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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component

Final Personal Learning Plan


The WUOT DEC Experience is specifically intended to provide experiential learning that assists the
student in driving their own learning process. Students should think about their DEC Experience as
Learning through Doing: an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge, exposure to unfamiliar settings or
practice patterns, and mentor-supported practice in performing the activities and skills essential to their
role within a specific area or areas of focus.

To that end, the Personal Learning Plan is a student-driven plan for learning based on the learning needs
identified by the student during the DEC Preparation process. The Personal Learning Plan shapes the
Doctoral Experiential Component (DEC) Experience, and outlines the deliverables or products that the
student will submit as evidence of meeting the stated learning objectives.

Students should utilize the DEC Preparation Literature Review and Professional Needs Assessment to
inform each aspect of the Personal Learning Plan, with the goal of using the PEOP Model to achieve a
good fit between their current skillset, values and knowledge, concept of ideal occupational therapy as a
profession, and the context of the occupational therapy practice they hope to be part of.


The Learning Objectives column should contain the student’s stated learning objectives for the DEC
Experience. These objectives are not a description of what the student hopes to accomplish, but rather,
a description of the knowledge or skills they hope to gain through their work during the DEC Experience.
At least one Learning Objective should relate to the student’s ability to disseminate information gained
through the DEC Project to an appropriate audience. All students are required to disseminate
information from the DEC Project in addition to sharing information with their Faculty Mentor.

The Learning Activities to Meet Objectives column should contain descriptions of the specific work the
student will be engaged in during the DEC Experience that support the student in meeting their stated
learning objectives. These activities are the doing of the DEC Experience, and should be consistent with
the area of focus the student has identified, as well as the needs of the site and capacity of the Site and
Site Mentor in supporting the student’s learning. Ideally, the Final Personal Learning Plan should
describe learning activities that were developed in collaboration with the Site Mentor.

The Outcome Measure column should contain specific deliverables or products that serve as exemplars
of the student’s learning specific to a learning objective. At least one deliverable should be listed for
each stated Learning Objective. As these specific deliverables are used by the Faculty Mentor and
Capstone Coordinator to evaluate the level of the student’s learning and quality of the DEC Experience,
it is important the Outcome Measure contain sufficient evidence of the breadth and depth of learning
expected in the student’s Learning Objective statement.

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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component
Final Personal Learning Plan

The DEC Project represents a culmination of the student’s learning during the DEC Experience. The DEC
Project should be reflected in the items listed in the Outcome Measure column of the Personal Learning
Plan, and can be represented one of two ways:
1. As a portfolio showcasing several products or deliverables that show evidence of the
student meeting the stated learning objectives
2. A singular culminating product the student progressively works towards throughout the DEC


List the final approved learning objectives and the evidence you will submit for your DEC below, as
agreed upon by your Faculty Mentor and Site Mentor. This form should be submitted to E*Value at least
two weeks prior to the start of your DEC Experience. Please use the corresponding numbering system
you assign below to refer to your objectives and learning activities as you complete your monthly
progress updates (See the Monthly Progress Form).

If, at some point during your DEC Experience, it becomes necessary for you to revise your Personal
Learning Plan, please re-submit this form with signatures from both your faculty and site mentors and
alert the Capstone Coordinator of any changes so that your midterm and final evaluations are associated
with the correct objectives.

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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component
Final Personal Learning Plan

Student Information

Student Name: Joshua Brunk Cohort: OTD 21 Faculty Mentor: Vicki Kaskutas
DEC Site: Emory & Henry College Program in Site Mentor(s): Kim Masker (Hand Center).
Occupational Therapy & The Hand Center at Stephanie Williams (Emory and Henry)
Bristol Regional Medical Center
Location of Site: Marion, Viginia (Emory and Rotation Dates: September 20,2021- December 17,
Henry). Bristol, Tennessee (Hand Center) 2021

Primary Area of Focus: Education Secondary Area of Focus: Advanced Clinical

Practice (Hand Therapy)

Title of DEC Project: Developing Teaching and Clinical Skills Related to Hand Therapy in Occupational

Today’s Date: 11/1/21 I am revising my plan during my DEC Experience:

If this plan is a revision, date of original plan: 9/20/2021

Learning Objective Learning Activities to Outcome Measure Timeline for

Meet Objectives Completion
(What you hope to (What you will
learn) (What you will do to produce as evidence (When will this
achieve learning of achieving learning outcome measure be
objective) objective) completed?)

1. Advance clinical 1a. Evaluate and treat -Completed weekly -The HTCC will be
reasoning skills patients in upper reflective journal. completed before
related to upper extremity clinic. September 20th and
extremity -Annotations of then again near the
rehabilitation 1b. Observe and last day of
feedback from
through participate (as participation in clinic.
mentor weekly
participation in appropriate) in wound
care. (If any, included in -Journaling and
clinical practice
and have entry- journal). annotations from
1c. Utilize frequent feedback will be
reflection and feedback -Complete the HTCC completed weekly.
competence in
from mentor. self-assessment pre-
hand trauma
and post-experience,
therapy setting.
analyze progress.

4. Advance skills in 2a. Learn one new Prepare 5 orthotics End of the DEC
prescribing and orthotic per week through based off cases seen

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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component
Final Personal Learning Plan
fabricating research. in the clinic. Write a experience.
orthotics. need for orthotic,
2b. Practice creating how to make orthotic
orthotics learned in clinic and feedback from
and through literature. mentor on orthotic.
2c. Choose orthotic and Complete “Critical
fabricate for my patient Review Form” for
load as appropriate. each research study.

7. Articulate and 3a. Attend at least one -A literature review End of DEC
demonstrate an Teaching & Learning including the articles experience.
understanding Seminar. that were read
of best practice throughout
for teaching 3b. Read one evidence- experience.
based on based article on teaching Information from
educational and learning weekly. teaching and learning
evidence. seminar will be
3c. Complete a literature
included in this
review based upon
weekly reading.

8. Improve 4a. Participate in delivery -Deliver at least 2 End of Dec

teaching skills to of course material. lectures or lead 2 Experience
level of entry- Delivery of material to clinical labs (create
level paid include evidence-based content, outcome
adjunct methods learned in measures, and
professors. Skills Objective 3. feedback survey)
communication 4b. Attend all required -Participate in
skills, creating classes designing and
learning grading of quizzes,
4c. Offer individual or tests, practicals and
objectives and
group tutor sessions, as assignments as
indicated by faculty opportunities arise.
member, to improve skills
and communication -Develop an exit
ticket (survey,
feedback or
questions) for
students to complete
after lectures or labs
that I help instruct.
Receive qualitative
feedback on
leadership of

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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component
Final Personal Learning Plan
lectures/lab led.

-Receive atleast good

rating on qualitative
feedback from
instructors and
students, by end of

11. Have 5a. Participation in -Informal feedback End of Dec

communication teaching courses to fellow from mentor, experience.
skills like that of students students, and others.
an entry-level
clinician and 5b. Communication with -Pre- and -post DEC
adjunct my mentor and professors journal on
professor in an at DEC site communication skills

13. Demonstrate 6a. Research teaching -Create a teaching End of Dec

the ability to portfolio resources online portfolio experience.
my academic 6b. Complete objectives -Philosophy on
achievements. 1-5. teaching and learning

-Disseminate findings
via presentation.


The above DEC Personal Learning Plan has been discussed and agreed upon. If at any time I have
concerns about my ability to support the student in the above learning objectives, I understand it is my
responsibility to initiate a revision of the above activities and objectives accordingly. Revisions to the
above plan must be approved by all parties below. The student is responsible for coordinating approval
and submitting documentation of any approved modifications.

OTD Faculty Mentor: Date:

Site Mentor (Emory & Henry): _____________________________________________ Date: ____
Site Mentor (Ballad): _____________________________________________ Date: ____
Capstone Coordinator: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________

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D-6 Doctoral Experiential Component
Final Personal Learning Plan


I have reviewed and discussed the above DEC Personal Learning Plan with my mentors. I understand
that successful completion of the DEC requirement is based on the quality of the evidence of learning
described in this Learning Plan. If at any time I have concerns about my ability to complete the learning
plan as outlined, I understand it is my responsibility to initiate a revision of the above activities and
objectives accordingly. Revisions to the above plan must be approved by all parties above. I understand I
am responsible for coordinating approval and submitting documentation of any approved modifications
in a timely manner. I also understand that my mentors and Capstone Coordinator have the right to
initiate changes to this plan or to mandate remediation of this plan in the event progress is insufficient
to meet the standards of the DEC.

Student: ________________________________ Date: 11/1/21

Student Printed Name: Joshua Brunk

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