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Section 3 Instructional activity 1

SED 397

Zachariah Deans


These last few weeks I was able to do a few instructional activities. I was able to co teach with
my mentor. The first few classes I watch the instructor teach about climate change. This was a good
lesson to clarify up what the study of climate change is and how it has advanced over time. The
instructor would start by explaining what the class was going to be about then the instructor would go
over what the hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. A basic definition would be given, and the
student would watch a video that would explain more information. After the video there would be a
check on learning questions after each video. Once this was done the instructor introduce a
presentation assignment that had the student choose one fossil fuel and one renewable resource and
explain what the benefits and liabilities of each are. Then they where to place a comparison graph on
the information they were attempting to relay.

When in the class I felt there were no buy in moments. Many students weren’t interacting and
when it came time to do the project. As I walk around assisting students and to motivate them to work
on the assignment while in class. I notice many students still had a lack of understanding of what they
were just taught. So when I co taught the 7 period class I attempted to create opportunities for
discussion after each main point. It was difficult to get the students to buy in but more I stayed with it
the more participated. I think that is one thing Id change instead of it being an individual assignment I
would make it assigned partners and would make sure at the beginning of the year that student
understood the importance of putting effort into their participation while in class. I think more the
student participate the better they will understand the material. This was evident because when
students started working on their assignment more of the class worked on it without being promoted
and more students seemed to understand the material

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