Main Themes of Ahadith e Nabvi

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 Intention and sincerity is essence of Islam.
 This hadith deals with personal and communal life of a Muslim.
 Obedience of Allah, worship Him only and accept His will wholeheartedly.
 Belief in Muhammad (pbuh) as last messenger of Allah is essential part of our faith.
 Muslims have to obey him and follow his sunnah.
 A Muslim must believe that the Holy Quran is the direct revelation of God and act upon it.
 Humbleness to the righteous ruler as long as they abide Islam.
 Public welfare is encouraged. We should respect fellow human beings.
Ref: “Allah does not see your outward appearance and possession but He sees what is in your hearts
and deeds”.
 Good deeds must be done with sincerity.
 To gain the pleasure of Allah would be the ultimate goal in all virtue.
 Quran should be believed strongly and implemented in practical life.
 Hadith and sunnah must be understood and practiced.
 Muslims must support righteous leaders.
 Welfare of human beings must be focused.
 Example of any sincere leader or social worker can be added.
Ref: the Holy Quran says,” And they were ordered only to worship Allah, believing in Him-devoted
solely (to Him)”. (98:5)

 Brotherhood amongst Muslims is the main theme of this hadith.
 This bond is established by Allah and His prophet in Madinah.
 Equality.
 Avoidance of selfishness.
 It is essential for Muslims to be cooperative and kind to each other.
 He is required to wish for the welfare of his Muslim brothers.
 Caring, helping and being kind towards fellow human beings are the signs of true faith.
 Their loyalty results in the communal strength and unity of ummah.
Ref: “Muslims are brothers to each other” (49:10)
 Muslims have to behave well and develop love towards other Muslims.
 They must work for the welfare of their Muslim brothers.
 They must stand for each other during need and difficulty.
 Support each other morally and financially.
 Muslims must not break relationships and show jealousy towards others.
 Must protect the dignity and honor of other Muslims.
Ref: prophet (pbuh) said, “A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him,
or look down on him”. (Bukhari)
 Distinctive attributes of believer are addressed here.
 Muslims must talk with responsibility and care, back biting and gossip should not be the part of their
 Generosity towards others.
 Rights of neighbors, to help them in every possible manner.
 Rights of guests.
 Concept of judgment day.
 These attributes are the sings of true belief.
 This hadith is dealing with the communal life of Muslims.
Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “One who remains silent succeeds”. (tirmizi)
 Muslims must not talk needlessly; it causes loss of respect and dignity.
 It can cause them to indulge in negative conversation like backbiting and gossip.
 Muslims must be good neighbors and courteous to guest as these are the signs of faith.
 Muslims must be soft be soft spoken and kind to others.
 They should give good advice to each other.
 Must not cause harm to their neighbors.
 Send them food and help them in need in every possible manner.
Ref: prophet (pbuh) said, “He will not enter Paradise whose neighbor is not secure from his
wrongful conduct”.
 This Hadith explains the importance of obligatory duties, namaz, zakat and fasting.
 These are pillars of Islam and duty of every Muslim to perform them to strengthen the structure of
 Avoidance of unlawful acts and things.
 Concept of Haram and Halal.
 Reward for worships is promised.
 Concept of Paradise.
 Dealing with both, individual and communal aspects of human life.
Ref: “Prayers is the key to Paradise”.
 Every Muslim must perform prayer and keep fast to develop self discipline and piety.
 They must refrain from everything that is unlawful.
 Performance of obligatory acts will take us to Paradise.
 Avoidance of unlawful acts reduces corruption, gambling and adultery from society.
 Fasting develop sympathy for others.
 Success in Hereafter.
Ref: Allah says, “Indeed the prayer stops from indecency and evil”. (29:45)
 Importance of charity and helping others.
 Charity does not require any monetary expenditure.
 Importance of justice. Resolve others dispute justly.
 Vast concept of charity and worship in Islam.
 Helping others is also a form of charity.
 Every good act is charity and will be rewarded in akhirah.
Ref: “the best of people is one who is a source of benefit to others”. (Bukhari)
 Muslims should take care of every member of the society.
 They must help others on daily basis in every possible manner.
 They must invite each other towards good and obligatory prayer.
 Muslims must avoid selfishness, greed and materialism.
 They must help others for small matters and avoid disputes and quarrels.
 Even meeting each other with smiling face is charity.
Ref: prophet (pbuh) said,” Every good deed is charity”.
 To enjoin good in society and to forbid evil.
 Each Muslim should take measures to stop evil and eradicate evil and shameful practices from society.
 Muslims must promote good and oppose evil to the extent of his ability and capability.
 If we see an evil action so we should stop it.
 To consider evil as evil and try to stop it in every possible manner.
 Muslims must perform all kinds of Jihad for the betterment of society.
 We should not permit evil as it destroys the moral health of society.
Ref: Prophet (pbuh) said, “The best among the people are those who are the source of benefit to
 Muslim government must remove evil with force from society and they should support it.
 Muslims should condemn it, encourage and motivate others to avoid it.

 They must invite people towards the path of Allah.
 They must stop oppressor from oppressing others.
 If Muslims are the witness of evil, cannot stop it, they must consider it evil by heart.
 Practice of this Hadith develops a peaceful, stable and balanced society.
ref: the Holy Quran says, “You are the best among all the nations that were raised among mankind-
you enjoin good deeds and forbid immorality and you believe in Allah”. (3:110)
 Significance of jihad bin nafs, jaan and maal.
 Jihad is an important part of Islam.
 Highly meritorious and an honored act in Islam.
 Superiority and high status of mujahidin.
 Sacrifice to promote the mission of Allah.
 Financial, physical and personal sacrifices for Islam.
 Efforts against poverty and ignorance.
Ref: The Holy Quran says, “Fight in the cause of Allah with those who fight against you but do
not transgress limits”. (2:190)
 Muslims must perform jihad with wealth, and exert with utmost capacity in the way of Allah.
 In case of aggression against a Muslim state, it is obligatory for Muslims to defend it even at the cost of
his life and property.
 Muslims must contribute generously for mental and physical jihad.
 It also intends to resist one’s self from enjoying evil such as backbiting, lying, cheating and stealing.
Ref: The Quran says, “And strive and struggle with your goods and your persons in the cause of
Allah. That is best for you if you knew”. (9:41)

 Wide application and significance of martyrdom.
 Only those who fight in jihad are not martyr, but also who die because of natural disaster, calamities and
natural death in the way of Allah.
 Muslims are highly anxious to embrace martyrdom.
 Prophet (pbuh) explained that the entire life of a Muslim is spent in any form of Jihad which may be
spiritual, mental or physical jihad so that whenever he dies, he dies in the way of Allah to earn
 Muslims should not hesitate to participate in any struggle against injustice and aggression.
Ref: “you should help your brother by stopping him from doing injustice.
 Muslims must indulge themselves in any kind of Jihad to die in Allah’s way as a martyr.
 Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in physical jihad should not lose hope.
 We must pray to be among the martyrs of Muslim community.
 We should not take sickness as a calamity; it is an examination from Allah to elevate our status in
 Muslims should always endure hardships or adversities with patience.
Ref: “nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth,
except a mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the
dignity he receives from Allah.” ( Sahih Bukhari)
 This Hadith is dealing with the individual life of a Muslim.
 Its emphasis is upon the dignity of labour and hard work.
 Prophet (pbuh) strictly condemns idleness and begging.
 Respect of manual work is another theme of this Hadith.
 Islam orders lawful earning through lawful profession.
 Allah does not accept the prayers of a person who eats haram.
Ref: the Quran says,” On earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood.”(2:36)
 Muslims are encouraged to engage themselves and work hard to earn.
 They should not be a burden on the shoulders of others.
 They should not avoid to work as a manual worker.
 Muslims must adopt lawful means of bread.
 They must avoid gambling, bribery, begging and theft.
 They should avoid greediness and materialism and respect manual workers.
Ref: “To search for lawful earning is compulsory after the obligatory acts.” ( Baihaiqi)

 Importance of rights of widow and poor.
 It develops a sense of helping and looking after those who depend upon others.
 Importance of Jihad and worship of Allah in Tahajud.
 To look after poor, widows and orphans is equal to the jihad and obligatory worship.
 Islam has taken care of all individuals in the society.
 Allah loves the person very much who is helpful to others, particularly widows and poor.
Ref: “To spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy”.
 Muslims should not be indifferent in the society.
 They must be generous and social and should not leave poor and widows helpless.
 Poor should be treated with kindness and mercy.
 This hadith shows that worship is not restricted to a few rituals only.
 Welfare of other human beings will be rewared as praying and fasting will be rewarded.
 We should help widows and poor of our society in every possible manner to gain the pleasure of Allah
Ref: the holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “he who fills the need of any of my people to please him, has
pleased me and he who has pleased me, pleases Allah and who pleases Allah will be brought by Him
into Paradise.”( Ahya-e –Uloom)
Hadith # 11
 Islam confers great rights on the helpless and distressed persons.
 This hadith promises paradise to a person who brings up an orphan.
 They will be as close to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in paradise as first and second finger of the hand.
 Allah instructs Muslims to treat orphans with politeness and humility.
 Only sincere and kind attitude can decrease the sorrow of an orphan and can make them a successful
member of the society.
 Prophet (pbuh) repeatedly asked Muslims to treat orphans with utmost kindness and promised his
companionship in paradise.
Ref: the Holy Quran says, “Therefore do not oppress the orphan.” (93:9)
 Muslims should take special care of orphans and treat them with love and affection.
 They must provide them food, shelter and education.
 The guardian of the orphans should manage the property with the best of his ability and should not mix
it with his own.
 The property should be restored as soon as the orphan reaches adulthoold.
 Orhan should be brought up with proper care and financial and moral support.
Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “The best house is that in which an orphan is well treated and the
worst Muslim house is that in which an orphan is ill-treated.” (Majma Az-Zawad)
Hadith # 12
 This hadith provides excellent guidelines for the rulers regarding their duties.
 In Islam government officials are required to work for the good of the people with sincerity.
 To provide ease and comfort to the common people is their basic responsibility.
 They are not allowed to be very strict with people unnecessarily.
 They need to keep their doors open for common people.
 Ruler should be humble, midland sympathetic and should not oppress people.
 Cruelty of ruler makes the people life miserable which creates unrest and disobedience in society.

Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said,” O Allah who is with authority to rule over my ummah is hard for
them, be Thou hard with him and he who is entrusted in any way with the affairs of my ummah and
treats them kindly, show kindness to him.” (sahih Muslim)
 Muslim rulers must be kind and sympathetic.
 Kindness and gentleness with the people is the moral system of the political system of Islam.
 Governors should not be harsh and arrogant.
 They should not regard their rule as a mean of terrorizing people and collect wealth.
 They must establish peace and attach people with them.
 Muslim leaders must treat their Muslim and non Muslim citizens equally.
Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Give ease and not contempt, give tranquility and not
oppression.” ( lanzul Ummal)
Hadith # 13
 This hadith teaches us to have a strong and constant attachment with the Holy Quran.
 The Quran is the ultimate source of guidance and should not be forgotten.
 Regular recitation of the Holy Quran is a source of blessing and spiritual growth.
 Memorization of the Quran is important to get attached with it.
 Muslims must know its meanings and mould their lives accordingly.
Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “keep on reciting the Quran, for, by Him in whose Hand my life is,
Quran runs away (forgotten) faster than camels that are released from their tying ropes.” (sho’b ul
 Muslims should uphold great attachment and love to the Holy Quran.
 They should recite and memorize the Holy Quran.
 When the recitation of the Holy Quran is neglected, it could be slips out of one’s mind.
 Muslims should wholeheartedly try to implement its teachings in their lives.
 They should propagate its teachings to others too.
 Muslims should encourage people to learn it by heart.
 It is mandatory to re-read and hold the memorized portions otherwise it is forgotten soon.

Ref: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said,” Keep your houses enlightened by the prayers and recitation of
the Quran”. (Tirimizi)

Hadith # 14


 Business must be conducted with honesty, justice and kindness.

 Islam strongly disapproved all transactions which are unjust.
 Both parties are required to be sympathetic and considerate towards each other.
 If someone cannot pay back the loan on time, then the creditor is instructed to be kind and gentle to him.
 He should not demand for interest in loan as it is haram.
 If he needs money back, he must give him some time and be flexible in his approach.

Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said,” Whoever has a claim (like a debt) on a brother which is payable
and he allows respite to the debtor in his payments, he will be given the reward of charity”. ( Sahih


 Muslims should adopt an attitude of mildness and forbearance in business dealings.

 Muslims seller must never think that he should deceive the people and consider that he is at liberty to
demand as much as possible from the buyer.
 He should fix reasonable rates.
 Buyers should not try to deceive the seller by lying.
 Both should be honest to each other.
 The debtor should pay back the loan on time.
 The creditor should not be strict in taking it back.
Ref: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Allah will protect him from the agonies of the day of the
judgment who allows respite to poor and indigent person in payment of his debt or writes it off”.
(Sahih Muslim)

Hadith # 15

 The most deserving of Allah’s mercy are kind-hearted people.

 Sympathy and passion towards other caused Allah’s blessings for us.
 Kindness is the best human characteristic.
 Allah will be merciful and forgiving to those who love and show care and sympathy to His creations.
 Rudeness and cruelty cause deprivation of Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Ref: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Treat kindly the dwellers of the earth, He who dwells in the
heaven will treat you kindly.”(Abu Daud)


 Muslims should others kindly.

 Muslims should extend kindness to all people without distinction.
 This includes not only Muslims but also the infidels and men of all faith and nationalities; irrespective of
their cast, colour and creed.
 Even animals deserve kindness and compassion.
 We should forgive others mistakes, feed hungry and look after sick and disabled.
 Treating servants and dependants kindly, fulfilling their needs, meeting them with smiling face,
removing harmful objects from road are the acts of kindness.

Ref: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “He who is devoid of kindness is devoid of (all) good”.( sahih

Hadith # 16


 The Holy Prophet (pbuh) joined the Muslims in a bond of Islamic brotherhood and fraternity.
 The Holy Quran also describes believers as brothers.
 This relationship worthy of respect.
 Muslim Ummah is similar to a human body; the pain of one of the part of the body affect the others
body parts too.
 They must feel each other’s pain and come for rescue.

Ref: “The believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two
(contending) brothers.”(49:20)


 Islamic brotherhood lays certain responsibilities on its members.

 Muslims must behave kindly and lovingly to each other, and help those who are in need and difficulty.
 They must rush to help those who are in distress and pain.
 They must share their happiness with each other.
 They must sacrifice their wealth and comfort for others as Ansars of Madinah did for Muhajirin.

Ref: The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “The Muslim society is like a body in respect of mutual love and
sympathy, if limb in body suffers pain, the whole body responds to it by sleeplessness and
fever.”( Bukhari)


 Modesty is an important feature of Islam and has a vital significance in character building.
 Modesty means decency and moderation in speech, manners, dress and attitude towards life.
 It restrains a person from behaving in an undesirable manner and acts as a shield against immorality.
 It is a strong force against evils and obscenity.
 Modesty is a branch of faith, either both are present in an individual of a community or none of them.

Ref:”Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of Islam is modesty”. (Muatta,
Ibn- Majah)


 Muslims must avoid immoral and indecent acts.

 They should be intolerant of everything that is undesirable and produces reaction of disgust.
 Modesty and simplicity, and trust in Allah should be the part of Muslims personality.
 They must shun everything which is displeasing to God.
 Muslims must exhibit modesty in their dress, and behavior.
 They must not be boastful and proud.

Ref:”And do thou [O Muhammad] remember thy Lord within thyself humbly and with awe, below
thy breath, at morning and evening”. (7:205)



 Importance of faith is the main theme of this hadith as smallest amount of it will leads to Paradise.
 Avoidance of pride as tiny amount of it can take to the Hell.
 This hadith affirms that the sinful believers will not remain in Hell forever.
 Faith is the key to Paradise.
 Pride is negation of faith, worst attribute of an individual.
 Satan was cursed and thrown out of the Heaven because of his pride.

Ref: “Indeed Allah does not like any boastful, proud person”.


 Muslims must avoid pride and arrogance.

 They must not feel proud of their wealth, status and race.
 They are commanded to be humble and down to earth in their dealings.
 Muslims must be very careful for their faith and avoid every act which can destroy their faith.
 They must know the value of Islam and practice it.

Ref: “Allah the Most High says, pride is my cloak and greatness My robe, and he who compete with
Me in respect of either of them I shall cast him into Hell-fire”.



 A prisoner is not allowed to do anything at his own, similarly a Muslim has to live in the set limits of
Almighty Allah.
 He has to carry out the commands in all matters.
 A believer is restricted to move in this world within the limits of Islam.
 Similarly stay in this world is temporary as in prison it is not permanent.
 Unbeliever treats this life as Paradise as they do not believe in Hereafter.
 They will realize it when they will be punished in Hell and happiness and joy of this world will appear
to them as Paradise.
 They live their lives without any laws as they follow their wishes.

Ref: “The world is the believer’s prison and famine, but when he leaves the world he leaves the prison
and the famine”. (Tirmizi)

 Muslims must abide by the limits set by shariah.
 They must shun all kinds of evil deeds and avoid all sinful acts.
 They must refrains adultery, drinking, theft lying, cheating and backbiting.
 They must consider this world as a testing ground.
 They must be focused on Hereafter.
 They must not restrain from the path of Allah for the joy and pleasure of this world.

Ref:”Live in this world as if you were a stranger”.



 Importance of sincerity and good intention.

 A Muslim’s heart must be free from all such things that destroy noble deeds.
 Hypocrisy, greed and show off fall in the category of such evil.
 Allah rewards and punishes on the basis of one’s intention and sincerity.
 Without sincerity no good deeds will be accepted.

Ref: “Whether you hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah, knows it all”. (3:29)


 Allah looks and appreciates the sincerity of intention and piety of deeds.
 Muslims must not be worried about their shortcomings, physical faults and natural incapability.
 They must perform as much as good deeds they can perform.
 They must avoid show off and material benefits.
 Sincerity gains the pleasure of Almighty Allah and reward in Hereafter.

Ref:”And whether you speak softly of proclaim it aloud; He indeed knows what lies within the
hearts”. (Bukhari)


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