Module 303

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Cicala's Class
September 13th-17th
New slet ter
Upcoming Dates: Teach er Th ou gh t s:
Your student will be for ms are due on
Map Reading br inging home for ms for September 30th. Some
September 17th
Test the upcoming Zoo field more impor tant
infor mation is at the end
tr ip. The for ms include a
of this week your
per mission slip,
All for ms for child will be taking
September a chaperone
the Zoo Field the Map Reading
30th for m for anyone
Tr ip is due. test. Please make
who can
sure your student is
volunteer, and an prepared for this
itiner ar y of the field tr ip. test with a good night
October 5th Zoo Field Tr ip
The tr ip will be on sleep and a nutr itional
October 5th and all breakfast.

Star Student: September ?s star student of the month is Cayla. She is our star student
this month because she par ticipates in class and always has a positive
attitude. Congr atulations Cayla, keep up the great work and attitude!

The Plan for this week:

This week, students will be simple wheel cr aft that has
cover ing unit 3 spelling. all the multiplication
There will be a spelling word tables. This week we will
boxes activity sheet to help also being star ting to read
your student to prepare for Charlotte?s web. After
the upcoming spelling test. completing the fir st
For our math lesson, we will chapter, students will do a
be beginning the times char acter tr aits worksheet
tables. To teach this, we will be creating a to help under stand the main char acter s of
the book.

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