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Benny Storms



Professor, Tully

Cyber bulling is a problem that’s only going to grow bigger and bigger. Especially in the

world that we live in now with all the technology that we have at our disposal. It makes it so

much easier for people to get in touch with one another. And with that people are stating to lose

there privacy. All it takes is one photo one text one video and that can ruin someone’s whole life.

because once that is out it is out there for good your not getting it back. This is where the cyber

bullying starts. Once that picture is out there people are going to take it send it out more make

comments say mean stuff. This all comes back to the first person who posted it or didn’t mean to

post it or someone else posted it for them.

Parents can help there teen or child with cyber bullying by just being there for their kid. They

can make sure he kid is alright try to keep in the loop of whatever is happening in the child’s life.

They should talk to there kids about the dangers of being online and posting stuff. Up to a certain

age I believe that a kid shouldn’t be on social media I just don’t believe that parents should be

letting the seven year old child have a Instagram and a snapchat. If something were to happen

and a kid is getting cyber bullied I would expect the parents to help the kid in any way that they

can. Whether it is talking to there child and trying to work through their problems that way or

have them go see a therapist if they are really sad and depressed.

If a person that is being cyberbullied commits suicide I believe that the person that bullied the

kid who committed suicide should be charged. I this they should because they abused this person
enough for them to hate themselves so much they killed themselves. That is so much abuse an I

think they should have to pay at least a little bit of it. I think that I would be hard to convict

people if there are a lot of people who bullied one person because then it would be hard to charge

all of them. But overall I believe that they should be convicted because it lead to a death of


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