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Question Bank

SUB: Intellectual Property Rights

1. Answer all short questions:

i. What is the case study method of research?

ii. What is the survey method of research?
iii. Distinction between research methods and research methodology?
iv. Difference between census survey and sample survey?
v. What are the steps involved in research process?
vi. State the components of a research problem.
vii. Define research problem.
viii. Write short notes on rephrasing the research problem.
ix. Write short notes on tasks of defining research problem.
x. Write the various sources of research problem.
xi. Mention the various features of a good research problem.
xii. Define data.
xiii. What is experimentation? Why it is used in research?
xiv. Distinguish between simulation and experimentation?
xv. Distinguish between Questionnaire and Schedule?
xvi. State the requirements of MCQs.
xvii. What is Plagiarism in research ?
xviii. What do you mean by Research Ethics?
xix. What are two ways to avoid plagiarism?
xx. Define a research report.
xxi. What is bibiliography?
xxii. What are the sources of literature?
xxiii. What are the three elements of copyright notice?
xxiv. What are the benefits of copyright registration?
xxv. Define Fair Use.
xxvi. Explain the location of Notice for different works.
xxvii. What is the duration of copyright?
xxviii. What is copyright notice?
xxix. Describe specially commissioned works.
xxx. Define derivative work and collective work.
xxxi. Define the 1909 copyright Act.
xxxii. Define moral rights.
xxxiii. What is Certification of mark?
xxxiv. Explain briefly about TRIPS Agreement.
xxxv. Explain the types of Patents.
xxxvi. What is intellectual property?
xxxvii. Explain originality in copyright works.
xxxviii. Explain Patent Requirements.
xxxix. Explain transfer of Patent.
xl. What is patent search?
xli. Write about Deceptive similarities of a trademark.
xlii. Write about Geographical Indications.
Answer any six from the following: [5 x 10 = 50]
1. Describe various techniques of defining a research problem.
2. Elaborate the main issues which should receive the attention of the researchers in formulating the
research problem.
3. What is the necessity of defining a research problem? Explain.
4. Explain the various approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem.
5. What is interviewing? What is its importance as a method data collection?
6. What are the uses of secondary data and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
7. Describe the functions of data collection tools.
8. What are the major characteristics of a good instrument?
9. What are different types of plagiarism? What can you do to avoid it?
10. Define a research report and explain its purpose.
11. Describe the precautions that the researcher should take while interpreting his/her findings.
12. Explain the importance of research reports and narrate the various steps involved in report
13. Write notes on ‘documentation’ in the context of a research report.
14. Differentiate between a technical report and popular report.
15. Explain the techniques of writing report.
16. Distinguish between a research abstract and a research article.
17. Describe the characteristics of a good research report.
18. Write short notes on Bibliography and its importance in the context of research report.
19. Describe the layout of a research proposal.
20. Why is ‘review of literature’ included in research report? What is its Purpose.
21. Explain the copyright registration of India.
22. Describe the different application methods for copyright registration.
23. Discuss about joint work.
24. Describe the types of copyrightable works with examples
25. Explain the works which are not copyrightable.
26. Explain works made for hire.
27. Describe the deposit requirement of various works.
28. Describe copyright infringement and remedies for infringement.
29. Explain “Patent Co-operation Treaty” in detail.
30. How trade secrets can be protected? Explain.
31. What are the rights available to a copyright owner?
32. Examine the process and grating of Patent
33. What is confidentiality agreement and how it can protect the Trade secrets?
34. What is the purpose of promotions of intellectual property rights?
35. What are the various ways in which a contract of Breach?
36. What is the protection of Trade Secrets? Explain.
37. Discuss about Patent and Double Patenting.
38. How trade secrets can be protected? Explain.
39. Under what circumstances does a Trade Mark terminate?
40. Short notes on
i. Primary data.
ii. Designing the research project.
iii. Qualities of a good questionnaire
iv. pilot survey
v. research ethics
vi. TRIPS Agreement
vii. Geographical Indications

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