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American Talks About His Life in China

大家好!欢迎来到Mandarin Corner,我是

2 今天我们邀请来了一位在中国生活多年的

3 外国人Tyler来与我们分享他在中国生活、

4 工作,以及学习中文的经历。

5 能不能首先请你做个简单的自我介绍呢?

6 可以,我是叫Tyler,我来自美国。

7 美国哪里?

8 美国的南部,一个小小的城市叫xxx。

9 如果你来自美国,你应该会听说过。

10 不过我发现除了美国人以外,很少人听过。

11 我也没有听过。是哪个州的呢?

12 是南卡罗莱纳州。

13 哦,中文是这样的。我来重复一遍。

14 南卡罗莱纳州。

15 所以每次别人问你的时候你会这样说吗?

16 是的。

17 他们先问我,我是来自哪个城市。

18 他们没有听说过这个城市,

19 所以他们问我什么州,

20 我说南卡罗莱纳州,他们说没有听过。

21 好吧,美国就好了。
22 你上大学是在美国上的吗?

23 是,是在我的老家上的,是查尔斯顿大学。

24 那你的专业是什么?

25 我的专业是政治,特别是国际政治。

26 我读大学的时候,我也有一些课是关于中国。

27 既然你学的是政治,

28 那你为什么没有留在美国从事政治工作呢?

29 有一些原因。

30 第一,我原来想进入美国的国务院,

31 不过因为我没有工作的经历,

32 而且我那时候,我没有学好一门外语,

33 我没有通过。

34 那你们当时进入国务院

35 是需要学外语吗?

36 不一定需要,不过如果你会说一门外语的话,

37 你的可能性、你的机会更大。

38 那你有没有尝试过去申请国务院的工作呢?

39 申请了!考试了!不过没有通过。

40 失败了,是吧?所以你才想来中国?

41 不是我失败了然后就想来到中国,

42 这是几年后才有这个想法。

43 那你为什么会想到来中国呢?
44 有很多的原因。

45 第一是中美关系是非常重要的。

46 无论美国和中国有一些不同,

47 有一些… 有时候要吵架。

48 意见的分歧。

49 不同的意见?

50 不同的意见,不过这个关系还是非常重要的。

51 如果我们要解决一些非常大的问题,

52 比如气候变化,

53 我们两个国家需要合作,必须合作,

54 要不然这些问题我们无法解决。

55 这就是你来中国的原因吗?

56 所以,因为这个原因,

57 我要了解中国的文化,学习中文。

58 在你来中国之前,你对中国的了解是什么,

59 或者印象是什么?

60 没有太大的印象,

61 因为在美国人的眼里,

62 中国的印象是功夫啊,吃米饭啊。

63 所以你来中国之前是不是以为所有…

64 很多中国人都会一点武功?

65 嗯,都会一点点。
66 然后来中国之后有没有觉得很失望?

67 我发现了肯定没有超过百分之一。

68 那你为什么会想学中文呢?

69 因为我…我一辈子都要学一门外语。

70 我中学的时候,我学了西班牙语,学得不好。

71 我大学的时候我学了德语,学得不好。

72 我大学毕业后,我觉得,

73 我要学那个很容易的语言(学习),

74 我学了世界语,你听说过(了)吗?

75 是什么?

76 世界语是一个人工的语言,

77 是帮不同国家的人沟通,

78 不过还是学不好。

79 你是说手语吗?

80 不是手语!是一门语言。

81 哦,是吗?没有听说过。

82 你可以百度一下。

83 好吧,到时候我百度一下。

84 那你不会觉得中文很难吗?

85 你当时说你想要学一门容易的嘛,

86 那为什么会选中文呢?

因为我决定要出国,要住在一个… 另外一个国
88 我觉得我不要去一个跟美国差不多的国家,

89 譬如去法国还是英国。

90 就欧美这边的国家。

91 是跟美国的差距不是很大。


93 应该是东亚的

94 东南亚这边的国家?


97 最后我决定去中国,

97 因为我觉得学中文最好用的。

98 为什么?

99 因为最多人说。

100 那你对中国的哪些文化感兴趣呢?

101 我一辈子都觉得,都对历史很感兴趣,

102 所以肯定对中国的历史感兴趣。

103 不过我的中国的历史的知识还是很少的,

104 因为中国的历史太长了。

105 那你学了中文之后

106 有没有开始研究中国的历史?

107 不算是研究,只是读几本书而已。

108 了解一下。

109 你对中国哪一个时代的文化或者是历史
110 觉得最有意思?

111 应该是现代的。

112 现代的。

113 就是从清朝到现在,

114 是对影响今天的生活、今天的文化。

115 所以你有读这方面的书吗?

116 一些一些。一个是关于那个太平天国起义,

117 这个是非常非常有趣的。

118 那你当时来中国之前有没有做什么准备呢?

119 比如说先学一点基本的中文,

120 或者是存一些钱啊?

121 我存了一些钱,我套现了我的401K.

122 那个是什么?我一直想问。

123 这个是在美国大部分的退休的钱,

124 他们一辈子要慢慢地存,

125 不过你可以一下子套现,

126 不过不是一个非常好的想法,

127 我不建议你的听众会这样做。

128 我还开始学一些非常简单的中文,


130 不过没有学得那么多。

131 那你来之前会说几句中文吗?
132 我会说,可能会说这个,这个,这个那个。

133 就这些吗?

134 你好! | 好吧。


135 那在你买好了来中国的机票之后,

136 你当时的心情是什么样的?

137 有很多不同的感觉,

138 当然是很兴奋的,也是有点悲伤的,

139 因为我在美国养了一只狗,一只腊肠狗,

140 我不能带它去中国,我只能把它留在美国,

141 所以我要跟它告别的时候,有点伤心。

142 那你来中国之后谁帮你照顾这只狗?

143 我妈妈。

144 现在还在吗?

145 现在还在。

146 那有没有担心你来到中国会不适应呢?

147 当然我有点担心,我坐飞机的时候,

148 我当然想过,这个是不是一个错误?

149 是不是一个不好的主意?

150 然后来完之后,现在后悔吗?

151 后悔你当初做的决定?

152 没有没有,从来没有后悔。

153 你是哪一年来到中国的?
154 是2015年来。

155 所以也才四年噢。| 四年了。


156 那你当时,就第一次来中国的时候

157 是去了哪一座城市?

158 是中山,是这座城市,就是这里。

159 就直接来到了这里?

160 是的。

161 然后后面也没有去过其它的城市吗?

162 我去过旅游,不过我住在深圳,

163 我在深圳住了一年,

164 我觉得太贵了,生活节奏太快了,

165 所以我回来中山。

166 其实很多人不愿意在中山待,

167 因为中山的可能工作机会不多,

168 你为什么会选择在中山呢?
1 。

170 你的老婆是中山人?本地的啊?

171 是本地人。

172 那她有没有想过跟你一起去别的城市发展?

173 基本上没有,
1 活,

175 而且很多很多的家人都在这里。
176 所以没有办法搬?| 没有办法。

177 你刚到中国的那段时间

178 有没有什么中国的文化是你不能适应的?

179 有很多我不习惯的。

180 比如说呢?

181 比如说有一些事情中国人是比较会直接说的。

182 我坐巴士来到中山,

183 在那个巴士站等着,

184 我的公司派了人去接我,

185 他一看见我说:“噢!sexy!”

186 “什么!什么鬼!”

187 在美国,人不会这么说,

188 如果他们不要跟你有什么样的关系,

189 他们不会直接说,“你很帅!你很美!”这样

190 就不会直接地称赞别人,是吗? | 是是是。


191 称赞别人的样子、外表。

192 另外一个可能是那个叫什么,个人空间。

193 隐私?
0 排队,

195 至少从你前面的人有这么长的距离。

196 大概一米的距离。

197 大概一米。
198 不过在中国如果你这么做,人会插进来。

199 直接插进来。

200 所以你最后可能有这么多,才这么多。

201 你被插过队吗?

202 当然当然。我不会说中文的时候
0 。

204 那你有没有很生气,然后跟他说No No No !

205 基本上没有。

206 所以你就让他们插你的队,是吗?

207 是,那没办法。

208 那后面学会了之后呢?学会中文之后呢?

209 学会中文的时候我肯定会说。

210 你会怎么说?

211 你要排队吗?

212 因为他们一般会说:“噢… 要要!”


213 因为他们觉得有点尴尬。

214 那你对中国的食物呢?

215 就刚来的时候有没有觉得不适应?

216 其实在中国,连麦当劳的菜跟美国的

217 也是不一样的。

218 啊?是吗?| 是的。


219 怎么不一样?
1 样的,

221 不过中国的麦当劳有一些菜在美国没有,

222 比如说他们的派,在中国的麦当劳

223 他们有菠萝派。| 苹果派。


224 没有苹果派!

265 在美国才有苹果派,

226 在中国他们有菠萝派。

227 香芋派,对对对。

228 所以这个跟美国是很不一样的。

229 他们还有粥。

230 还有饭,你们那儿没有饭,是吗?

231 我们的麦当劳应该没有吧。

232 那其它的,就中国菜呢?

233 比如说湖南菜呀,四川菜呀。

234 当然,我吃过了所有的中国菜。

235 因为我住在广东,

236 我可能最习惯的是广东菜。

237 广东菜你不觉得有点淡吗?

238 有时候有点淡,

239 我刚来到中国的时候,我觉得太淡了。

240 我第一次去一个烧味饭馆,我觉得太淡了,

241 没有什么味道,我不能吃完,
242 不过现在我平时去。

243 所以你现在吃烧味吃得多吗?

244 可能一个星期一次左右。

245 那平常你是自己做饭还是去外面吃得多?

246 我基本上没有自己做饭。

247 只有那些菜我不会买,我才会做。

248 比如说,法式吐司,松饼,一些美国式的。

249 西餐的?

250 西餐的,一些美国式的早餐,

251 因为我特别喜欢中国的菜,

252 不过我还觉得美国的早餐比较好吃。

253 但是中国… | 比较甜的。


254 好像你们美国人都喜欢吃甜食。

255 比较喜欢。

256 那你是不是每次去麦当劳都会喝甜的饮料?

257 这个得看,如果我要减肥的话,我不喝。

258 那你来中国之后有没有瘦?

259 瘦了一点点。

260 因为我不习惯中国的菜,

261 而且我觉得每一次去一个饭馆很尴尬的。

262 为什么呢?

263 因为我不能沟通。
264 刚开始的时候?

265 刚开始的时候我觉得很尴尬,很紧张的,

266 所以我尽少去饭馆点菜。

267 所以我来到中国开头三个月左右

268 好像瘦了十五斤。

269 哇!这么多!

270 我很想问一下,你刚开始来中国的时候,

271 然后不会点菜,那你去中国餐馆的时候

272 你是怎么点菜的呢?它有图片吧?

273 有一些图片,或者我去麦当劳,

274 或者他们有一些英文的菜单,

275 这是一个非常重要的句子要学,

276 是:“ 你有没有一个英文菜单?”


277 那如果没有怎么办?

278 没有就,“有没有照片?”

279 如果有照片你可以指。

280 如果没有照片呢?

281 那算了,要去麦当劳。
1 ?

283 应该是麦当劳,因为也是离我的房子最近的。

284 好吧,每天吃麦当劳。
0 人,
286 你觉得你的印象,就中国,

287 跟你想象中的差异大吗?

288 差异应该很大。

289 就你来中国之后,

290 你发现哪些地方跟你之前想象的是不一样的?

291 我们已经说了那个功夫,

292 不过另外一个是很多很多中国的饭馆

293 或者店他们都有英文牌子,

294 有中文名还有英文名。

295 我刚来中国的时候,

296 我以为如果有一个英文名字,

297 这个表示他们里面会说英语。

298 你说他们的服务员会说英语?

299 他们的服务员会说英语,

300 所以我进来我跟英语跟他们沟通,

301 他们听不懂。

302 你有没有发现,就是有一些餐馆他们可能,

303 他们的菜单有中文,但也有英文,

304 这些英文你觉得都翻译得好吗?

305 肯定没有,肯定不是翻译得好。

306 会有看不懂的时候吗?

307 有很多的时候会看不懂,
308 所以最好是有一个照片,

309 比如一个很经典的例子,

310 是那个叫什么,夫妻切肺?

311 夫妻肺片!

312 他们的翻译一般不是好的。

313 该不会是couple lung…


314 那你当时看到这个菜单的时候是什么反应?

315 不要点,不要点这个菜!

316 其实夫妻肺片到底是什么呀?

317 我不知道。

318 你没吃过啊?

319 可能吃过,不过我忘记了。

320 其实我也没有吃过。

321 那你觉得对于一个完全不会中文的外国人

322 在中国生活有多困难?
1 …

324 我觉得有很多很多的问题,

325 譬如说如果你在中国没有用淘宝,

326 没有用美团,美团和淘宝没有英文版。

327 还有滴滴。

328 滴滴现在有。| 有英文。


329 现在有,不过美团你会很多很多的地方
330 都会获得一个打折,

331 所以如果你不会说中文,

332 你会浪费很多的钱。

333 你平常用美团点餐吗?

334 当然当然。一般我去一个饭馆之前

335 我要查一下他们有没有一个

336 美团的套餐还是代金券。

337 对于来中国的外国人来说,

338 学中文有必要吗?

339 对我来说还是对他们来说?

340 对他们。
0 的。

342 因为其实搬到中国的外国人,

343 大部分他们对中国的文化、中国的历史、

344 中文,没什么特别地感兴趣,

345 就是他们来是为了工作而已。

346 就是我来到中国之前,

347 我以为大部分住在中国的外国人

348 都会学好普通话。| 中文

349 不过我发现可能是百分之十… 百分之五。


350 就很多人不会说中文。

351 我觉得学好中文,会流利地说中文
352 应该没有超过百分之五吧。

353 你是怎么学好中文的?

354 你学了多久?

355 我虽学了四年了,

356 还不算是学好的,

357 还在学,都是自学的。

358 你没有去请过老师吗?

359 有一次我住在深圳的时候,我请一个老师,

360 基本上是听我读,

361 我们上了可能十节课左右。

362 除了这个以外,都是自学的。

363 我一开始用了一些课本,比如说,

364 中文听说读写

365 还有“新实用汉语”课本。

366 新时代还是新实用?

367 新实用

368 那你这四年以来每天都学中文吗?

369 基本上每天。

370 最近一年多我比较专心学习粤语,

371 所以我学习中文的时候是比较顺便的,

372 是我有空的时候。

373 不过我的习惯是,起来、泡咖啡,
374 打开一篇文章,看中文三十分钟左右。

375 这么久?

376 三十分钟不算太多了。

377 还可以,那你都看得懂吗?

378 现在都看得懂,

379 不过还有很多很多的单词我不认识。

380 不过其实我没有故意地学习单词,

381 因为我看一个单词,我查这个单词的意思,

382 然后我会忘记,没有关系,

383 因为下次看这个单词,

384 我可能有一点点的印象,我再查。

385 第三次可能是比较熟悉的。

386 所以最常见的单词我会很快熟悉的。

387 那你觉得在你学习中文的这段时间,

388 你的太太对你学习中文有帮助吗?

389 她帮助是,我们会沟通,

390 我们说话的时候

391 可能一半是说中文,一半说英语。

392 不过她没有给我上课,她没有给我作业,

393 但是我们说话的时候练习一下。

394 那你觉得学中文最难的部分是什么?

395 听说读写
396 听,应该是听。

397 为什么?
1 慢读,

399 查每个不认识的单词。

400 听,没有这个办法。

401 没有时间。

402 不能让他们停,

403 特别是如果你要听比较难的内容,

404 比如说你要看新闻还是打开收音机

405 听他们说话,是最难的。

406 不过听力也是语言的基础。

407 那你平时是怎么练习你的听力的呢?

408 如果我用的课本有一个文章或者对话,

409 他们一般都会有一个录音。
1 。

411 我的自己的想法是,看一次,听三次。

412 那我们都知道中文的听力呢,

413 最难的部分其实还是口音,

414 就是你在听我们本土的中国人讲话的时候,

415 可能每一个人的口音是不一样的。

416 你都能听得懂吗?有问题吗对你来说?

417 我不知道是都能听得懂,
418 我可能最熟悉是广东人的口音。

419 在这个城市还有很多很多外地的人,

420 他们个个都有自己的口音。

421 所以我觉得我基本上熟悉了,

422 除了一些我很少听见的口音以外。

423 你是怎么开始听懂有口音的普通话的?

424 譬如说有一些人说“七饭”。

425 我看到我们正在吃饭,
0 。

427 那你现在的听力怎么样?

428 我觉得还好。
0 ,

430 你知道那个罗胖的逻辑思维?

431 知道,我也关注了。

432 我也关注了。

433 其实现在太忙了就没有听,

434 百分之九十八听得懂,有一些生词。

435 那跟普通老百姓呢?

436 就是比如说你出去点餐,

437 或者是跟中国朋友聊天的时候。

438 这是更容易的。| 是吗?


439 因为我觉得对话比较容易的,
440 比听新闻或者听播客更容易,

441 因为他们会重复,或者他们会慢点说。

442 你觉得你的哪一项能力是最强的?

443 听说读写

444 我完全不会写,

445 我没有学过用笔写。

446 不是写,就是写作,写文章。

447 写作应该是最我的弱点.

448 我太太说我写作的时候太口语的。

449 其实我没有想过最强的是…

450 因为都要强化。

451 你觉得你的口语怎么样?

452 这个他们能听得懂我的意思就好了。

453 在你学习中文的这期间,

454 你觉得你犯过最大的错误是什么?

455 最大的错误,可能是太多学习单词,

456 只是学习一个单词不是一个句子,

457 因为你可能知道这个单词,

458 不过因为中文有很多同音字,

459 所以如果你直接说一个单词或者一个字,

460 他们可能听不懂。

461 他们说,是什么字?
462 而且一个字有好多个意思。

463 是是是… 所以很重要的是学一些句式,


464 或者读一个简单的故事。

465 那你在这四年学中文的期间,

466 有没有出现过觉得中文太难了,

467 想要放弃的时候?

468 一直没有这个感觉。

469 我来到中国的时候,我有很明显的目标。

470 不是有完美的口音,

471 是能看报纸、能看电视的新闻、

472 能听收音机等等,

473 能表达我自己的想法。

474 你觉得你达到了你最初的目标吗?

475 你觉得你的中文已经够好了吗?

476 还没达到。

477 因为我还觉得看,譬如说鲁迅非常困难的。

478 看什么?

479 鲁迅。

480 我觉得他的是很难。

481 你是怎么学汉字的呢?

482 我觉得汉字应该算是比较难的一部分吧。

483 我可能一开始我学了一些非常简单的,
484 非常常见的,

485 比如说,好、女、男、天,

486 然后我每一次出门我就可以复习,

487 因为我看到周围的牌子,周围的街牌

488 都有中文,都有汉字。

489 所以这是,你在中国,你住在中国

490 学习中文,很多人觉得,

491 如果你住在中国是非常好的,很容易学,

492 还是很难学,

493 不过这个是一个很大的机会,

494 你可以每一次出门都练习,都复习。

495 那你出门的时候是不是每天都练习,

496 不仅是认字,还有会不会跟一些不认识的、

497 陌生的中国人聊天?

498 我没有那么外向的,

499 不过你… 比如说你坐滴滴,


500 或者你叫出租车的时候,

501 他们发现你会说中文,

502 他肯定要跟你沟通一下。

503 不过他们的问题基本上都是一样的。

504 比较简单,什么问题?

505 是你来自什么国家,你在中国多久了?
506 你做什么工作?你觉得中国好不好?

507 你有没有一个中国的女朋友啊… 这之类的


508 我发现有一些刚开始学中文的外国人

509 会觉得最开始的时候不要学汉字,

510 你认同这个看法吗?

511 没有没有,

512 我觉得你一开始你要尽快开始学习汉字,

513 因为你会发现很多很多的单词有同样的字。

514 这个会帮你记住怎么发音,

515 因为发音是一样的。

516 比如说,明白、聪明、明天、的“明”

517 都是一样的,

518 发音都是一样的,有很多很多的字是这样的。

519 可能有很多人觉得太难了,

520 又要学拼音又要学汉字。

521 不过我觉得不是太难,

522 如果你要自己写,可能是非常难的。

523 不过只是看得懂、能打字没有那么难。

524 我觉得很多人当练习口语的时候

525 都会担心自己的语法问题,

526 比如像我说英语的时候,

527 可能我也会担心我的语法有问题,
528 你有过这方面的担心吗?

529 当然一开始,我是一个比较紧张的人。

530 是吗?| 是。

531 看不出来。

532 所以我当然有点担心我会有一些错误,

533 其他人会笑我。

534 不过你会发现他们基本上不管,

535 他们只要听得懂你的意思,

536 所以你要大胆一点,不管你的语法的问题。

537 肯定会有很多很多语法的问题,

538 这是不能避免的。

539 如果你多听多看,

540 你会不知不觉地学习很多语法。

541 你的语法是怎么学的?

542 基本上是没什么学的。

543 都是从读跟看,还有听。

544 读、看、听,所以我的语法还不是完美的。

545 不过大部分的时候他们会听得懂我的意思。

546 下面我们就谈一谈你来中国工作的经历。

547 在你决定来中国工作时,

548 你当时想要找的工作是什么样的?

549 我已经说过,
550 我刚来中国的时候是当英语外教。

551 觉得难吗?来找工作?

552 因为我在中国每一份工作

553 都是从朋友介绍的,

554 所以我没有觉得那么难。

555 对于想来中国做英语老师的外国人,

556 你有什么建议吗?

557 就他们怎么才能够找到合适的工作呢?

558 第一是你肯定要拿到一个工作签证,

559 这个才是合法的。

560 有很多很多的培训机构会跟你说,

561 你不需要,你可以拿到一个旅游签证,

562 来到中国以后然后可以改,

563 不会的,他们在骗你。

564 如果你听到这句话,

565 你肯定要跑走,所以这个是第一。

566 你也要让一个律师看你的合同,

567 而且一个会说中文的律师,

568 因为那个… 如果你的合同

569 有一个是英文版,中文版,

570 中文版是说了算的。

571 这样子啊!

573 他们肯定要听中文版。

574 我明白了。

575 所以在来中国之前就要办工作签证,是吗?

576 是,在华尔盛…

577 华尔街?

578 华盛顿。

579 在华盛顿办的,因为是离我的老家最近的。

580 我以为他们都是先来中国再找工作的。


582 面试完了之后,然后他们就会给你工作签?

583 他们写了一个邀请信,

584 你把这个邀请信去那个大使馆。

585 然后办签证?| 是

586 你觉得教英文的过程中,

587 什么是最困难的部分?

588 应该是管小孩。

589 因为小孩他们基本上对英语没有特别感兴趣,

590 他们只要玩。

591 如果不好玩,他们不要。


593 自愿的。
594 都是自愿的。孩子基本上不是自愿的,

595 所以你要发明很多很多的游戏。

596 如果你碰到小孩子说:

597 “我不要学了!不好玩!”

598 那你怎么办?

599 基本上在大部分的培训机构,

600 有一个外教,也有一个中教,一起的。

601 所以外教的工作是比较容易的。

602 你可以说,中教,你可以帮一下。

603 我就是那个中教。

604 我看了你的视频,关于这个经历。

605 所以我不喜欢当中教,

606 因为管小孩特别累。

607 那在与学校的管理人员打交道的过程中,

608 或者是有一些学校的规定吧,

609 有没有什么是你不适应或者不喜欢的?

610 一个是如果你没有课的话,

611 你还是要留在办公室里。

612 办公室时间。

613 但那个是有工资的呀。| 没有。

614 你的工资是从你上的课算的。

615 我觉得这是浪费你的时间,
616 但是你的办公室时间是用来备课的吧?

617 如果我可以在家里备课,或者我已经备好课,

618 我为什么要留在办公室里?

619 另外一个是他们让你参加一些活动。

620 他们说,这个活动是很好玩的,

621 不过他们还要逼你去。


623 都有都有。

624 休息的时候可以拒绝吧!

625 在我的经历,不能!

626 他们不能告诉你,你可以拒绝。

627 你可能会拒绝,


629 所以他们可能会接受。

630 不过他们肯定不会告诉你:“你可以拒绝!”

631 那你现在是有自己的公司,对吧?

632 能不能跟我们简单地先介绍一下

633 你们公司是做什么的?

634 我们的公司是做一些教育工具。

635 教育什么?

636 现在是外语,不过未来可能有更多的科目。

637 英语吗?
638 英语是第一,因为我们在中国,

639 英语的市场是最大的,

640 而且我们是比较专业的教英语的。

641 所以我们要发明一些游戏,

642 一些工具,一些课程,会帮他们自学。

643 那你觉得你们的学习工具有什么特别之处呢?

644 因为现在很多,市面上有很多

645 教英语的工具,app这些东西。

646 是是是。我看到了很多,我试了很多,

647 我还觉得大部分没有那么好的。

648 我学粤语的时候,

649 我从中国的手机,手机商场?

650 你指的是?| 那个App

651 手机app市场。

652 市场,app市场

653 我下载了很多学习粤语的软件,

654 发现大部分没有那么好用的。

655 所以我们,最近我们专心的是写一些故事,


657 为什么?

658 因为故事是有趣的,


660 有一个很出名的学习外语的软件,

661 他们是让你一句子一句子翻译。

662 哦,翻译句子。

663 翻译句子,这是他们唯一的方法。

664 我觉得太无聊了。

665 所以我觉得有一个简单的故事,

666 这个故事里可以重复你的生词很多很多次,

667 而且是比较有趣的,

668 所以你会听,可能十次、二十次,

669 慢慢习惯这些语法和生词。

670 你的故事是你写的还是?

671 是我和我的伙伴写的。

672 那你们的故事是给初级的学生

673 还是中级的学生使用的呢?

674 现在我们写的… 我们写了大概一百章。

675 一百个故事。


677 哇!这么多!

678 大概是三万八千字,是从零基础到中级的。

679 都有。


681 其实我很少见其他人写故事,我知道…
682 但是有很多故事书啊!

683 大部分是从中级开始的。

684 他们说如果你知道五百字,


686 我们是从零基础,


688 是吗?| 是。

689 知道十个单词就可以读故事了吗?

690 因为十个单词是:at, in, is 这样的。

691 简单的。

692 然后第一个故事是介绍十个生词左右,


694 用二十个字再写一个简单的故事。

695 每一个故事、每一节课

696 都是介绍九到十二个生词左右。

697 明白了。

698 所以我们可以用的词汇是这样的。

699 慢慢慢慢往上涨。

700 根据你在中国教英语的经验,

701 你觉得中国人有哪些学英语最坏的习惯?

702 学英语最坏的习惯。

703 背单词 | 是吗?

704 背单词是没用的。

705 看一些视频是十分钟,

706 九分钟是用中文介绍英文的语法,

707 然后一分钟是英文的,

708 我觉得没有什么好用的。

709 如果你要学好一门语言,

710 你需要接触这门… 这个语言。

711 多听。

712 多听,多看。

713 不过你肯定要听得懂,看得懂。

714 是跟你的视频是一样的,是都是用中文的,


716 不过是中文的环境。

717 其实我… 有一天我备课,

718 在我房间的旁边,有一个女孩,她说… 一直说

719 什么单词?我记得,choreographer

720 是一个很难记的单词,

721 我问她你在做什么,

722 我今天要学五十单词,我要这样背单词。

723 我说这个没什么好用的,

724 你肯定会忘记大部分。

725 对,有很多人想要… 喜欢背字典,

726 这一本字典我全部背下来。

727 是太无聊的。

728 所以这些背单词的学生

729 你觉得他们的英语学得好吗?

730 一般不会,我觉得他们的英语,

731 他们知道很多的单词,

732 不过他们不知道怎么用这些单词,

733 说一些比较流利的,比较自然的句子。

734 所以肯定不要背单词。

735 那其实学中文也是一样的,

736 也不要去背单词,而是…

737 是,我觉得学每一门外语都是差不多一样的。


739 不过基本的方法是一样的。

740 你觉得作为一个外国人,

741 在中国开公司麻烦吗?还是很容易?

742 我觉得是麻烦的,其实我在美国没有开公司,

743 所以比较难,我不知道怎么表达…

744 不好去对比。

745 不过在中国,你先要租一个地方。


747 等,是吗?
748 是等还是填表,这样的。

749 都是你自己去的还是别人陪你去的?

750 如果我可以重新做,我肯定要请一个公司,

751 因为有一些公司是专门帮你注册公司。

752 对对对。

753 这个我以后才发现。

754 之前不知道是吗?

755 我不知道,所以都是我们自己做的。

756 就你跟你的伙伴两个人去的。

757 但是,那个时候你的中文已经可以沟通了吗?

758 可以沟通。

759 他… 我伙伴的中文跟我差不多一样的,

760 而且他会写字。

761 所以如果我要填表,我都要给他填表。

762 你会写自己的名字吗?

763 自己的名字… 可以写年、月、日

764 不对!你的名字是英文的,所以没有关系。

765 他们不让我用我的中文名签名。

766 对呀,因为那个不是你的法定名字。

767 是,如果我拿到中国的驾驶照,驾驶…

768 驾驶证。

769 驾驶证,那你不能有一个英文名,
770 你必须有一个中文名。

771 是!是这样的。

772 所以你可以叫… 你可以取一个中文的名字,

773 还是说直接从你的那个Tyler翻译成泰勒?

774 都行,你可以自己选。

775 所以如果你看在网上有一些外国人

776 他办了这个驾驶证,驾照。

777 两个都可以。

778 他们办了这个驾照,

779 他们选的名字是很搞笑的,比如“好厉害”。

780 是吗?“好厉害”!

781 那你打算叫什么?

782 哎?你有驾驶证吗?

783 没有没有。

784 你打算叫什么名字?

785 我已经四年多,有一个中文名叫唐龙,

786 唐朝的唐,李小龙的龙。

787 哇!这个名字好有气势啊!

788 有很多人他们的反应是

789 这个名字是很有中国风的!

790 对,因为龙嘛,唐又是中国的唐朝。

791 都是代表中国的。
792 就是我们有很多学生呢,

793 他们可能已经不是学生了,

794 有些可能也是想来中国做生意的,

795 你会建议他们来中国开公司吗?

796 如果他们真的要在中国做生意,肯定要。

797 你要确定你要在中国做生意,

798 你不要随便来试一下,开一个外资企业,

799 因为外资企业是很难开,而且是更难关的。

800 第二是你肯定要请一个公司

801 帮你注册这个公司。

802 对,这个是你吃过的亏。| 是!

803 第三是你要准备所有的产品,

804 你注册这个公司之前,

805 因为你要注册一个公司的话,

806 你先要租一个地方,你先要承担这个成本。

807 你赚到一毛钱之前,都有这个…

808 已经有这个成本,

809 所以你先要准备好,

810 你要确保都是已经准备好的,

811 然后最后一步,是开始你的公司。

812 前面你有提到过你们公司现在在考虑

813 开发学习的app,是吧?
814 是是是。

815 现在已经开发出来了吗?

816 还没有开发出来,我们跟一个公司,

817 就是专门帮其他公司做一些app的公司,

818 我们要跟他们签一个合同,

819 然后我们告诉他们我们要什么功能。

820 然后我们写的故事、视频、播客等等,

821 都要上传到这个app去。

822 是中国人开的吗?

823 这个公司吗?

824 App公司是中国人开的。

825 那你们现在是就你们两个

826 还是有意向再找其他的投资人来?

827 可能会。因为我们有一个明显的目标,

828 有很明显的想法,

829 我们不要其他人影响我们。

830 比如我说了我们是一个社会化商业,

831 我们不仅是为了挣钱。

832 所以如果有一个投资者的话,

833 我还有点担心他们会说:

834 “哎,你们不要这样做。”

835 这个不赚钱。
836 所以如果他们的想法是跟我们一样的,

837 他们会接受我们的决定,可能会有。


840 现在是在国内的,是在喜马拉雅,


842 未来,因为国外的市场还是很大的,

我们还会上传一些到YouTube, 到其它的平台

844 但是你们的都是只针对中国人,是吗?

845 或者是会中文的人?

846 可能会,不过如果,

847 譬如说如果我说一些关于学习外语,

848 用中文说,不过有英文的字幕,

849 可能对他们来说很有用。


851 可能经历,我不会教人中文,

852 因为我的中文还没有那么好。

853 我可以跟他们说… | 分享一些你…

854 分享我的经历。

855 你犯过的错,


857 可能,我也可能会从我自己的平台,
858 或者我自己的账号,

859 分享一些我在中国的生活这样的。

860 我也很期待你的新的YouTube 频道。| 谢谢!

861 是今年就会开还是说等到明年?

862 今年肯定会有。

863 好!那这样子,我就把你的微信公众号,

864 还有你的微信账号放在这个视频里面。

865 如果有任何人对Tyler以后可能要出的

866 YouTube视频感兴趣的话,可以跟他联系,

867 或者是交流一下学习方法,好吧?

868 可以。

869 那今天非常感谢你的分享!

870 我觉得分享得很全面呀!

871 谢谢!
Dàjiā hǎo! Huānyíng lái dào Mandarin Corner, wǒ Hi, everyone! Welcome to Mandarin Corner!
shì Eileen. I am Eileen.
Jīntiān wǒmen yāoqǐng lái le yī wèi zài Zhōngguó Today, we invited Tyler, a foreigner who has
shēnghuó duōnián de been living in China
wàiguó rén Tyler lái yǔ wǒmen fēnxiǎng tā zài
for years to share his experiences of living,
Zhōngguó shēnghuó,
working in China, as well as learning
Gōngzuò, yǐjí xuéxí Zhōngwén de jīnglì.
Néng bùnéng shǒuxiān qǐng nǐ zuò gè jiǎndān de
Can you please introduce yourself a little bit?
zìwǒ jièshào ne?

Kěyǐ, wǒ shì jiào Tyler, wǒ láizì Měiguó. Sure. My name is Tyler. I’m from the U.S.

Měiguó nǎli? Where in the U.S.?

Měiguó de nánbù, yī gè xiǎoxiǎo de chéngshì jiào

In the South. A small city called “Charleston”.
chá’ěrsī dùn.
Rúguǒ nǐ láizì Měiguó, nǐ yīnggāi huì tīngshuō If you’re from the U.S., you’ve probably
guò. heard of it.
Bùguò wǒ fāxiàn chúle Měiguó rén yǐwài, hěnshǎo But I’ve found that except for Americans,
rén tīngguò. most people haven’t heard of it.

Wǒ yě méiyǒu tīngguò. Shì nǎge zhōu de ne? I also haven’t heard of it. Which state is it in?

Shì Nán kǎ luó lái nà zhōu. It is in South Carolina.

O, Zhōngwén shì zhèyàng de. Wǒ lái chóngfù Oh! That’s what it is in Chinese. Let me try to
yībiàn. repeat it.

Nán kǎ luó lái nà zhōu. South Carolina.

Suǒyǐ měi cì biéren wèn nǐ de shíhou nǐ huì So, that’s what you tell people when they ask
zhèyàng shuō ma? you (about your hometown)?

Shì de. Yes.

Tāmen xiān wèn wǒ, wǒ shì láizì nǎge chéngshì. They will first ask “What city are you from?”

Tāmen méiyǒu tīngshuō guò zhège chéngshì, They haven’t heard of the city,

suǒyǐ tāmen wèn wǒ shénme zhōu, so then, they ask me which state.

wǒ shuō Nán kǎ luó lái nà zhōu, tāmen shuō I say “South Carolina”, then they say “I
méiyǒu tīngguò. haven’t heard of it.”

Hǎo ba, Měiguó jiù hǎo le. Just America then.

Nǐ shàng dàxué shì zài Měiguó shàng de ma? Did you attend university in the U.S.?

Shì, shì zài wǒ de lǎojiā shàng de, shì Chá’ěrsī Yes, in my hometown. At the College of
dùn dàxué. Charleston.

Nà nǐ de zhuānyè shì shénme? What was your major?

Wǒ de zhuānyè shì zhèngzhì, tèbié shì guójì My major was political science, especially
zhèngzhì. international politics.
Wǒ dú dàxué de shíhou, wǒ yě yǒu yīxiē kè shì When I was at university, I also had a few
guānyú Zhōngguó. classes about China.

Jìrán nǐ xué de shì zhèngzhì, Since you studied politics,

nà nǐ wèishéme méiyǒu liú zài Měiguó cóngshì why didn’t you stay in America and work in
zhèngzhì gōngzuò ne? politics?

Yǒu yīxiē yuányīn. There were a few reasons.

Dì yī, wǒ yuánlái xiǎng jìnrù Měiguó de First of all, I initially wanted to get into the
guówùyuàn, State Department.

bùguò yīnwèi wǒ méiyǒu gōngzuò de jīnglì, But since I didn’t have any work experience,

érqiě wǒ nà shíhou, wǒ méiyǒu xuéhǎo yī mén

and I hadn’t learned any foreign languages,

wǒ méiyǒu tōngguò. I couldn’t get in.

At that time, to get into the State

Nà nǐmen dāngshí jìnrù guówùyuàn

shì xūyào xué wàiyǔ ma? you needed to learn a foreign language?

Bù yīdìng xūyào, bùguò rúguǒ nǐ huì shuō yī mén Not necessarily, but if you could speak a
wàiyǔ dehuà, foreign language,

nǐ de kěnéng xìng, nǐ de jīhuì gèng dà. your opportunity was greater.

Nà nǐ yǒu méiyǒu chángshì guò qù shēnqǐng Did you ever try to apply for work at the
guówùyuàn de gōngzuò ne? State Department?

Shēnqǐng le! Kǎoshì le! Bùguò méiyǒu tōngguò. I applied. I tested. But I didn’t pass.

Shībài le, shì ba? Suǒyǐ nǐ cái xiǎng lái You failed, right? So, that was why you
Zhōngguó? thought about coming to China?
Bùshì wǒ shībài le ránhòu jiù xiǎng lái dào It’s not that I failed and immediately decided
Zhōngguó, to come to China.
It was only a few years later that I had that
zhè shì jǐ nián hòu cái yǒu zhège xiǎngfǎ.
Well, why did you have the idea to come to
Nà nǐ wèishéme huì xiǎngdào lái Zhōngguó ne?
China then?
Yǒu hěnduō de yuányīn. A lot of reasons.

Dì yī shì Zhōng Měi guānxi shì fēicháng zhòngyào The first is that Sino-American relations are
de. extremely important.
Regardless of the fact that the U.S. and
Wúlùn Měiguó hé Zhōngguó yǒu yīxiē bùtóng,
China have some differences,

yǒu yīxiē… yǒu shíhou yào chǎojià. sometimes argue.

Yìjiàn de fēnqí. Difference of views.

Bùtóng de yìjiàn? Different views?

Bùtóng de yìjiàn, bùguò zhège guānxi háishi Different views, but this relationship is still
fēicháng zhòngyào de. very important.
Rúguǒ wǒmen yào jiějué yīxiē fēicháng dà de
If we want to solve some major problems,

bǐrú qìhòu biànhuà, for example climate change.

Our two countries need to cooperate-must

wǒmen liǎng gè guójiā xūyào hézuò, bìxū hézuò,
Otherwise, there’s no way to solve these
yào bùrán zhèxiē wèntí wǒmen wúfǎ jiějué.

Zhè jiùshì nǐ lái Zhōngguó de yuányīn ma? So that’s your reason for coming to China?

Suǒyǐ, yīnwèi zhège yuányīn, So, because of this reason,

wǒ yào liǎojiě Zhōngguó de wénhuà, xuéxí I wanted to understand Chinese culture and
Zhōngwén. learn Chinese.
Zài nǐ lái Zhōngguó zhīqián, nǐ duì Zhōngguó de Before you came to China, what did you
liǎojiě shì shénme, understand about China?

huòzhě yìnxiàng shì shénme? What was your impression?

Méiyǒu tàidà de yìnxiàng, I didn’t have a particular idea.

yīnwèi zài Měiguó rén de yǎn lǐ, Because in many Americans’ eyes,

their impression of China is Kung Fu and

Zhōngguó de yìnxiàng shì gōngfu a, chī mǐfàn a.
eating rice.
Suǒyǐ nǐ lái Zhōngguó zhīqián shì bùshì yǐwéi So before you came to China, did you think
suǒyǒu… that

hěnduō Zhōngguó rén doū huì yīdiǎn wǔgōng? a lot of Chinese could do Kung Fu?

En, doū huì yī diǎndiǎn. Yeah, I thought they could a little bit.
Ránhòu lái Zhōngguó zhīhòu yǒu méiyǒu juéde So after you came to China, were you
hěn shīwàng? disappointed?
Wǒ fāxiàn le kěndìng méiyǒu chāoguò bǎi fēn zhī
I found that it’s definitely less than 1%.

Nà nǐ wèishéme huì xiǎng xué Zhōngwén ne? So why did you want to learn Chinese?

Because I… All my life I’ve wanted to learn a

Yīnwèi wǒ…wǒ yībèizi dōu yào xué yī mén wàiyǔ.
foreign language.
Wǒ zhōngxué de shíhou, wǒ xué le Xībānyá yǔ, In high school, I studied Spanish, but didn’t
xué de bù hǎo. learn it well.
Wǒ dàxué de shíhou wǒ xué le Déyǔ, xué de bù In college, I studied German, but didn’t learn
hǎo. it well.

Wǒ dàxué bìyè hòu, wǒ juéde, After I graduated from college, I thought

wǒ yào xué nàge hěn róngyì de yǔyán (xuéxí), “I want to learn an easier language”.

wǒ xué le shìjièyǔ, nǐ tīngshuō guò (le) ma? I learned Esperanto. Have you heard of it?

Shì shénme? What’s that?

Shìjièyǔ shì yī gè réngōng de yǔyán, Esperanto is a man-made language

which helps people from different countries

shì bāng bùtóng guójiā de rén gōutōng,

bùguò háishi xué bù hǎo. but I didn’t learn it well.

Nǐ shì shuō shǒuyǔ ma? Do you mean sign language?

Bùshì shǒuyǔ! Shì yī mén yǔyán. Not sign language! It’s a language.

O, shì ma? Méiyǒu tīngshuō guò. Really? I haven’t heard of it.

You can search it on Baidu. (note: Baidu is

Nǐ kěyǐ bǎidù yīxià.
used as a verb)

Hǎo ba, dào shíhou wǒ bǎidù yīxià. Okay, later I’ll search it on Baidu.

Nà nǐ bù huì juéde Zhōngwén hěn nán ma? Didn’t you think that Chinese was very hard?

Nǐ dāngshí shuō nǐ xiǎngyào xué yī mén róngyì de You said you wanted to learn an easy
ma, (language),

nà wèishéme huì xuǎn Zhōngwén ne? why did you choose Chinese?

Yīnwèi wǒ juédìng yào chūguó, yào zhù zài Because I wanted to move abroad, to live in
yīgè… lìngwài yīgè guójiā. a different country.
Wǒ juéde wǒ bùyào qù yī gè gēn Měiguó I thought “I don’t want to go to a country
chàbuduō de guójiā, that’s more or less like the U.S.,

pìrú qù Fàguó háishi Yīngguó. for example France or Britain.

Jiù ōuměi zhè biān de guójiā. Like European or American countries?

Yes, the difference from the U.S. isn’t too

Shì gēn Měiguó de chājù bùshì hěn dà.
Suǒyǐ wǒ shuō, nà gēn Měiguó zuì bùtóng de So I said “what cultures are the most
wénhuà yīnggāi shì shénme? different from America’s?”

Yīnggāi shì dōngyà de I thought they were in East Asia.

Dōngnányà zhè biān de guójiā? You meant South-East Asia?

Dōngnányà, suǒyǐ wǒ kěyǐ qù Rìběn háishi qù South-East Asia… So I could go to Japan,

hánguó, háishi qù Zhōngguó, Korea or China.

zuìhòu wǒ juédìng qù Zhōngguó, Eventually, I decided to come to China,

because I thought learning Chinese was the

yīnwèi wǒ juéde xué Zhōngwén zuì hǎo yòng de.
most useful.

Wèishéme? Why?

Yīnwèi zuìduō rén shuō. Because the most people speak it.

Nà nǐ duì Zhōngguó de nǎxiē wénhuà gǎn xìngqù What parts of Chinese culture are you
ne? interested in?
Wǒ yībèizi dōu juéde, dōu duì lìshǐ hěn gǎn
I’ve always been very interested in history.
So, of course I am interested in Chinese
suǒyǐ kěndìng duì Zhōngguó de lìshǐ gǎn xìngqù.
Bùguò wǒ de Zhōngguó de lìshǐ de zhīshi háishi But my knowledge of Chinese history is still
hěn shǎo de, pretty small,

yīnwèi Zhōngguó de lìshǐ tài cháng le. because it is so long.

Nà nǐ xué le Zhōngwén zhīhòu After you learned Chinese,

yǒu méiyǒu kāishǐ yánjiū Zhōngguó de lìshǐ? did you start to research Chinese history?

I wouldn’t call it “research”, I just read a few

Bù suànshì yánjiū, zhǐshì dú jǐ běn shū éryǐ.

Liǎojiě yīxià. Get to know about it a little bit.

Nǐ duì Zhōngguó nǎ yī gè shídài de wénhuà

What periods of Chinese culture or history
huòzhě shì lìshǐ
juéde zuì yǒuyìsi? do you think are the most interesting?

Yīnggāi shì xiàndài de. Modern history.

Xiàndài de. Modern…

Jiùshì cóng qīngcháo dào xiànzài, That is to say from the Qing Dynasty to now.

shì duì yǐngxiǎng jīntiān de shēnghuó, jīntiān de

It influences today’s life and culture.

Suǒyǐ nǐ yǒu dú zhè fāngmiàn de shū ma? So you’ve read some books about that?

Yīxiē yīxiē. Yī gè shì guānyú nàge Tàipíngtiānguó A few, a few. One is about that….the Tai
qǐyì, Ping Rebellion.

zhège shì fēicháng fēicháng yǒuqù de. This was extremely interesting.

Nà nǐ dāngshí lái Zhōngguó zhīqián yǒu méiyǒu Before you came to China, what did you do
zuò shénme zhǔnbèi ne? to prepare?

Bǐrú shuō xiān xué yīdiǎn jīběn de Zhōngwén, For example, learn a little basic Chinese,

huòzhě shì cún yīxiē qián a? or save some money?

I saved some money, and cashed out my

Wǒ cún le yīxiē qián, wǒ tàoxiàn le wǒ de 401K.

Nàge shì shénme? Wǒ yīzhí xiǎng wèn. What’s that? I’ve been wanting to ask.

This is for most Americans, retirement

Zhège shì zài Měiguó dàbùfen de tuìxiū de qián,

tāmen yībèizi yào mànman de cún, All their lives, they gradually save.

bùguò nǐ kěyǐ yīxià zi tàoxiàn, But you could cash it all,

bùguò bù shì yī gè fēicháng hǎo de xiǎngfǎ, although it’s not a very good idea.

I don’t recommend to your audience to do

wǒ bù jiànyì nǐ de tīngzhòng huì zhèyàng zuò.
Wǒ hái kāishǐ xué yīxiē fēicháng jiǎndān de I also started to learn some extremely basic
Zhōngwén, Chinese.
bǐrú Pimsleur, shì yī gè hěn chūmíng de xuéxí For example, I used Pimsleur, which is a
wàiyǔ de kèběn, very famous foreign language program,

bùguò méiyǒu xué de nàme duō. but I didn’t learn much.

So, before you came, could you say a few

Nà nǐ lái zhīqián huì shuō jǐ jù Zhōngwén ma?
Chinese sentences?
Wǒ huì shuō, kěnéng huì shuō zhège, zhège,
I could say….maybe “This… that!”
zhège nàge.

Jiù zhèxiē ma? Only these?

Nǐ hǎo! | Hǎo ba. Hello! | Okay.

Nà zài nǐ mǎihǎo le lái Zhōngguó de jīpiào zhīhòu, After you bought your plane ticket to China,

nǐ dāngshí de xīnqíng shì shénme yàng de? what was your mood like?

Yǒu hěnduō bùtóng de gǎnjué, I had a lot of different feelings.

dāngrán shì hěn xīngfèn de, yě shì yǒudiǎn

Of course I was excited, but also a little sad.
bēishāng de,
yīnwèi wǒ zài Měiguó yǎng le yī zhī gǒu, yī zhī Because in the U.S. I had a dog, a
làcháng gǒu, dachshund.
wǒ bùnéng dài tā qù Zhōngguó, wǒ zhǐnéng bǎ tā I couldn’t take him to China, I could only
liú zài Měiguó, leave him in the U.S.
suǒyǐ wǒ yào gēn tā gàobié de shíhou, yǒudiǎn So when I had to say goodbye to him, I was
shāngxīn. a little sad.
Nà nǐ lái Zhōngguó zhīhòu shéi bāng nǐ zhàogu After you came to China, who help you take
zhè zhī gǒu? care of your dog?

Wǒ māma. My mother.

Xiànzài hái zài ma? Now she still does?

Xiànzài hái zài. She still does.

Nà yǒu méiyǒu dānxīn nǐ lái dào Zhōngguó huì bù Did you have any worries that you wouldn’t
shìyìng ne? be able to adjust?
Dāngrán wǒ yǒudiǎn dānxīn, wǒ zuò fēijī de Of course I was a little worried. While sitting
shíhou, in the plane,
wǒ dāngrán xiǎngguò, zhège shì bùshì yī gè
I was thinking: “Is this a mistake?”

Shì bùshì yī gè bù hǎo de zhǔyi? “Is this a bad idea?”

Ránhòu lái wán zhīhòu, xiànzài hòuhuǐ ma? So after coming, did you regret

Hòuhuǐ nǐ dāngchū zuò de juédìng? the decision you made?

Méiyǒu méiyǒu, cónglái méiyǒu hòuhuǐ. No, never any regret.

Nǐ shì nǎ yī nián láidào Zhōngguó de? What year did you come to China?
Shì èr líng yī wǔ nián lái. That was 2015.

Suǒyǐ yě cái sì nián o. | Sì nián le. So that’s only four years. | Four years.

Nà nǐ dāngshí, jiù dì yī cì lái Zhōngguó de shíhou At that time, the first time you came to China,

shì qù le nǎ yī zuò chéngshì? which city did you go to?

Shì Zhōngshān, shì zhè zuò chéngshì, jiùshì zhèlǐ. Zhongshan, this city. Here.

Jiù zhíjiē lái dào le zhèlǐ? You directly came here?

Shì de. Yes.

Ránhòu hòumian yě méiyǒu qùguò qítā de

After that, did you go to any other cities?
chéngshì ma?

Wǒ qùguò lǚyóu, bùguò wǒ zhù zài Shēnzhèn, I traveled…but I lived in Shenzhen.

wǒ zài Shēnzhèn zhù le yī nián, I lived in Shenzhen for a year.

I thought it was too expensive and the pace

wǒ juéde tài guì le, shēnghuó jiézòu tài kuài le,
of life was too fast,

suǒyǐ wǒ huílái Zhōngshān. so I came back to Zhongshan.

Actually, a lot of people don’t want to stay in

Qíshí hěnduō rén bù yuànyì zài Zhōngshān dāi,
yīnwèi Zhōngshān de kěnéng gōngzuò jīhuì bù
because there isn’t a lot of jobs.

nǐ wèishéme huì xuǎnzé zài Zhōngshān ne? Why’d you choose to stay in Zhongshan?

Yīnwèi wǒ shì Zhōngshān de nǚxù, suǒyǐ wǒ Because I’m a Zhongshan son-in-law. I don’t
méishénme bié de xuǎnzé. have another choice.

Nǐ de lǎopó shì Zhōngshān rén? Běndì de a? Your wife is from Zhongshan? A local?

Shì běndì rén. Yes, a local.

Nà tā yǒu méiyǒu xiǎngguò gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù bié de Did she ever think of going with you to
chéngshì fāzhǎn? another city to pursue opportunities?

Jīběn shàng méiyǒu, Basically no.

yīnwèi tā zài zhè zuò chéngshì yǐjīng yǒu zìjǐ de Because in this city, she already has her
shēngyì, yǐjí shēnghuó, own business, lifestyle,

érqiě hěnduō hěnduō de jiārén dōu zài zhèlǐ. as well as many family here.
Suǒyǐ méiyǒu bànfǎ bān? | Méiyǒu bànfǎ. So, you guys can’t move? | Right.

Nǐ gāng dào Zhōngguó de nà duàn shíjiān When you had just arrived in China,

yǒu méiyǒu shéme Zhōngguó de wénhuà shì nǐ were there any aspects of Chinese culture
bùnéng shìyìng de? that you couldn’t adapt to?

Yǒu hěnduō wǒ bù xíguàn de. There was a lot I wasn’t used to.

Bǐrú shuō ne? For example?

Bǐrú shuō yǒu yīxiē shìqing Zhōngguó rén shì For example, there are some topics that
bǐjiào huì zhíjiē shuō de. Chinese people can be very direct about.

Wǒ zuò bāshì lái dào Zhōngshān, When I came to Zhongshan by bus,

zài nàge bāshì zhàn děngzhe, I was waiting at the bus station

for my company to send someone to meet

wǒ de gōngsī pài le rén qù jiē wǒ,
When the person saw me, he said: “oh,
tā yī kànjian wǒ shuō: “Ō! Sexy!”

“Shénme! Shénme guǐ!” “What? What the hell!”

Zài Měiguó, rén bù huì zhème shuō, In the U.S., people wouldn’t say that.

rúguǒ tāmen bùyào gēn nǐ yǒu shéme yàng de If they don’t want to have some kind of
guānxi, relationship with you,
tāmen bù huì zhíjiē shuō, “Nǐ hěn shuài! Nǐ hěn they won’t directly say “you’re so handsome,
měi!” Zhèyàng you’re beautiful” and stuff like that.
jiù bù huì zhíjiē de chēngzàn biéren, shì ma?| Shì They won’t directly compliment people,
shì shì. right? | Yes.

Chēngzàn biéren de yàngzi, wàibiǎo. Compliment people’s looks.

Lìngwài yī gè kěnéng shì nàge jiào shénme, Another was…what’s it called? Personal
gèrén kōngjiān. space.

Yǐnsī? Privacy?

Yǐnsī. Yīnwèi zài Měiguó, nǐ páiduì de shíhou, nǐ Privacy. Because in the US, if you’re in line
zài chāoshì páiduì, at the supermarket,
zhìshǎo cóng nǐ qiánmiàn de rén yǒu zhème you at least want this much space between
cháng de jùlí. you and the person in front of you.

Dàgài yī mǐ de jùlí. About a meter’s space.

Dàgài yī mǐ. About a meter.

Bùguò zài Zhōngguó rúguǒ nǐ zhème zuò, rén huì But if you do that in China, people may cut
chā jìnlái. the line.

Zhíjiē chā jìnlái. Directly cut the line.

Suǒyǐ nǐ zuìhòu kěnéng yǒu zhème duō, cái So in the end, you only have this much
zhème duō. space, just this much.
Have people cut in front of you when you’ve
Nǐ bèi chāguò duì ma?
been in line?
Dāngrán dāngrán. Wǒ bù huì shuō Zhōngwén de
Of course. When I couldn’t speak Chinese,
wǒ bù zhīdao zěnme fǎnyìng, wǒ bùnéng gàosu I didn’t know how to react, I couldn’t tell them
tāmen “bùyào”. “Don’t do that.”
Nà nǐ yǒu méiyǒu hěn shēngqì, ránhòu gēn tā Did you ever get really angry and say to
shuō “No No No!” them “no no no!”?

Jīběn shàng méiyǒu. Basically…no.

Suǒyǐ nǐ jiù ràng tāmen chā nǐ de duì, shì ma? So you let them cut in line, right?

Shì, nà méi bànfǎ. Yeah, there was nothing I could do.

Nà hòumian xuéhuì le zhīhòu ne? Xuéhuì After you’ve learned Chinese, how do you
Zhōngwén zhīhòu ne? react?
Xué huì Zhōngwén de shíhou wǒ kěndìng huì After learning Chinese, I will certainly say
shuō. something.

Nǐ huì zěnme shuō? What will you say?

Nǐ yào páiduì ma? “Do you want to queue up?”

Yīnwèi tāmen yībān huì shuō: “O… yào yào!” Because usually they’ll say “yeah, yeah!”

Yīnwèi tāmen juéde yǒudiǎn gāngà. Because they’ll feel a little embarrassed.

Nà nǐ duì Zhōngguó de shíwù ne? What’s your view on Chinese food?

Jiù gāng lái de shíhou yǒu méiyǒu juéde bù When you had just arrived, did you feel you
shìyìng? couldn’t adapt?
Qíshí zài Zhōngguó, lián Màidāngláo de cài gēn In fact, in China, even the food in
Měiguó de McDonald’s

yě shì bù yīyàng de. is different from American McDonald’s.

A? Shì ma? | Shì de. Really? | Really.

Zěnme bù yīyàng? What’s different?

Lián tāmen de Jùwúbà gēn Měiguó de Jùwúbà de
Even the flavor of their Big Mac is different.
wèidao shì bù yīyàng de,
bùguò Zhōngguó de Màidāngláo yǒu yīxiē cài zài China’s McDonald’s have some foods that
Měiguó méiyǒu, American McDonald’s doesn’t have.
bǐrú shuō tāmen de pài, zài Zhōngguó de
For example, in Chinese McDonald’s

tāmen yǒu bōluó pài. | Píngguǒ pài. they have pineapple pie. | Apple pie.

Méiyǒu píngguǒ pài! No apple pie!

Zài Měiguó cái yǒu píngguǒ pài, In America, they have apple pie,

zài Zhōngguó tāmen yǒu bōluó pài. in China they have pineapple pie.

Xiāng yù pài, duì duì duì. And taro pie.

Suǒyǐ zhège gēn Měiguó shì hěn bù yīyàng de. So this is different from the U.S.

Tāmen hái yǒu zhōu. (Here) they also have porridge.

Also rice. American McDonald’s doesn’t

Hái yǒu fàn, nǐmen nàr méiyǒu fàn, shì ma?
have rice, right?

Wǒmen de Màidāngláo yīnggāi méiyǒu ba. Our McDonald’s probably doesn’t.

Nà qítā de, jiù Zhōngguó cài ne? What about other Chinese food?

Bǐrú shuō Húnán cài ya, Sìchuān cài ya. For example, Hunan food, Sichuan food?

Of course, I’ve eaten all kinds of Chinese

Dāngrán, wǒ chīguò le suǒyǒu de Zhōngguó cài.

Yīnwèi wǒ zhù zài Guǎngdōng, Because I live in Guangdong,

wǒ kěnéng zuì xíguàn de shì Guǎngdōng cài. perhaps I’m most used to Cantonese food.

Don’t you think that Cantonese food is a bit

Guǎngdōng cài nǐ bù juéde yǒudiǎn dàn ma?

Yǒu shíhou yǒudiǎn dàn, Sometimes, a little bland.

wǒ gāng lái dào Zhōngguó de shíhou, wǒ juéde tài When I first came to China, I thought it was
dàn le. very bland.
Wǒ dì yī cì qù yī gè shāo wèi fànguǎn, wǒ juéde The first time I went to a Siu Mei restaurant, I
tài dàn le, thought it was really bland.

méiyǒu shéme wèidao, wǒ bùnéng chī wán, No flavor, I couldn’t finish it.
bùguò xiànzài wǒ píngshí qù. But now I regularly go.

Suǒyǐ nǐ xiànzài chī shāo wèi chī de duō ma? So now do you eat a lot of Siu Mei?

Kěnéng yī gè xīngqī yī cì zuǒyòu. Maybe about once a week.

Nà píngcháng nǐ shì zìjǐ zuòfàn háishi qù wàimian Do you usually cook for yourself or go out to
chī de duō? eat?

Wǒ jīběn shàng méiyǒu zìjǐ zuòfàn. I rarely cook.

Zhǐyǒu nàxiē cài wǒ bù huì mǎi, wǒ cái huì zuò. Only those foods I can’t buy, then I’ll cook.

Bǐrú shuō, Fǎshì tǔsī, sōng bǐng, yīxiē Měiguó shì For example, French toast, pancakes and
de. some other American foods.

Xīcān de? Western foods?

Xīcān de, yīxiē Měiguó shì de zǎocān, Western food. Some American breakfasts.

yīnwèi wǒ tèbié xǐhuan Zhōngguó de cài, I really like Chinese food,

bùguò wǒ hái juéde Měiguó de zǎocān bǐjiào but I still think American breakfast tastes
hǎochī. better.

Dànshì Zhōngguó… | Bǐjiào tián de. But China… | Sweeter.

Hǎoxiàng nǐmen Měiguó rén dōu xǐhuan chī It seems that you Americans all like to eat
tiánshí. sweet foods.

Bǐjiào xǐhuan. We like it a lot.

Nà nǐ shì bùshì měi cì qù Màidāngláo doū huì hē Every time you go to McDonald’s, do you
tián de yǐnliào? order a sweet drink?
Zhège děi kàn, rúguǒ wǒ yào jiǎnféi dehuà, wǒ bù That depends…If I’m trying to lose weight, I
hē. won’t.

Nà nǐ lái Zhōngguó zhīhòu yǒu méiyǒu shòu? Did you get thinner after coming to China?

Shòu le yī diǎndiǎn. A little thinner.

Yīnwèi wǒ bù xíguàn Zhōngguó de cài, Because I wasn’t used to Chinese food,

érqiě wǒ juédé měi yī cì qù yī gè fànguǎn hěn and every time I went to a restaurant, I felt
gāngà de. embarrassed.

Wèishéme ne? Why?

Yīnwèi wǒ bùnéng gōutōng. Because I couldn’t communicate.

Gāng kāishǐ de shíhou? At the beginning?

Gāng kāishǐ de shíhou wǒ juéde hěn gāngà, hěn At the beginning, I felt very embarrassed and
jǐnzhāng de, nervous.
So I went to restaurants as rarely as
suǒyǐ wǒ jǐn shǎo qù fànguǎn diǎn cài.
Suǒyǐ wǒ lái dào Zhōngguó kāitóu sān gè yuè So, after I came to China, in the first three
zuǒyòu months,

hǎoxiàng shòu le shíwǔ jīn. I lost about 7.5 kg.

Wa! Zhème duō! Wow, that much!

Wǒ hěn xiǎng wèn yīxià, nǐ gāng kāishǐ lái I really wanna ask, when you’d just come to
Zhōngguó de shíhou, China
ránhòu bù huì diǎn cài, nà nǐ qù Zhōngguó and couldn’t order food, when you went to
cānguǎn de shíhou Chinese restaurants,
how did you order food? They must have
nǐ shì zěnme diǎn cài de ne? Tā yǒu túpiàn ba?
pictures, right?

Yǒu yīxiē túpiàn, huòzhě wǒ qù Màidāngláo, Some pictures, or go to McDonald’s.

huòzhě tāmen yǒu yīxiē Yīngwén de càidān, They have some English menus.

zhè shì yī gè fēicháng zhòngyào de jùzi yào xué, This is a very important sentence to learn:

shì: “nǐ yǒu méiyǒu yī gè Yīngwén càidān?” “Do you have an English menu?”

Nà rúguǒ méiyǒu zěnme bàn? What would you do if they didn’t?

If not, I would ask “Do you have any

Méiyǒu jiù, “yǒu méiyǒu zhàopiàn?”

Rúguǒ yǒu zhàopiàn nǐ kěyǐ zhǐ. Because if they did, I could point.

Rúguǒ méiyǒu zhàopiàn ne? What if they didn’t have any pictures?

Nà suànle, yào qù Màidāngláo. Then forget it, go to McDonald’s.

Hǎo ba. Suǒyǐ nǐ gāng kāishǐ qù de zuìduō de Ok. So at the beginning, the place you went
jiùshì Màidāngláo ba? to the most was McDonald’s?
Yīnggāi shì Màidāngláo, yīnwèi yě shì lí wǒ de Probably McDonald’s. Because that was
fángzi zuì jìn de. also the closest to my apartment.

Hǎo ba, měitiān chī Màidāngláo. OK, every day eat McDonald’s.

Nà zhěngtǐ láishuō, bùlùn shì cóng chī de, hē de, Generally speaking, whether in regards to
háishi Zhōngguó rén, food, drinks or Chinese people…
Do you feel that your impression of China
nǐ juéde nǐ de yìnxiàng, jiù Zhōngguó,
is very different than the image you had
gēn nǐ xiǎngxiàng zhōng de chāyì dà ma?
(before you came)?

Chāyì yīnggāi hěn dà. Very different.

Jiù nǐ lái Zhōngguó zhīhòu, After you came to China,

nǐ fāxiàn nǎxiē dìfang gēn nǐ zhīqián xiǎngxiàng what aspects of China were different than
de shì bù yīyàng de? you had imagined?

Wǒmen yǐjīng shuō le nàge gōngfū, We’ve already mentioned Kungfu,

bùguò lìngwài yī gè shì hěnduō hěnduō Zhōngguó but another is that a lot of Chinese
de fànguǎn restaurants…

huòzhě diàn tāmen dōu yǒu Yīngwén páizi, or stores all have English signs.

yǒu Zhōngwén míng hái yǒu Yīngwén míng. They have Chinese and English names.

Wǒ gāng lái Zhōngguó de shíhou, So when I just arrived in China,

wǒ yǐwéi rúguǒ yǒu yīgè Yīngwén míngzi, I thought that if they had an English name,

that meant the people inside could speak

zhège biǎoshì tāmen lǐmian huì shuō Yīngyǔ.
You mean their waiters/waitresses could
Nǐ shuō tāmen de fúwùyuán huì shuō yīngyǔ?
speak English?
Their waiters/waitresses could speak
Tāmen de fúwùyuán huì shuō Yīngyǔ,
So I went in and used English to
suǒyǐ wǒ jìnlái wǒ gēn Yīngyǔ gēn tāmen gōutōng,
communicate with them.

tāmen tīngbudǒng. They didn’t understand.

Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu fāxiàn, jiùshì yǒu yīxiē cānguǎn Have you found that some restaurants
tāmen kěnéng, maybe…
tāmen de càidān yǒu Zhōngwén, dàn yě yǒu
Their menu has both Chinese and English.
Do you think the English translations are
zhèxiē Yīngwén nǐ juéde dōu fānyì de hǎo ma?
Certainly not, the translations certainly aren’t
Kěndìng méiyǒu, kěndìng bùshì fānyì de hǎo.
Were there any (translation) that you didn’t
Huì yǒu kànbudǒng de shíhou ma?

Yǒu hěnduō de shíhou huì kànbudǒng, There were many that I couldn’t understand.
suǒyǐ zuìhǎo shì yǒu yī gè zhàopiàn, So it was best to have a picture.

bǐrú yī gè hěn jīngdiǎn de lìzi, For example, a classic example…

what is that called? Husband-Wife-Cut-

shì nàge jiào shénme, fūqī qiē fèi?

Fūqī fèi piàn! Husband-wife-sliced-lung.

Tāmen de fānyì yībān bùshì hǎo de. Their translation usually isn’t good.

Could the translation of (fuqi feipian) be

Gāi bù huì shì couple lung…
“couple lung…
Nà nǐ dāngshí kàndào zhège càidān de shíhou shì When you saw that on the menu, how did
shénme fǎnyìng? you react?

Bùyào diǎn, bùyào diǎn zhège cài! Don’t order this dish!

Qíshí fūqī fèi piàn dàodǐ shì shénme ya? So, what is husband-wife-lung dish?

Wǒ bù zhīdao. I don’t know.

Nǐ méi chīguò a? You haven’t tried it?

Kěnéng chīguò, bùguò wǒ wàngjì le. Maybe I’ve tried it, but I’ve forgotten.

Qíshí wǒ yě méiyǒu chīguò. Actually I’ve also never eaten it.

Nà nǐ juéde duìyú yī gè wánquán bù huì In your opinion, for a foreigner who can’t
Zhōngwén de wàiguó rén speak Chinese at all,

zài Zhōngguó shēnghuó yǒu duō kùnnan? how difficult is it to live in China?

Jiùshì chúle nǐ gānggāng jiǎng de chīfàn de wèntí, Besides the food problem you mentioned,
hái yǒu qítā de… what other…

wǒ juéde yǒu hěnduō hěnduō de wèntí, I think there are a lot of problems.

pìrú shuō rúguǒ nǐ zài Zhōngguó méiyǒu yòng For example, if you’re in China, you can’t
Táobǎo, use Taobao
méiyǒu yòng Měi tuán, Měi tuán hé Táobǎo or Meituan (because) neither of those have
méiyǒu Yīngwén bǎn. English versions.

Hái yǒu Dīdī. Also Didi (similar to Uber)…

Dīdī xiànzài yǒu. | Yǒu Yīngwén. Didi has English now. | Right.

Xiànzài yǒu, bùguò Měituán nǐ huì hěnduō hěnduō

Now it does. But on Meituan,
de dìfang
you can get a discount from many places
doū huì huòdé yī gè dǎzhé,

suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ bù huì shuō Zhōngwén, So if you can’t speak Chinese,

nǐ huì làngfèi hěnduō de qián. you may waste a lot of money.

Nǐ píngcháng yòng Měituán diǎn cān ma? Do you often use Meituan to order food?

Dāngrán dāngrán. Yībān wǒ qù yī gè fànguǎn Of course. Usually before I go to a

zhīqián restaurant,

wǒ yào chá yīxià tāmen yǒu méiyǒu yī gè I will check whether or not

Měituán de tàocān háishi dàijīn quàn. Meituan has any discount.

Duìyú lái Zhōngguó de wàiguó rén lái shuō, For foreigners that are coming to China,

xué Zhōngwén yǒu bìyào ma? is it necessary to learn Chinese?

Duì wǒ lái shuō háishì duì tāmen lái shuō? For me, or for them?

Duì tāmen. For them.

Duì tāmen lái shuō, dàbùfen tāmen juéde shì

Most of them don’t think it’s necessary.
méiyǒu shéme bìyào de.

Yīnwèi qíshí bān dào Zhōngguó de wàiguó rén, Because most foreigners who move to China

dàbùfen tāmen duì Zhōngguó de wénhuà, aren’t that interested in Chinese culture,
Zhōngguó de lìshǐ, history

Zhōngwén, méi shénme tèbié de gǎn xìngqù, and language.

Jiùshì tāmen lái shì wèile gōngzuò éryǐ. They just come here for work.

Jiùshì wǒ láidào Zhōngguó zhīqián, Before I came to China,

wǒ yǐwéi dàbùfen zhù zài Zhōngguó de wàiguó I thought most foreigners living in China
rén would

doū huì xuéhǎo pǔtōnghuà. | Zhōngwén learn Mandarin well. | Chinese.

Bùguò wǒ fāxiàn kěnéng shì bǎi fēn zhī shí… bǎi

But I discovered that only 5%…
fēn zhī wǔ.
So, many foreigners here can’t speak
Jiù hěnduō rén bù huì shuō Zhōngwén.
Wǒ juéde xuéhǎo Zhōngwén, huì liúlì de shuō I think that foreigners who have learned
Zhōngwén Chinese well and can speak fluently
yīnggāi méiyǒu chāoguò bǎi fēn zhī wǔ ba. is no more than 5%.

Nǐ shì zěnme xuéhǎo Zhōngwén de? How did you learn Chinese well?

Nǐ xué le duōjiǔ? How long have you been learning it?

Wǒ suī xué le sì nián le, Although I’ve studied it for four years,

hái bù suànshì xuéhǎo de, I don’t think I have learned it well.

hái zài xué, dōu shì zìxué de. I’m still learning it. I learned it by myself.

Nǐ méiyǒu qù qǐng guò lǎoshī ma? You didn’t hire a teacher?

Yǒu yī cì wǒ zhù zài Zhēnzhèn de shíhou, wǒ qǐng Once when I lived in Shenzhen, I hired a
yī gè lǎoshī, teacher.

jīběn shàng shì tīng wǒ dú, Basically she listened while I read.

wǒmen shàng le kěnéng shí jié kè zuǒyòu. We had about 10 lessons.

Chúle zhège yǐwài, dōu shì zìxué de. Except for this, it was all self-study.

At the beginning, I used some textbooks. For

Wǒ yī kāishǐ yòng le yīxiē kèběn, bǐrú shuō,

Zhōngwén tīng shuō dú xiě Integrated Chinese.

As well as “the New Practical Chinese

hái yǒu “xīn shíyòng hànyǔ” kèběn.

Xīn shídài háishi xīn shíyòng? The New Age or The New Practical?

Xīn shíyòng New Practical (Chinese Reader).

Nà nǐ zhè sì nián yǐlái měitiān doū xué Zhōngwén So, have you studied Chinese every day
ma? during the four years you’ve been here?

Jīběn shàng měitiān. Practically every day.

This past year or so, I’ve been more focused

Zuìjìn yī nián duō wǒ bǐjiào zhuānxīn xuéxí Yuèyǔ,
on Cantonese.
suǒyǐ wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén de shíhou shì bǐjiào So learning Chinese has been more in
shùnbiàn de, passing.

shì wǒ yǒu kòng de shíhou. When I have free time.

But I’m accustomed to getting up, making

Bùguò wǒ de xíguàn shì, qǐlái, pào kāfēi,
dǎkāi yī piān wénzhāng, kàn Zhōngwén sānshí and opening an article and reading Chinese
fēnzhōng zuǒyòu. for thirty minutes or so.

Zhème jiǔ? That long?

Sānshí fēnzhōng bù suàn tài duō le. Thirty minutes isn’t really that long.

Hái kěyǐ, nà nǐ dōu kàndedǒng ma? It’s okay. So, can you understand?

Xiànzài dōu kàndedǒng, Now I can understand it all,

bùguò hái yǒu hěnduō hěnduō de dāncí wǒ bù but there are still many words I don’t
rènshi. recognize.
But in fact, I don’t intentionally learn
Bùguò qíshí wǒ méiyǒu gùyì de xuéxí dāncí,
vocabulary words.
yīnwèi wǒ kàn yī gè dāncí, wǒ chá zhège dāncí de Because when I see a word (I don’t
yìsi, recognize), I check its meaning.

ránhòu wǒ huì wàngjì, méiyǒu guānxi, Then I’ll forget, no problem.

yīnwèi xià cì kàn zhège dāncí, Because the next time I see that word,

wǒ kěnéng yǒu yī diǎndiǎn de yìnxiàng, wǒ zài I have a little bit of an impression, I’ll check it
chá. again.

Dì sān cì kěnéng shì bǐjiào shúxi de. The third time it’s more familiar.

Suǒyǐ zuì chángjiàn de dāncí wǒ huì hěn kuài So the most common words I become
shúxi de. familiar with very quickly.
Nà nǐ juéde zài nǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén de zhè duàn
During your Chinese learning,
nǐ de tàitai duì nǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǒu bāngzhù
has your wife been helpful to you?
Her help is that we communicate (in
Tā bāngzhù shì, wǒmen huì gōutōng,

wǒmen shuōhuà de shíhou When we talk,

kěnéng yībàn shì shuō Zhōngwén, yībàn shuō half of the time, we speak Chinese and the
Yīngyǔ. other half speak English.
Bùguò tā méiyǒu gěi wǒ shàngkè, tā méiyǒu gěi But she doesn’t give me lessons or
wǒ zuòyè, homework.

dànshì wǒmen shuōhuà de shíhou liànxí yīxià. I just practice when we talk.

Nà nǐ juéde xué Zhōngwén zuì nán de bùfen shì Which do you think is the most difficult part
shénme? of learning Chinese?

Tīng shuō dú xiě Listening, speaking, reading and writing?

Tīng, yīnggāi shì tīng. Probably listening.

Wèishéme? Why?

Yīnwèi rúguǒ nǐ dú, dú de shíhou, nǐ kěyǐ hěn màn Because when you’re reading, you can do it
dú, mànman dú, slowly.

chá měi gè bù rènshi de dāncí. and check all the words you don’t recognize.

Tīng, méiyǒu zhège bànfǎ. Listening, you don’t have this option.

Méiyǒu shíjiān. There’s no time.

Bùnéng ràng tāmen tíng, You can’t make them stop,

especially if you’re listening to something

tèbié shì rúguǒ nǐ yào tīng bǐjiào nán de nèiróng,
more difficult.
For example, listening to news or people talk
bǐrú shuō nǐ yào kàn xīnwén háishi dǎkāi shōuyīnjī
on the radio

tīng tāmen shuōhuà, shì zuì nán de. is the most difficult.

But listening is also the foundation of

bùguò tīnglì yě shì yǔyán de jīchǔ.

Nà nǐ píngshí shì zěnme liànxí nǐ de tīnglì de ne? How do you usually practice your listening?

Rúguǒ wǒ yòng de kèběn yǒu yī gè wénzhāng If I’m using a textbook which has articles or
huòzhě duìhuà, dialogues.

tāmen yībān doū huì yǒu yī gè lùyīn. They usually have recordings.

Suǒyǐ wǒ xiān kàn, chá měiyigè bù rènshi de So I first read, check every word I don’t
dāncí, ránhòu tīng. recognize, then listen.
My personal view is read once, listen three
Wǒ de zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ shì, kàn yī cì, tīng sān cì.

Nà wǒmen dōu zhīdao Zhōngwén de tīnglì ne, We all know that

the most difficult part of Chinese listening is

zuì nán de bùfen qíshí háishi kǒuyīn,
jiùshì nǐ zài tīng wǒmen běntǔ de Zhōngguó rén When you listen to native Chinese people
jiǎnghuà de shíhou, speak,

kěnéng měiyigè rén de kǒuyīn shì bù yīyàng de. each person might have a different accent.

nǐ dōu néng tīngdedǒng ma? Yǒu wèntí ma duì nǐ Can you understand them all? Do you have
lái shuō? problems with this?

Wǒ bù zhīdào shì dōu néng tīngdedǒng, I don’t now if I understand them all.
wǒ kěnéng zuì shúxi shì Guǎngdōng rén de I may be the most familiar with Cantonese
kǒuyīn. people’s accent.
zài zhège chéngshì hái yǒu hěnduō hěnduō wàidì In this city, there are a lot of people from
de rén, other places,

tāmen gègè dōu yǒu zìjǐ de kǒuyīn. and each has their own accent.

So, I think I’m familiar with most (local)

Suǒyǐ wǒ juéde wǒ jīběn shàng shúxi le,

chúle yīxiē wǒ hěn shǎo tīngjiàn de kǒuyīn yǐwài. apart from some rarely heard accents.

Nǐ shì zěnme kāishǐ tīng dǒng yǒu kǒuyīn de How did you start understanding Mandarin
pǔtōnghuà de? with accents?
For example, some people might say:
Pìrú shuō yǒu yīxiē rén shuō “qī fàn”.

Wǒ kàndào wǒmen zhèngzài chīfàn, I can see that we’re eating.

suǒyǐ wǒ huì shuō, o! Tāmen shuō “qī fàn” So I’ll say, “Oh! When they say “qifan”, they
yìwèizhe chīfàn. mean “chifan” (eat).

Nà nǐ xiànzài de tīnglì zěnme yàng? How is your listening?

Wǒ juéde hái hǎo. I think okay.

Rúguǒ wǒ kàn xīnwén, dàbùfen huì kàndedǒng, If I watch the news or listen to broadcast, I
huòzhě tīng bōkè, can understand most.
Do you know “Fat Luo’s” program “Logical
nǐ zhīdao nàge Luó Pàng de luójí sīwéi?

Zhīdao, wǒ yě guānzhù le. Yes. I subscribed to him.

Wǒ yě guānzhù le. I also subscribed.

Qíshí xiànzài tài máng le jiù méiyǒu tīng, Right now I’m too busy, so I don’t listen.

But I can understand 98%, there are just

bǎi fēn zhī jiǔshíbā tīngdedǒng, yǒu yīxiē shēngcí.
some new words.
What about listening to common Chinese
Nà gēn pǔtōng lǎobǎixìng ne?
For example, when you go out and order
Jiùshì bǐrú shuō nǐ chūqù diǎn cān,
huòzhě shì gēn Zhōngguó péngyou liáotiān de
or talk with your Chinese friends.

Zhè she gèng róngyì de. | Shì ma? That’s even easier. | Really?

Yīnwèi wǒ juéde duìhuà bǐjiào róngyì de, Because I think conversation is easier
compared to listening to the news or a
bǐ tīng xīnwén huòzhě tīng bòkè gèng róngyì,
yīnwèi tāmen huì chóngfù, huòzhě tāmen huì màn
Because they can repeat or speak slower.
diǎn shuō.
Which aspect of learning are your strongest
Nǐ juéde nǐ de nǎ yī xiàng nénglì shì zuì qiáng de?

Tīng shuō dú xiě Listening, speaking, reading or writing?

Wǒ wánquán bù huì xiě, I can’t write at all.

I have never learned to write Chinese with a

wǒ méiyǒu xuéguò yòng bǐ xiě.
I didn’t mean handwriting. I meant writing
Bùshì xiě, jiùshì xiězuò, xiě wénzhāng.

Xiězuò yīnggāi shì zuì wǒ de ruòdiǎn. Writing is probably my weakest.

Wǒ tàitai shuō wǒ xiězuò de shíhou tài kǒuyǔ de. My wife says my writing is too “oral” in style.

Actually, I haven’t thought about what my

qíshí wǒ méiyǒu xiǎngguò zuì qiáng de shì…
greatest strength is…

yīnwèi dōu yào qiánghuà. because I want to strengthen them all.

What do you think about your speaking

Nǐ juéde nǐ de kǒuyǔ zěnme yàng?
Zhège tāmen néng tīngdedǒng wǒ de yìsi jiù hǎo I think as long as they can understand my
le. meaning, it’s fine.

Zài nǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén de zhè qījiān, During your Chinese learning,

what has been the biggest mistake you

nǐ juéde nǐ fànguò zuìdà de cuòwù shì shénme?
The biggest mistake… probably is spending
Zuìdà de cuòwù, kěnéng shì tài duō xuéxí dāncí,
too much time learning (individual) words.
Learning words one by one and not in a
zhǐshì xuéxí yī gè dāncí bùshì yī gè jùzi,

yīnwèi nǐ kěnéng zhīdao zhège dāncí, Because you may know this word,

but because Chinese has a lot of

bùguò yīnwèi Zhōngwén yǒu hěnduō tóngyīn zì,
suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ zhíjiē shuō yī gè dāncí huòzhě yī
so if you just say a word or a character,
gè zì,

tāmen kěnéng tīngbudǒng. other people may not understand.

Tāmen shuō, shì shénme zì? They may ask “what word is this?”
And, one word might have several
Érqiě yī gè zì yǒu hǎoduō gè yìsi.
Shì shì. shì…. suǒyǐ hěn zhòngyào de shì xué Yes, so it’s really important to learn some
yīxiē jù shì, sentence patterns.

huòzhě dú yī gè jiǎndān de gùshi. Or read some simple stories.

During the four years you’ve been learning

Nà nǐ zài zhè sì nián xué Zhōngwén de qījiān,
yǒu méiyǒu chūxiàn guò juéde Zhōngwén tài nán did you ever feel that Chinese was so
le, difficult

xiǎng yào fàngqì de shíhou? that you wanted to give up?

Yīzhí méiyǒu zhège gǎnjué. I’ve never had this feeling.

Wǒ láidào Zhōngguó de shíhou, wǒ yǒu hěn When I came to China, I had a very clear
míngxiǎn de mùbiāo. goal.

Bùshì yǒu wánměi de kǒuyīn, It wasn’t that I wanted to speak perfectly.

It was that I could read a newspaper, watch

shì néng kàn bàozhǐ, néng kàn diànshì de xīnwén,
TV news

néng tīng shōuyīnjī děngděng, and listen to the radio, etc.

néng biǎodá wǒ zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ. (Also,) express my own views.

Do you think that you have reached your

Nǐ juéde nǐ dádào le nǐ zuìchū de mùbiāo ma?
initial goal?
Do you think that your Chinese is good
Nǐ juéde nǐ de Zhōngwén yǐjīng gòu hǎo le ma?
enough now?

Hái méi dádào. I haven’t reached it yet.

Yīnwèi wǒ hái juéde kàn, pìrú shuō Lǔxùn Because I think reading…for example Lu
fēicháng kùnnan de. Xun’s (books) is still really hard.

Kàn shénme? What?

Lǔxùn. Lu Xun.

Wǒ juéde tā de shì hěn nán. I think his (books) are really hard.

Nǐ shì zěnme xué hànzì de ne? How did you learn Chinese characters?

Wǒ juéde hànzì yīnggāi suànshì bǐjiào nán de I think that should be the most difficult part of
yībùfen ba. learning Chinese.
Wǒ kěnéng yī kāishǐ wǒ xué le yīxiē fēicháng At the beginning, I learned some very
jiǎndān de, simple,
fēicháng chángjiàn de, commonly seen (characters).

bǐrú shuō, hǎo, nǚ, nán, tiān, For example “good”, “female”, “male”, “sky”.

ránhòu wǒ měi yī cì chūmén wǒ jiù kěyǐ fùxí, Then, every time I went out, I could review.

yīnwèi wǒ kàndào zhōuwéi de páizi, zhōuwéi de Because I could see the signs around me,
jiē pái the street signs

dōu yǒu Zhōngwén, dōu yǒu hànzì. which all have Chinese, all have Hanzi.

Suǒyǐ zhè shì, nǐ zài Zhōngguó, nǐ zhù zài

So if you live in China
and want to learn Chinese, many people
xuéxí Zhōngwén, hěnduō rén juéde,
rúguǒ nǐ zhù zài Zhōngguó shì fēicháng hǎo de, If you live in China, it’s really easy to learn
hěn róngyì xué, Chinese.

háishi hěn nán xué, It’s still very hard.

bùguò zhège shì yī gè hěn dà de jīhuì, But it is an opportunity.

Every time you go out, you can practice and

nǐ kěyǐ měi yī cì chūmén doū liànxí, dōu fùxí.
Nà nǐ chūmén de shíhou shì bùshì měitiān doū
So, do you practice every time you go out
bùjǐn shì rèn zì, háiyǒu huì bù huì gēn yīxiē bù not only recognizing characters, but also
rènshi de, talking to Chinese

mòshēng de Zhōngguó rén liáotiān? who are strangers?

Wǒ méiyǒu nàme wàixiàng de, I’m not that outgoing.

bùguò nǐ… Bǐrú shuō nǐ zuò Dīdī, But you… if for example, you take a Didi,

huòzhě nǐ jiào chūzū chē de shíhou, or you take a taxi,

tāmen fāxiàn nǐ huì shuō Zhōngwén, they (the driver) finds you speak Chinese,

tā kěndìng yào gēn nǐ gōutōng yīxià. he’ll certainly want to chat with you.

Bùguò tāmen de wèntí jīběn shàng doū shì yīyàng But their questions are basically all the
de. same.

Bǐjiào jiǎndān, shénme wèntí? Simple questions. What kind of questions?

Shì nǐ láizì shénme guójiā, nǐ zài Zhōngguó duōjiǔ What country are you from? How long have
le? you been in China?
Nǐ zuò shénme gōngzuò? Nǐ juéde Zhōngguó hǎo What work do you do? Do you think China is
bù hǎo? good?
Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu yī gè Zhōngguó de nǚ péngyǒu a… Do you have a Chinese girlfriend? These
zhè zhīlèi de kinds.
Wǒ fāxiàn yǒu yīxiē gāng kāishǐ xué Zhōngwén de I found that some foreigners who just started
wàiguó rén to learn Chinese
might think that they shouldn’t learn
huì juéde zuì kāishǐ de shíhou bùyào xué hànzì,

nǐ rèntóng zhège kànfa ma? Do you agree?

Méiyǒu méiyǒu, No.

wǒ juéde nǐ yī kāishǐ nǐ yào jǐnkuài kāishǐ xuéxí I think you should start learning Hanzi as
hànzì, soon as your start learning Chinese.
yīnwèi nǐ huì fāxiàn hěnduō hěnduō de dāncí yǒu Because you’ll discover that many words
tóngyàng de zì. share the same character.
This can help you remember the
zhège huì bāng nǐ jìzhu zěnme fāyīn,

yīnwèi fāyīn shì yīyàng de. because the pronunciation is the same.

Bǐrú shuō, míngbai, cōngming, míngtiān, de For example, “understand”, “smart” and
“míng” “tomorrow”

dōu shì yīyàng de, all share a character.

fāyīn dōu shì yīyàng de, yǒu hěnduō hěnduō de zì The pronunciation is all the same. Many
shì zhèyàng de. words are like this.

Kěnéng yǒu hěnduō rén juéde tài nán le, Perhaps, many people think it’s too difficult

yòu yào xué pīnyīn yòu yào xué hànzì. to learn Pinyin and Hanzi at the same time.

Bùguò wǒ juéde bùshì tài nán, But I don’t think it’s too difficult.

rúguǒ nǐ yào zìjǐ xiě, kěnéng shì fēicháng nán de. If you want to write, maybe that’s really hard.

Bùguò zhǐshì kàndedǒng, néng dǎzì méiyǒu nàme

But only to read and type isn’t that hard.
I feel that many people when they practice
Wǒ juéde hěnduō rén dāng liànxí kǒuyǔ de shíhou
might worry that they’re making grammatical
doū huì dānxīn zìjǐ de yǔfǎ wèntí,

bǐrú xiàng wǒ shuō Yīngyǔ de shíhou, For example, when I speak English,

kěnéng wǒ yě huì dānxīn wǒ de yǔfǎ yǒu wèntí, I might worry about my English grammar.
nǐ yǒu guò zhè fāngmiàn de dānxīn ma? Do you have this kind of concern?

Dāngrán yī kāishǐ, wǒ shì yī gè bǐjiào jǐnzhāng de Of course I did at first. I’m more of a nervous
rén. person.

Shì ma? | Shì. Oh, yeah? | Yes.

Kàn bù chūlái. You don’t seem like that.

Suǒyǐ wǒ dāngrán yǒudiǎn dānxīn wǒ huì yǒu So, of course I was a little worried that I
yīxiē cuòwù, would have some mistakes,

qítā rén huì xiào wǒ. that other people would laugh at me.

Bùguò nǐ huì fāxiàn tāmen jīběn shàng bùguǎn, But I found that people don’t really care.

tāmen zhǐyào tīngdedǒng nǐ de yìsi, They just want to understand my meaning.

suǒyǐ nǐ yào dàdǎn yīdiǎn, bùguǎn nǐ de yǔfǎ de So, you need to be bold and don’t worry
wèntí. about your grammar.
You certainly will have a lot of grammatical
Kěndìng huì yǒu hěnduō hěnduō yǔfǎ de wèntí,

zhè shì bùnéng bìmiǎn de. this is unavoidable.

Rúguǒ nǐ duō tīng duō kàn, If you listen and read more,

nǐ huì bùzhī bù jué de xuéxí hěnduō yǔfǎ. you’ll unconsciously learn a lot of grammar.

Nǐ de yǔfǎ shì zěnme xué de? How did you learn grammar?

Jīběn shàng shì méishénme xué de. Basically, I haven’t learned it.

Dōu shì cóng dú gēn kàn, hái yǒu tīng. It’s all from reading, watching and listening.

Dú, kàn, tīng, suǒyǐ wǒ de yǔfǎ hái bùshì wánměi Reading, watching, listening, so my grammar
de. isn’t perfect.
bùguò dàbùfen de shíhou tāmen huì tīngdedǒng But usually people can understand what I
wǒ de yìsi. mean.
Xiàmian wǒmen jiù tán yī tán nǐ lái Zhōngguó Now, let’s talk about your experience
gōngzuò de jīnglì. working in China.

Zài nǐ juédìng lái Zhōngguó gōngzuò shí, When you decided to come work in China,

nǐ dāngshí xiǎng yào zhǎo de gōngzuò shì

what kind of job did you want?
shénme yàng de?

Wǒ yǐjīng shuōguò, As I’ve said before,

wǒ gāng lái Zhōngguó de shíhou shì dāng Yīngyǔ I came to China to be a foreign English
wàijiào. teacher.

Juéde nán ma? Lái zhǎo gōngzuò? Did you think it was hard? To find a job?

Yīnwèi wǒ zài Zhōngguó měi yī fèn gōngzuò Since every job I had in China

dōu shì cóng péngyǒu jièshào de, was from a friend’s introduction,

suǒyǐ wǒ méiyǒu juéde nàme nán. I don’t think it was that hard.

Duìyú xiǎng lái Zhōngguó zuò Yīngyǔ lǎoshī de For foreigners who want to come to China to
wàiguó rén, work as an English teacher,

nǐ yǒu shéme jiànyì ma? what advice do you have?

Jiù tāmen zěnme cái nénggòu zhǎodào héshì de

How can they find the job that they want?
gōngzuò ne?
Dì yī shì nǐ kěndìng yào ná dào yī gè gōngzuò
First, is to have a work visa.

zhège cái shì héfǎ de. Only this way, is it legal.

Yǒu hěnduō hěnduō de péixùn jīgòu huì gēn nǐ

Many training centers may tell you:

nǐ bù xūyào, nǐ kěyǐ ná dào yī gè lǚyóu qiānzhèng, “You don’t need it, you can get a tourist visa

and after you arrive in China you can change

lái dào Zhōngguó yǐhòu ránhòu kěyǐ gǎi,

bù huì de, tāmen zài piàn nǐ. You can’t. They’re tricking you.

Rúguǒ nǐ tīng dào zhè jù huà, If you hear them say this sentence,

nǐ kěndìng yào pǎo zǒu, suǒyǐ zhège shì dì yī. you should run away.

You also want to have a lawyer look at your

Nǐ yě yào ràng yī gè lǜshī kàn nǐ de hétong,

érqiě yī gè huì shuō Zhōngwén de lǜshī, A Chinese-speaking lawyer.

yīnwèi nàge… rúguǒ nǐ de hétong Because…if your contract

yǒu yī gè shì Yīngwén bǎn, Zhōngwén bǎn, has an English and a Chinese version,

Zhōngwén bǎn shì shuō le suàn de. The Chinese version is what counts.

Zhèyàng zi a! Is that so!

Shì de, Zhōngguó de fǎguān tāmen kěndìng Yes, Chinese judges definitely won’t…if
bùyào, rúguǒ yǒu yī gè qūbié, there’s a difference…
They’ll certainly pay attention to the Chinese
tāmen kěndìng yào tīng Zhōngwén bǎn.

Wǒ míngbai le. I see.

Suǒyǐ zài lái Zhōngguó zhīqián jiù yào bàn So you need to get a work visa before
gōngzuò qiānzhèng, shì ma? coming to China, right?

Shì, zài huá ěr shèng… Yes, in Wash.. er sheng?

huá’ěrjiē? Wall Street?

Huáshèngdùn. Washington.

Zài Huáshèngdùn bàn de, yīnwèi shì lí wǒ de It was done in Washington (DC), because
lǎojiā zuì jìn de. that was nearest to my hometown.
Wǒ yǐwéi tāmen dōu shì xiān lái Zhōngguó zài I thought they come to China first, then look
zhǎo gōngzuò de. for a job.
Bùshì bùshì! Shì zài wǎngshàng miànshì, zài No, no! We have an online interview, an
skype lǐmian miànshì. interview on Skype.
Miànshì wán le zhīhòu, ránhòu tāmen jiù huì gěi nǐ After the interview is finished, they will issue
gōngzuò qiān? a work visa?

Tāmen xiě le yī gè yāoqǐng xìn, They will write an invitation letter,

you take this letter to the (Chinese)

nǐ bǎ zhège yāoqǐng xìn qù nàge dàshǐ guǎn.

Ránhòu bàn qiānzhèng? | Shì And you can get the work visa? | Yes.

Nǐ juéde jiāo Yīngwén de guòchéng zhōng, When you were teaching English,

what was the most difficult part about the

shénme shì zuì kùnnan de bùfen?

Yīnggāi shì guǎn xiǎohái. Probably handling children.

Yīnwèi xiǎohái tāmen jīběn shàng duì Yīngyǔ Because children basically aren’t interested
méiyǒu tèbié gǎn xìngqù, in English,

tāmen zhǐyào wán. they just want to play.

Rúguǒ bù hǎowán, tāmen bùyào. If it’s not fun, they don’t want it.

Rúguǒ shì chéngrén, nà nǐ kěyǐ rènwéi tāmen dōu If it’s adults, you can assume that they
shì zìjǐ bàomíng de. signed up themselves.

Zìyuàn de. Voluntarily.

Dōu shì zìyuàn de. Háizi jīběn shàng bùshì zìyuàn All are voluntary. Children usually aren’t
de, voluntary.

suǒyǐ nǐ yào fāmíng hěnduō hěnduō de yóuxì. So you need to invent a lot of games.

Rúguǒ nǐ pèngdào xiǎo háizi shuō: What if there are kids that say:

“Wǒ bùyào xué le! Bù hǎowán!” “I don’t want to study! It’s not fun!”

Nà nǐ zěnme bàn? What would you do?

Jīběn shàng zài dàbùfen de péixùn jīgòu, In most training centers,

you have a foreign teacher and a Chinese

yǒu yī gè wàijiào, yě yǒu yī gè zhōng jiào, yīqǐ de.
teacher together.

Suǒyǐ wàijiào de gōngzuò shì bǐjiào róngyì de. So the foreign teacher’s job is easier.

Nǐ kěyǐ shuō, zhōng jiào, nǐ kěyǐ bāng yīxià. You can say “Chinese teacher, help me out!”

Wǒ jiùshì nàge zhōng jiào. I was the Chinese teacher!

Wǒ kàn le nǐ de shìpín, guānyú zhège jīnglì. I watched your video, about this experience.

That’s why I don’t like being a Chinese

Suǒyǐ wǒ bù xǐhuan dāng zhōng jiào,

yīnwèi guǎn xiǎohái tèbié lèi. It’s really tiring to manage kids.

Nà zài yǔ xuéxiào de guǎnlǐ rényuán dǎjiāodào de In the course of dealing with the school
guòchéng zhōng, managers

huòzhě shì yǒu yīxiē xuéxiào de guīdìng ba, or some school rules,

yǒu méiyǒu shame shì nǐ bù shìyìng huòzhě bù were there any that you didn’t adapt to or
xǐhuan de? didn’t like?

Yī gè shì rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu kè dehuà, One is that if you don’t have any classes,

nǐ háishi yào liú zài bàngōngshì lǐ. you still have to stay in the office.

Bàngōngshì shíjiān. Office hours.

Dàn nàge shì yǒu gōngzī de ya. | Méiyǒu. But you get paid (for office hours). | No.

Your salary is determined by how many

Nǐ de gōngzī shì cóng nǐ shàng de kè suàn de.
classes you have.

Wǒ juéde zhè shì làngfèi nǐ de shíjiān, I think it’s a waste of your time.
Dànshì nǐ de bàngōngshì shíjiān shì yònglái bèikè But your office hours are used to prepare
de ba? classes, right?
Rúguǒ wǒ kěyǐ zài jiālǐ bèikè, huòzhě wǒ yǐjīng bèi If I can prepare classes at home, or they’re
hǎo kè, already prepared,

wǒ wèishéme yào liú zài bàngōngshì lǐ? why do I need to stay in the office?

Lìngwài yī gè shì tāmen ràng nǐ cānjiā yīxiē Another is that they make you participate in
huódòng. some activities.

Tāmen shuō, zhège huódòng shì hěn hǎowán de, They say “this activity is fun”!

bùguò tāmen hái yào bī nǐ qù. But they still force you to go.

Shì zài gōngzuò de shíjiān ràng nǐ qù háishi zài Do they ask you to go during your work
xiūxi de shíhou ràng nǐ qù? hours or your free time?

Dōu yǒu dōu yǒu. Both.

Xiūxi de shíhou kěyǐ jùjué ba! You can refuse if it’s your free time, right?

Zài wǒ de jīnglì, bùnéng! In my experience, no!

Tāmen bùnéng gàosu nǐ, nǐ kěyǐ jùjué. They won’t tell you that you can refuse.

Nǐ kěnéng huì jùjué, You may be able to refuse

rúguǒ nǐ jùjué dehuà, zhǎodào yī gè xīn de wàijiào because if it’s really troublesome to find a
hěn máfan de, new foreign teacher.

suǒyǐ tāmen kěnéng huì jiēshòu. So they may accept (your refusing to go).

Bùguò tāmen kěndìng bù huì gàosu nǐ: “Nǐ kěyǐ But they definitely won’t tell you: “you can
jùjué!” refuse to go!”

nà nǐ xiànzài shì yǒu zìjǐ de gōngsī, duì ba? You now have your own business, right?

Néng bùnéng gēn wǒmen jiǎndān de xiān jièshào

Can you tell us briefly about

nǐmen gōngsī shì zuò shénme de? your company?

Wǒmen de gōngsī shì zuò yīxiē jiàoyù gōngjù. Our company makes educational tools.

Jiàoyù shénme? What kind of educational tools?

Xiànzài shì wàiyǔ, bùguò wèilái kěnéng yǒu gèng Right now it’s for foreign languages, but in
duō de kēmù. the future perhaps more subjects.

Yīngyǔ ma? English?

Yīngyǔ shì dì yī, yīnwèi wǒmen zài Zhōngguó, English is first, because we are in China

Yīngyǔ de shìchǎng shì zuìdà de, and the English market is the biggest.

Also we’re more professional at teaching

érqiě wǒmen shì bǐjiào zhuānyè de jiāo yīngyǔ de.

Suǒyǐ wǒmen yào fāmíng yīxiē yóuxì, So we’ve invented some games,

yīxiē gōngjù, yīxiē kèchéng, huì bāng tāmen tools and curriculum that can help people
zìxué. self-study.
Nà nǐ juéde nǐmen de xuéxí gōngjù yǒu shéme
What is special about your learning tools?
tèbié zhī chù ne?
Yīnwèi xiànzài hěnduō, shìmiàn shàng yǒu
Since now there are many
tools and apps that are teaching English on
jiāo yīngyǔ de gōngjù, app zhèxiē dōngxi.
the market.
Shì shì shì. Wǒ kàndào le hěnduō, wǒ shì le
Yes. I’ve seen a lot and tried a lot.

wǒ hái juéde dàbùfen méiyǒu nàme hǎo de. I don’t think that most are that great.

Wǒ xué Yuèyǔ de shíhou, When I was learning Cantonese,

wǒ cóng Zhōngguó de shǒujī, shǒujī from the Chinese cell phone…cell phone
shāngchǎng? market…

Nǐ zhǐ de shì?| Nàge App You mean? | The app

Shǒujī app shìchǎng. Cell phone app market (app store).

Shìchǎng, app shìchǎng App market.

I downloaded a lot of apps to learn

Wǒ xiàzǎi le hěnduō xuéxí Yuèyǔ de ruǎnjiàn,

fāxiàn dàbùfen méiyǒu nàme hǎoyòng de. I found that most weren’t really that useful.

Suǒyǐ wǒmen, zuìjìn wǒmen zhuānxīn de shì xiě So, we’ve been focused on writing some
yīxiē gùshi, stories lately.
yīnwèi xiànzài wǒ rènwéi, cóng gùshì xué wàiyǔ Because I think, learning a language from
shì zuìhǎo de fāngfǎ. stories is the best method.

Wèishéme? Why?

Yīnwèi gùshi shì yǒuqù de, Because stories are interesting,

bǐ xué yīxiē suíbiàn de dāncí huòzhě suíbiàn de more interesting than learning random words
jùzi gèng yǒuqù de. or sentences.
Yǒu yī gè hěn chūmíng de xuéxí wàiyǔ de There’s a famous foreign language learning
ruǎnjiàn, app.

tāmen shì ràng nǐ yī jùzi yī jùzi fānyì. It makes you translate a sentence at a time.

O, fānyì jùzi. Oh, translating sentences.

Fānyì jùzi, zhè shì tāmen wéiyī de fāngfǎ. Translating sentences is their only method.

Wǒ juéde tài wúliáo le. I think it’s too boring.

Suǒyǐ wǒ juéde yǒu yī gè jiǎndān de gùshi, So I think having a simple story

zhège gùshi lǐ kěyǐ chóngfù nǐ de shēngcí hěnduō

that repeats new vocabulary many times,
hěnduō cì,

érqiě shì bǐjiào yǒuqù de, is more interesting.

suǒyǐ nǐ huì tīng, kěnéng shí cì, èrshí cì, So you can listen ten, maybe twenty times

and slowly get used to the grammar and

mànman xíguàn zhèxiē yǔfǎ hé shēngcí.

Nǐ de gùshi shì nǐ xiě de háishi? Did you write the stories, or… ?

Shì wǒ hé wǒ de huǒbàn xiě de. They’re written by me and my partner.

Nà nǐmen de gùshi shì gěi chūjí de xuésheng Are your stories for elementary

háishi zhōngjí de xuésheng shǐyòng de ne? or intermediate level students?

Xiànzài wǒmen xiě de… Wǒmen xiě le dàgài yībǎi So now we’ve written…we’ve written about a
zhāng. hundred chapters.

Yībǎi gè gùshi. One hundred stories. (I misunderstood.)

wǒmen yǒu yīxiē jiùshì xìliè de, suǒyǐ yīgòng yǒu We have some that are in a series, so in
yībǎi zuǒyòu. total about one hundred.

Wa! Zhème duō! Wow! So many!

Dàgài shì sān wàn bāqiān zì, shì cóng líng jīchǔ Approximately 38,000 words. It’s from
dào zhōngjí de. absolute beginner to intermediate.

Dōu yǒu. We have for both.

Nà nǐmen zhège gùshi gēn qítā rén de gùshi yǒu What is the difference between your stories
shéme qūbié ne? and other people’s?
Qíshí wǒ hěn shǎo jiàn qítā rén xiě gùshi, wǒ Actually, I rarely see other people writing
zhīdao… stories. I know…
Dànshì yǒu hěnduō gùshi shū a! But, there are many story books!

Dàbùfen shì cóng zhōngjí kāishǐ de. Most start from an intermediate level.

Tāmen shuō rúguǒ nǐ zhīdao wǔbǎi zì, They say “if you know 500 words”

huòzhě nǐ zhīdao yīqiān zì, nǐ kěyǐ kàn zhège jiào Or “if you know 1,000 words, you can read
fēnjí yuèdú. this ‘graded reader.’”

Wǒmen shì cóng líng jīchǔ, We start from absolute zero.

nǐ zhīdao shí gè dāncí, èrshí dāncí, nǐ jiù kěyǐ If you know ten or twenty words, you can
kāishǐ dú. start to read.

Shì ma? | Shì. Oh, yeah? | Yes.

You can read stories just by knowing only

Zhīdao shí gè dāncí jiù kěyǐ dú gùshi le ma?
ten words?
Because those ten words are like “at, in, is”
Yīnwèi shí gè dāncí shì: at, in, is zhèyàng de.

Jiǎndān de. Simple words.

Ránhòu dì yīgè gùshi shì jièshào shí gè shēngcí The first story introduces about ten new
zuǒyòu, words.
ránhòu wǒmen kěyǐ yòng nǐ yǐjīng zhīdao de shí Then we use the ten words you already
gè dāncí hé shí gè shēngcí, know and add ten new words,
a total of twenty words to write a simple
yòng èrshí gè zì zài xiě yī gè jiǎndān de gùshi.

Měi yī gè gùshi, měi yī jié kè Every story, every class

dōu shì jièshào jiǔ dào shí’èr gè shēngcí zuǒyòu. introduces between 9 to 12 new words.

Míngbai le. I see.

Suǒyǐ wǒmen kěyǐ yòng de cíhuì shì zhèyàng de. So the vocabulary we can use is like this.

Mànman mànman wǎng shàng zhǎng. Gradually increasing.

Based on your experience teaching English

Gēnjù nǐ zài Zhōngguó jiāo yīngyǔ de jīngyàn,
in China,
nǐ juéde Zhōngguó rén yǒu nǎxiē xué Yīngyǔ zuì what do you think is the worst habit of
huài de xíguàn? Chinese people who are learning English?

Xué yīngyǔ zuì huài de xíguàn. A bad habit in learning English…

Bèi dāncí | Shì ma? Reciting vocabulary words. | Really?

Bèi dāncí shì méi yòng de. Reciting vocabulary is useless.

Kàn yīxiē shìpín shì shí fēnzhōng, (Or) watching some ten minute videos,

jiǔ fēnzhōng shì yòng Zhōngwén jièshào Yīngwén 9 minutes are an explanation of English
de yǔfǎ, grammar using Chinese.

ránhòu yī fēnzhōng shì Yīngwén de, And then one minute of actual English.

wǒ juéde méiyǒu shéme hǎo yòng de. I think it’s worthless.

Rúguǒ nǐ yào xuéhǎo yī mén yǔyán, If you want to learn a language well,

nǐ xūyào jiēchù zhè mén… zhège yǔyán. you must interact with this language.

Duō tīng. Listen more.

Duō tīng, duō kàn. Listen more, read more.

But you definitely want to understand what

Bùguò nǐ kěndìng yào tīngdedǒng, kàndedǒng.
you’re listening and reading.
Shì gēn nǐ de shìpín shì yīyàng de, shì dōu shì
Like your videos, but they use Chinese.
yòng Zhōngwén de,
bùguò yǒu yīxiē zìmù, suǒyǐ tāmen huì kàndedǒng But have subtitles, so they (viewers) can
hé tīngdedǒng, understand.

bùguò shì Zhōngwén de huánjìng. But it’s a Chinese environment.

Qíshí wǒ… Yǒu yītiān wǒ bèikè, Actually, once I was preparing a class.

zài wǒ fángjiān de pángbiān, yǒu yī gè nǚhái, tā In the room next to me was a girl, she kept
shuō… yīzhí shuō saying..

shénme dāncí? Wǒ jìde, choreographer What word? I remember: choreographer.

Shì yī gè hěn nán jì de dāncí, It was a word that was hard to remember.

Wǒ wèn tā nǐ zài zuò shénme, I asked her what she was doing.

wǒ jīntiān yào xué wǔshí dāncí, wǒ yào zhèyàng (She said:) “Today I want to learn 50 words, I
bèi dāncí. need to recite them.”

Wǒ shuō zhège méishénme hǎo yòng de, I said “this is useless.”

“You’re definitely going to forget most of

nǐ kěndìng huì wàngjì dàbùfen.
Duì, yǒu hěnduō rén xiǎng yào… xǐhuan bèi
Right. Many people like to recite
zhè yī běn zìdiǎn wǒ quánbù bèi xiàlai. a whole dictionary.

Shì tài wúliáo de. It’s so boring!

So, do you think these students that recite

Suǒyǐ zhèxiē bèi dāncí de xuésheng

nǐ juéde tāmen de Yīngyǔ xué de hǎo ma? can learn English well?

Yībān bù huì, wǒ juéde tāmen de Yīngyǔ, Usually not. I think…their English…

tāmen zhīdao hěnduō de dāncí, they know many words,

bùguò tāmen bù zhīdao zěnme yòng zhèxiē

but they don’t know how to use them

shuō yīxiē bǐjiào liúlì de, bǐjiào zìrán de jùzi. to say fluent, natural sentences.

So you definitely don’t want to recite

Suǒyǐ kěndìng bùyào bèi dāncí.
Actually, the same goes with learning
Nà qíshí xué Zhōngwén yě shì yīyàng de,

yě bùyào qù bèi dāncí, ér shì… You also shouldn’t recite vocabulary. And…

Shì, wǒ juéde xué měi yī mén wàiyǔ dōu shì Right, I think learning any language is
chàbuduō yīyàng de. basically the same.
Yǒu yīxiē tèdiǎn, yīnwéi zhōngwèn yǒu hànzì, zhè They have special characteristics, like
jiùshì yī gè tèdiǎn, Chinese has Hanzi.

bùguò jīběn de fāngfǎ shì yīyàng de. But the basic method is the same.

Nǐ juéde zuòwéi yī gè wàiguó rén, Do you think for a foreigner,

zài Zhōngguó kāi gōngsī máfan ma? Háishi hěn opening a company in China is a lot of
róngyì? trouble? Or is it easy?
Wǒ juéde shì máfan de, qíshí wǒ zài Měiguó I think it’s a lot of trouble. Actually I’ve never
méiyǒu kāi gōngsī, opened a company in the U.S.,

suǒyǐ bǐjiào nán, wǒ bù zhīdao zěnme biǎodá… so, it’s hard…I don’t know to say…

Bù hǎo qù duìbǐ. Can’t make a comparison.

Bùguò zài Zhōngguó, nǐ xiān yào zū yī gè dìfang. But in China, first you have to rent a place.

Guòchéng shì hěn cháng de, érqiě měi yī bù The process is very long, and every step
xūyào jǐge xiǎoshí, zhìshǎo. requires a few hours at least.

Děng, shì ma? Waiting?

Yes, waiting or filling out forms, stuff like
Shì děng háishi tián biǎo, zhèyàng de.
Did you go by yourself or did someone go
Dōu shì nǐ zìjǐ qù de háishi biéren péi nǐ qù de?
with you?
Rúguǒ wǒ kěyǐ chóngxīn zuò, wǒ kěndìng yào If I could start over again, I’d definitely hire a
qǐng yī gè gōngsī, company.
yīnwèi yǒu yīxiē gōngsī shì zhuānmén bāng nǐ Because there are companies that specialize
zhùcè gōngsī. in helping you register a company.

Duì duì duì. Right.

Zhège wǒ yǐhòu cái fāxiàn. This, I only learned later.

Zhīqián bù zhīdao shì ma? You didn’t know before?

Wǒ bù zhīdao, suǒyǐ dōu shì wǒmen zìjǐ zuò de. I didn’t know. So we did it all by ourselves.

Jiù nǐ gēn nǐ de huǒbàn liǎng gè rén qù de. So, only you and your partner went.

Dànshì, nàge shíhou nǐ de Zhōngwén yǐjīng kěyǐ But, at the time, was your Chinese already
gōutōng le ma? good enough to communicate?

Kěyǐ gōutōng. We could communicate.

Tā… Wǒ huǒbàn de Zhōngwén gēn wǒ chàbuduō He…my partner’s Chinese is about the same
yīyàng de, as mine,

érqiě tā huì xiězì. but he can write.

Suǒyǐ rúguǒ wǒ yào tián biǎo, wǒ doū yào gěi tā If I needed to fill out a documents, I always
tián biǎo. gave it to him to fill out.

Nǐ huì xiě zìjǐ de míngzi ma? Can you write your own name?

Zìjǐ de míngzi… Kěyǐ xiě nián, yuè, rì My name… as well as “year”, “month”, “day”.

Bù duì! Nǐ de míngzi shì Yīngwén de, suǒyǐ Oh, no! Your name is in English. So it didn’t
méiyǒu guānxi. matter.
Tāmen bù ràng wǒ yòng wǒ de Zhōngwén míng They wouldn’t let me sign with my Chinese
qiānmíng. name.

Duì ya, yīnwèi nàge bùshì nǐ de fǎdìng míngzi. Sure. Because that’s not your legal name.

Shì, rúguǒ wǒ ná dào Zhōngguó de jiàshǐ zhào,

Yes. If I get a Chinese…drivers..driving…

Jiàshǐ zhèng. Driver’s license.

Jiàshǐ zhèng, nà nǐ bùnéng yǒu yī gè Yīngwén Driver’s license…You can’t have an English
míng, name on it.
nǐ bìxū yǒu yī gè Zhōngwén míng. You must use a Chinese name.

Shì! Shì zhèyàng de. That’s how it is.

Suǒyǐ nǐ kěyǐ jiào… Nǐ kěyǐ qǔ yī gè Zhōngwén de So you can call…You can make up a
míngzi, Chinese name
háishi shuõ zhíjiē cóng nǐ de nàge Tyler fānyì or translate directly from your English name
chéng tàilè? Tyler to Tai le?

Dōu xíng, nǐ kěyǐ zìjǐ xuǎn. Whichever is okay, you can choose.

Suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ kàn zài wǎngshàng yǒu yīxiē

If you look online, (they show) foreigners’
wàiguó rén

tā bàn le zhège jiàshǐ zhèng, jiàzhào. driver’s licenses.

Liǎng gè dōu kěyǐ. Both are okay.

Tāmen bàn le zhège jiàzhào, When they get the license,

tāmen xuǎn de míngzi shì hěn gǎoxiào de, bǐrú they choose funny names like “hao lihai”
“hǎo lìhài”. (which means “awesome”).

Shì ma? “Hǎo lìhài”! Really? Awesome!

Nà nǐ dǎsuan jiào shénme? What do you plan on calling yourself?

Āi? Nǐ yǒu jiàshǐ zhèng ma? Do you have a driver’s license?

Méiyǒu méiyǒu. No.

Nǐ dǎsuan jiào shénme míngzi? So, what do you plan on calling yourself?

Wǒ yǐjīng sì nián duō, yǒu yī gè Zhōngwén míng I’ve had a Chinese name Tang Long for over
jiào Táng Lóng, four years now.
Tang as for Tang dynasty and Long as for Li
táng cháo de táng, Lǐxiǎolóng de lóng.
Xiao Long (Bruce Lee).

Wa! Zhège míngzi hǎo yǒu qìshì a! Wow! This name is really impressive!

Yǒu hěnduō rén tāmen de fǎnyìng shì Many people’s reaction to my name was that

zhège míngzi shì hěn yǒu Zhōngguó fēng de! it sounded very Chinese.

Duì, yīnwèi lóng ma, táng yòu shì Zhōngguó de Because it has dragon and it has the Tang
táng cháo. dynasty.

Dōu shì dàibiǎo Zhōngguó de. They all represent China.

Jiùshì wǒmen yǒu hěnduō xuésheng ne, Among our many students,

there may be some who are not students

tāmen kěnéng yǐjīng bùshì xuésheng le,
any more
yǒuxiē kěnéng yě shì xiǎng lái Zhōngguó zuò and some may want to come to China to do
shēngyi de, business.
Would you recommend to them opening a
nǐ huì jiànyì tāmen lái Zhōngguó kāi gōngsī ma?
company here?
Rúguǒ tāmen zhēn de yāo zài Zhōngguó zuò If they really want to come to China and do
shēngyi, kěndìng yào. business, definitely do.
You need to make sure that you want to do
Nǐ yào quèdìng nǐ yào zài Zhōngguó zuò shēngyi,
business in China.
You don’t want to carelessly come over to try
nǐ bùyào suíbiàn lái shì yīxià, kāi yī gè wàizī qǐyè,
to open a WFOE.
yīnwèi wàizī qǐyè shì hěn nán kāi, érqiě shì gèng Because WFOE’s are hard to open, and
nán guān de. even harder to close.
Secondly, you definitely want to hire a
Dì èr shì nǐ kěndìng yào qǐng yī gè gōngsī

bāng nǐ zhùcè zhège gōngsī. to register your business for you.

Duì, zhège shì nǐ chīguò de kuī. | Shì! This is from your bitter experience. | Right!

Dì sān shì nǐ yào zhǔnbèi suǒyǒu de chǎnpǐn, Thirdly, you want to prepare all your products

nǐ zhùcè zhège gōngsī zhīqián, before you register.

yīnwèi nǐ yào zhùcè yī gè gōngsī dehuà, Because if you want to register a company,

nǐ xiān yào zū yī gè dìfang, nǐ xiān yào chéngdān you first need to a rent a location, you have
zhège chéngběn. to take on this cost.
Nǐ zhuàn dào yī máo qián zhīqián, dōu yǒu
Before you make a cent,

yǐjīng yǒu zhège chéngběn, you already have this cost.

Suǒyǐ nǐ xiān yào zhǔnbèi hǎo, So you first want to prepare everything,

nǐ yào quèbǎo dōu shì yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎo de, you want to make sure everything is ready.

ránhòu zuìhòu yībù, shì kāishǐ nǐ de gōngsī. And the last step is to open your company.

Qiánmiàn nǐ yǒu tídào guò nǐmen gōngsī xiànzài You have mentioned that your company was
zài kǎolǜ considering

kāifā xuéxí de app, shì ba? developing an app, right?

Shì shì shì. Yes.

Xiànzài yǐjīng kāifā chūlái le ma? Is it already being developed?

It hasn’t come out yet. We…with another

Hái méiyǒu kāifā chūlái, wǒmen gēn yī gè gōngsī,
jiùshì zhuānmén bāng qítā gōngsī zuò yīxiē app A company that specializes in helping other
de gōngsī, companies develop apps.

wǒmen yào gēn tāmen qiān yī gè hétong, We will sign a contract with them.

ránhòu wǒmen gàosu tāmen wǒmen yào shénme And we’ll tell them what functionality we
gōngnéng. want.
ránhòu wǒmen xiě de gùshi, shìpín, bōkè And then we’ll take our stories, videos,
děngděng, podcasts, etc,

dōu yào shàngchuán dào zhège app qù. and upload all of them to the app.

Shì Zhōngguó rén kāi de ma? Is it a Chinese company?

Zhège gōngsī ma? This company?

App gōngsī shì Zhōngguó rén kāi de. The app company is a Chinese company.

So, is this just the two of you forming this

Nà nǐmen xiànzài shì jiù nǐmen liǎng gè

háishi yǒu yìxiàng zài zhǎo qítā de tóuzī rén lái? or are you looking for investors?

Kěnéng huì. Yīnwèi wǒmen yǒu yī gè míngxiǎn de Possibly. Because we have a very clear
mùbiāo, goal,

yǒu hěn míngxiǎn de xiǎngfǎ, a very clear idea.

We don’t want others to interfere (with our

wǒmen bùyào qítā rén yǐngxiǎng wǒmen.
Bǐrú wǒ shuō le wǒmen shì yī gè shèhuì huà For example, we are a socially conscious
shāngyè, business.

wǒmen bùjǐn shì wèile zhèng qián. We’re not only about making money.

Suǒyǐ rúguǒ yǒu yī gè tóuzī zhě dehuà, So, if we have an investor,

Wǒ hái yǒudiǎn dānxīn tāmen huì shuō: I’m a littler worried that they might say:

“Āi, nǐmen bùyào zhèyàng zuò”. “Hey, you shouldn’t do it this way.”

Zhège bù zhuànqián. This won’t make money.

Suǒyǐ rúguǒ tāmen de xiǎngfǎ shì gēn wǒmen
So, if their point of view is the same as ours,
yīyàng de,
tāmen huì jiēshòu wǒmen de juédìng, kěnéng huì and they can accept our decisions, maybe
yǒu. we’ll have some (investors).
Nǐ gānggāng yǒu jiǎng dào nǐ yǒu zuò shìpín You mentioned that you were making videos
háiyǒu bōkè, shì ba? | Shì. and podcasts, right? | Yes.
Nà zhèxiē shìpín huòzhě yīnpín nǐmen dōu So, which platforms do you upload these
shàngchuán dào nǎge píngtái ne? videos and audios to?

Xiànzài shì zài guónèi de, shì zài Xǐmǎlāyǎ, Now in China, on Himalaya (APP),

huòzhě shì Yōukù… Yōukù shìpín, QQ shìpín,

Youku, QQ video, and WeChat.
Wēixìn zhèxiē.
Wèilái, yīnwèi guówài de shìchǎng háishi hěn dà In the future, because the foreign market is
de, still very big
wǒmen hái huì shàngchuán yīxiē dào Youtube, we may upload to YouTube or other
dào qítā de píngtái. platforms.
Dànshì nǐmen de dōu shì zhǐ zhēnduì Zhōngguó
But your channel is only for Chinese,
rén, shì ma?

Huòzhě shì huì Zhōngwén de rén? or people that speak Chinese, right?

Kěnéng huì, bùguò rúguǒ, Maybe. But if..

pìrú shuō rúguǒ wǒ shuō yīxiē guānyú xuéxí for example, if I speak a little about learning
wàiyǔ, foreign languages,
yòng Zhōngwén shuō, bùguò yǒu Yīngwén de
using Chinese, but have English subtitles,
maybe to them (English speakers), it will be
kěnéng duì tāmen lái shuō hěn yǒuyòng.
Nà nǐ yǐhòu yě huì fēnxiǎng yīxiē xuéxí Zhōngwén So in the future, you might also share your
de jīnglì, shì ma? experience of learning Chinese, right?

Kěnéng jīnglì, wǒ bù huì jiāo rén Zhōngwén, Maybe experience. I can’t teach Chinese,

yīnwèi wǒ de Zhōngwén hái méiyǒu nàme hǎo. because my Chinese still isn’t great.

I can share with them. | Share some of

Wǒ kěyǐ gēn tāmen shuō… | Fēnxiǎng yīxiē nǐ…

fēnxiǎng wǒ de jīnglì. Share my experience.

Nǐ fànguò de cuò, And the mistakes you have made.

huòzhě shì nǐ juéde yòng de bǐjiào yǒuxiào de Or some effective learning methods that you
fāngfǎ děngděng, shì ma? have used, right?

Kěnéng, wǒ yě kěnéng huì cóng wǒ zìjǐ de píngtái, Maybe, I may share from my own platform
huòzhě wǒ zìjǐ de zhànghào, or account.

fēnxiǎng yīxiē wǒ zài Zhōngguó de shēnghuó

Some experience of life in China.
zhèyàng de.
Wǒ yě hěn qídài nǐ de xīn de Youtube píndào. | I am very much looking forward to your new
Xièxiè! YouTube channel! | Thank you!
Shì jīnnián jiù huì kāi háishi shuō děngdào Will you channel be open this year, or next
míngnián? year?

Jīnnián kěndìng huì yǒu. Definitely this year.

Hǎo! Nà zhèyàng zi, wǒ jiù bǎ nǐ de Wēixìn

Alright! So, I will leave your WeChat channel
gōngzhòng hào,
hái yǒu nǐ de Wēixìn zhànghào fàng zài zhège
and WeChat ID in this video.
shìpín lǐmian.
Rúguǒ yǒu rènhé rén duì Tyler yǐhòu kěnéng yào
If there is anyone who is interested in
chū de
Youtube shìpín gǎn xìngqù dehuà, kěyǐ gēn tā Tyler’s future YouTube videos, or just want
liánxì, to talk to him,

huòzhě shì jiāoliú yīxià xuéxí fāngfǎ, hǎo ba? you can contact him. Okay?

Kěyǐ. Sure!

Nà jīntiān fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐ de fēnxiǎng! Thank you very much for sharing with us!

I think your sharing was pretty

Wǒ juéde fēnxiǎng de hěn quánmiàn ya!

Xièxiè! Thank you!

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