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Air Service

Cessna T-207A
Standard Operating Procedures

Preflight: Oil level 10 quarts. Do not operate with less than 9


Cold: mixture rich, propeller full, throttle full, master switch on, fuel pump on
low for four seconds, throttle ½ inch open, engage starter. As engine starts,
throttle back to 1000 RPM max, check oil pressure, check alternator switch on,
check ammeter. Lean for ground ops.

Hot: mixture idle cutoff, throttle full, battery on, electric fuel pump hi for 15 to
30 seconds, mixture rich for one second, fuel pump off, open throttle ½, engage
starter. As engine starts, throttle back to 1200 to 1400 RPM, check oil pressure,
check alternator switch on, check ammeter. As soon as the engine is running
smoothly, throttle back to 1000 RPM until ready to taxi. If it continues rough, a
couple short bursts of electric fuel pump may help.

Taxi: Cowl flaps open, lean for ground ops.

Oil temp & CHT must be “off the peg” towards the green (you won’t see
movement on these before takeoff in cold weather). Flaps 10 degrees max, cowl
flaps open, throttle set for takeoff power, rotate at 65-70 kts, climb at Vy to 1000’
AGL, pitch for 105 kts, then set throttle and propeller to top of green, and mixture
to 20 GPH (or higher if required for EGT or cooling).

Power 2500 rpm & 30” mp, mixture 20 gph (or higher if required for EGT or
cooling), 105 KTS, cowl flaps open, monitor oil temperature and cylinder head
temperature. If oil temp is approaching red line or cylinder head temp is high,
enrichen mixture and or pitch for higher airspeed.

Revision 5, 2/13/2018
Throttle 28” MP, Propeller 2400 RPM, mixture 100 degrees rich of peak, cowl
flaps closed or open as needed to maintain 2/3 green on CHT and oil temp less
than 240 degrees (220° is better).

Cowl flaps closed (monitor oil temp), stage cooling: reduce MP 2” every 2
minutes or as needed to prevent MP from rising after it is set.

Cowl flaps closed (monitor oil temp), propeller full, mixture enrichen to takeoff
setting, MP 15” or 1800 RPM, or power as needed to stay on glide slope, but
never back to idle until landing is assured.

After landing: Flaps up, cowl flaps open,

mixture leaned.

Shut down:
Less than 1000 RPM for 1 to 2 minutes to cool and spin down turbo, control
wheel lock engaged after shut down, parking brake off after chocks set.

Load forward to aft and unload aft to forward.

Post flight:
Aircraft secured, interior cleaned, seat pouch briefing card and two sick sacks
per seat, one life jacket per seat, seat belts straightened and laid over the seats,
headset cords straightened/untangled.

Revision 5, 2/13/2018

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