A Practical Roadmap For Writing of Medical Scientific Publications

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A Practical Roadmap for Writing of Medical

Scientific Publications
Manuel Francisco Ugarte-Gil, MD, MSc*† and Graciela S. Alarcón, MD, MPH, MACR‡§

authors”10; the order in which their names will appear in the ar-
Abstract: In this article, we are providing a general description of the pro- ticle should be decided at this time rather than later preventing
cess of moving a research project from completion to publication; we are any discord between them. Another important consideration at
describing the process of assigning authors, the drafting of the manuscript, this point is to follow the guidelines for responsible authorship
the review process, and how to respond to comments received from as noted by the International Committee of Medical Journal
reviewers and editors. This roadmap is meant to stimulate the scientific Editors.11 In this context, to give “honorary authorship” to in-
productivity of junior researchers across the continent. dividuals who have not been involved in the project, regardless
(J Clin Rheumatol 2018;00: 00–00) of their academic or institutional ranking,12,13 violates the rules
mentioned; likewise, collecting data, on and by itself, does not
qualify a team member for authorship. At this point also, the
ublications are said to be the “currency” for academic
P advancement. That is particularly the case in the United
States1; in general, most authors learn how to write publishable
group should select who will be the corresponding author, an
assignment most times given to the first author, which is usu-
ally the intellectual driving force of the research team or a
material as they advance professionally.2 However, this is a senior researcher, which usually is the last or senior author.14
daunting undertaking for the uninitiated. There are numerous Before the drafting of the manuscript starts, the group
publications about the importance and the modalities of teach- must review all the data available and, on that basis, decide
ing scientific writing at different stages of training (medical on the message(s) to be conveyed, its importance, and rele-
school, residency, fellowship, professional)3–8 and how to bet- vance. At this point, as well, the proper title of the manuscript
ter accomplish this task; however, which one works best is still should be decided; the title should be concise, neither going be-
an unsolved matter.9 In such context, we would like to provide a yond the data being presented nor being speculative, as it may
practical roadmap as to how to approach this objective, that is, occur with abstracts presented at congresses. In fact, the title of
how to move from the finished research study to a publishable the manuscript does not have to be the same as the one in the
manuscript (extended or concise reports). Other types of publi- corresponding abstract. This is also the time to identify the tar-
cations such as reviews, editorials, case reports, among others get journal (national, regional, or international) for the manu-
are not considered in this article. script being drafted. Once the journal is chosen, the group
needs to be sure to follow the instructions for authors from
PRELIMINARY STEPS the selected journal and thus prevent some unintentional mis-
By and large, most research studies being conducted today haps (ie, number of words or of references), which may result
are the result of a team effort. It is the team leader's responsibil- in an automatic rejection without a review of the manuscript.
ity, generally a senior faculty/researcher, to assign different as- The number of potential journals has grown disproportionally
pects of the first draft writing to its members; this should over the last decade or so; unfortunately, a significant number
include a time table of deliverables. Matters such as authorship of new journals fall within the category of “predatory,” that
and the order of the authors should be discussed at the outset of is, they are not indexed, the manuscripts are, oftentimes, not
the research project, but, if not done, or reconsiderations need peer reviewed, and they charge for the publication.15 Needless
to be made based on the effort actually place in the project by to say, publishing in such journals does not offer the authors
the different members of the team, this is the time to make final any points for their academic advancement.
decisions about this; this consensual process will prevent or
avoid potential problems between the authors. When the re- THE DRAFTING PROCESS
search effort carried out by more than one of the team members
is comparable, all of them deserve to be recognized as “first How to next proceed with the writing is a matter that the
group should decide, but in our experience, the outline presented
in Table 1 has quite effectively served us for this purpose. In gen-
eral, drafting tables and figures should be the first step to be done
From the *Universidad Científica del Sur; †Department of Rheumatology, as the results are discussed by all group members. Both tables
Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, EsSalud; ‡“Alberto Hurtado”
School of Medicine, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima,
and figures should be sufficiently informative, so they stand
Perú; and §Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, out by themselves; once they are completed, drafting the actual
Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, The University of manuscript follows.
Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. For the most part, we start the draft with the Results sec-
This article was partially based on a presentation at the XX PANLAR Congress,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2018.
tion by describing the tables and figures (if any); such de-
The authors declare no conflict of interest. scription should be quite parsimonious avoiding unnecessary
Correspondence: Manuel F. Ugarte-Gil, MD, Department of Rheumatology, repetitions; the text should follow between and within the ta-
Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, EsSalud, Av. Grau 800, La Victoria, bles' sequence. The Methods section comes next and should
Lima 13, Lima, Perú. E‐mail: manuel_ugarte@yahoo.com.
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
be clear and complete, yet concise. In clinical studies or sys-
ISSN: 1076-1608 tematic literature reviews, a flow chart is quite helpful to
DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000944 clearly convey why and how many patients (or articles) were

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Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Ugarte-Gil and Alarcón JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology • Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2018

reviewer” may provide valuable insight, and allow the group to

TABLE 1. Systematic Approach for the Write Up of the First Drafta
make some changes before the manuscript is actually submitted.
– Choose the appropriate title
– Organize results in tables and figures THE REVIEW PROCESS
– Write the first draft (in this order): Once the article is submitted, the authors and their work
• Results section (describe tables and figures) enter the field of the editor and reviewers.17 Most journals
nowadays reject manuscripts outright, that is without sending
• Material (Patients) and Methods
them out for review. Reasons for this could be purely of a
• Introduction section
technical nature (incomplete manuscript, grammar and syntax
• Discussion section problems, exceeding number of words, and/or references
• Abstract allowed, among others), because the manuscript does not fall
– Generate references (preliminary) within the scope of the chosen journal, or because the
a methods are poorly described. Other reason that may prompt
Personal experience.
a rejection without review has to do with the ability to easily
verify similarities between the submitted manuscript and previ-
ously published articles; this could be autoplagiarism when
copying and pasting from the authors' own work or plain pla-
included or excluded. Only after this section is completed, we
giarism when doing it from the work of others. We have also
follow with the Introduction, in which the purpose of the study
encountered manuscripts written by commercial editing ser-
should be clearly established at the end of this section, and the
vices, which fail this check; moreover, it has been described
pertinent literature justifying the study prominently noted. The
that using these services decreases the likelihood of publishing
Discussion section is next and should reinforce the study's re-
in a high impact factor journal.18 If the manuscript is rejected
sults and place them in the context of the available literature;
without review, the time from submission to decision may be
very important components of this section are a listing of the
a few days to a week. For a full first review, it may take 2 to
study's strengths and limitations; the discussion should end
3 months to receive the editorial decision, although now most
up with conclusions, which should be data-driven rather than
editors try to shorten this time; this is not always possible be-
being speculative; however, new studies can be suggested. Ab-
cause the editors depend on the reviewers acting promptly,
breviation overuse should be discouraged because it can make
which, unfortunately, is not always the case. If a rejection oc-
it difficult to read the manuscript.
curs being at that point or after a full review, the group needs
At this point, the References, which it is assumed are
to decide what is the next step on the process of publishing
well known to all team members, are assembled; they should
the work. It should be noted that nowadays some journals only
only be taken from the original sources. Unfortunately, that is
accept 10% or less of submitted manuscripts19; however, up to
not always the case, and references taken from an erroneous
50% of rejected manuscripts are eventually published,20 and, in
citation are not uncommon, an error that tends to be perpetu-
general, the authors may choose a less prestigious journal
ated. In fact, in a study published years ago, it was reported
(lower impact factor) for their publication.
that up to 77% of the references were not cited from the orig-
inal source.16 We suspect that with the availability of search
engines, this should not be a problem at the present but have RESPONDING TO EDITORS AND REVIEWERS
no data to validate this assertion. Furthermore, the availability Once the comments are received, they need to be exam-
of computerized programs such as Reference Manager or End- ined very carefully by all members of the research group. It
note has facilitated the way in which all references are pre- has been recommended to not immediately address the com-
sented in a manuscript. As a rule, references that are not ments received, particularly if they are quite negative. Like
retrievable using available search engines should not be in- with the original manuscript, the comments should be exam-
cluded as the reader will not be able to verify the information ined carefully and then proceed to address them in a timely
being cited; this includes unpublished theses, personal commu- manner. However, if the manuscript is to be submitted to a
nications, and out of print books or periodicals. Reliable Web different journal altogether, the authors need to decide if they
sites can be cited; in this case, the URL address and the date want to address or not the points raised by the reviewers. If
when the site was accessed should be noted. At this stage, it resubmitting to the same journal, addressing all points, even
is also important to do an extensive, last-minute search to deter- those that the authors feel they are not valid, is a must. Again,
mine if new information related to the study has been pub-
lished. This may require modifying the Introduction and
Discussion sections. In addition, the style for citing the refer- TABLE 2. Seven Capital Sins in the Preparation of a Scientific Articlea
ences should be selected based on the intended journal.
The quasi-final step is to write the Abstract, which, if the – Manuscript does not follow the instructions for the specific journal
manuscript follows a previous meeting presentation, may be al- being considered
ready written; however, the requirements for what is allowed in – Conflicts of interest
a congress' abstract and what is allowed for a journal may be quite – Plagiarism
different, and modifications should be made accordingly. At this
– Duplication
point, the manuscript is ready for submission; however, in our ex-
perience and that of other researchers, it is better to let the manu- – Autocitations
script sit for a few days and then re-read it; only then some – Data manipulation
problems (syntax, grammar, style, etc), which were not “visible” – Individuals not fulfilling criteria for authorship are included
before, may become quite obvious. This is also the time to recruit a
Modified from: Svad I. The seven deadly sins writers of academic pa-
the assistance of a respected colleague, not a member of the group, pers should avoid. European J Gen Pract. 2017;23:254–256.
asking him/her to read the manuscript critically; this “unofficial

2 www.jclinrheum.com © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology • Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2018 Writing of Medical Scientific Publications

the authors should work under the assumption that “the editor CONCLUSIONS
and the reviewers are always right.” Presenting the results of a research project at national or in-
Most journals allow 8 to 12 weeks for a revised manu- ternational congresses provides some visibility to the research
script to be received, although they may allow more time under group but has no lasting effect unless the presentation is followed
extenuating circumstances. During this time, the group should by a publication, which for the uninitiated can be a daunting task.
decide if additional analyses are needed, execute them if that is In this article, and based on our own personal experience, we pro-
the case, and then proceed to modify the manuscript accord- vide a practical roadmap on how to move from the finished
ingly. In our experience, it is better to work side by side on research project to a publishable manuscript.
both, the letter of response to the editor(s) and reviewers and
the manuscript itself, rather than to modify the manuscript
and then write the response letter. The other alternative is to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
draft first the response letter, and then work on the manuscript, The authors thank Renato D. Alarcón, MD, MPH, for his
but consistency between both documents should be double comments to an earlier version of this manuscript.
checked. Once the revised manuscript is accepted, the authors
are responsible for checking its accuracy; to that end, the corre-
sponding author receives the galley proofs, which should be REFERENCES
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