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Annotated Bibliography of Methodology

for Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and

Gas Resources
Ronald R. Charpentier and Jannette S. Wesley
U.S. Geological Survey
Denver, Colorado

This paper presents a bibliography of articles on methods of estimating amounts of undiscovered oil
and gas resources. The articles are categorized according to which of ten estimation methods they

SCOPE OF T H E BIBLIOGRAPHY categories are not sharp and there is some overlap. Thus, a
single method can have aspects of more than one category, or
This is a bibliography of appraisal methodology for for a single study, the results of a method in one category can
estimating conventional and unconventional undiscoveted be used as input for a method in another category.
oil and gas resources. Only those papers presenting some The main differences among the ten categories lie in what
insight into quantitative appraisal methods are included. types of data are used. The data used in resource appraisal fall
Those papers that merely mention, but do not explain, an into three main types. The first type, geologic data, is a broad
assessment method are excluded as are those that discuss group of descriptive data ranging from areas of sedimentary-
only nonquantitative aspects of resource appraisal. Also basins to distributions of effective porosity in the pools of a
excluded are papers presenting only appraisal methods for particular play. The second type, deposit size data, includes
nonhydrocarbon resources. measures of field or pool sizes. The third type, historical data,
Methods for assessing the amount of reserves in discovered includes information on the history of hydrocarbon
fields are not included here except for those methods that are exploration and discovery. Some methods use data of only
used for calculating inferred reserves for the aggregate of one type; some use data of two or all three types.
fields in a region by extrapolation of past rates of reserve Suggested general references on oil and gas appraisal
growth. These methods are similar to appraisal of methodology are A A P G Studies in Geology Number 1 ,
undiscovered resources in their use of relatively uncertain, Adelman et al. (1983), Masters (1984)\ and White and
non-field-specific data, and thus papers about the latter Gehman(1979).
methods are included in the bibliography, while those
concerning field-specific petroleum engineering calculations Areal Yields
are not. Areal yield methods use basic geologic data, usually just
Supply modeling, which is appraisal of what will be the areas of sedimentary rock in a region to be assessed. More
discovered over a particular interval of time as opposed to detailed geologic data can be used, however, to aid in
what is ultimately available for discovery, is not treated here. choosing appropriate analogs. These methods consist of the
Although an assessment of undiscovered resources can be multiplication of the prospective area to be assessed by some
part of a supply model, supply models must also take into yield of hydrocarbon per unit area calculated from a better
account additional economic factors. The emphasis on explored analog area. Differences among methods are mainly
economics rather than geology qualifies supply modeling as a in how the prospective area is calculated. These methods are
separate topic, and thus papers concerning it are not most appropriate for large areas—basin size or larger. Unit
included here. regional values, when calculated specifically for hydrocarbon

' H a u n , J. D., ed., 1975, Methods of estimating the volume of

APPRAISAL METHODS undiscovered oil and gas resources: A A P G Studies in Geology, n. 1, 206
p.; individual papers are cited in this bibliography.
Masters, C . D., ed., 1984, Petroleum resource assessment: Ottawa,
Methods of assessing undiscovered hydrocarbons are International Union of Geological Sciences Publication n. 17, 157 p.;
divided here into ten categories. The boundaries of these individual papers are cited in this bibliography.

248 Charpentier and Wesley

resources, fall into this category. Some of the major areal Discovery Modeling
yield references are Hendricks (1965, 1975) and Weeks Discovery modeling combines deposit size data with
(1965,1966). historical data and sometimes with geologic data as well.
Generally it consists of a quantification of the relationship
between deposit size and the order or sequence in which
Volumetric Yields discoveries are made. More broadly, the category includes
Volumetric yield methods are very similar to areal yield quantitative models of how deposits are discovered.
methods except that yields are calculated per unit volume of Important examples include Arps and Roberts (1958),
rock rather than per unit surface area. The methods use Barouch and Kaufman (1976a, b), Drew et al. (1980),
geologic data only slightly more detailed than that used for Kaufman et al. (1975), Menard and Sharman (1975), and
areal yield methods. Major volumetric yield references Root and Schuenemeyer (1980).
include Jones (1975), Mallory (1975), and Ulmishek and
Harrison (1984).
Reserve Growth
Calculation of inferred reserves on a field-by-field basis is
Play Analysis an engineering problem and such methods are not included
Play analysis is a more detailed form of volumetric yield here. Inferred reserves, however, are sometimes calculated as
analysis. Whereas areal yield and volumetric yield methods an aggregate for large areas using historical trends in reserve
primarily use geologic data, play analysis is performed at a growth. Such methods are represented in the bibliography
scale detailed enough to use both geologic and deposit size by, for example, Arrington (1960), Hubbert (1967), Mast and
data. The methods consist of generating and then combining Dingier (1975), and Root (1981).
estimates of the number of undiscovered deposits and
estimates of the sizes of undiscovered deposits. Often the
estimates of sizes of undiscovered deposits are calculated Material Balance
using geologic data, such as structure sizes, reservoir The material balance approach (or volume genetic
thicknesses, and porosities, in a volumetric equation. The approach, as it is called in the Russian literature) begins with
deposit size estimates may also come directly from analog an assessment, based on geochemical data, of the amount of
deposit size data or from a combination of deposit size and hydrocarbon generated. This amount is discounted by
historical data by way of a discovery model. Because of the migration and trapping efficiencies on the basis of geologic
more detailed scale of play analysis, risk is more likely to be analogs. Some of the major references on the material
assessed separately than it would be for areal or volumetric balance approach are Bishop et al. (1983), Conybeare (1965),
yield studies. Prospect analysis is a subset of play analysis; it is Kontorovich (1950, 1976, 1984), and Neruchev (1964).
the special case where the number of prospects in a given
play is determined to be one. Baker et al. (1984), Bird (1984),
Canada Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources (1977), Direct Assessment
Lee and Wang (1983a, b), Miller (1981,1982a), Procter and Direct assessment methods synthesize the results of other
Taylor (1984), and L. P. White (1981) are some of the main methods and/or modify the results in accordance with other
references. data not taken into account by the primary methods. Delphi
conferences are the most common direct assessment
methods. Although traditionally called "direct subjective
Field Size Analysis assessment methods," they are actually indirect because of
One way to use deposit size data is to assume a distribution their use of other primary methods for input. They are also
(e.g., lognormal or Zipf's Law) and then use the sizes of not necessarily more subjective than other methods;
discovered deposits to calculate the expected sizes of subjectivity is usually just less obvious in the assumptions.
undiscovered deposits. These methods have also been used to Some examples of direct assessment procedures are given in
compare sizes of discovered deposits to deposit size Dolton et al. (1981) and Miller et al. (1975).
distributions generated by a play analysis. Major references
include: Coustau (1979), Folinsbee (1977), Harbaugh and
Ducastaing (1981), Howarth et al. (1980), Kaufman (1962), Probability Methods
Klemme (1983, 1984), McCrossan (1969), Riesz (1978), and Probability methods include statistical methods used to
Schuenemeyer and Drew (1983). make further inferences based on resource assessments.
These are mainly used to aggregate estimates for smaller areas
into estimates for larger areas or to disaggregate estimates for
Historical Extrapolation larger areas into estimates for smaller areas. Also included are
Historical extrapolation methods primarily use historical some basic probabilistic techniques, such as Monte Carlo
data. They relate discovery data to either time or some simulation, which is also used in other methods. Included in
measure of exploratory effort. Individual methods mainly our bibliography are a few selected papers that present such
vary according to what time/effort measure is used and to techniques, although the authors of these papers may not
what mathematical function is fit to the data. Drew (1975a, necessarily relate these techniques specifically to appraisal of
b), Hubbert (1962,1967,1969,1974), Moore (1966a, c), undiscovered resources. The most important papers include
Root and Drew (1979), J. T. Ryan (1973a, b), and Zapp Capen (1976), Crovelli (1981,1983a, 1984a), Dolton et al.
(1962) all used historical extrapolation methods. (1981), and Walstrom et al. (1967).
Bibliography of Assessment Methodology 249

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY , 1983b, Future supply of oil and gas from the Gulf of
Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1294, 21 p.
Discovery modeling
AAPG Strategic Committee on Public Affairs, 1976, The Attanasi, E. D., T. M. Garland, J. H. Wood, W. D. Dietzman, and
assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources: AAPG J. N. Hicks, 1979, Economics and resource appraisal—the case
Background Paper n. 8, 5 p. of the Permian Basin: Eighth Symposium of the Society of
Volumetric yields Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of Mining,
Abramovich, M. V, 1960, Estimate of reserves of prospective Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers on Petroleum
areas in folded oil and gas regions: Petroleum Geology, v. 4, n. Economics and Evaluation, n. 7738, p. 227-234. [Reprinted in
6-A, p. 315-318. 1981, Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 33, n. 4, p.
Play analysis 603-616.]
Discovery modeling
Adams, T. D., and M. A. Kirkby, 1975, Estimate of world gas
Attanasi, E. D., L. J. Drew, and J. H. Schuenemeyer, 1980,
reserves: Proceedings of the Ninth World Petroleum Congress,
Petroleum-resource appraisal and discovery rate forecasting in
partially explored regions—an application to supply modeling:
Reserve growth
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1138-C, 20 p.
Adelman, M. A., J. C. Houghton, G. Kaufman, and M. B. Discovery modeling
Zimmerman, 1983, Energy resources in an uncertain future:
Attanasi, E. D., L.J. Drew, andD. H. Root, 1981, Physical
coal, gas, oil, and uranium supply forecasting: Cambridge,
variables and the petroleum discovery process, in J. B. Ramsey,
Massachusetts, Ballinger Publishing Co., 434 p.
ed., The economics of exploration for energy resources:
Direct assessment, discovery modeling, historical extrapolation, play
Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI Press, p. 3-18.
analysis, and volumetric yields
Discovery modeling
Arbatov, A. A., and A. V Kondadov, 1979, Oil and gas Atwater, G. I., 1956, Futute of Louisiana offshore oil province:
occurrences in small intermontane basins: International AAPG Bulletin, v. 40, n. 11, p. 2624-2634.
Geology Review, v. 21, n. 3, p. 368-372. Play analysis
Volumetric yields
Baecher, G. B., 1975, Subjective sampling approaches to resource
Arps, J. J., and T. G. Roberts, 1958, Economics of drilling for estimation, in M. Grenon, ed., Proceedings of the First I1ASA
Cretaceous oil on east flank of Denver-Julesburg Basin: Conference on Energy Resources, Laxenburg, p. 251-274.
AAPG Bulletin, v. 42, n. 11, p. 2549-2566. [Reprinted in M. Grenon, ed., 1979, Methods and models for
Discovery modeling assessing energy resources, Proceedings of the First IIASA
Arps, J. J., M. Mortada, and A. E. Smith, 1971, Relationship Conference on Energy Resources, Laxenburg, Austria: Oxford,
between proved reserves and exploratory effort: Journal of Pergamon Press, p. 186-209.]
Petroleum Technology, v. 23, n. 6, p. 671-675. Discovery modeling
Historical extrapolation, reserve growth, and volumetric yields Baker, R. A., H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, and D. A. White,
Arrington, J. R., 1960, Predicting the size of crude reserves is key 1984, Geologic field number and size assessments of oil and gas
to evaluating exploration programs: Oil and Gas Journal, v. 58, plays: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, n. 4, p. 426-437.
n. 9, p. 130-134. Field size analysis and play analysis
Reserve growth Bakirov, A., andSc. G. Ovanessov, 1971, Scientific principles of
, 1966, Estimation of future reserve revision in current calculation of potential oil and gas resources in connection
with theit evaluation in estimating different prospective oil
fields, in Economics and the Petroleum Geologist Symposium
and gas provinces: Proceedings of the Eighth World Petroleum
Transactions: Midland, Texas, West Texas Geological Society
Congress, v. 2, p. 315-322.
Publication 66-53, p. 16-30.
Reserve growth Area! yields, historical extrapolation, material balance, play analysis,
and volumetric yields
Ashton, P. R., 1981, Estimating potential reserves in Southeast
Barouch, E., and G. M. Kaufman, 1975a, Predicting undiscovered
Asian Neogene reefs, in Proceedings of the Seminar on
oil and gas in a play using a stochastic model of discovery, in J.
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Kuala Lumpur,
C. Davis, J. H. Doveton, and J. W. Harbaugh, convenors,
Malaysia: United Nations ESCAP CCOP Technical
Probability methods in oil exploration, AAPG Research
Publication n. 10, p. 244-259.
Symposium, Stanford, California: Kansas Geological Survey,
Play analysis
7 p.
Attanasi, E. D., and L. J. Drew, 1977, Field expectations and the Discovery modeling
determinants of wildcat drilling: Southern Economic Journal,
, 1975b, A probabilistic model of oil and gas discovery, in
v. 44, n. 1, p. 53-67.
M. Grenon, ed., Proceedings of the First IIASA Conference
Discovery modeling
on Energy Resources, Laxenburg, Austria, p. 311-324.
Attanasi, E. D., and D. H. Root, 1981, Petroleum potential of [Reprinted in M. Grenon, ed., 1979, Methods and models for
Latin America and Africa from a global perspective: Oil and assessing energy resources, Proceedings of the First IIASA
Gas Journal, v. 79, n. 44, p. 187-205. Conference on Energy Resources, Laxenburg, Austria: Oxford,
Historical extrapolation Pergamon Press, p. 248-260.]
Attanasi, E. D., and J. L. Haynes, 1983a, Economics and the Discovery modeling and field size analysis
appraisal of conventional oil and gas resources in the western , 1976a, Oil and gas discovery modeled as sampling
Gulf of Mexico, in Ptoceedings of the Hydrocarbon Economics proportional to random size: Alfred P. Sloan School of
Evaluation Symposium, Society of Petroleum Engineers, n. Management Working Paper 888-76: Cambridge,
11297, p. 83-94. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 64 p.
Discovery modeling Discovery modeling
250 Charpentier and Wesley

, 1976b, Probabilistic modelling of oil and gas discovery, in 84-78, 18 p. [Reprinted in C. D. Masters, ed., Petroleum
F. S. Roberts, ed., Mathematics and models: Philadelphia, tesource assessment: Ottawa, International Union of
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, p. 133-152, Geological Sciences Publication n. 17, p. 63-79.]
Discovery modeling Play analysis

, 1977, Estimation of undiscovered oil and gas, in Bishop, R. S., H. M. Gehman, Jr., and A. Young, 1983, Concepts
Mathematical Aspects of Production and Distribution of for estimating hydrocarbon accumulation and dispersion:
Energy, Proceedings of the Symposium in Applied AAPG Bulletin, v. 67, n. 3, p. 337-348. [Reprinted tnG.
Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, San Demaison and R. J. Murris, eds., 1984, Petroleum
Antonio, Texas: Providence, American Mathematical Society, geochemistry and basin evaluation: AAPG Memoir, n. 35, p.
v. 21, p. 77-91. 41-52.]
Discovery modeling Material balance

, 1978, The interface between geostatistical modeling of Bleie, J., K. A. Oppeboen, and E. Nysaether, 1982, The
oil and gas discovery and economics: Journal of the hydrocarbon potential of the Northern Norwegian Shelf in the
International Association for Mathematical Geology, v. 10, n. light of recent drilling: The geologic framework and
5, p. 611-627. hydrocarbon potential of basins in the northern seas, Offshore
Discovery modeling and play analysis Northern Seas Conference and Exhibition, Stavanger,
Norway, 1982, v. 3, p. E/5-1-E/5-39.
Barss, D. L., 1978, The significance of petroleum resource Volumetric yields
estimates and their relation to exploration: Bulletin of
Bloomfield, P., K. S. Deffeys, B. Silverman, G. S. Watson, Y.
Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 26, n. 2, p. 275-291.
Direct assessment, historical extrapolation, play analysis, and Benjamini, and R. A. Stine, 1980, Volume and area of oil fields
volumetric yields and their impact on otder of discovery: Princeton University,
Depattment of Statistics and Geology, 53 p.
, 1980, Conventional petroleum resource estimates: Discovery modeling
methods of assessment and their implication for planning and
Bois, C , H. Cousteau, A. Perrodon, and G. Pommier, 1980,
policy issues, in G. D. Hobson, ed., Developments in
Methodes d'estimation des reserves ultimes: Proceedings of the
petroleum geology—2: London, Applied Science Publishers, p.
Tenth World Petroleum Congress, v. 2, p. 279-289.
Field size analysis, historical extrapolation, material balance, and play
Field size analysis, historical extrapolation, play analysis, reserve
growth, and volumetric yields
Borg, I. Y., 1975, Appraisal of current methods of evaluating etude
Baxter, G. G., S. M. Cargill, A. H. Chidester, P. E. Hart, G. M. oil resources: Livermore, California, Lawrence Livermore
Kaufman, and F. Urquidi-Barrau, 1978, Workshop on the Laboratory Report UCRL-51848, 31 p.
Delphi method: Journal of the International Association for Historical extrapolation, play analysis, and volumetric yields
Mathematical Geology, v. 10, n. 5, p. 581-587.
Direct assessment Bradley, P. G., 1971, Exploration models and petroleum
production economics, in M. A. Adelman, P. G. Bradley and
Beckie, K. N., 1975, A probabilistic assessment of Alberta's C. A. Norman, Alaskan oil: costs and supply: New York,
undiscovered petroleum, in J. C. Davis, J. H. Doveton, and J. Praeger Publishers, p. 94-122.
W. Harbaugh, convenors, 1975, Probability methods in Oil Discovery modeling, field size analysis, and reserve growth
Exploration, AAPG Research Symposium, Stanford,
California: Kansas Geological Survey, p. 7-11. Brashear, J. P., F. Morra, C. Everett, F. H. Murphy, W. Hery, and R.
Historical extrapolation Ciliano, 1982, A prospect specific simulation model of oil and
gas exploration in the outer continental shelf: methodology, in
Beebe, B. W., R. J. Murdy, and E. A. Rassinier, 1975, Potential S. I. Gass, ed., Proceedings of Oil and Gas Supply Modeling:
Gas Committee and undiscovered supplies of natural gas in Washington, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication
United States, in J. D. Haun, ed., Methods of estimating the 631, p. 688-738.
volume of undiscovered oil and gas resources: AAPG Studies Play analysis
in Geology, n. 1, p. 90-96.
\6Iumetric yields Brooks, J. R. V, 1981, Current status of UK exploration and
estimation of undiscovered hydrocarbon on the UK
Berg, R. R., J. C. Calhoun, Jr., and R. L. Whiting, 1974, Prognosis continental shelf, m Proceedings of the Seminal on
for expanded U.S. production of crude oil: Science, v. 184, n. Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Kuala Lumpur,
4134,p.331-336. Malaysia: United Nations ESCAP CCOP Technical
Historical extrapolation Publication n. 10, p. 203-217.
Play analysis
Beskow, K. M., and H. C. Ronnevik, 1981, Norwegian North
Sea—a case history, in Proceedings of the Seminar on Buyalov, N. I., and Ye. V Zakharov, 1964, Use of the volume
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Kuala Lumpur, method for estimating prognostic reserves of oil: Petroleum
Malaysia: United Nations ESCAP CCOP Technical Geology, v. 8, n. 7, p. 372-375.
Publication n. 10, p. 260-262. Play analysis
Play analysis
Buyalov, N. I., N. I., V. G. Vasil'yev, N. D. Elin, N. S. Yerofeyev,
Bilibin, V, 1936, Methods of estimating underground oil reserves: M. S. L'vov, A. I. Kleshchev, N. M. Kudryashova, and V. L.
17th International Geological Congress, Moscow, 1937: Soklov, 1961, Method of estimating reserves of natural gas and
Leningrad [Preprint published by the Congress], 24 p. oil: Petroleum Geology, v. 5, n. 1, p. 11-15.
Play analysis Play analysis
Bird, K. J., 1984, A comparison of the play-analysis technique as Buyalov, N. I., N. S. Erofeev, N. A. Kalinen, A. I. Kleschev, N.
applied in hydrocarbon resource assessments of the National M. Kudryashova, M. S. L'vov, S. N. Simakov, and V G.
Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and of the Arctic National Vasil'ev, 1964, Metodika otsenki prognoznykh zapasov nefti i
Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report gaza [Quantitative evaluation of predicted reserves of oil and
Bibliography of Assessment Methodology 251

gas]: New York, Consultants bureau Translation, 69 p. Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 13, n, 4, p. 509-528.
Areal yields, field size analysis, material balance, play analysis, and Materia/ balance and volumetric yields
volumetric yields
Cook-Clark, Jennifer, 1983, World finding-rate studies—crude oil:
Canada Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1973, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-715, 257 p.
Energy reserves and potential resources, in An energy policy for Historical extrapolation
Canada—phase 1: Ottawa, The Minister of Energy, Mines, and
Resources, v. 2, p. 31-98. Coustau, H., 1979, Logique de distribution des failles des champs
Direct assessment, play analysis, and volumetric yields dans les bassins [Field size distribution in basins]: Petrole et
techniques, n. 262, p. 23-30.
, 1977, Oil and natural gas resources of Canada, 1976: Field size analysis
Ottawa, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Report EP 77-1,
76 p. , 1981, Habitat of hydrocarbons and field size distribution:
Play analysis, probability methods, volumetric yields a first step towards ultimate reserve assessment, m Proceedings
of the Seminar on Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas,
Capen, E. C , 1976, The difficulty of assessing uncertainty: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: United Nations ESCAP CCOP
Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 28, p. 843-850. Technical Publication n. 10, p. 180-194.
Probability methods Field size analysis
Cargill, S. M., R. F. Meyer, D. D. Picklyk, and F. Urquidi, 1977,
Summary of resource assessment methods resulting from the Crandall, K. H., 1975, Estimating petroleum resources, in AGI's
International Geological Correlation Programme Project 98: White House papers on earth science: Geotimes, v. 20, n. 9,
Journal of the International Association for Mathematical p. 24.
Geology, v. 9, n. 3, p. 211-220. Uilumetric yields
Areal yields, direct assessment, play analysis, and volumetric yields Crovelli, R. A., 1981, Probabilistic methodology for oil and gas
Charpentier, R. R., W. de Witt, Jr., G. E. Claypool, L. D. Harris, resource appraisal: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
R. F. Mast, J. D. Megeath, J. B. Roen, J. W. Schmoker, 1982, 81-1151,77 p.
Estimates of unconventional natural-gas resources of the Probability methods
Devonian shale of the Appalachian Basin: U.S. Geological , 1983a, Probabilistic methodology for petroleum resource
Survey Open-File Report 82-474, 43 p. appraisal of wilderness lands, in B. M. Miller, ed., Petroleum
Play analysis potential of wilderness lands in the Western United States:
Chaube, A. N., and D. N. Avasthi, 1981, Methodology and U.S. Geological Survey Circular 902 A-P, p. 1-5.
results of prognostic resource assessment of Indian basins, in Probability methods
Proceedings of the Seminar on Assessment of Undiscovered , 1983b, Procedures for petroleum resource assessment used
Oil and Gas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: United Nations ESCAP by the USGS statistical and probabilistic methodology: U.S.
CCOP Technical Publication n. 10, p. 218-230. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-402, 21 p.
Areal yields, material balance, play analysis Probability methods
Cherniavsky, E. A., 1980, Long-range oil and gas forecasting , 1984a, Procedures for petroleum resource assessment used
methodologies: literature survey: Upton, New York,
by the U.S. Geological Survey—statistical and probabilistic
Brookhaven National Laboratory Report n. 51216, 22 p.
methodology, in C. D. Masters, ed., Petroleum resource
Historical extrapolation
assessment: Ottawa, International Union of Geological
Cherskii, N. V, and V. P. Tsarev, 1977 [1978], Estimating reserves Sciences Publication n. 17, p. 23-38.
in light of exploration for and extraction of natural gas from Discovery modeling and probability metWs
world ocean floor sediments: Soviet Geology and Geophysics
, 1984b, U.S. Geological Survey probabilistic methodology
[Geologiya iGeofizika], v. 18, n. 5, p. 21-31.
for oil and gas resource appraisal of the United States: Journal
Material balance
of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, v.
Clark, A. L., 1981, Introduction to the process of resource 16, n. 8, p. 797-808.
assessment, in Proceedings of the Seminar on Assessment of Probability methods
Undiscovered Oil and Gas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: United
Nations ESCAP CCOP Technical Publication n. 10, p. Davis, J. C , and J. W. Harbaugh, 1980, Oil and gas in offshore
107-112. tracts: inexactness of resource estimates prior to drilling:
Areal yields, discovery modeling,fieldsize analysis, historical Science, v. 209, n. 4460, p. 1047-1048.
extrapolation, material balance, and volumetric yields Play analysis

Claypool, G. E., A. H. Love, and E. K. Maughan, 1978, Organic , 1981a, A method for rapid evaluation of oil and gas
geochemistry, incipient metamorphism, and oil generation in prospects in OCS regions: Lawrence, Kansas, Kansas
black shale members of Phosphoria Formation, western Geological Survey, prepared for the U.S. Geological Survey
interior United States: AAPG Bulletin, v. 62, n. 1, p. 98-120. Conttact n. 14-08-001-18785,62 p. [Available for viewing in
[Reprinted in G. Demaison and R. J. Munis, eds., 1984, Reston, Va., at the U.S. Geological Survey Library.]
Petroleum geochemistry and basin evaluation: AAPG Memoir Play analysis
35, p. 139-158.] , 1981b, A simulation model for oil exploration policy on
Material balance federal lands of the U.S. outer continental shelves, in J. B.
Combs, E.J., 1971, Summary of future petroleum potential of Ramsey, ed., The economics of exploration for energy
Region 8, Michigan Basin, in I. H. Cram, ed., Future resources: Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI Press, p. 19-50.
petroleum provinces of the United States—their geology and Direct assessment and play analysis
potential: AAPG Memoir 15 v. 2, p. 1121-1164. , 1983, Statistical appraisal of seismic prospects in
Areal yields and volumetric yields
Louisiana and Texas outer continental shelf: AAPG Bulletin,
Conybeare, C. E. B., 1965, Hydrocarbon-generation potential and v. 67, n. 3, p. 349-358.
hydrocarbon-yield capacity of sedimentary basins: Bulletin of Play analysis
252 Charpentier and Wesley

Davis, W., 1958, A study of the future productive capacity and J. W. Harbaugh, convenors, 1975, Probability methods in Oil
probable reserves of the U.S.: Oil and Gas Journal, v. 56, n. 8, Exploration, AAPG Research Symposium, Stanford,
p. 105-119. California: Kansas Geological Survey, p. 12-15.
Historical extrapolation Historical extrapolation
, 1965, the enigma of oil and gas finding costs, in Third Drew, L. J., and D. H. Root, 1980, Data requirements for
Symposium on petroleum Economics and Evaluation, Dallas: forecasting the year of world peak petroleum production, in D.
Society of Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of A. Gatdiner and T Truett, compilet/ed., Proceedings of the
Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Dallas Department of Enetgy Statistical Symposium, Gatlinburg,
Section, p. 19-27. Tennessee, p. 227-230.
Reserve growth Historical extrapolation
DeGolyer, E., 1951, On the estimation of undiscovered oil , 1982, Statistical estimate of tomorrow's offshore oil and
reserves: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 3, n. 1, p. 9-10. gas fields: Ocean Industry, v. 17, n. 5, p. 54-58, 66.
Areal yields and volumetric yields Discovery modeling
Dix, S. M., 1977, The petroleum figures, in Energy, a critical Drew, L. J., E. D. Attanasi, and D. H. Root, 1977, Importance of
decision for the United States economy: Grand Rapids, physical parameters in petroleum supply models, in J. H.
Michigan, Energy Education Publishers, p. 63-103. DeYoung, Jr., ed., Mineral policies in transition: Proceedings of
Historical extrapolation the Third Mineral Economics Symposium, Washington, D.C.:
American Association of Mining, Metallurgical, and
Dolton, G. L., 1984, Basin assessment methods and approaches in Petroleum Engineers, p. 52-69. [Reprinted in 1979, Materials
the U.S. Geological Survey, in C. D. Masters, ed., Petroleum and Society, v. 3, n. 2, p. 163-174].
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