Assignment No:2: Tasks: 2s&1s Complements of Binary Increments Circuit

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Assignment no:2

Submitted by:Asfand yar zahid

Submitted to:Mr Asim zaman

Roll no:6654

Course: Computer Architecture

Tasks: 2s&1s complements of binary increments circuit.


If N is a positive number, then the negative of N ( its 2s complement or N* ) is N*

= 2n – N „(Can add an inventor in all bits to gets 2s complements)

Foe Example:

„ 0111 -> 1000 + 1 -> 1001 (representation of -7) „

1001 -> 0110 + 1 -> 0111 (representation of 7)

(Screenhots are given below)


Simply compute bit-wise complement

For Example:

( 0111 -> 1000 )

Screenshots of given task are given below:

1st step: Take xor,and gates

Steps 2: Schema to new symbol..

Steps 3:After new schema then we used this schema to get 4*4 adders as follow in given screenshots.

Here we used inventor to get 2s complemets and for 1s

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