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By Glenn Villegas

Many of our brethren today will attend the

church based on their personal taste rather
than basing their interest upon the real
purpose of going to Church.

If they will notice that the the invited

speaker or the type of program doesn't
match to their taste and not entertaining
they will become reluctant to go to Church.
They forgot the real meaning of it.

Worship place today has lost it's meaning

and purpose, they viewed the church as a place for entertainment like a movie or a
musical theatre rather than a place for worship and a place to revere God.

This is the reason why there are many Mobile Legend players inside the Church even on
the sabbath day, because they don't know what's the real purpose why they are inside.

This is also the reason why some of our churches today wants to resolve the problem by
enhancing the music style through the use of drums and any percussion instruments that
produces semi-rock beats just to attract the interests of those who get bored inside.

Now the question is: "Are you going to Church just to be entertained?"

The Holy Spirit wants to tell us that the church is not a theatre nor a place for social
entertainment. He wants you to know that your purpose of going to church are:

1. To worship.
2. To read and hear from God’s word.
3. To be taught about the things you don’t know about God.
4. To be challenged to become a better person
5. To be a disciple and be a good follower of Christ
6. To have fellowship with other believers, not to be a persecutor.
7. To be inspired into action (i.e) practice what you read in God’s word

Revelation 14:7 says "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the
hour of his judgment is come: and WORSHIP him that made heaven, and earth, and the
sea, and the fountains of waters."
The International Bible Encyclopedia confirmed the real meaning of worship by this
statement "The New Testament idea of worship is a combination of the reverential
attitude of mind and body, the general ceremonial and religious service of God, the
feeling of awe, veneration, adoration. - Worship, ISBE.

To put an entertaining objects inside the church just to satisfy the taste of an individual
rather than to give glory to God is undeniably irreverent to Him.

It is an encouragement for all of us to examine ourselves why we go to Church and find

that the church is not boring for those who worship the Lord with its right purpose and
meaning, and realize that it's a blessing for all of us.

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