Willy Wonka

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I´m Valeria Rivera, Willy Wonka´s buyer.

Well, I´m aware of the critical situation, I know that after the auditing some days ago We realized that
our products have low quality because of the lack of cocoa in our chocolate. If we had tested the
product before the auditing, we would have gotten better results in the quality test. So, I can understand
the decrement of the sales, but I also think that is not a critical problem. I´m completely sure that we
can keep under control, we just need to change a little the recipe and get a better supplier.

Talking about supplier, I have been hearing that “El Mexicano” is the best. So, I wonder if we could
contact them, perhaps they would have good proposals for their row material. Even in a good scenery, I
´m convinced that If we offered them being our main supplier for cocoa, they would give us better prices
for big quantity of request.

Now, I will show you the main reason because we need to choose “El Mexicano” as our provider:

 At first, The low prices. That in this moment of lack of sales, it will be a great idea for us and for
our finance.
 Then, the good reputation which has the company. It would be good for us have them.
 The sales manager is a respectable salesman. As a matter of fact, I have no doubt that he gives
us a good offer.
 Short shipping time. This is a crucial aspect in this moment for us.
 Finally, the Good quality. After the auditing, we need to improve in this aspect immediately.

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