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BOGOTA D.C 31,08,2019


First I will make a summary about this short film: it all starts in a store where three
people are first, which are a cashier, a worker and an old woman who is buying
something, from one moment to another a subject enters who is carrying a gun,
this one looks scared, so much so that when the cashier was blowing a chewing
gum, the subject shoots him ending his life.

The other worker who was listening to music noticed that there was blood under a
fridge that had meat, and when he approaches to see what happened, it is at that
moment where he screams, scaring the offender and at this moment he shoots
also causing death , When the old woman arrived at her house after having a
buyer in this place, she was surprised to be arrested, when they were showing her
the videos of what the security camera of the place showed, it seemed that she
had assimilated the two workers , blaming her and leaving her in prison, while the
true assassin was at home very quiet.

It seems to me that what the video wants to tell us is quite true, since in our society
all kinds of injustices occurred, for example, it gives us the case of the old woman
who had nothing to do and ended up being unfairly blamed for a crime that did not
He committed, sadly these cases are very frequent, there are people who have
paid many years in prison for something they did not commit, for example they are
not only murders, but also in cases of scams where they blame people who have
nothing What to see But on the other hand people who have these acts remain
calm, and as the video shows, the man who murders the workers is as if nothing in
his house is watching the news that an old woman murdered two people.
El chavo del ocho: violence is never Good

In summary, this video begins in a classroom where Professor Jirafales and his
students are, where students think problems are fixed with violence. Then the boy
and boy arrive, they are fighting and boy comes with the face full of bruises, then
the teacher tells them that good children should not hit others, since the boy makes
a mistake when hitting boy because they do not He was able to control the instinct
of aggression, then the guy says that he hit ñoño for what he was causing with a
ham cake.

Then the teacher says that violence does not work to solve anything, then the
giraffe teacher makes a reflection and says that we should treat ourselves as
brothers, never hurt a person either physically or verbally, that between nations
and the individual respect for the right alien is peace. Finally, after reflecting ñoño,
he shares his ham cake with the kid.

I found this video very interesting since it leaves us a beautiful message which is to
try to solve everything without violence to be able to live in peace. At the beginning
the boy and boy were very angry but after the teaching of Professor Jirafales, they
returned to make very good friends, this is what our society has to understand, that
we are all brothers, and we have to learn to solve the problems without violence, if
everyone became aware of this there would be no war, death rates would be
reduced and most importantly we could live in peace and harmony

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