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1.The latest earthquake.

An hard seism that had a magnitude of 6.2 hit the center of Italy at dawn of Wednesday, this
provoked a lot of deaths and 2,500 homellessness. The earthquake felt in Rome, had had an
aftershock with a magnitude of 5.4, the places more affected are Amatrice, Accumoli and Arquata
del Tronto.
This seism was provoked by the shift of the adriatic plate and the eurasian plate.

2.The biggest one.

Happened on the coast of central Chile on Saturday, 27 February at 03:34 local time,having a
magnitude of 8.8 with intense shaking lasting for about three minutes.
It was felt strongly in six regions that together make up about 80 percent of the country's
The earthquake triggered a tsunami which devastated several coastal towns in south-central Chile.
About 525 people lost their lives, and about 9% of the population in the affected regions lost their
3. A seism in the Iberian peninsula.

This one took place in Lisboa in November first

on 1755. It had a magtide of 9, its epicentre was
the Antlantic Ocean and after the earthquake a
tsunami hit Portugal and Spain. The big wave
reached some parts of Huelva destroying
everything in its path. The experts extimated
that there were about 60,000 deaths.

4.The 5 more importants earthquake in history.

It had a magnitude of 9.2, happened the 27th of March in 1964. This seism provoked a tsunami, it
destroyed about 200.000 km² of surface of the earthly crust. The earthquake went of for four

In 2004 took place this earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1. About 228.000 deaths and it went of for
10 minutes, such a long time for an earthquake. It was enough to make the entire world shake.
It occurred in 1952 had a magnituded 9.0, this seism made a tsunami that reached New Zeland,
Hawaii, Japan, Alaka and Chile.

Took place in 2011, the magnituded was 9. Some experts think that this earthquake maybe moved
Japan 2 meter.

5.What to do during and before an earthquake.

1.The 5 more importants tsunamis in the history.

Unleashed by a 7.6-magnitude earthquake, a tsunami hit the coast of Honshu, Japan, with waves of
about 40 meters. Thirty minutes after the earthquake happened 120 miles offshore, costing more
than 27,000 people.

-Half Nankaido(1498).
One of the first great tsunamis of which we have recorded was the one that happened in 1498,in
Meio Nankaido, Japan. Apparently it was detonated by an earthquake of 8.6 degrees and its effects
ended with the life of 31,000 people.

- Arica(1868).
The 16 of August of 1868 the strait that share Peru and Chile was shaken by an earthquake with a
magnitude of 8.5. Then waves of more than 30 meters of height appeared and swept with the port of
Arica. It is estimated that the number of deaths exceeded 70,000 and the material damages were
In December of 1908 the Italian coast of Messina was victim of a earthquake that had a magnitude
of 7.5 this provoked a tsunami with waves of up to 17 meters. Virtually the entire site was
destroyed, including other coastal villages, and the deaths were estimated at 200,000.

2.The most catastrophic.

On 22 May, an earthquake occurred in Valdivia which he contracted with the Chile´s earthquake,
this earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5 (this is the most catastrophic earthquake of the story). This
began in the coast of the South of Chile and provoked a destructive tsunami with waves until 25
metre that it destroyed many local area. This tsunami was accelerating across the Pacific so that this
was affecting the country for example Hawaii and later the waves hit the coast of Japan was causing
the dead of 142 died . This earthquake and tsunamiswas making about 6.000 people died.
1. First we have to report if we live in high risk areas and located possible evacuation routes
and safe sities.
2. Know the emergency sinals.
3. Make an emergency plan in case of a tsunami.
4. Make sure, you know the location and how to close the water, gas and wherever turn off the
5. Have an emergency package with a medicine cabinet, radio, whistle, flashlight, food and
6. We finally have to identify the emergency sings


1. Keep calm, do not run away and avoid panic

2. Activate the emergency plan and follow the previously established routes.
3. Use the radio to be informed, although the radio may fail, so remember the emergency and
evacuation signals.
4. If there is an evacuation order, walk fast, don’t run and carry emergency equipment.
5. Stay with the family and follow the instructions of the rescuers.
6. Get away from the beach and coas and go to high places.


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