My Favorite Festival International.

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Ramón 1

Ramón Tamara

Professor Adrián Torres

A1 level group 41

June 25, 2021


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year. It is celebrated on the last day of October, mainly
in Canada, the United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom. But nowadays it is celebrated in almost
all Latin American countries. It is said that in ancient times there was a group called the Celts who
believed that the line between this world and the other world was narrowed with the arrival of Samhain
allowing the entry of malevolent and benevolent beings for this reason there is the hypothesis of the
use of masks and costumes, the houses are decorated with pumpkins, zombies, skeletons and spider
webs as a tool to ward off evil spirits and avoid being harmed. During the night of the festival, children
dress up and walk through the streets asking for candy from door to door pronouncing the phrase "trick
or treat" if the adults give them candy, money or any other type of reward, it is interpreted that they
have accepted the deal, if they refuse, the children play a little joke on them by throwing eggs at their
doors.[ CITATION Hal \l 3082 ][ CITATION Pur21 \l 3082 ]

(s.f.). Obtenido de Halloween:

Purdue Writing Lab. (s.f.). Recuperado el 21 de June de 2021, de Reference List: Electronic Sources //
Purdue Writing Lab:

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