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Occipital bone
Foramen magnum Frontal bone
Groove for marginal sinus Squamous part
Basilar part External surface
Clivus Frontal tuber; Frontal eminence
Pharyngeal tubercle
Groove for inferior petrosal sinus Superciliary arch
Lateral part Glabella
Occipital condyle (Metopic suture; Frontal suture)
Condylar fossa Supra-orbital margin
Condylar canal Supra-orbital notch; (Supra-orbital
Hypoglossal canal foramen)
Jugular tubercle Frontal notch; (Frontal foramen)
Jugular notch Temporal surface
Intrajugular process Parietal margin
Jugular process Temporal line
Groove for sigmoid sinus Zygomatic process
Squamous part of occipital bone Internal surface
Mastoid border Frontal crest
Lambdoid border Groove for superior sagittal sinus
(Interparietal bone) Foramen caecum (cecum)
External surface Nasal part
External occipital protuberance Nasal spine
External occipital crest Nasal margin
Highest nuchal line; Supreme Orbital part
Nuchal line Orbital surface
Superior nuchal line (Trochlear spine)
Inferior nuchal line Trochlear fovea
Occipital plane Anterior ethmoidal foramen
Internal surface Posterior ethmoidal foramen
Cruciform eminence Fossa for lacrimal gland;
Internal occipital protuberance Lacrimal fossa
Sphenoidal margin
Internal occipital crest Ethmoidal notch
Groove for superior sagittal sinus Frontal sinus
Groove for transverse sinus Opening of frontal sinus
Groove for occipital sinus Septum of frontal sinuses
(Paramastoid process)
Cerebral fossa Parietal bone
Cerebellar fossa Internal surface
Groove for sigmoid sinus Pterygoid notch
Groove for superior sagittal sinus Pterygoid hamulus
Groove for middle meningeal artery Groove of pterygoid hamulus
Groove for arteries Pterygoid fossa
External surface Scaphoid fossa
Superior temporal line Pterygoid canal
Inferior temporal line Pterygospinous process
Parietal tuber; Parietal eminence Vaginal process
Palatovaginal groove
Sphenoid bone Vomeroaginal groove
Body of sphenoid
Sphenoidal jugum Temporal bone
Limbus of sphenoid Petrous part
Prechiasmatic groove Occipital margin
Mastoid process
Sella turcica Mastoid notch
Tuberculum sellae Groove for sigmoid sinus
(Middle clinoid process) Groove for occipital artery
Hypophysial fossa; Hypophyseal fossa Mastoid foramen
Dorsum sellae Facial canal
Posterior clinoid process Geniculum of facial canal
Groove for carotid artery; Carotid Canaliculus for chorda tympani
groove Apex of petrous part
Sphenoidal lingula Carotid canal
Sphenoidal crest External opening of carotid canal
Sphenoidal sinus Internal opening of carotid canal
Septum of sphenoidal sinuses Caroticotympanic canaliculi
Opening of sphenidal sinus Anterior surface of petrous part
Sphenoidal concha Tegmen tympani
Lesser wing Arcuate eminence
Optic canal Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
Anterior clinoid process
Superior orbital fissure Groove for greater petrosal nerve
Greater wing Hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve
Infratemporal crest
Foramen rotundum Groove for lesser petrosal nerve
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum Trigeminal impression
Spine of sphenoid Superior border of petrous part
Sulcus of auditory tube Groove for superior petrosal sinus
Pterygoid process Posterior surface of petrous part
Lateral plate Internal acoustic opening
Medial plate Internal acoustic meatus
Subarcuate fossa Tympanic ring
Opening of vestibular canaliculus External acoustic meatus
Vestibular canaliculus External acoustic opening
Posterior border of petrous part Greater tympanic spine
Groove for inferior petrosal sinus Lesser tympanic spine
Jugular notch Tympanic groove
Inferior surface of petrous part Tympanic notch
Jugular fossa Sheath of styloid process
Cochlear canaliculus Squamous part
Opening of cochlear canaliculus Zygomatic process
Mastoid canaliculus Supramastoid crest
Jugular notch Suprameatic foveola; Suprameatal
Intrajugular process triangle (Surameatal spine)
Styloid process Mandibular fossa
Stylomastoid foramen Articular surface
Petrosal fossula Articular tubercle
Tympanic canaliculus Cereabral surface
Tympanic cavity
Petrotympanic fissure Ethmoid bone
Petrosquamous fissure Cribriform plate
Tympanomastoid fissure Cribriform foramina
Tympanosquamous fissure Crista galli
Tympanic part Ala of crista galli

Maxilla Mylohyoid groove

Body of maxilla Coronoid process
Orbital surface Temporal crest
Infra-orbital canal Mandibular notch
Infra-orbital groove Condylar process
Infra-orbital foramen Head of mandible; Condyle of mandible
Canine fossa Neck of mandible
Nasal notch Pterygoid fovea
Anterior nasal spine
Infratmeporal surface Palatine bone
Alveolar foramina Perpendicular plate
Alveolar canals Sphenopalatine notch
Tuberosity of maxilla Greater palatine groove
Nasal surface Lesser palatine canals
Lacrimal groove Conchal crest
Conchal crest Ethmoidal crest
Lacrimal margin Orbital process
Maxillary hiatus Sphenoidal process
Greater palatine groove Horizontal plate
Maxillary sinus Lesser palatine foramina
Posterior nasal spine
Mandible Nasal crest
Body of mandible Palatine crest
Base of mandible
(Mandibular symphysis) Zygomatic bone
Mental protuberance Temporal process
Mental tubercle Frontal process
Mental foramen Orbital tubercle (Marginal tubercle)
Ramus of mandible Zygomatico-orbital foramen
Mandibular foramen Zygomaticofacial foramen
Mandibular lingual Zygomaticotemporal foramen
Mandibular canal

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