the question on how can we see the curve and tell that the fracture is brittle. Ask the
TA’s if you are not able to figure that out but do try as it could be a possible viva question.

Part 2:

As you now understand that the modulus of rupture (Flexural strength) can vary so much,
we will move ahead find a way using statics to assign a flexural strength value to the material.

Below, we have tabulated the value of flexural strength (modulus of rupture OR the stress at
which sample failed) for a set of 2 specimens. You will also be provided such a set of values.

The vale of the flexural strength varies from 133 MPa to 283 MPa (Table 1). The bar chart in
Figure 1 also shows the range of variation in flexural strength.
Table 1 Flexural strength or MOR of all specimens tested

Figure 1 Variation of flexural strength for all the specimens. The yellow patch marks the range over which the values varies.

Part 3:

To understand the data more easily, it is a good idea to start binning the data. Here the flexural
strength varies from 133 MPa to 283 MPa. So, we have put the specimens into 16 bins. We start
from 130 MPa and go up to 290 MPa. Each bin spans over a 10 MPa stress range. We now determine
how many specimens failed within each stress range.

This can be done in 2 ways using excel.

1) Using the data analysis tab. You need to add in this plugin. Please look ito the excel help page
for this. Usually, students face some problems with this method which is related to using older
versions of excel. To resolve this, we have option 2
2) Do it manually by picking up each value and placing it in a particular bin. This exercise will help
you built Table 2.

Using the data in Table 2., we can make the frequency distribution histogram as shown in Figure 2.

Just by looking at Figure 2, we can figure out that maximum specimens fail between 220 to 229 MPa.

The size of the bins is very important in this kind of analysis. You might end up overestimating or
underestimating the strength if you do not choose your bin size properly.
Table 2 Determining how many specimens belong to each bin

Range lower Range higher Number of specimens

value value failed

130 139 1
140 149 1
150 159
160 169 1
170 179 1
180 189 2
190 199 2
200 209
210 219 2
220 229 5
230 239 1
240 249 1
250 259
260 269 1
270 279 2
280 289 1
Figure 2 Frequency distribution histogram show the number of specimens that failed in a particular stress range.

Part 4:

Determination of probability of failure.

Here we determine the probability of failure of specimens up to a particular stress level.

We use the data in Table 2 to develop Table 3.

We have a total of 21 specimens. So

The probability of failure at ‘X’ MPa = Number of specimens up to ‘X’ MPa / Total specimens tested
Table 3 Determination of probability of failure

Number of
No of
specimens failed Probability
Stress in MPa specimens
upto this stress of failure
Up to 139 1 1 0.04761905
Up to 149 1 2 0.0952381
Up to 159 2 0.0952381
Up to 169 1 3 0.14285714
Up to 179 1 4 0.19047619
Up to 189 2 6 0.28571429
Up to 199 2 8 0.38095238
Up to 209 8 0.38095238
Up to 219 2 10 0.47619048
Up to 229 5 15 0.71428571
Up to 239 1 16 0.76190476
Up to 249 1 17 0.80952381
Up to 259 17 0.80952381
Up to 269 1 18 0.85714286
Up to 279 2 20 0.95238095
Up to 289 1 21 1
You also need to plot the variation of probability of failure as a function of stress level in MPa as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Probability of failure as a function of stress level

The probability of survival follows straight from this as

Probability of survival = 1 – probability of failure

Table 4 Determination of probability of survival

Number of
No of
specimens failed Probability Probability of
Stress in MPa specimens
upto this stress of failure survival
Up to 139 1 1 0.04761905 0.952380952
Up to 149 1 2 0.0952381 0.904761905
Up to 159 2 0.0952381 0.904761905
Up to 169 1 3 0.14285714 0.857142857
Up to 179 1 4 0.19047619 0.80952381
Up to 189 2 6 0.28571429 0.714285714
Up to 199 2 8 0.38095238 0.619047619
Up to 209 8 0.38095238 0.619047619
Up to 219 2 10 0.47619048 0.523809524
Up to 229 5 15 0.71428571 0.285714286
Up to 239 1 16 0.76190476 0.238095238
Up to 249 1 17 0.80952381 0.19047619
Up to 259 17 0.80952381 0.19047619
Up to 269 1 18 0.85714286 0.142857143
Up to 279 2 20 0.95238095 0.047619048
Up to 289 1 21 1 0
Figure 4 Probability of survival as a function of stress level

Part 5:

We will now use the probability of survival and stress level data to do further analysis using the
Weibull statistics.

The manual mentions the method in detail. Please go through it thoroughly.

You may also refer to the following book for more details

Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Thomas Courtney, 2nd Ed, Pg. 443-447.

Now lets see how we go about doing it.

Now lets built the following tablefor find out m.

Before that we need to find the value of 𝜎0 . 𝜎0 corresponds to the stress level where the probability
of survival is 0.37.

For this we need the following snippet from Table 4

Probability of
Stress level
219 0.523809524
229 0.285714286

We have to interpolate and get the stress level where the probability of survival would be 0.37. As I
mentioned above, the choice of bin size would really make this part of the exercise either very easy
or difficult.

After interpolating I calculate that for PS(V0) = 0.37 the Stress is 222.5a MPa.

Now build the following table for finding ‘m’.

Table 5 Table for determination of 'm'.

Stress level in ln(ln(1/P
of survival 1/Ps ln(1/Ps) Sigma/ ln(Sigma/S
MPa (Sigma) s))
(Ps) Sigma_0 Sigma_0 igma_0)
139 0.95 1.05 0.05 -3.02 222.54 0.62 -0.47
149 0.90 1.11 0.10 -2.30 222.54 0.67 -0.40
159 0.90 1.11 0.10 -2.30 222.54 0.71 -0.34
169 0.86 1.17 0.15 -1.87 222.54 0.76 -0.28
179 0.81 1.24 0.21 -1.55 222.54 0.80 -0.22
189 0.71 1.40 0.34 -1.09 222.54 0.85 -0.16
199 0.62 1.62 0.48 -0.73 222.54 0.89 -0.11
209 0.62 1.62 0.48 -0.73 222.54 0.94 -0.06
219 0.52 1.91 0.65 -0.44 222.54 0.98 -0.02
229 0.29 3.50 1.25 0.23 222.54 1.03 0.03
239 0.24 4.20 1.44 0.36 222.54 1.07 0.07
249 0.19 5.25 1.66 0.51 222.54 1.12 0.11
259 0.19 5.25 1.66 0.51 222.54 1.16 0.15
269 0.14 7.00 1.95 0.67 222.54 1.21 0.19
279 0.05 21.00 3.04 1.11 222.54 1.25 0.23

Plot the yellow marked column and the blue marked column in Table 5 as the y-axis values and the
x-axis values respectively. Fit a straight line through it, and the slope of the line is the value of ‘m’.

From Figure below the value of ‘am’ comes out to be 5.74.

Is it good OR bad? Let’s see what value you get and what you think about the value I am getting and
you will get.
Equation y = a + b*x
Plot B

1 Weight
No Weighting
-0.22234 ± 0.04442
Slope 5.74887 ± 0.19347
Residual Sum of Squares 0.33197
Pearson's r 0.99272
R-Square (COD) 0.98549
Adj. R-Square 0.98437
ln(ln(1/Ps)) 0




-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3


Figure 5The plot generated using Table 5 for determination of value of 'm'

__________________________________ Good Luck ______________________________________

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