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Study design VII. Randomised controlled trials

Kate Ann Levin
Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Previously in this series, I have given an overview of the main types of study
design and the techniques used to minimise the likelihood of obtaining biased
results. In this article I describe more fully randomised controlled trials, their uses,
advantages and limitations.

Evidence-Based Dentistry (2007) 8, 22-23. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400473

The study designs described previously in What are the two main features of were selected into the intervention or
this series have focused on observational the RCT? control groups. In RCT, once the partici-
studies, where outcome measures have been pants are entered into the study, they are
recorded either at one specific timepoint 1. They are comparative randomised to either an intervention
(cross-sectional) or repeatedly over time In RCT, an intervention is investigated by group or the control group. Randomisation
(longitudinal). Information may be collect- comparing one group of people who receive ensures that characteristics that might
ed at an aggregate level (ecological) and may the intervention with a control group or affect the relationship between inter-
be gathered prospectively (cohort study) or control arm who do not (Figure 1, below). vention and outcome measures will be
retrospectively (case–control study). The control group receives the usual or no roughly equal across all arms of the study,
Randomised controlled trials (RCT), or treatment and their outcome measure, or the minimising potential bias.
randomised clinical trials, are experimental change in measure from the starting point or
studies where the effect of an intervention is baseline, is compared with that of the inter- Performance bias
assessed by collecting data before and after an vention group. Even after randomised allocation, bias can
intervention has taken place. RCT are used to occur. Performance bias occurs when partici-
compare an intervention with one or more 2. They are designed to minimise bias pants’ response to the treatment is affected
other interventions or with no intervention. Allocation bias by knowledge of the group to which they
Interventions are often clinical treatments Allocation bias occurs when the measured are assigned, or when health professionals
but may also be educational interventions treatment effect differs from the true treat- administer treatments differently between
such as health promotion leaflets. ment effect because of how participants treatment arms.

Assessment bias
Outcome Health professionals assessing the outcome
of treatment relative to alternative or placebo
Allocated to interventions may record outcome meas-
test group
ures biased by the knowledge of the group
Outcome to which the participant has been assigned.
Over- (or under-) estimation of the effects
Sample Study Randomised of an intervention, even if subconscious, is
Population Sample allocation known as assessment bias. Alternatively there
might be a systematic difference in measuring
the outcomes between the two groups because
Allocated to of the method of recording used. For example,
control where the control group is assigned to one
group practitioner and the intervention group to
Outcome another, or where groups are assessed at dif-
Starting ferent times of the day, there may be a system-
Point TIME atic difference between groups in the mean
outcome measure recorded. Bias will be mini-
mised where a standardised method of evalu-
Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of a randomised controlled trial
ation is used across both groups. Subjective


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measures to assess the effectiveness of a of the test and what size of intervention Analysis of data
treatment will be more prone to bias. impact is considered meaningful. It also RCT are experiments set up to test hypoth-
depends on the type of hypothesis the eses. The null hypothesis (H0) is that the
Attrition bias RCT is testing. The smaller the magnitude intervention will have no impact on the
Attrition bias (also call loss-to-follow-up of difference between groups that is to be outcome measure (ie, that the outcome
bias) occurs when patients drop out of the detected and the greater the variability in of interest will be similar in both the test
study from one or other of the study groups outcomes, the larger the sample size that and control groups). The alternative to the
preferentially. For example, if halfway will be required. null hypothesis (H1) is that the interven-
through a study the treatment has been suc- tion will have a meaningful effect and that
cessful participants may drop out, and infor- Stratification this effect will be statistically significant.
mation about the success of the treatment Very large trials are likely to have a good The statistical method required to test
is then lost. Conversely, participants in the balance of patients within each arm. When this hypothesis will depend on the nature
control group may be unhappy with their the samples are small, however, treatment of the outcome of interest. Comparing
lack of progress and may drop out of the groups may by chance end up with differ- the proportions of patients achieving a
study in order to seek alternative help. ent characteristics, which may affect the ‘successful outcome’ between treatment
outcome of the trial. Stratification is a way groups (eg, those satisfied with their treat-
Allocation concealment of ensuring the treatment groups are bal- ment) will require a different approach
Bias will be minimised where the allocation anced on characteristics that are likely to from investigating average differences
schedule is concealed of whom is assigned alter the relationship between treatment between groups (eg, average probing
to which group. Blinding (also known as and outcome. pocket depths).
masking) helps to prevent systematic dif-
ferences between comparison groups in Crossover design Advantages of RCT
prognosis or responsiveness to treatments Crossover trials are another way of overcom- • Ability to make causal inferences
(allocation bias). Blinding of both partici- ing differences in groups by keeping the mean that RCT provide the strongest
pants and practitioners prevents perform- patients as matched as possible. Instead of empirical evidence of a treatment’s
ance and assessment bias by ensuring that having different patients in each treatment efficacy.
participants, treatment administrators and group, patients receive first one treatment • Randomisation of participants to the test
those measuring outcomes do not know and then the other, in a random order, and control arms and concealment of
which treatment was given. Where pos- with a washout period in between. Within- their allocation ensures that allocation
sible, it is recommended that RCT par- patient differences are then compared. Thus bias and confounding of unknown vari-
ticipants are blind to the treatment they each patient effectively becomes their own ables are minimised.
receive. In order to do this it is sometimes ‘test’ and ‘control’. • The study can be tailored to answer a spe-
appropriate for the control group to receive cific research question.
a placebo. This enables the RCT to be blind Between group contamination
and overcomes the placebo effect, where Educational interventions, in particular, are Disadvantages of RCT
it is the action of taking medication and prone to contamination where, for example, • High dropout when the intervention
not the medication itself that results in a a member of the control arm is a friend of has undesirable side-effects or there is
positive outcome. a patient receiving the oral health advice- little incentive to stay in the control arm.
sheet intervention. Information may then • Ethical considerations may mean that a
Why carry out RCT? pass between the two arms of the trial, and research question cannot be investigated
RCT are prospective longitudinal studies, thus alter the results. using the RCT design.
allowing the investigation of causal associa- One way to overcome this is to use • For a descriptive overview it may be
tions between interventions and outcomes. cluster sampling so that natural clusters cheaper and easier to use an observational
The random selection of participants into such as geographic areas or dental practices design.
each arm and the controlled way in which are randomised rather than individuals. • Prior knowledge is required about the
the trial is carried out mean that all factors level of improvement that is clinically
other than the intervention are considered Ethical issues meaningful and the expected variation of
equal. Although associations may be inves- RCT are not always possible because of improvement in the sample in order to
tigated under observational studies, causali- ethical issues when assigning patients to calculate the RCT sample size. These facts
ty cannot be inferred. If possible, it is always study arms. are often not known.
preferable to choose RCT over other study If one group of patients receives treat-
designs when assessing the impact of one or ment thought to be effective, while anoth- Recommended reading
more interventions. er group does not, the ethics of a trial 1. Pocock SJ. Clinical Trials: a Practical Approach.
may be brought into question. Similarly, Chichester: Wiley; 1983.
2. Altman DG, Bland JM. Treatment allocation in
Factors to be considered when there are some trials that cannot be car- controlled trials: why randomise? Br Med J 1999;
carrying out RCT ried out because they may actively encour- 318:1209.
Sample size age unhealthy practices such as smoking; 3. Begg C, Cho M, Eastwood S, et al. Improving the
quality of reporting randomized controlled trials:
The size of the sample required when carry- people cannot be randomised into smoking the CONSORT statement. J Am Med Assoc 1996;
ing out RCT is dependent upon the power and nonsmoking groups. 276:637–639.

© EBD 2007:8.1 23

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