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Mr. se. Alemka Krelj Stih ENGLISH IN CIVIL ENGINEERING contexts, Pete ‘hi nines a Potesin or emi Pra Contin Mis é Tae inh of Moder Sarr anim Metis aig cis rh 8a Gmaton aos How ign Deningm ance Sha Sorat tans iia % 1 Ci Baines Pfeion 1 1. CIVIL ENGINEERING AS A PROFESSION Gill Engineering is «brane of engineering dealing with sci, commercial, and sds infrastructure that sstans a moder sity. {Cv engineers build conde, bridges tunnels, public buildings, sewer ‘ystems ete. They are involved i the planning, consrution, and ‘aitenace of all kind of sates Figtes 2. and 1) Creativity ie ‘he most important pat of tit job. [gineering is often defined as bo practical aplication of theoretical sciences, ocho phys and chemist ‘Many ofthe ears branches of enpnerng however, were based nt 08 science buon empiclinfoamatior, tht x on infomation hat depended fn observation and experience eather than theoreti nowledge Many of the stacues that hate survived frm ancient me, Sch asthe Beige, arenas and aqueduct of Rome, exist becaae hey were bil with gree Scength than moder tandar ere Figue). Histnally, military engioers were fesposible forthe design and onstruction of roads, fortification, brides andthe dstucton of enemy Taclties by tunnelling and explotves. Evenly in te 18" centiry engineering bectme a cilia donin thereby beaming the profession of the civil engineer, ‘The fst sho! of civil engineering the Ecole National des Ponts et (Chaussées in Pais, was founded in 1747. John Smeston who developed ew watepref pozzolarie cements {o- contuct a lightiouse in the English Chanel the ate 1th entry (gure 1.3) sseonsdered ete fest self-styled ei engineer, The Instation of Civil Engineers, formed in London in 1828, was the word's fit erinering society. Fgre 1 Este Lipa, agi Cae Civil engineering offers = pricalis challenge becatse almost every strctr or system thats designed o but by civil engineers suniqu, One Structure ely duplicates sneer exe. ‘The ci enginer must therefore aluays be ready and wiling to meet rew chalenges-Opportiitis for imovaton in design and constuction follow many smprtant ent ehnologeal advances. Numerical modeling and analysis, and vinua eli techriques, to sss desig and eonsretion, have ben made posible bythe pid growth In computer technology. Composite miei a incessngy chosen by ‘lvl engineers to meet stuctural neds for ever bigger stcures sucht Songer ges with bigger spans of to accommodate esc and dynamic Fores, improve fire resistance, or meet environmental standards, ‘Undergraduate caching forcivileniners iin matematis, ys, mechanics, hyaies, materiale science sta design and analyse cology and geolechnics,seveyng consraction etiology, planning and Financial management, computer technology, health an safety. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Answer these comprehension questions with reference othe text How isenginoering defined” ‘Why did evil engineering develop fom military engineering? Why does civil engineenng offers parca hago? Which ills should x il engineer combine? ‘Why isan engines edocston never relly fnished? ‘What most a engineer consider in his her Work? 1. Complete the sentences: 1) Ginlengineers apply 1) ‘The a proesinal clu engineer considers tbe 6}. The frat cvil engineering university was established CE. Bn 8) The fst cvi engineering sociation was founded Modern civil enginering sided by WORD CHECK IL Find the English ranstation ofthe flowing terms in the text analiacsh sem, odravane, rimena zranos, sik, gradevingk projekt, grade, ells staan, roman eens, papi dee zajev projekt, dodiplonski stu, poral indener IY, Transtae Sinai flmove © pole gradevinama Zelio bih juin pomack a zi na Koj nadia tuple, mostvt rel, rane | nebodetostae creo no mjesu edie su | fneraden to bihodgovort na ptane to th je prati, aio su zgradene zt stojespramo, Ove gradevine nea Se pojave samo odiednom. Pasta meted usta kako mastaju, Smatram ttazovmin da sam t0 racumijem, Pretposiviom da Bi me snimajul ak seri eve ote animal vic eave, Zatto ov) ob me dragi? Zao Geli linjerto Bena i tamena? Zaio sail preda ove, a ne samo? Tava su ptania postakprcesa projettranja. Svaks je pradeina reat lginog sto raconivog nit dogadaa 2, WHAT'S COOL ABOUT BEING AN ENGINEER atin the Fld of civit engineering itself there are subdivision: streturlehginecring. which deals with permanent stare (Figures 2 {and22) hyde einen. which eoncemed wih Sts nosing the flow and contol of wer or other fd anitry or environment tengiteering, which inlves the sady of wate supply, priestion and sever syns Figure 23) Many ofthese species overlap. A Water supply system may involve dans and other stfutres a¢ well asthe flow and storage of Water Egincers mst be wilng to undergo a comin process of edcation They mast aso aispt themselves to to requirements of all ceagineerng projects. Fan, the stems that engineers proiae must be ‘workable not only fom technical ut als fom an econorie pont of ‘ew. This mean’ Ut engineers must coperte with management and {ovement offical who ae very costcosciows. Therefore engineer mst accommodate th Sess othe Finacial ealiies ofa projet, 2 ‘Second the public in general has Deore mach moe aware ofthe 0 Social and envzonmentalconsequen: of eegingeing projet I oer ‘worl. engters do not workin a scene vacua. Tey mist consider the socal consequences of heir woe rc 8 LANGUAGI PRACTICE, 1 Which ofthe following headings mate the dsc A) Structural Engineering, B) Costcton mansgemn, ) Environmental Engineering c 1). Cvitegincers coordinate te etreconstuction proces om inal planning an founduion work tucugh othe nal Coto sine. Being organization, atten to deal, ay Seonsneton mater re to persuade, and an understanding ofall aspects of the constrtion proves. These engnces plan, design, and supervise the constriction of faces essemial to meder it. They nsestigt the Behaviour and sign ef aif kinds of strctres,inlading das, domes, tae, bridges, and skyseraprs, 10 make sine shey are safe ard sound for uma se The engines design systoms to provie safe drinking water nd 10 prevent plltion in water, the ar, and onthe lind, Env onmental ‘engineer are nvoved in water supp) eystoms, astewater retrent facilites, sewage treatment plans clean-up of tox ase sts, reeling, eduction ofa polation, and pesticide conto. ‘You may be intersted in the advice that some long experienced ‘experts would pve ya: read and summarize the gs of hisher mesoge ‘Concenrte on math science, and writing courses. You could be the sreatert engineer the world, but f yOu ca convey your ideas 0 Somebod) es, fs useless, Your abil 0 Commanicate your eas 0 somebody else becomes bis part of wha! You'redaing. twas lactng nme orginally and i's something hat ink al engineers have 0 develop. Even though you're going tobe a tchncal person, Jou need to have the wring background tbe able communicate Your Sens 10 other people." (A dam expen) ‘Primarily sents have to thorpen their asi ll, which are the sbils in mashenois and pier. And then aso read a ot. spec wi oud what other people are dabg in archectare and stactres. Mat and physic ave realy the keys 10 enginering, expecially fengincerng sructures, becaute phir ‘els you how structures behave een You push again hem, when ou pul again he, ad how thy wll recs inthe wind and under earthquakes and under the load of acupanis Mahemais isthe ol that ou as a cael he physical elects So you ute both mathematies and the physical feiones”(A gone il engnee) ‘Be awareof your surroundings lok ot Wangs and structures, and ty to fgure out how ey work Think creatively about problem soloing (CE) UL List al the requirements of an engineering design IV, Which othe photographs in the txt refer to 1) environmental engineering b) sacral engineering) bydrae engineering? ¥._ Complete the sentence 1 Bnvionmentl engineering tudes a 2. Anenginering projec shouldielode 3. Basiesubjeceimctil engineering a 4. Key problems inci engineenng ae 5. Creativity menginesringe 6 1 ‘You need wring sls mengineeing because ‘The ocial consequences ofan engineer + work iNav VL. Find synonyms or explanations for the following ward; isi Investigate, hyro engineering oad, workable parison, ocupan. VI COMPOUND NOUNS Complete the sentences with a compound noun forme wth citer WATER. ENVIRONMENTAL, COMPOSITE, HYDRAULICS o- RESISTANCE, ermal achat ocd wih rg or sis calla y,0 materi. 2. system of providing or storing waters called sa! supply. 3. The main in of testing isto estimate the 2.0 bling elements ac engineering refers to the sewage eaten while ‘oncems mainly the Mow of wate, wat supply, dam buiaing, irigation and dang. WORD CHECK ‘VIL Fin inthe text English equivalent forthe following terms: ‘rnstoktoko indenersve,erzanizacia radi zie. ool, hire (odogradn,komsrukor GO WHERE THE ACTION IS 1. Look atthe photographs and make prediction: In which fled of civil enginering do the following persons work? 2) teansporation iil eaginesig, environmental engineering, ©)» consing staal engineering, 4) Satur engine ig ger 31-05 "deal with water supply and wastewater treatment projects. Water comes fom streams, rivers an later. Im ooking a ways of geting ‘he wate tothe people and qualities that go along that ‘he water need tobe treated or feed We are concerned ith cet omeet the curren ensronmental regulations and 0 have generally ‘ood drinking water” Bs “deal with underground structures wed fr highways and railroads. am currently insole in the sei eign o suck structures The way We bull them depends primarily on ecology available the slain ‘pe and condtion song vic hey mast pass and ther wate ened While thelr inital com may ‘be high wel desened and eta structures may last indefinitely and Peue reaively tie ‘mainenance We often ke such srctres for granted.” pe (©: "From desig point of view, wha: Idea with iso ty organize the ‘other desgners who are working ona prj, give hem tks that they have to carryout, numerical caealationy ta hey have to ake nd rang tat they have o prepare J met wth the other members of the design team ~ the arciects, the technical engineer, ho Drone he cir condoning, entiation lighting and plumb an ‘we try 10 coordinate ou tats 0 that the Bing contains el of these elements the right place and they dont ierfre with each cter " “Wha 1 do fists come wp with preliminary deawing of what type of sractre i ging tobe selected nthe ste. Thon I goto he final design proces where you devign seals, Dring he contraction we assist he leno th contactor reviewing drawings and claifing rious technic ise tht might come up. My Jo al involves ridge inspection, rhabiltaion and mattenance “Match each person th the passages A, B, Cor Dt TIL Which ofthe mentioned engineers might have sid the following? [AP "The mast thing abou! my jobs seeing something You've designed Deing constructed or people using the faces afer construction Seeing something onsite tht gts lor down an replace thn’ ‘onsrucion sa very saying prt ofthis jo" BiL "irs agret fein o know that youre contributing the health of ‘the comms an the ensironment Cee "Whether youre a stucural or slexrical or cit engineer or whatever itsas sole robles, in whatever field tay Be. And in my este i's bulding various facile, im just solving al the Problems of how to ua bugs Tenjoy applying problem-solving stil o solve reife problems, Vist job stra sving my design ransomed from paper fo rel Ite. a peety safe to 509 that only an engineer could love such 1. Here isa jumbled version ofthe text that tls you aout sera phases jn the process of balling, Te passages include SUE, LOADS, MATERIALS AND OUTLOOKS. Put them into the ightorder: 2) Choos suitable tite foreach section; Mater Site, Load, Force 1b) Patthe sections in the comet ede o show the stages of design proces. Numer them from 1104 eh 3 [Az You have to know something about the environment ofthe site hat isis it subject wo earguakes?tomadoes? huricanes? Ai of these ‘enteme ces become cases of loa that are going 19 ac on he building tht you want put on that site. So fod determination sone ofthe crt tasks that yu hve tocar ot And the loads are spied tyregulason which are mou ie loads of the cocypant ad whats acually going 19 be placed within the space ~ tables, char. bookshelves storage cabinets, whatever - ence, the loads of the structure ell So you have tcacule wha the wight of ll ofthese tsi an! 9u have to ealenlte what te fores ae that alo these xternl efft ae going to impose onthe strosure an eathquse, the wid, 2 Pigre3.5. Pare. cr And then you can begin oly a the ovattion ofthe strastre ‘ua the troctare fs geing to lo lice. Once you ko tha, then you epi o cleat how big each ofthe rember that consties that strstr has ob. Otviusly there has to be ape, so you Rave a site whee it will ‘ctl be built. And you have to Koow something about ha sit, ‘specialty what kindof ls exist Below the surface ofthe site-So you have lo ave probes made, wtih are essen ols that ae 0 the ground tat wl el you wat kind of mates exist t what eels below the ground and alto where the water level exists el the round level, di you ht eck, where the rok {nce you know these then the nex step& Wo desde how youre going to build the strctte and what material youte going to we concrete, ‘sel or wood, That depends sry mach on whee youre bing cand how big itis and what ie function i. Then once you NOW the ‘matrilthat you're going g we, you can begin to ay xt he balling, ‘whieh he srbitect sully Joes nd ou ep ty and oy out Points where you wil pone sapgos, v. Complete the dentions ofthe following ferms (use ditonsr fo hip you): todesignneans todevelopand daw se is id nals aa to erg loads Something force i natural orpiyscal a a wastewater treatments rood sterequirementsare Hid 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. Environmental engineering inclaes sewage resent, sewer networks and prevention of pollution by gases rote "ists to the environment” Teineludes aswel providing cles and safe water supply stem for towns, cies, and ral tes Iso concerned with disposing of exces water and vaste maria by means Of sewer systems Sanitary engineering has ako links with environmental Heath, pollution contol. and. iver proction. Agron deal of archeological evidence has revealed the impxtance of water soppy systems inthe ancent word. Probably the most impressive "yates ete built bythe Reman, whose agbedct sil stand in mocer Teal, Spin France and Turkey. Rome sei had a wae supply. Reme also had sewer, the Cloca Marina, pat of which sil ued today (gue 4:1) Like ler sever stems of ancient times, was intended cat off the wate fom storms ete waste wae fromthe public ats. Tree Were Pealis for disposing of sli wastes i i After the fll of the Roman Enpire, water sipply and sewer ssters received elaivel itl tention ‘nti Tate 19% century. Inthe Middle Ages in Europe water came fom Stearaand well Aller the connection bstwse wate Supply and cetin diseases, such yphoid, was etblished inthe ninetenth cetuy, es and toss allover te wot uit safe water supply systems ‘There ae a numb of diferent ethos by which Sid wastes canbe removed or rendered haless. Several ek them ate ordinarily used in ‘ombinaon na tesiment plat, igure 42. The al wate pe One oft process rato, The water passed hough filer ‘ht conist of ed of andor gravel ch emoves re poprton of the sols that mig eer contaminate the supply. Anoter Is telimestaton,tratich wastes are lowed ost tl hey become Toh ors andcaneronaned. Tea also etnias in wich ‘at eun be eed by woop ea wing some Rnd of aera {oil oer Ks or by chic ans, sin enn. One ofthe most ccesfl mcd scaled ciated pices vas Chinteompresed ato incase td contol he eto algal retons ar uty the wanes In eel teatmet plans sped Up naa uration rococo tha th war hts ally ese rom thes Senay termes. “Ante recs is aeration Figueras wat ae shtito the ain erupt an yee el il Bastian alo remove ges sr cn unpleasant dour ose Fs Buble nto or toh He Trt A med Gat involveswestnet with chemical wally cst, Tobit hel hee ow 5 clr. Pures Ae Tonay_ water conservation seeks 0 lower un water usage such 25 ‘trough the seo dts wih fo ash volume, 1 iavodce domes ‘ne of water, and bring clean drinking war and adequate snttion to communities n developing counties. LANGUAGE CHECK 1. Comprehension question What i eavronmentalengnering concerned with? 2. To what other branch of engineering are many aspects of sanitary engineering direct elated? 2. What evidence do We have ofthe exsene of Roman water supp systems? 44 What kin of sewer stem di Rome have? What kindof waste wast a wed (0? 5, What was done about water supply and waste dios inthe Mile Ages in Europe? 6. Why did tes and ours al ove the world begin building safe water suppl sjtems inthe nnetoenth century? ‘What problems must water supply systems del with? 8. What ae some ofthe water purification leeigues that ae curently ved? WORD CHECK 1, Find expressions inthe text forthe following terms ‘uti op, prize ured a prosicavanje vd, opskabs vodo, analiza sustv,odvodns, postojene za prositéavanje vod Put the following sentences into passive: 1. Certain impurities in water can spoad disease, 2. Werse several techniques fr purEcaton 5 Unflaion we remove slid parts from the water, 4 Inaction we stow spay of wate ino these 5. Sunlghtand oxygen il ctr. 1 Inthe patenginsers pe sewage bck it rivers and tay they min it with ar and desompose it by bats int haless prods, 1. Deseribe how water is made safe and cleanin. water treatment plant YV. Make alist of the ways of saving water! VL. Describe the Los Angeles Water Department Aqueduct (Figsre a 5. DISPOSAL OF WASTES Solid wastes resoling from human and animal activities iy be lasted follows: garbage, industial wastes, agrcltral wats. Vast !rounts of wash have posed many problems in disposal. Macho thas been used sland (Fg 5.1 y ming in swampy aes ri shallow rte 50 that the reacanbe made wef Disposal fold wastes on land ity far the most common method ear. ation sti il: nef ang td conpig Refuse is spread in thin layer, each of which i compacted by a buldozer before the next is ead. When about mf fuse has bee aid down its covered by athin yer of clean ea, which sos compacted. Pollution of suface an groundwater i ritimized by lining and contouring the il compacting a planting the ove, selecting pope ‘ivering upland seanage, and placing wastes in'sites not subject to Mooding or igh groundwater eels great deal of thas also been buted in incinerators (Fig, 5.2). huge furnaces tat reduce the wastes 10 ash Incineratrs, however arcu fashion today because they release ae fumes nt the air ‘One modert method of disposing of trash and domestic wastes is eceling, which simply mean sing the waste material psi Infact, Some etme plants il their on energy needs by burning. thee waste routs to provide steam for generating elect. Sima, some kinds oftsh can be collet sears lass, newspapers, and aluminamcans, for example. All of thse materials canbe proceed for reuse, In some eases, tas has also been compacted o serve a ol “The concer for a cleaner environment together with the need 0 conserve std reuse oa resources created challenge for which sanity engines, wotkiag with environmentalist willbe ealed Up to find nee Salton: over the next few year. Composting of slid wastes accounts or only an insignificant amount (Figure 5.3) Selecting disposal method depends amos etely on css, ‘ahi intr a key to reflect local creomstances LANGUAGE CHECK Comprehension questions IL Name one aspect of providing a safe water supply Why has his problem become seae? ‘What has happened as a result ofthe large amount of waste?” ‘What methods have ben employed io aspose of trash? ‘Why at incinerators ou of fasion tay? What Being done about this? 5, What is one modeen method of disposing of trash and domestic wastes? How can some of his waste be sed spain? WORD CHECK 1H, ‘Translate the felling key word: pedzerina voda,palonca, pose, kr pad, edegat pat, ‘klajanje pad nabjane, Sen fp [UL Turm the felling sentences into the ative voice, Where no agent Is mentioned ene mist be supple 1 Wasi fom the gatden does not have tobe thrown aay. 2. may he used a compost 53. compos pile may be bull up by layering een kinds of waste in 44 Nitogen is added to the pile inthe Fm of meal or greenery t0 senerate eat. Once he pili slightly dampened, it iecovere, 6, Tess were made on morar containing tone, bck and ie dst 7. After diferent antes ofthe ota ingredients had been tested Smeston eta tee cost The esuls of cement stig In hydaulic compression machine were published in 1847 9 ‘Already in 1838 Portand Cement was being mde by sever companies in England 1, Find in the text the words that mean to clean to supply, grow, tow away, huge, ework, reuse, ease, Shallow, efficent, to mp. \V. Give your comment o® the following newspaper advertisement (Figure 5.4). Expliethe way yu deal with the problem of waste disposal, icing oho seme 6. PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The major construction meters of earer tines were wood and ‘wasonry: brik, stoecay, ie aed similar materials (Figure 6.) Ale isafat square pice of ake a eter material wed ew eovering Moors rath. As atin cursed piece of teed clays used for covering rots, Brcko stones were held topeter with amixtire of emeto i ed and wae called mortar “The Greeks and Roman somtines sed iron rds strengthen tei Inildings. The colors ofthe Parthenon in Athen, ores, have oles filed in tom for ron bas tat Eave now rusted away, The Romans eveoped an excelemt waterproof cement called pozztana, made by ‘mixing water, ime and sand tha ine powder gfeun from volcanic rock ‘Rand near Pazzuol (ence the name. ‘Cement isa mateal tha: beds together the mint. Ht yeaes with wate, bsoring cements, nds termed hyde cement inthis tae. Tn contrast totactonal ime mortar, cement dos ot eed contact with the {ir imordertoharden off, Cement therefore hydra: Binder, ‘Concrete sally an artical sone”, Consisting of dense medio of cerent water sid aggregates Such ssa oF gravel. tis poured to Shuterng of formwork (gue 62.) and is compacted by aptating and (Pipl Coens Maer Fj pressing down. Fresh concrete es and becomes hardened concrete. The commonest concrete in use today Portland cement concrete was Snvented in 1824 by aticlayer called Josh Aspin. Porn cements a mateo este a yw i Meat andthen ganda peer isto nea he consiraon Sind: sega al ses, cused ck ove and aero Irate cones Different pepo of Inaction produce. coneee with diferent Seng awn Const Yer sea: tan be pe, pangs even syed ial Winds of shoes Wheres te! hs ret tes stengih conetete hav ateatsength ner Compression, Thue, the two substancet, ‘Spent echt They tho compet leh manic way thy hve tt he me ilo Sane rut of conation and expansion, They me=msme nome terion ce wrt gether ston Whe both complscon and eon ae fas Sel ode ae embed in Shs to make enced conte ae 63) in once es oF Stuctes whe eson il develop. Conte nih el rxcemet 1 Niue trl wil sed fe sheng ste of buns Sut anateraivanage st sel doesnot rst cost. Aid oes Stel wheres cnet alin hel eto, epost oF a te Engh nr ngaing Stel asa yey tough and song metal as many wel appications in 4 wide range of constructions. The Bet building nail ae stone, brable a easy obtainable Stel, sy sloy of ron and eon, isthe most commonly used alloy in indus. LANGUAGE PRACTICE Comprehension qvestions: ‘Which ar the oldest balding materials? What is poceoana? What ar the popes of cement and conte?” What i Potand cement? ‘What enormons advantage dos sel havea consrstion materi? How can rst be prevented? WORD CHECK 1. Fin in the text English equivalents for: stop suka, han Sipka,vnpeovapnen gr, opt sinjavat Cele, mnogostran, rad, eta ok TL Form complete sentence, making ll the changes and addons rnecessiry to produce the definition of tres, cement, lly and tod 1. here /defermtion stress / esting in on tess / ore / and! body sun or ‘2. making /Gement/ widely / used Timestone /is/ Construction / ane inv and 23. Imaterial with / (wo alloy is 7 metals more Fixture /wonrnetalic metal ot 4. plastic Fwattow / wood /eylindrical /r0d/ metal /Tength /usually oF for ‘Peni Connon Marie 2 1Y, Translate into Croatian: masonry, oy, shitting, ging pow, abe, bind, sc, suensth it VV. Make new words or grammar eategoris from the words: Example: bond - bondage - bound ‘comer (tension, expand, don, stone 1, Write the definition ofthe undertned words: ‘Tis ip ade storey buildng. Comer mols © any shape ‘Goneset ricks with emperatare ching Ii Gegsoot and meatherpoat ‘Stel bats ate hn in conrete ‘Stel is on witha ouch of erbon, VIL Sort ou the loin categories from TS. Ets poem The she Int mdr he les of WORKMEN are head caning ine ott places buttons arcre hands ont nochet ‘ind cy for es brick ntti forace moar Whee bts afte Meu wine tone Wheres eat ar ren We bul wihten tere Meche ants wpa ew wih nce ech Thee bot geen “chachjorat Anda for ach sermon oko Materials Stra elements ‘ert denoting ston MCh the righ meaning ‘proper is) spel ayo Carceris;W)oeof te paso the whole; ae : loan 2 lighoveph is 2 esyt Ror 0; Bade of hin ial and weighing estan ace 3. moderately i) no wy hi) ergs, te mile ) wo an roswaly grea exten 4 ii pw sy aly an yeah ‘THE BIRTH OF MODERN STRUCTURES AND IMPROVED MATERIALS, “Te avslablity of sel and concrete together withthe leat, which ses also developed in th ninetenth century ave made posible te most Chace Hid of modern siacture =the sel oF concrete frame Notonly towering moder syscrapers, bt also many less ign ‘nd spectacular baldings have a shleton of steel oconeree tat ear the weigh ofthe sructr. ‘Unit his type of constion became posible, the exterior walls called beating walls = hd wo cary the weight ofthe building. This meant that the walls onthe lower oor of aall iding had 10 be temmendusly thik, Sine the weight of modern sractres ofthis ype is carried bythe ‘eel or concrete frame. the walls do not support the aiding Tey have become curtain wally wih keep ou the wether nd let ight (Figure Indhecater sce ramebuiling. the cus vralls wee geeraly mae of masonry, they a the solid Took of beaing wall. FTodsy, however, cutsin walls are often made of lightweight materials soch as lass, aluminium, or pls, i various combinations. Another advance in stel Jeonsruction is the method of fastening ererattinng mm opcer the teams For many years tal ne ines an plates ina bling were joined only by screws, nus, bolts and vets. Rivets are metal pts, which sre heated, and then diven trough two or more plates (Figure 7.2). Te protradng end ofthe rive is atened by being hammered at. Riveting fas nw largely bean placed by welding Figure 73) he oii topther of pices of sel by rling ste! materaltetweenthem under high he. ‘An improved fonn of einforcement- a presteszed const was inode inthe twentieth centr. Is prodeed inthe following way: pueststing tendons = usally high tensile stee! bas o cables are embeded inthe concrete (Pgute 7.4). The tendons may be tnsoned either before rater the concrete has hardened. They ae sed to prestess concrete, usually by one of two fre methods. Te it sw leave chanel n'a concrete beam tat ‘omespond othe shapes ofthe tet bars. When he ars aero thcugh the ‘channels or “presteing beth, they se then bonded tothe concrete by Filling the channel with grout, hin ona oiadig gent Figure 7.3.) Inthe oer (and more commen) method he prestressed tendons ae pce inthe loser pat ofa form that corresponds othe shape of finished structure, andthe concrete is poured around sem, This ecnigie has ben inreasigly used in bide engineering ee Presuesed concrete economics for spans which ate large or whee the beam dep must be reduced 1 minimum. Pesuessed concrete has ‘made possible to develop buildings wih unusual shapes, ike some ofthe ‘modern sports arenas, with lage spaces unbroken by aay obstuctng x» El shin Ce Egg apport. The wes fo his lative ne stvetura method ae constasiy being developed (Figure 7.6). The iment tendency iso develo higher nels, Alain, fr example weighs much less tha tect bu has ‘any ofthe same properties. Anam beams have alead) been used forbridge constuction and forthe farework of bul. ‘Allenpts areas being mast prodice concrete with liter weight bu withthe same strenth under compression. One sytem tha claims 0 ‘ut coerte weight bys quater to a third ues polymar,which ar ong ‘hake compounds. Poser ar vided into tv main soups: Rores and plastics. LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Comprehension questions: 1. What method af cnsretion have tel and eoerte made possible? 2. Whats the dfesoe between the walls in bung built with and without ste or coneree frames? Give esa! Whats the fonction of curtain walls? What hind of materia does fen us today? 4. Whatkind of stores hast een posible to bld with prestressed 5, hatha of materi are carey being developed? ‘woRD CHECK 1, ‘Translate: natern kabel, spon, predoapinjane, opi, armatrs “akivane avaivanje,zkovien LL, Write the defisition othe undertined words Use your dletlonary| toielp you Difereat bes ae often ted o give a omposte mata ‘Concrete can withstand Hew weights and exes of weather. Reinforced eonert made Wits meal ods embeded in (Corrosion isa chemical wacion caused by a © ote chemicals on the sue of ata rests concrete is cas over cables unde tesion ‘Axexismmal skin of las ves weigh and space 1. of Moon Spates agro Mans a 1V. Find synonyms inthe ex forthe allowing words. The first eter ofeach synonyenis given foils ge sbsrares base solid f.cary=b. SNeight 2. sony =m. sate =F fasten =F ‘Translate the questions: Kad je hostel ngvien? Kolko je tala rad? Je litjekom prada bilo kaki problems Koliki sv is eoskovgrodnje? Kako je mest na ojem se rad izpedalo pie grade? ato Je gadis promienila oo fe na koje east? Je mala neoeekivani inka na zajednis? oli je gedevina vada 2 edi? ‘VL. Explain the difference between a load bearing wall uni -90n- bearing wall Figures 77. and 7) gore SL earn val gare 74 Nansen nal ‘VIL. Put the following into the passive, mentoning the agen whexe 2) The patents of Henebique gave ise oan international enterpris 3) Monier patented hissy of reinforced concrete 1) Ture a iat had developed te fst slab constuction. ‘Engines direct mich of fe su of erent atthe improvement of 6) Mehaization caused worers to move to ites, seeking employment intaroces 4) TmEnand he machines a significa uence nations Tie The Association of engineer chose John Smeaton to direct the rebuilding of Bassioneighouse “The expats had made Smeaton «Fellow of he Royal Society Teac heolgiss found mich iron within Grek wall “The Romans usd ion a8 dowels (no2danie and cramps kan) in theirmacon Rods beeen pits and colums stabilize the work 8.UP INTHE AIR Both see! and cement, the two most important constuction materials ‘of moder times, were nroduced isthe antec canary. Set had ea made up otha ime by alabourious process ha rested it such special ses a sored aes Alterthe invention of he Bessemer proces in “856, sel was avaible in large quantities atlow peices (Figure 8.) ‘The enormous advantage of sel ists tensle tuength, that i it does not lowe its stength when fs under cleulaed degre of tension «free which ends to pl pat many materia, Sts an be ole nto shets or bars or drawn into tha wits, Rust can be prevented by coating the steel with zine (a process called "galvanizing”) The fsx meer syserapers came with steel, Figure. 3D melo ated svcrce “Toe it tal uliing soporte! ableton of verti columns and teams war the tenstorey Home Insurance Bling in Chicago, Modem buldngsare mile ofeninzing and eof ve BW CTzuiton, oo, Before work st can sign cach eal and ode over prt, om ie tie KIL lagen gree igure 84) wo he "webome™ dcormaat Oe frontdowe A skyscraper ca Weigh govt GEE seh a Four lage ocean nr. To er the = tent weigh, the underground foundations need tobe sone Toma the oontions, 4 te Pat ‘sd aie with conrt Te covert ses hada fr oid bse forthe Bung Some sycapers are soppored hy ee. cle piles, of ence ote The piles £0 dep ito see the proud In ne skyscraper desi hese 2 = hollow cee tower mae of conte The Fire 4 Sneha per hat ard iy se ule the ower or ‘wedin fide the core, Tre core stops the bung swaying in the win A tower rane iss nd wal ations up 0 top of he bung, A frame of sel gree bul sound the tower The rene supp the floors and wall The outer walls are made of lightweight material, oh glass, The Noor re made by bolting ate! sheet between ‘the girders. Newt thi tel rds ar lid ver the she and conerete poured ‘on. The tee ro strengthen te encret. The re ors and walls being ‘in place, contractors ean fit the elect, plumbing and si-conditioning equipment and instal re spike LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Draw a rough sketch ofa skyscraper: foundation: ples; Noors ‘skeleton frame; curtain walls and label each element 1, Explain the principal stages of erecting a high-rise building. WORD CHECK 1M, Transat the following: ‘avodat,zasnjvane, Beds, okvr jez vag Evra, nos, ota temel plot, lavna nossa area 1V. Write down the definition of# PILE, as used in construction. Y. Divide the pargraphs of she text according to the following headings and summarize exch paragraph using two or three 1. Going higher 2 Building skyscraper 3. Astrong base |The frame eonsructon| 'S Pnishing work Vi. Find expressions in the text that mean: sel skeleton, sel beans eifocing bas, cent core, swaying op cath bse, cay, weigh ‘Vl In the following summary there are some gaps tbe ile in To. fi base, cranes dig sol away. Workers build he ‘ng conerete ad tec. I there i no to mix the 36 __ ahaa cv aig concrete on st, Special eas bring fron a concrete plant Stel ive cot 10 exact Tenge. the sel Tame complete, ‘Workers nd POO. The works pour sel over __bars. The core Contains ———servies sch as The exterior ofthe building alle ‘VIL, Exercise VIL. as you notied, contains three grave mistakes ‘concerning the building proces, Makes noteot them and correct them, TX. Choose the word that isthe odd man out and say why tis diferent, ‘Example: a dam, a tunnel, bridge dome, gear, ‘Stone, rock, wood, gravel Chun, cxling ger beam ‘Top pt lle, foundaien Alurinim, las stet paste ‘Shear, test compression. 5. 1 2 3 5 Find synonyms inthe wnt moves ecesiy—__s bem __ discard ace accomplishment ——__s comple ‘sonmerce provide 9.,TUNNELS In ancien times teres weve used extensively foriigin. Over the eats, tsnnels were Bit mos for the cara, but the coming ofthe railways made tueslling very mmportant. The way tunnels af ule eday ‘epends primarily the ecology availble, the type and condition af rari through which-hey mn as, and her timate length Underwater tunnels The fist toe underwater - the Thames Tunnel as completed in 1845, Kwa the fstin a sere of railway and fot tunel tobe bat under he Than, In buiing it Mare Bran! and samba K. Brana had o overcome considerable dificult. as tiump of ingenuity and perseverance in the fae of loos, financial lsses and hatan disaster. Hoge foods delayed the work ands Mare Brunel poneered the method by which many read, ral sewer ad ober tunels would be constructed up tothe presen day He deslned a taneling shield igure 91.) hich made the work posible. Te she oftaed the works protection while they dog out clay {nd rd inte faces ofthe shields, The elds were then moved By jacks ovat the process coud be repeated. The Thames tunnel used bythe London Underground Rsilway System oy Since then the shields have Been developed as sel protective wes sd in soft ground (Figure 9.2) Tnstead of miner inthe shield hate i ‘tunel boring machine (TEM), oF in 2 small rune, a icrosunneling achie, Figure 9.2 Tuneling shield for San Franco ‘TheSeikan Tunnl ie wots longestunderwater ci nna (197 198) uns betwee the islands of Hons and Hokkaido in span 55 kn Tong ad with amin depth of 4 thee below the seabed twas fat harder build dan the Chanel Toone, The rock was voleani, fll of fisues and cracks tat lowed water ough, and digging took (wie Fong andcost ten tines moce han “The Channel Tunnel Fig, 93.) was dear fr neni 200 yes. his ral link between England and France, bored by heavy tunneling machines(TBN), The routing eating heals were moved forward by hole jacks. 1 consists of thre Separate tunel, toto take allway ines and the this o provide ventilation, access or evice vehicles ann scape oe fr passenges. Othe oa Tength of 4 km, 38 kr es under these, dled though chalk below the seabed. The tonel was bred fom bath sides of the Chanel tthe stme tne, using laser beams fo Keep the machines om course and ensuring that bot sies et exactly ‘Another methed which has Ben ised for underwater tunnels since ie begining of the 20" century an immersed tbe ysterm A. wench ‘edged in the rverbod, the segments of steel tes are feaed nto positon, and snk: he seginent ate locked topetier by divers and waters pred ou and then covered with excavated al Tock tunnels ae mainly used as salays o€ rodyays though mountains, Years age, tulding St Ghard or the Simplon (Fig. 94.) Tennel, engineers were forced oblast through mountains wits dynamite Today they sely on enormous tunnel boring machines (TBM, somites called mols, A mole can vance about 76m a day, depending ‘onthe dime ofthe tunel and he type of ook being bre “ Egle Co npc “Te ist or ne it ough rock wa se Mint Cen Tan (Fig 915) inthe Alps between Fvance an Hay is fourteen llomstes Tong and 38 built around the mile of the 9” century. When the constriction began cn pres was oly twenyWo centimetres ad. Fortney the peumasi dil, which uses comps ato boreholes rock, as invented By G. Sommebet few Sets ler, I inreased the tunneling sped to two mas day, gure. Contraco of Mon Ce Te Sommelier introduc not nly hytauliram ai compressors ut also many other pionering teciges, including allmouned dil eartges ‘Construction camps for workers complete with dormitories, fail housing. ‘heals, hospitals, and eretionbuldng. Like mot tunnels, the Mon. Cenis war bore fom two iferen eating, one in France and one i aly, which mt in the mile ailing and blasting, frmerythe only metho ard ook, ing vay ithe ta flface TBM oto #heavy hydraulic hamier of vp to 3300 gin weight, TMS do got weaken the surrounding ground a explosives, tt they are a hea investment TBM have alo been successful n sof round bt they ze nent ac penal tle aly oe the tye of rock the are dsigned for LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Pasive contractions ‘The Pasie voce formed by sig te aay vero Be an the pap of te erpecine ver. An actve corto ay De {Rel imo pasie one 8) making the obj ofthe aie the [nbjest of te Paine voce ‘ete consacons The London Underground Raia Sytem sil tes the Thames Bs? Tare Psune: The Thames River Tame! is stil aed by the London UUndegr Raia Syter “Turn the following ative sentenes into passive The French engines Some were the peared ‘The mines bored Mont Cenis rom wo deen hig. Miners il te holes with an explosive A pilot tunne o¢a eadng often provides ventlation. {The English government opened the Thames Tunnel asa pedestian out an sold it a railway company ia 1865 6. Engineers shaped the worl ofthe 19 entry. Make sentences using the following tunnels in the ancient and madera world Inajor underwater tunnels Pionesrng machines ntnneing ‘HL Math the following terms with ther definitions: 1 Tuneting shields) A tunnelling machine that can bore Through had rock 2. Heading yA lve ender with a cuing edge that an be moved forward by jacks. 6) Any small tel Used for excavating Sal sections ofa Tong tunel to make the roof sfe before the bulk excavation A) Blowing up of r°k ©) A pce of equipment fr raising heavy Sas rm elo 3 Blasting Fay int Eagneng IV. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with the ‘pproprate word or phrase referringto the ex. The vers are to bbe put into the correct tense: vary, detonate, waterlos, drive, Dropelens, place, soil, provide, ear, detonate, tunneling shield, 1, Motta nso gorda bys 2 Hage vente the pel io ao the woes below zona 3. His common pte toy to we fortune through silt, sand or gravel. ae 4 Bling mera Jt hehe he ea and ftecxpowres 5. Tomelingmetiods vit hehe ofthe of thetntl nd where pwede worn cHecK V. Tram: tunes it, iskopati, ere, pita, dao eke, dizaica, pomp ‘spi Jarak ov), bagervane,mikrotunel,plovn objet 10, TUNNELLING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ‘THROUGH THE CENTURIES ‘Throughout the ages, zeople have developed al Kins of tools and techniques fr digging tinels Some were more secessfel than others FIRESETTING Figure 10.1) ‘Anancient echaigue in wbich he tunel wall is heated wih ir, then cooled wath water fn he Fit conitions, the emperatre change causes he ‘ell Bes ff nek, ewan fie sed in 9 anne sound 2000 BC, to mine coper and gold fom Bgyian mountains. Roman slaves bul the fenormats Cloaca Maxima, one of Rem’ oldest EMF Seng Sever tunnel using the fie-stingtchniga, The tne was so hage and Impressive he Emperor Apgutis was rmoure to have toured tina ship "Tyousands of slaves died tthe tunnel fom the toxie frmes and intense ett ire-setng remained the standard tnne ign metod for well over 2000 yeu! HAND TOOLS (Figue 102) [Before thre were expanves and twnne-dgsing machines, workers sed hand tools to eave Tunnels Hand fols were fst used ia a wane! around 2000 BC, 10 mite copper, gold, and salt fom mountains n Belg, France, an Pagal EXPLOSIVES (Fire 1033) Gunposider, nitopiewtin, and dynamite alowed tune Agger to Has though mounsine mach faster than ever before. Gunpowder was fst used in 1679, to Bulan sindergound section &f the Canal da Midi a canal “nnoting the Aine Osea and the Meiteranean Sea. ‘Thetunne was IS7 mewes lng. In 1867 Swedish physic Alfred Nobel patent another blasting explosive called ‘ynamite. Dyan bated 0 nitrogen ba 6 uch Safer to handle than nroglyern alone, Oe ofthe fist tunnel tbe excavated wih gunpovder was the Harasl Canal Tune in England inthe 170 = an it Was a able dsasex. Gunpowder bliss ow 13 suk spins which Noted the tune abd delayed consrton To ste tne and money the et ens ais ey sala ow tune “The ome! wes ty (22 mets wide by 3.6 mets rps had Seeger entaend Test hat nen yon uso te Barge deck and posed he barge trough by wali er fet slog the toms ‘COMPRESSED AIR DRILL au 104) ian camping ail htc ip thong oc with ee was fst wed inthe m1 ceo. When te onsrcon oo te Mont Ces Tunnel tea roges Wav onyfeny-wocomimctes sd. Pane te eomtd which nes compres rt bree feck, imene fess ascension Foret. toga Thera, he timings ese 080 ‘rerznsiAt pees a day. The il was sae and thee times move tev thn enpowse nthe choking dosh ils ako had a wee ie ete ire it fhe end the de nd Sealy provided some esha Before the compres dil wees ile info, steamy ts witht an ean ‘TUNNEL SHIELD (gure 10.5) i an erat frame, shill sappr ose at tel ‘il diging fas toe na onl 125010 {xcsiate the Thames Tanne, London, Englnd. The ewe 108 Tu ipa forthe ose ate cee Shei cle the hele eed sperm Wh in psn fr deta engine’ named ne Brel the he wer tong ‘ood ting the har selon ead a shld Ait uml i ‘ood he warm exceed sb that forme i nn end Bri gre outa way tsopy thse on age le Heed ge ion fame o key he ambi se tone pile ass ed he ine wih ce TUNNEL BORING MACHINE (TM) (Fipure 106) is a 200400 eockchewing machine Aesigned wo cave trough rock. was fis used ina tunnel in 1957 carves sewer tunnel through sale etag-tocnt i lieston in Toronto, Cann. Tunnel boring Sfmp bane machines (TEMS) are very selective shou the rocks they chew trough. Tas 16 why the ook “must be 10 Tanning Tos nd Testis tough te Cn s ‘monitored a the head of every tunel. On good days, TEMS ean bore through ck ata ate of $0 ra day. BL whan TBM bite no rocks they ‘st ot sttale fr, they grind ta alt Ny tunnel engineers have Been Tovces to abandon theit TMs because they cant back them out of the ture LANGUAGE PRACTICE 1. Comprehension 1 Which sin your opinion, dhe mosreatve eatin the history of te) 2, Desetbe the ilest tunel nthe 1 centr, List the advantages and drawhacks of each of the tunneling methods mentioned in the text. HI, Match these verbs to thee definitions: ‘seats, pate, delay, monitor eck out 2) to watch or listen to something caretlly over a cenain period of time fora special purpose b) tomovetoalater time ©) tof fulfil a pas 4) tomakea hoe by digging }_t obtain a legal docament giving the righ to make or sel anew Define the undertined words. Use a ditionary to help you. nis important o determine the geooeical features ofthe rock ‘Ventilton is one ofthe major poblems in tuneling operations. ‘The Thames Tunpel was dupa of he ly. ‘The Channel Tomel is one of the peatest civil engineering schioemans, 5. Taday many phases of the tunneling process can be peformed by machines Y. Flin withthe appropiate word or phrase the text 1 When holes hive been bored in hardrock, they are filed with an ‘which is then detonte,

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