Iste Standards For Students Assignment

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Britney Cochran

EDUC 301
ISTE Standards for Students

ISTE standards are designed to encourage students to use their voice and allow them to

learn in a student driven environment. There are seven standards for students that explain how to

follow ISTE and be successful in the classroom. These standards include the empowered learner,

digital citizen, knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative

communicator, and global collaborator. I plan to incorporate each of these standards in my future

classroom in many ways.

As I watched the videos for each section a few examples of how these standards are

implemented stood out to me. The empowered learner standard can be implemented by providing

students with options of how they want to learn a lesson. The digital citizens standard is used to

ensure that students know how to use technology in a positive and safe way. An example of the

knowledge constructor standard is having students do research and understand that not all

resources are fact. Students need to understand that some resources are unreliable, and they

should be able to identify these resources. The innovative designer standard ensures that students

can generate ideas and solve problems with creative solutions. For example, the video for this

standard explains how students are trying to determine if estrogen can act as a preventative for

Parkinson’s disease. The computational thinker standard is similar to the innovative designer

standard. However, this standard provides examples of students analyzing data. The creative

communicator standards emphasize the importance of allowing students to choose the best

platform for them to meet the desired objectives. The last ISTE standard is the global
collaborator. The purpose of this standard is to teach students how to work with others across the

world in an effective way.

The ISTE standards and sub standards can be used in each subject in different ways,

especially in the science content subject. In my future classroom I plan to incorporate labs in my

science lessons to keep my students interested in the content we are covering. The computational

thinker standard can be implemented in these lessons to ensure that my students understand how

to analyze and represent the data from each lab. The students will be able to work together to

determine why they are receiving these results from the experiment being ran and will be able to

form conclusions based on the results.

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