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Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


The only purpose of the missile is to deliver a warhead to the target. The function of the warhead is to damage
the target. The warhead is located in the missile. In most of the tactical missiles, the warhead is based on
conventional chemical explosives called high explosive. The nuclear based warheads are deployed only in
strategic and certain tactical missiles by nuclear club nations, namely USA, RUSSIA, UK, France and China. They
are meant for large-scale destruction of areas. The smaller ones carry nuclear material equivalent of 10-15,000
tons of TNT (a high explosive) while the larger ones are in terms of tens of millions of tons of TNT. Most of the
advanced versions of ballistic missiles carry multiple nuclear bombs in each missile and these are called MIRVs
(Multiple Independently-targeted Re-entry Vehicles). Here, we shall discuss the non-nuclear high explosive
warheads and kinetic energy warheads.

Shaped Charge Warhead.- Most anti-tank gun projectiles, rockets and guided missiles use this type of
warhead. On impact or on a signal, the warhead is detonated and a high velocity fine jet of a molten metal
like copper or aluminum emerges from the front end of the missile and due to its high velocity, penetrates the
thick armor steel plates of tanks or armoured personnel carriers. The high explosive used here is shaped like
a hollow cone, the internal surface of which is lined with high purity copper of uniform thickness. On
detonation, this copper cone liner melts and forms a focused jet. They are also used at times against concrete
pillboxes, etc. The armour toughness and thickness have been improving and to match these, the warheads
have also been improving in lethality. Latest armour types are reactive armour and composite armour. The
characteristic of the shaped charge warhead jet is that it loses its lethality if deflected. This is achieved by
having the upper layer of armour filled with explosive which explodes on being hit by the charge and thereby
deflects the jet. The same objective is also achieved by having composite (multilayered) armour on the tanks.
The former is overcome by providing twin warheads in the missile which detonate sequentially whithin a
fraction of a millisecond. The first warhead (smaller) wastes the reactive part of the armour and the second
warhead (main) pierces the armor.

The composite type of amour is also defeated by the use of kinetic energy warheads which can penetrate the
most advanced armours. Here the damage is done through the use of a high velocity, high density rod (about
1400 m/s velocity made of tungsten alloy material). These warheads essentially need guidance such that the
missile must impact on the target.

Fragmentation Warhead.- These warheads are used in missiles against aircraft or missiles, light vehicles or
people. In this case the warhead explodes and a large number of metallic fragments are dispersed at high
velocities like 2000 m/s in all directions in a desired spread pattern. The warhead here consists of high
explosive chemical with either a metallic casing around with grooving carved in it to facilitate fragmentation
of desired size and shape or a large number of small metallic cubes or spheres. The damage or lethal capability
of these warheads is measured by the number of fragments hitting the target and the energy content of these
fragments (which is a function of mass and velocity of these fragments). These warheads are used when direct
hit is difficult because of high velocity of target aircraft and/or limitations of guidance. The warhead is
triggered within close proximity of the target.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas

Blast-cum-Earth Shock.- This type is for damaging radars, buildings and even human beings. The damaging
effect is achieved through the creation of a high pressure wave (blast) which spreads around from the point
of blast. Up to a certain distance the pressure created is adequate to do the damage. In another type, the
shock waves are generated and propagated through the ground. This can damage the foundations of buildings
and destroy them.


1. Warheads: 2. MIRVs:

A. Are filled with chemical explosives. A. Have conventional explosive.

B. Are filled with TNT explosive. B. Can destroy several targets at the same
C. Are filled with kinetic force. time.
D. Are filled with joy. C. Can carry from 10 to 15,000 tons of TNT.
D. Are designed to damage strategic night

3. Shaped charge warheads: 4. Reactive armour:

A. Penetrate armours and then they melt. A. Is made of waste nuclear material.
B. Cause several damages after a B. Can explode.
fragmentation explosion. C. Is made of composite.
C. Melt the thick steel plates of tanks. D. Is made of several layers of metal.
D. Direct the explosion into armoured

5. Which sentence is true?

6. Fragmentation warheads:
A. Reactive armours are invincible.
B. Composite armours are made of A. Can cause collateral damage.
tungsten. B. Are used for precise attacks.
C. The speed is a key factor to defeat C. Contain 2000 metallic shapes (m/s).
composite armours. D. Can be used tanks.
D. Alloy warheads produce a twin effect.

7. Fragmentation warheads: 8. Blast-cum-Earth shock warheads:

A. Have a protruding grooving. A. Can destroy the foundations of some

B. Have a flush grooving. nations.
C. Fragment into shaped pieces. B. Cause a wave that propagates through
the sea.
D. Fragment into popcorn-shaped shrapnel.
C. Can cause damages within a certain
D. Can program ground equipment.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


Looking back into the history of rockets and guided missiles, we find that rockets were used in China and India
around 1000 AD for fireworks as well as for war purposes. During the 18th century, unguided rocket propelled
missiles were used by Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan against the British. There is a reference that two rockets
belonging to Tipu's forces were captured during the fourth Mysore war in the siege of Seringapatnam in 1799
by companies of the Bengal and Bombay Artillery of the East India Company.

The current phase in the history of missiles began during World War II with the use of V1 and V2 missiles by
Germany. Since then there has been a tremendous and rapid global advancement in this field. It spawned the
growth and pushed the frontiers of many new technologies in the areas of materials science, aeronautics,
communications, radars and computers. Huge amounts of prime resources have been channelized into this
field resulting in the development of sophisticated missiles.


1. Rockets…
A. Are modern weapons.
B. Were used before Christ.
C. Were designed in the 18th century.
D. Were used for amusement long time ago

2. Select the correct one:

A. The British received incoming rocket fire during the 18th century.
B. Bengal and Bombay Artillery companies used rockets against Tipu´s forces.
C. Tipu Sultan was able to launch accurate rocket attacks.
D. The British used to use rockets against their foes during the 18th century.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas

3. The V1 and the V2…

A. Were used by the Allied against the Germans.

B. Were sophisticated missiles compared to today´s technology.
C. Were a groundbreaking phase in today´s history.
D. Were the speeds at which missiles spawned sparks.

4. True or false?
A. The Germans spread their frontiers thanks to the V1 and the V2.
B. Aeronautics was developed thanks to the V1 and the V2.
C. The development of some sciences was possible due to the V1 and the V2.
D. Many prime resources have been broadcasted.


SSMs are common ground-to-ground missiles though these may also be launched from a ship to another ship.
Underwater weapons which are launched from a submarine also come under this class of missiles.
SAMs are essential complement of modern air defense systems along with anti-aircraft guns which are used
against hostile aircraft.
AAMs are for airborne battle among fighter/ bomber aircraft. These are usually mounted under the wings or
fuselage of the aircraft and are fired at enemy airborne targets by the pilot through the press of a button. In
his decision to launch a missile at a particular moment, the pilot is aided by a computer and radar network
onboard as well as from ground based data link. The missiles, in certain types, are ignited before release while
in others ignition takes place after release.

On the basis of range, missiles can be broadly classified as Short-range missiles; Medium-range ballistic
missiles (MRBM); Intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBM); Intercontinental or long-range ballistic missiles
This classification is mainly used in the context of SSMs. Missiles which travel a distance of about 50 to 100
km, are designated as short-range missiles. Those with a range of 100 to 1500 km are called medium-range
missiles and missiles having a range up to 5000 km are said to be intermediate-range missiles. ICBMs belong
to the class of long-range missiles which can travel a distance of 12000 km. The Indian technology
demonstrator Agni is in IRBM class.


1. Submarines… 2. SAM´s…

A. Can launch SAM´s A. Are launched from aircrafts to ground.

B. Can launch AAM´s B. Are launched from the ground against planes.
C. Can launch SSM´s C. Are used against friendly planes.
D. Can launch anti-aircraft guns. D. Are types of anti-aircraft gunnery.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas

3. AMM´s are... 4. Which sentence is true?

A. Used for aerial clashes. A. Some MRBMs have a range of 4000 km.
B. Anti-tank weapons. B. IRBMs have a longer range than ICBMs.
C. Mounted under the fuselage. C. ICBMs have a shorter range than SAMs.
D. Ignited after hitting the target. D. Some IRBMs have a range of 4000 km.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


Every warhead must have a fuze. Fuzes are the devices which sense the right moment to detonate the
warhead. There are numerous kinds of fuzes which operate on different principles and are suitable for
different kinds of missiles, warhead and environment of operation. The most common types of fuzes are
impact fuze, altitude fuze, and proximity fuze.
Impact fuzes are used in all anti-tank missiles. Some anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles also are provided with
this fuze in addition to proximity fuze. In impact fuze, an electric pulse develops when it hits another solid
object with a certain relative velocity which leads to high deceleration or inertia force. This electric pulse is
used to trigger the warhead. The values of impact energy required for this purpose are always much above
any impact that the missiles may be subjected to during normal handling and transportation operations.

Altitude Fuze. In this type the warhead detonation is initiated on sensing a preset altitude. This altitude
sensing could be based on barometric pressure measurement or radio-altimeter reading.

Proximity Fuze. These are most often used when the impact possibility is less due to unavoidable errors in
guidance and control, the missile is expected to pass in proximity if the target is above or below, left or right
within a certain distance. The proximity fuze can be active or passive system. In the active fuze a very low
power and low range radar system transmits radiation only when the target is a small distance away and then
when it receives a certain strength of reflected signal it detonates. It can also be an active laser radar system.
In a passive system it is generally infrared based proximity fuze.


1. Choose de correct one: 2. Impact fuzes…

A. A warhead consists of a missile and a fuze. A. Can detonate during ground operations.
B. A missile consists of a warhead and a fuze. B. Work due to an abrupt change in
C. The fuse detonates de missile. acceleration.
D. The fuze deceives the warhead. C. Aren´t suitable for attacking ships.
D. Can be ejected if not handled with care.

3. Altitude Fuzes… 4. Proximity fuzes…

A. Can be pre-programmed to blow off at a A. Are used when the possibility of impact is
preset heigh. sure.
B. Are built inside altitude chambers. B. Have both active and passive systems.
C. Can be exploded via radio signals. C. Will detonate the warhead when they hit the
D. Read barometric pressure from a radio target.
altimeter. D. Explode the warhead if the radar signal
reflected is strong enough.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas



1. What class is the Maverick air to surface missile in?

A. Surface to surface class

B. Surface to air class
C. Air to surface class
D. Five hundred pound class

2. The AGM-65A is a…

A. Video guided model.

B. TV guided model.
C. Infrared guided model.
D. Radio-electric guided model.

3. The AGM-65A rocket motor has…

A. A double stage solid propellant boost sustained rocket motor.
B. A single stage solid propellant boost sustained rocket motor.
C. A single stage liquid propellant boost sustained rocket motor.
D. A single stage solid propellant boost stained rocket motor.

4. Which model is able to track the thermal image of the targets?

A. Maverick AGM-65A.
B. Maverick AGM-65D.
C. Maverick AGM-65C.
D. Maverick AGM-65B.

5. The AGM65E is fitted with a laser seeker and…

A. A new 298pound laser blast fragmentation warhead.
B. A ground or airborne laser designator.
C. A new 298pound penetrator blast fragmentation warhead.
D. An airborne laser designator.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


1. What kind of missile is the RGM-84 HARPOON?
A. Air to ship
B. Anti-radar.
C. Air to air.
D. Anti-ship.

2. What kind of guidance does the RGM-84 HARPOON have?

A. Laser guidance.
B. Wire-connected guidance.
C. Radar guidance.
D. Infrared guidance

3. The RGM-84 HARPOON is able to…

A. Fly across obstructions, like small mountains.

B. Mask its real intentions.
C. Hide itself.
D. Aim different targets at a time.

4.The RGM-84 HARPOON can be used…

A. To attack submarines.
B. As a torpedo.
C. From a submarine to attack warships.
D. As a dumb bomb.


1. Which model took the place of the 2. How many Mavericks can be
AGM-65C? loaded in a fighter aircraft?

A. The AGM-65D. A. More than six.

B. The ATM-65D. B. Up to seven.
C. The AGM-75-C. C. Six.
D. The AGM-66D. D. It depends on the aircraft.

3. What is the Maverick mainly used 4. Where can the laser designator be
for? located?
A. For air interdiction. A. Air-based or ground-based.
B. For close support of combat B. Airborne.
troops. C. Ground based.
C. For target spotting. D. Airborne or ground-based.
D. For F.A.C. missions.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas

5. When using a Maverick the pilot 6. The fuzes used allow the crew to…
A. Select the target.
A. Identify the target from a long B. Change the way the warhead
distance. functions.
B. Fire safely to friendly troops. C. Change the strength of the
C. Launch the missile without explosion.
visually identifying the target. D. Attack airborne or ground
D. Increase the survivability of the targets.
friendly troops

7. What do the different models of the Maverick missile have in common?

A. They are the same price.
B. They are fully interchangeable.
C. They share almost the same maintenance hardware.
D. They are developed for the same missions.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


1. The HARM is described as… 2. Which of the following features is

not mentioned regarding the HARM?
A. A long range antiradar missile.
B. A low speed antiradar missile. A. Broadband guidance section.
C. A high speed antiradar rocket. B. Adaptive retargeting.
D. A high speed antiradar missile. C. Auto tuning.
D. Digital autopilot.

3. Harm is currently integrated on 4. What device controls the Guidance

the navy’s… operation?

A. F4E, F15E, F16 A. The auto pilot.

B. A7A and FA18 attack aircraft. B. The digital central processor
C. EA6B and A6E unit.
D. European built multi-role combat C. The warhead.
aircraft “Tornado”. D. The cisco system.

5. What kind of propellant does the

Harm have?
6. How many direct attack options are
A. A high-smoke solid propellant described?
rocket motor.
A. 5
B. A low-smoke liquid propellant
B. 30
rocket motor.
C. 3
C. A high-smoke liquid propellant
D. 13
rocket motor.
D. A low-smoke solid propellant
rocket motor.

7. The so called ‘FLEXLOGIC’ capability allows…

A. The aircraft to adaptively retarget in flight.
B. The pilot to adaptively retarget in flight.
C. The missile to adaptively retarget before flight.
D. The missile to adaptively retarget in flight.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas

Open the following link and read the article.
Then write a summary of the article stating clearly the main topics. (Max length 150

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


Maverick is a precision guided air to surface missile in the five hundred pound class. The Maverick missile
family consists of several types of missiles used for different applications. Some of the more unique
Maverick missiles include the AGM-65A which is a TV guided model with a 5 degree field of view camera
in the seeker, a centered tracker and a single stage solid propellant boost sustained rocket motor. The
AGM-65A 125 pound shaped charge warhead is designed to defeat heavy armour and reinforced
concrete. Operational use of this missile is in their fire-and-forget mode: the pilot can slew the seeker for
rapid lock on to the target using a TV visual display, launch the missile and immediately take evasive
action. Maverick AGM65B uses television scene magnification with a 2 to 5 degree field of view camera
and improved video symbols on the cockpit display. Maverick AGM-65D has an imaging infrared seeker
which tracks the natural thermal image of a tactical target and surrounding environment, providing a
pictorial display of the target in darkness, haze and smoke. The AGM65E is fitted with a laser seeker which
homes in on a target illuminated by a ground or airborne laser designator and a new 298pound penetrator
blast fragmentation warhead, developed to extend the average capability against larger or heavily
fortified targets. It can be used by day or night, as the pilot of the large aircraft does not need to acquire
the target visually

This type of anti-ship missile contains a small radar in its nose. After launch, they are programmed to skim
over the sea at very low altitude so that enemy ship radars cannot detect them. Their radar seekers
identify the target and steer the missile for precise impact. The sophisticated guidance in the Harpoon
permits a wide range of tactics. The missile can be programmed to fly over or around the obstructions,
like small islands. They can also be programmed to fly upholds heading luring their intended victim into
thinking that they are aimed at a different target. The last moment, they change their course. Submarines
had traditionally relied on torpedoes to attack surface warships but now they can also fire anti-ship
missiles from underwater.

The AGM-65 maverick is the air force´s versatile rocket-propelled air to surface missile. The laser guided
AGM-65C was replaced by the laser guided AGM-65D, built for the Marine Corps by the air force. Up to
six mavericks can be loaded on a fighter aircraft. Thus, several different targets can be attacked on a single
mission. The Maverick was designed for launch by tactical aircraft against targets such as bunkers, parked
aircraft, armored personnel carriers, tanks, radar or missile sites, and field fortifications. The laser
Maverick is being developed primarily for close support of combat troops. Here it is tested against the
ship target. An airborne or ground-based laser designator illuminates the target with a spot of laser light
invisible to the naked eye. The Maverick´s seeker is scanned for the spot. The laser Maverick operating
day or night upon detecting the coded signal, automatically locks-on and tracks the designated target.
Because of laser designation the Maverick can be fired safely at targets near friendly troops. The attacking
aircraft can launch the missile and leave the area without visually identifying the target and thereby
increasing the survivability of the flight crew. The AGM-65E missile is to be equipped with the heavier 300
pound blast penetration warhead. Selectable fuzes give flight crew the choice of having the warhead
detonate on impact or for greater effects, after penetrating the target. A High degree of interchange
ability is maintained between the various Mavericks. Cockpit related functions, launchers, and test
equipment, are the same or very similar.

Academia Básica del Aire Negociado de Idiomas


The threat is real. Our tactical aircrews are threatened by an integrated network of radar directed surface
to air missiles and gunfire. These systems are increasingly mobile with overlapping coverage of the entire
battle area. In order for our aircrews to survive and accomplish their missions, this dense increasingly
sophisticated growing threat must be suppressed, and it is with Harm, the high speed antiradar missile.
Developed by the Naval Weapon Center, Naval Air Systems Command and Texas Instrument Incorporated.
HARMS broadband guidance section, adaptive retargeting, digital autopilot and high-speed maneuverable
air-frame, yield the most formidable defense suppression weapon system in production today. Launched
from over the horizon or in quick reaction, Harm is a unique weapon system, proven through years of
testing in evaluation. Harm is currently integrated on the navy’s A7A and FA18 attack aircraft and it is
soon to be integrated on the EA6B and A6E. On the F4G WILD WEASEL aircraft, Harm is programmed to
attack specific targets identified by the APR38 radar location and attack system. Future aircraft integration
using launcher mounted avionics, make Harm a possible candidate weapon for many other aircraft, such
as the F4E, F15E, F16 and the tri-national European built multi-role combat aircraft known as the
“Tornado”. The guidance section contains a broadband radar frequency receiver which features high-
sensitivity and the ability to discriminate between the signals in a modern radar threat environment.
Guidance operation is controlled by a digital central processor unit, which executes targets identification,
tracking and auto-pilot functions. The control section features a strapped down inertial navigation system
providing onboard position data to the CPU for computation of optimum missile flight trajectory. The
propulsion section is a low-smoke solid propellant rocket motor with a boost in sustained phase to achieve
high speed and long range. A blast fragmentation warhead detonated by a proximity fuze optimizes the
damage to the radar and prevents deadly radar directed missiles and gunfire from being directed toward
our tactical aircraft.
Harm has several operational modes. Direct attack options include a semi-automatic quick reaction mode
to suppress radars threatening the aircraft, a crew selectable target of opportunity offensive-mode to
attack unsuspecting radars and a long range stand-off mode allowing attack of known radar sites from a
safe distance. Regardless of the operational mode used, Harm has the ability to adaptively retarget in
flight, should the operational situation change after the missile has been fired. This capability called
‘FLEXLOGIC’ is unique to Harm and allows the missile to complete its suppression mission in a battle


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