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Payment rules for higher education student of WSB

University in Wrocław

Faculty of Finance and Management

2020/2021 academic year

Summer admissions
PAYMENT RULES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS OF WSB 9. In justified cases, at the Student’s justified request in writing,
UNIVERSITY OF WROCŁAW the Dean may change the way of paying a tuition fee on the
FACULTY OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT IN WROCŁAW basis of the Student’s declaration apart from deadlines
SUMMER ADMISSIONS mentioned in point 8.
10. In the event of changing the form, the major, the speciality and
the type of studies, the amount of the tuition fee is altered in
1. Studies at WSB University of Wrocław are chargeable.
line with the established form, the type, the speciality or the
2. These Rules define types and principles of paying fees by
Students commencing studies in 2020/21 academic year.
3. The WSB Senate in Wrocław establishes the amount of fees, the § 3 TRANSFER A HIGHER SEMESTER
schedule of payments, a list of additional fees for each 1. The Student may apply for being transferred to a higher
enrolment for studies and announces them in the Schedule of semester in accordance with binding regulations and rules of
fees for educational services provided to higher education studies.
Students which constitutes enclosure No. 1 to these Rules 2. In the event of being transferred, the Student makes payments
hereinafter referred to as the Schedule of Payments. under the guaranteed fixed tuition fee scheme from the
4. Fees are paid by bank transfer into the University’s account. The Schedule of payments for the year he has been transferred. The
date of receiving money into the University’s account is Student is not entitled to use a promotional offer regarding the
considered to be a settlement date. amount of a tuition fee.
5. The Dean’s tasks defined in these Rules may be delegated to
other people based on authorization.
§ 2 TUITION FEES 1. The Student may apply for resuming the studies only after
1. The term “tuition fee” used in these Rules defines fees for settling all liabilities towards the University. The Student is not
rendering educational services related to full-time and part- entitled to use a promotional offer regarding the amount of a
time studies. tuition fee.
2. The University guarantees the fixed amount of tuition fees 2. The Student continuing studies not with the year he or she
throughout the entire duration of studies. started studying e.g. returning from a leave, pays a tuition fee
3. There are two systems of paying a tuition fee at the University: according to the Rules for the year he or she is studying at
a) guaranteed fixed tuition fee – for higher education
3. If a permission for a leave from classes is granted, the Student
is obliged to pay a tuition fee calculated proportionally to the
b) guaranteed graded tuition fee - applicable only to
used period of studying which is understood as a 10-month
undergraduate and one tier MA students excluding
period. If the Student has paid for a semester or a year in
international students referred to in by § 5.
advance, he or she will be reimbursed for the unused period of
4. The student pays a tuition fee according to a selected system
defined in the Agreement for Providing Educational Services.
4. The student commencing studies at the next specialty, making
The selected payment system is valid till the end of studies
up for curriculum differences, realizing non-obligatory subjects
subject to point 5.
or repeating the subject pays a binding tuition fee and an
5. The change of the system of paying the tuition fee requires
additional fee indicated in the Schedule of fees included in
submitting a declaration about the change and is possible by:
Enclosure 1 to these Rules.
a) 30th September solely for Students admitted to
undergraduate and one-tier MA studies year 1 in summer § 5 PRINCIPLES OF FEES AND PROMOTIONS BIDNING INTERNATIONAL
b) 28th February solely for Students admitted to STUDENTS OTHER THAN ENUMERATED IN ART. 324 PARA. 2 POINT 1-4
undergraduate and one-tier MA studies year 1 in winter & 6-7 OF THE ACT ON THE LAW OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENCE
admissions. 1. Foreigners studying in Polish (including Philology) other than
It is not applicable to international students referred to in by those enumerated in Art. 324 para. 2, points 1-4 and 6-7 of the
§5. Act on the Law of Higher Education and Science dated 20th July
6. The Student pays a tuition fee in the way defined in the 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018 item 1668) make payments on the
Agreement for Providing Educational Services. The basic way of principles defined in these Rules with the following exceptions:
paying a tuition fee in the academic year is payment in 10 a) fees for higher education studies may be paid for as an
monthly instalments being the basis for calculating the price annual payment or 2 semester instalments per each year of
for an educational service. The tuition fee may also be paid in: studies pursuant to the Agreement for rendering educational
a) 1 instalment (yearly payment) subject to point 7, services solely under a guaranteed fixed tuition fee,
b) 2 instalments (per semester) b) a single non-refundable adaptation fee amounts to Euro
c) 12 monthly instalments subject to point 7. 100 not less than zł 400 and is payable when submitting
7. At the last year of studies there is no possibility of payment in admission documents [the fee is not applicable to graduates of
12 instalments. In such a case the basic system of paying a higher education at WSB University in Wrocław (and a branch
tuition fee in 10 monthly instalments is binding unless the in Opole) and Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna in Wrocław]
Student has selected payment in 1 or 2 instalments. In case of c) the Students have got the right to use promotional offers
7-semester engineering undergraduate studies and 3-semester regarding an admission fee and a tuition fee.
graduate studies, it is not possible to pay a tuition fee in one 2 Foreigners pursuing higher education studies at a specialty in
instalment on the last semester (in such case and with no English (excluding the Philology) other than those enumerated in
possibility of choosing a different way, the tuition fee must be Art.324 para. 2, points 1-4 and 6-7 of the Act on the Law of Higher
paid per semester). Education and Science dated 20th July 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018
8. Changing the way of paying a tuition fee in a particular item 1668) make payments on the principles specified above with
semester requires submitting a statement and is possible by: the following exceptions:
a) 31st October for fees paid in the winter semester, a) the tuition fee amounts to Euro 2500 not less than zł
b) 31st March for fees paid in the summer semester. 10 750 under the annual fee system or two equal instalments
per each year of studies according to the Agreement on
provision of educational services under the guaranteed permissible actions against the Student in order to collect the
fixed tuition fee system, debt.
b) those Students are not entitled to use promotional offers
regarding the amount of a tuition fee,
1. The Student is obliged to immediately i.e. within a month
c) those Students are entitled to promotional offers
the latest inform the Faculty Dean’s Office in writing about
regarding an admission fee,
any changes to personal details in particular the name, the
d) a single non-refundable adaptation fee amounts to €100
address of residence and the address for correspondence,
but not less than zł 400 and is payable at the submission of
e-mail address, telephone numbers.
admission documents.
2. The University undertakes to immediately i.e. within a
§ 6 OTHER FEES month the latest inform the student in writing about any
1. The University charges one-time fees other than tuition fees in changes to its name, address, telephones and premises.
the amount and deadlines specified in the Schedule of 3. A failure to inform about changes to contact data pursuant
payments constituting enclosure No. 1 to these Rules. to points 1 and 2 shall result in delivering correspondence
2. The term „other fees” used in these Rules defines fees with to previously known addresses.
regard to rendering educational services such as, in particular, 4. Unless law regulations stipulate otherwise, the Extranet –
resuming studies, issuance of documents related to the mode an internal internet service shall be a basic tool used for
of studies or duplicates of these documents. communication between the University and the student
3. The Student referred to studies abroad covers fees established providing necessary information on the ongoing basis, in
individually by the Dean. particular rules and directives for students.
4. The Student participating in the field exercises, training camps
or other forms of preparations for the profession in accordance
1. The Student has got a right to receive financial assistance
with the binding curriculum, organized by the University out of
from the state budget in the manner specified by the Act
its premises, pays a fee hereinafter referred to as the Fee for
on Law of Higher Education and Science and the Rules of
field exercises covering costs of food, transfer, insurance, entry
awarding scholarships from the resources of the Ministry
tickets, accommodation etc.
of Science and Higher Education to students of WSB
5. Students enumerated in §5 pay a one-time adaptation fee
University in Wrocław.
related to carrying out the procedure of preparing them to the
2. The Student has got a right to receive financial assistance
education process by the University including: organization of
or promotions offered by the University as discussed in the
optional classes in Polish, maintenance of organizational
Rules of promotions.
development of the University e.g. Extranet in English, costs of
translation of documents necessary for the education process. § 11 RESIGNATION AND CROSSING OFF
6. The Students pay a fee for a diploma procedure which covers 1. The 1st year Student of summer admission has got a right
the costs of preparation of diploma exams and a diploma to resign from studies without incurring financial liabilities
process depending on a degree in the studies. by submitting a resignation in writing affixed with their
signature by the last day of August before commencing the
1. In the event that the Student pays a tuition fee after the
2. The 1st year Student of winter admission has got a right to
deadline indicated by the schedule of payments, he or she will
resign from studies without incurring financial liabilities by
be charged with statutory interest calculated on the amount
submitting a resignation in writing affixed with their
due as of the day following the payment due date until the
signature by the last day of February before commencing
instalment is paid.
the studies.
2. In the event that the Student who has been crossed of the
3. If the Student submits a resignation in writing affixed with
students list pays a tuition fee after the deadline indicated by
their signature during the studies or they are crossed off
the schedule of payments, he or she shall be charged with
the list due to other reasons, the Student is obliged to pay
statutory interest calculated on the amount due per each day
a tuition fee proportionally to the studied period and
of delay until paying off the amount due.
regardless of a declared payment system the tuition fee is
3. Interest shall be calculated on the general principles resulting
calculated on the 10-month basis.
from the civil law regulations in particular those included in the
4. If the Student who has paid a tuition fee for a semester or
Civil Code.
a year in advance resigns from studies or is crossed off the
§ 8 PAYMENT ARREARS list due to other reasons the University shall reimburse
1. In particularly justified cases and at Student’s justified request them with part of the tuition fee paid in advance for the
there is a possibility of postponing the date of tuition fee unused period of studies as discussed in point 3.
payment permitted by the Dean. The Student who was allowed 5. Crossing off the students’ list may be done due to reasons
to postpone the payment date is not obliged to pay interest for enumerated in the Rules of studies.
delay for the period calculated as of the date of submission the
request till the timely payment of liabilities resulting from the
1. The Student crossed off the list is obliged to settle all
Dean’s decision.
liabilities with the University within 30 days of being
2. In the event of arising arrears in payment for studies, the
crossed off.
University summons the Student to settle the liabilities. In the
2. The Student graduating from studies is obliged to settle all
event of the lack of payment by the deadline specified, the
liabilities with the University by the viva voce day the
Rector may issue a decision about crossing the student off the
students’ list. The Student may appeal the decision pursuant to
3. A clearance slip is a document confirming student’s
provisions of the Rules of Studies and the binding law.
settlements made with the University.
3. In the event of arising arrears in payment for studies and
regardless of consequences resulting from the Rules of Studies,
the University reserves the right to undertake legally

Attachment 1 to the Payment Rules for higher education students at WSB University in Wrocław
Schedule of payments for 2020/2021 academic year
Faculty of Finance and Management – SUMMER ADMISSIONS
Standard schedule of paying a tuition fee for studies
12 Summer Winter 10 Summer Winter 2 Summer Winter 1 Summer Winter
instalments admissions admissions instalments admissions admissions instalments admissions admissions instalments admissions admissions
1st 1st
30.09 28.02 30.09 28.02 I rata 30.09 28.02 I rata 30.09 28.02
instalment instalment
2nd 2nd
31.10 31.03 31.10 31.03
instalment instalment
3rd 3rd
30.11 30.04 30.11 30.04
instalment instalment
4th 4th
31.12 31.05 31.12 31.05
instalment instalment
5th 5th
31.01 30.06 31.01 30.06
instalment instalment
6th 6th
28.02 31.07 28.02 30.09 II rata 28.02 30.09
instalment instalment
7th 7th
31.03 31.08 31.03 31.10
instalment instalment
8th 8th
30.04 30.09 30.04 30.11
instalment instalment
9th 9th
31.05 31.10 31.05 31.12
instalment instalment
10th 10th
30.06 30.11 30.06* 31.01
instalment instalment
31.07 31.12
31.08 31.01
* Last year students pay the last instalment of the tuition fee under a 10-instalment system by 15th June



1. Degree course in Internal Safety, Tourism and Leisure- undergraduate studies, full-time and part-time studies


TUITION FEE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Payment system Number of instalments Total of Total of Total of Total of
Amount Amount Amount Amount
payments payments payments payments
of the of the of the of the
in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 5200 zł 5200 zł 4700 zł 4700 zł 5450 zł 5450 zł 6050 zł 6050 zł
Semester payment 2 2600 zł 5200 zł 2350 zł 4700 zł 2725 zł 5450 zł 3025 zł 6050 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 520 zł 5200 zł 470 zł 4700 zł 545 zł 5450 zł 605 zł 6050 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 450 zł 5400 zł 405 zł 4860 zł 470 zł 5640 zł x x

2. Degree course in Philology specialising in American Studies, English Philology, German Philology, Spanish Philology
– full-time and part-time undergraduate studies


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Payment system Number of instalments
Total of Total of Total of Total of
Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
payments payments payments payments
the the the the
in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 5750 zł 5750 zł 5250 zł 5250 zł 5950 zł 5950 zł 6650 zł 6650 zł
Semester payment 2 2875 zł 5750 zł 2625 zł 5250 zł 2975 zł 5950 zł 3325 zł 6650 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 575 zł 5750 zł 525 zł 5250 zł 595 zł 5950 zł 665 zł 6650 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 495 zł 5940 zł 450 zł 5400 zł 510 zł 6120 zł x x

3. Degree course in Philology specialising in Norwegian Studies- part-time undergraduate studies


Year 1 Year 2 Year 2
Payment system Number of instalments
Total of Total of
Amount of Amount of Total of Amount of Amount of Total of
payments payments
the the payments the the payments
in the in the
instalment instalment in the year instalment instalment in the year
year year
Annual payment 1 6400 zł 6400 zł 5900 zł 5900 zł 6600 zł 6600 zł 7300 zł 7300 zł
Semester payment 2 3200 zł 6400 zł 2950 zł 5900 zł 3300 zł 6600 zł 3650 zł 7300 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 640 zł 6400 zł 590 zł 5900 zł 660 zł 6600 zł 730 zł 7300 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 550 zł 6600 zł 505 zł 6060 zł 565 zł 6780 zł x x

4. Degree course in Finance and Accounting, Logistics, Management– full-time and part-time undergraduate studies


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Payment system Number of instalments
Total of Total of Total of Total of
Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
payments payments payments payments
the the the the
in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 5550 zł 5550 zł 5050 zł 5050 zł 5750 zł 5750 zł 6450 zł 6450 zł
Semester payment 2 2775 zł 5550 zł 2525 zł 5050 zł 2875 zł 5750 zł 3225 zł 6450 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 555 zł 5550 zł 505 zł 5050 zł 575 zł 5750 zł 645 zł 6450 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 475 zł 5700 zł 435 zł 5220 zł 495 zł 5940 zł x x

5. Degree course in Business Law – full-time and part-time undergraduate studies


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Payment system Number of instalments
Total of Total of Total of Total of
Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
payments payments payments payments
the the the the
in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 5400 zł 5400 zł 4900 zł 4900 zł 5650 zł 5650 zł 6250 zł 6250 zł
Semester payment 2 2700 zł 5400 zł 2450 zł 4900 zł 2825 zł 5650 zł 3125 zł 6250 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 540 zł 5400 zł 490 zł 4900 zł 565 zł 5650 zł 625 zł 6250 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 465 zł 5580 zł 425 zł 5100 zł 485 zł 5820 zł x x

6. Degree course in Management Engineering, Logistics– full-time and part-time engineering studies
TUITION FEE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Number of Total of Total of Total of Total of
Payment system Amount Suma Amount Amount Amount Amount
instalments payments payments payments payments
of the opłat of the of the of the of the
in the in the in the in the
instalment w roku instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 5550 zł 5550 zł 5050 zł 5050 zł 5750 zł 5750 zł 6450 zł 6450 zł x x
Semester payment 2 2775 zł 5550 zł 2525 zł 5050 zł 2875 zł 5750 zł 3225 zł 6450 zł 3225 zł 3225 zł
Monthly payment “10”,„5” 10/5 555 zł 5550 zł 505 zł 5050 zł 575 zł 5750 zł 645 zł 6450 zł 645 zł 3225 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 475 zł 5700 zł 435 zł 5220 zł 495 zł 5940 zł 550 zł 6600 zł x x
4-year-undegraduate students can choose only a semester payment or a monthly payment in the form of 5-intalment payment system.

7. Degree course in IT- full-time and part-time undergraduate studies


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Payment system Number of instalments
Total of Total of Total of Total of
Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
payments payments payments payments
the the the the
in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year
Annual payment 1 6000 zł 6000 zł 5500 zł 5500 zł 6200 zł 6200 zł 6900 zł 6900 zł
Semester payment 2 3000 zł 6000 zł 2750 zł 5500 zł 3100 zł 6200 zł 3450 zł 6900 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 600 zł 6000 zł 550 zł 5500 zł 620 zł 6200 zł 690 zł 6900 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 515 zł 6180 zł 475 zł 5700 zł 530 zł 6360 zł x x
8. Degree course in IT - full-time and part-time engineering studies
TUITION FEE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Number of Amount Total of Amount Total of Amount Total of Amount Total of Amount Total of
Payment system
instalments of the payment of the payment of the payment of the payment of the payment
instalmen s in the instalmen s in the instalmen s in the instalmen s in the instalmen s in the
t year t year t year t year t year
Annual payment 1 6300 zł 6300 zł 5800 zł 5800 zł 6500 zł 6500 zł 7200 zł 7200 zł x x
Semester payment 2 3150 zł 6300 zł 2900 zł 5800 zł 3250 zł 6500 zł 3600 zł 7200 zł 3600 zł 3600 zł
Monthly payment
10/5 630 zł 6300 zł 580 zł 5800 zł 650 zł 6500 zł 720 zł 7200 zł 720 zł 3600 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 540 zł 6480 zł 500 zł 6000 zł 555 zł 6660 zł 615 zł 7380 zł x x
On 4th year of undergraduate studies there is a possibility of choosing a payment per semester only or a monthly payment in the form of
5-stalment payment system.

9. A tuition fee charged to Polish students and foreign nationals studying with a full-time specialty in English (excluding the
English Philology) enumerated in Art. 324 para. 2, points 1-4 and 6-7 of the Act on Law of Higher Education and Science.

a. Business Administration – a degree course in Management, undergraduate studies

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 5950 zł 5950 zł
Semester payment 2 2975 zł 5950 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 595 zł 5950 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 510 zł 6120 zł

b. Software Development – IT course, engineering studies

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 6450 zł 6450 zł
Semester payment 2 3225 zł 6450 zł
Monthly payment “10”,„5” 10/5 645 zł 6450 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 550 zł 6600 zł

Principles of fees charged to Foreign nationals studying with a specialty in English (excluding the English Philology) other than those enumerated
in Art. 324 para. 2, points 1-4 and 6-7 of the Act on Law of Higher Education and Science are defined by § 5 of the Payment rules.

1. Degree course in Law – full-time and part-time


FIXED TUITION FEE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Number of
Payment system Total of Total of Total of Total of Total of Total of
instalments Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
payments payments payments payments payments payments
of the of the of the of the of the of the
in the in the in the in the in the in the
instalment instalment instalment instalment instalment instalment
year year year year year year
Annual payment 1 5400 zł 5400 zł 4900 zł 4900 zł 5400 zł 5400 zł 5700 zł 5700 zł 6100 zł 6100 zł 6500 zł 6500 zł
Semester payment 2 2700 zł 5400 zł 2450 zł 4900 zł 2700 zł 5400 zł 2850 zł 5700 zł 3050 zł 6100 zł 3250 zł 6500 zł
Monthly payment “10” 10 540 zł 5400 zł 490 zł 4900 zł 540 zł 5400 zł 570 zł 5700 zł 610 zł 6100 zł 650 zł 6500 zł
Monthly payment “12” 12 465 zł 5580 zł 425 zł 5100 zł 465 zł 5580 zł 490 zł 5880 zł 525 zł 6300 zł x x

1. Degree course in Finance and Accounting, Management- full-time and part-time

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 5700 zł 5700 zł
Semester payment 2 2850 zł 5700 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 570 zł 5700 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 490 zł 5880

2. Degree course in Logistics, Tourism and Leisure - full-time and part-time

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 5400 zł 5400 zł
Semester payment 2 2700 zł 5400 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 540 zł 5400 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 465 5580

3. A tuition fee charged to Polish students and foreign nationals enumerated in Art. 324 para. 2, points 1-4 and 6-7 of the Act on Law of
Higher Education and Science studying with a full-time and part-time specialty International Management (Management degree course)

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 6450 zł 6 450 zł
Semester payment 2 3225 zł 6 450 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 645 zł 6 450 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 550 zł 6 600 zł
Principles of fees charged to Foreign nationals studying with a specialty in English (excluding the English Philology) other than those enumerated in Art. 324 para. 2,
points 1-4 and 6-7 of the Act on Law of Higher Education and Science dated 20th July 2018 are defined by § 5 of the Payment rules.

1. Degree course in Management – a 3-semester studies, full-time
Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total
Annual payment 1 6900 zł 6900 zł
Semester payment 2 3450 zł 6900 zł
Monthly payment („10”, „5”) 10/5 690 zł 6900 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 590 zł 7080 zł
On 4th year of graduate studies there is a possibility of choosing a payment per semester only or a monthly payment in the form of
5-stalment payment system.


1. Degree course in: Finance and Accounting, Management – part-time studies

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 6250 zł 6250 zł
Semester payment 2 3125 zł 6250 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 625 zł 6250 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 535 zł 6420 zł

2. Degree course in: Logistics - part-time studies

Payment system Number of instalments Amount of the instalment Total

Annual payment 1 5950 zł 5950 zł
Semester payment 2 2975 zł 5950 zł
Monthly payment („10”) 10 595 zł 5950 zł
Monthly payment („12”) 12 510 zł 6120 zł

Table of additional fees
Type of payment Amount Deadline for making payments

1. Fees for issuing documents

pursuant to §36 of the Regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 27.09.2018 Journal of Laws 2018 item 1861
Fee for issuing a certificate of postgraduate studies at the According to the schedule of paying the
30 zł
graduate studies last instalment of the tuition fee
A charge for issuing and exchanging an electronic student’s According to the schedule of paying the
22 zł
card first instalment of the tuition fee
A charge for issuing an additional copy of a diploma
20 zł 7 days of submitting an application
translated into a foreign language
A charge for issuing an additional copy of a supplement to a
20 zł 7 days of submitting an application
diploma translated into English
A fee for certification of documents designated to legal
purposes abroad as discussed in Art. 78 para. 4 of the Act
26 zł On the on-going basis
dated 20th July 2018 the Law on Higher Education and
2. Charges for issuing duplicate copies of documents
pursuant to §36 of the Regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education dated 27.09.2018 Journal of Laws 2018 item
electronic student’s card – 33 zł
graduation diploma – 20 zł
A supplement to a graduation diploma – 20 zł
Charges for issuing duplicate copies of documents Additional copy of a graduation diploma translated into a 14 days of submitting an application
foreign language (English) – 20 zł
An additional copy of a supplement to a graduation
diploma translated into a foreign language (English)– 20 zł
3. Other:
Admission fee for higher education studies 85 zł on admission to studies
One time adaptation fee charged to Foreign nationals
studying in Polish and English on different terms than Polish
400 zł / 100 Euro on admission to studies
citizens, enumerated in Art. 324 para. 2 points 1-4 and 6-7 of
the Act on Law of Higher Education and Science
Charge for resuming the studies (a charge for re-establishing
500 zł 7 days of submitting the decision
student’s rights)
Charge for a transfer into studies from another university 500 zł At the submission of the application
A charge for repeating a subject constituting a curriculum
difference, realized when studying at another specialty or 350 zł per subject On the on-going basis
awarded a credit pursuant to §3 point 1 of the Payment Rules
Interest for delay in making payments statutory On the on-going basis
A charge for overdue books in the library 0,5 zł per one day of delay On the on-going basis
A chargé for overdue reader from the library 1 zł per one day of delay On the on-going basis
Charge for field exercises, get-away exercises, other forms of Costs not exceeding 1000 zł
On the on-going basis
preparation for a profession during the studies
According to the schedule of paying the
Charge for repeating a year 1750 zł
tuition fee
A charge for repeating a subject constituting a curriculum
difference, realized when studying at another specialty or
500 zł On the on-going basis
awarded a credit pursuant to §3 point 1 of the Payment
Rules, the English speciality
Fee for the procedure related to confirmation of learning
500 zł On submission of an application
Charge for an Individual Course of Studies (ICS) (a fee for a
procedure of defining terms of the Individual Course of 500 zł Twice a year October/March
According to the schedule of paying the
Charge for the second major for WSB students in Wrocław 50 % of a standard tuition fee
tuition fee
According to the schedule of paying the
Charge for the second speciality 300 zł per subject
tuition fee
Charge for issuing translation of documents as requested by a
student regarding the studies other than those defined in Art.
500 zł On submission of an application
79 of the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science (English)

According to the schedule of paying the

Charge for preparation of a diploma procedure 85 zł
tuition fee
Discount for students going away on Erasmus programme
(settled during the semester) 1000 zł

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