Sumeval Unit 1 9-th

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Accumulated points:_________________ Name:____________________________________

Mark: _______________ Date:_____________________________________

Summative Evaluation Unit 1

IX-th form

I.Read the text and do the tasks associated with it.

The loyalty and faithfulness of dogs towards their owners have been widely described in diff erent novels
and short stories written by authors throughout the world. Th e dog is ready to sacrifice his life to save his
master’s life, and we all know the saying “as faithful as a dog”. At the same time, some scientists who have
studied the behaviour of wild animals, state that wild animals can also show a special affection towards man.
During scientific expeditions, I was convinced by certain incidents that wild animals can also possess and
show emotions, as well as be of help. The wild sows “Capa”, “Cicea” and “Hrunea” were raised at the
nature reservation “Codru”, where experiments to study the behaviour of wild animals were performed.
They were so attached to me that they followed me everywhere in the forest. Capa, as a leader, trailed right
behind me followed by Cicea and Hrunea, respectively. One day I had to cross a valley covered by high,
thick reed. Right in the middle of the valley, I came across a very large, wild boar. He was sleeping on the
wet, cold ground in the shade of the thick reed. Upon seeing me, the wild boar jumped to his feet, roared
with fury and then ran a distance of 5-6 m towards me. Then he started to circle round me, intending to
attack. I found myself in a terrible situation: a giant creature, of more than 300 kg in weight, with an open
mouth, full of saliva, and very large, crooked, sharp teeth, with raised hair and bloody eyes was attacking
me. My first instinct was to climb a tree, however no trees were nearby. I had nothing to save myself with.
I was very surprised to see how the tamed sows protected me. They began to move around, making the
space between me and the wild boar larger and larger. After several rotations the wild boar backed off , and
then turned around and ran into the forest. I was saved.
A. Fulfill the following tasks. 8 p.
1. Find in the text:
a. a synonym for the verb‘to persuade’;_______________________________
b. an antonym of the noun ‘hatred’;______________________________
c. an adjective meaning ‘loyal and true’___________________________
d. a verb meaning ‘to go across’.____________________________
2. Form: 8 p.
a. an adjective from the verb ‘to save’;________________________
b. an adverb from the adjectives ‘wild’ and ‘faithful’.______________________
c. an adjective from the noun ‘fury’;_______________________
d. a noun from the verb to ‘see’._____________________
B. Use the hints below to determine the correct main idea of the text. 2 p.
a. Some wild and domestic animals might help and protect, and, sometimes, even save people’s lives.
b. Domestic and wild animals do not usually hurt someone who has not hurt them.
C. Decide what is most important and valued in the text. What point is the author making in the text?
Recall some other real-life situations in which animals helped people in danger to survive. 8 p.
II.Add the plural ending where necessary: 8 p.
1) saucepan____ 5) country-dance_____ 9) weeping willow____ 13) blue helmet_____
2) shoemaker____ 6) bleeding heart _____ 10) round up____ 14) sit-up_____
3) sonship_____ 7) off -year____ 11) soot pit____ 15) outlaw_____
4) set up_____ 8) passer-by_____ 12) in-group____ 16) give-and-take_____
III.Fill in the noun form that is required because of the preceding word in bold type. 7 p.
e. g. The decision faced strong opposition. Th e president could not ignore the strength of public opinion.
1) She was not certain that she would win. Because of this ___________ she could not concentrate. 2) Our
granny charmed us with her pleasant voice. She never lost her_________________even when tired or
disappointed. 3) Th ey soon became acquainted with a lawyer, an __________________ which brought
them many benefi ts. 4) You shouldn’t feel inferior to your classmates. This feeling of ___________causes
you to be shy and retiring. 5) Temporarily we were lodged in the attic, but were promised to be given _____
_______________ in a separate house. 6) ‘‘Where was he born?’’ ‘‘He is Spanish by_______________and
French by origin.’’ 7) Why did you refer to only this source in your report? It is necessary to make _______
____________ to other authors in order to be more convincing.

IV. Change the number of the noun in bold type making all the other necessary (pronoun and verb)
changes. 11 p.
1.Have you heard the diagnosis of a qualified physician? 2) This formula will hopefully prove the basis of
all future projects related to Physics of Semiconductors. 3) They found this a difficult thesis to defend. 4)
There were a lot of cacti flower pots in the room. 5) There are a lot of hypotheses about the appearance of
life on Earth. 6) We don't have enough data to prove the phenomenon yet. 7) Detectives were on duty at
the terminus of that airway. 8) We cannot find the clue to the new enigma of the universe. 9) A lot of
people nowadays have to go through so many critical situations that can certainly lead to a psychological

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