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Exercises Lecture 2

Ir. Nando Timmer
Salomon Voorhoeve
Delft University of Technology

Estebaneid - CC - BY - NC - ND
AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 1
Consider the following statements:
1) For the work done on the system we can write w = p  dv .
2) We can only use cp and cv for a process in which the pressure or the volume, respectively, stays
Select the answer that matches:
A) Only statement 1 is true
B) Only statement 2 is true
C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true
D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true

Exercise 2
In the lecture, the concept of enthalpy was introduced. Select all that applies about enthalpy (more
than one answer may be correct!) :

Enthalpy ...
A) is dened as h=e+pv
B) can be either positive or negative
C) is a measure of the total energy of the system
D) is zero at T = 0 K

Exercise 3
What are the specic heats for air below 600 K, in J/(kg K)?

Exercise 4
Once again, it is important to know the assumptions underlying the equations that we use.
What did we assume when deriving the isentropic ow equations?
A) @ q=0
B) No frictional eects
C) No dissipative eects
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

Exercise 5
In the lecture, how was the ratio of specic heats dened? And what is its value for air?

Exercises Lecture 2 - Compressibility 1

AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 6
Consider the following statements about the energy equation:
1) The energy equation reads: cp T + 12 V 2 = constant.
2) The energy equation can only be used for incompressible ow.

Select the answer that matches:

A) Only statement 1 is true.
B) Only statement 2 is true.
C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true.

Exercise 7
Consider an aircraft ying at 250 m/s and -20 C. At one point on the wing, the temperature is
240 K.
A) What is the velocity at this point?

Suppose now the free-stream pressure is 38,794 Pa.

B) Calculate the pressure in the point on the wing, in Pa.

If it is also given that the free-stream density is 0.53396 kg/m3 , we can calculate the density.
C) Calculate the density (in kg/m3 ) at this point on the wing.

Exercise 8
In a lot of problems, we deal with the speed of sound at sea level conditions. This is therefore a
very useful number to know. Calculate the speed of sound at sea-level conditions, in m/s.

Exercise 9
During the derivation of the speed of sound, we had a lot of alternate ways to write the speed of
Which expression is not an (intermediate) expression for the speed of sound?
a = p
a = RT
C) a =  da
D) a2 = dp

2 Exercises Lecture 2 - Compressibility

AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 10
Please mark the pictures below with their corresponding Mach regimes. Choose between:
Subsonic - Sonic - Transonic - Supersonic - Hypersonic

Figure 1: A variety of aircraft for a variety of Mach regimes. (Bottom-left picture: Eduard Marmet
- CC - BY - SA. Bottom-right picture: Altair78 - CC - BY - SA.)

Exercise 11
Consider the following statements:
1) Going through the speed of sound is an isentropic process.
2) The second form of the isentropic relations are only valid for ow to or from a station where
the velocity is zero.
Select the answer that matches
A) Only statement 1 is true.
B) Only statement 2 is true.
C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true.

Exercise 12
In the lecture, a lower limit on the ratio of the actual density over the total density was dened for
ow to be called 'incompressible'.
A) How many percent of the total value should the density at least have for the ow to be incom-
B) At what maximum Mach number have we drawn the line for ow to be called 'incompress-

Exercises Lecture 2 - Compressibility 3

AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 13
Consider the schematic of a supersonic wind tunnel, shown below. Indicate the position of the vari-
ous names and properties below the pictures. Note that for some locations multiple parts/properties
may be applicable.
You can choose from: Test section, reservoir, throat, Subsonic ow, sonic ow, supersonic

Figure 2: A schematic diagram of a wind tunnel.

Exercise 14
Consider the following statements:
1) If there is a throat in a windtunnel, the ow at that point will always be sonic (M = 1).
2) To get a supersonic ow in the test section, there should always be a throat.
Select the answer that matches
A) Only statement 1 is true.
B) Only statement 2 is true.
C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true.

Exercise 15
As an introductory question on wind tunnels, we consider the example wind tunnel of the lecture
with a small change: the test section should still have sea-level conditions, but with M = 4.
A) What reservoir pressure (in bar) is required?
B) What reservoir temperature (in K) is required?
C) What is the ow speed in the test section, in m/s?
D) What is the ow speed in the throat, in m/s?
E) What is the expansion ratio, AAts ?

4 Exercises Lecture 2 - Compressibility

AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 16
In the combustion chamber of a rocket engine, kerosene is burned, resulting in a hot, high-pressure
gas mixture with the following properties:
T0 = 3000 K
p0 = 15 atm
R = 378 J/kg K
= 1.26
This gas ows from the combustion chamber through the rocket nozzle. The pressure at the exit
of the rocket nozzle is: 1 atm, and the area of the throat of the rocket nozzle is: 0.08 m2 . Assume
isentropic ow.

Figure 3: A schematic diagram of a rocket engine.

A) What should be the Mach number in the throat?

B) What is the speed of sound in the exit? (in m/s)
C) What is the Mach number in the exit?
D) What is the ow speed in the exit? (in m/s)

Exercise 17
Consider again the rocket nozzle of the previous question. We now want to nd the mass ow
through the rocket nozzle.
What is the mass ow through the rocket nozzle, in kg/s?

Exercises Lecture 2 - Compressibility 5

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