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Health & Family Welfare

Government of West Bengal

Test done by : National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases Kolkata

n-COVID19 Test Report
Addres of the referring facility/HospitaI
SRF ID 1931500345433
Date & Time of sample collection 2020-10-08 12:56:09
Date & Time of receipt of specimen at VRDL 2020-10-08 15:00:44
Condition Of specimen received / Quality on arrival
Report ID 2019-nCoV 126753 20
Egene Positive
ORF1B Positive

Sr. Patient Date of sample Result

Sample ID Sex Age Specimen Type
No. Name testing 2019-nCoV
2019-nCoV BISAKHA Nasopharyngeal 2020-10-08
126753 20 DEY
F 24
Oropharyngeal 15:55:44
National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases Kolkata
Prepared By
This is computer generated no signature required.
Note: The results relate only to the specimens tested and should be correlated with clinical
Interpretation guidance:-

Testing of referred clinical specimens was considered on the basis of request /referral
received from /through State Surveillance Officer (SSO) of concerned State Integrated Disease
Surveillance programme (IDSP)/ any other health care facility affirmlng requirements Of the
case definition/s.
A single negative test result, particularly if this is from an upper respiratory tract specimen,
does not exclude infection
A positive test result is only tentative, and will be reconfirmed by retesting.
Repeat sampling and testing of lower respiratory specimen is strongly recommended in
severe or progressive disease. The repeat specimens may be considered after a gap of 2 — 4
days after the collection or the first specimen for additional testing if requlred. *
A positive alternate pathogen does not necessarily rule out either, as little is yet known about
the role or coinfections.
Please note that these results are not to be used for any thesis or presentations or for
publication in any Journal without the prior permission of the Director General, ICMR
This is a provisional report. For confirmation please contact the concerned laboratory or
concerned Lab.
In case of Covid-19 Positive Report -
Please contact for any information to
CORONA CALL CENTRE NUMBER – 1800313444222 / 033-23412600
Telemedicine Help Line Number – 033-23576001
Ambulance Call Center Number - 033-4090-2929


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