Parameter Estimation Based Model of Water-To-Water Heat Pumps With Scroll Compressors and Water/glycol Solutions

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Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol. 24,3 (2003) pp.


Parameter estimation based model of water-to-

water heat pumps with scroll compressors and
water/glycol solutions
Hui Jin PhD and J Spitler PhD PE MASHRAE
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA

A recently developed parameter estimation-based steady state simulation model

of water-to-water reciprocating vapor compression heat pumps (Jin H, Spitler JD,
ASHRAE Trans. 2002; 108(1)) is built up from models of individual components.
Various unspeciŽ ed parameters for individual components are estimated from
catalogue data for the overall unit performance. This approach has been shown
to give better accuracy and extrapolation capability than polynomial Ž t models.
It has also been shown to give accuracy similar to more detailed deterministic
models that require additional information not typically available to an engineer
performing energy analysis. This paper covers two important extensions to the
model — scroll compressors and glycol/water mixtures. A Ž ve-parameter
(including intake volumetric  ow rate, built-in compression ratio, leakage co-
efŽ cient and two efŽ ciency-related parameters) scroll compressor model replaces
the reciprocating compressor model previously used. While necessary in some
applications for providing protection from freezing, water/glycol solutions
adversely impact heat transfer performance. A procedure for adjusting the model
parameters to account for the change in working  uids is presented. In addition,
a preliminary Ž eld validation of the modiŽ ed water-to-water heat pump model
is presented. The heat pump utilized both a scroll compressor and a propylene
glycol/water mixture as the working  uid.

List of symbols and heat transfer area (W/°C or

k thermal conductivity (W/(m-°C) or
A area (m2 or ft2) Btu/(h-ft-°F))
C leakage coefŽ cient m
Ç mass  ow rate (kg/s or lbm/h)
Cp speciŽ c heat (J/(kg-°C) or Btu/(lbm- Nu Nusselt number
°F)) P pressure (Pa or psia)
DF degradation factor Pr Prandtl number
d diameter of tubes or pipes (m or ft) R heat transfer resistance (°C/W or (h-
h convection heat transfer coefŽ cient °F)/ Btu)
(W/(m2-°C) or Btu/(h-ft2-°F)) Re Reynolds number
hA product of heat transfer coefŽ cient UA heat transfer coefŽ cient (W/°C or
Address for correspondence: J Spitler, Oklahoma State University, u  uid velocity (m/s or ft/min)
Stillwater, OK 74078, USA. E-mail: v volume ratio; speciŽ c volume (m3/kg
or ft3/lbm)
First presented at System Simulation in Buildings, Sixth Inter-
national Conference, 16–18 December 2002, University of VÇ volumetric  ow rate (m3/s or ft3/min)
Liège, Belgium WÇ compressor power input (W)
Ó The Chartered Institution of Building Services
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204 Water-to-water heat pumps

p pressure ratio of a scroll compressor model. Scroll com-

g isentropic exponent pressors are frequently used as an alternative
h loss factor used to deŽ ne the electro- to reciprocating compressors in heat pumps.
mechanical loss that is supposed to A Ž ve-parameter scroll compressor model
be proportional to the theoretical will be presented in this paper.
power · The second extension involved the develop-
m dynamic viscosity (N-s/m2 or ment of a procedure for modeling heat pump
centipoise) performance when antifreeze solutions are
n kinematic viscosity (m2/s or ft2/s) used. Antifreeze solutions are commonly used
r density (kg/m3 or lbm/ft3) in ground source heat pump applications, and
it is desirable to be able to model the resulting
Subscripts degradation in heat pump performance.
Unfortunately, there is relatively little data
available on which a model that accounts for
c condensing state the antifreeze might be based. Accordingly,
e evaporating state an approach to adjust the heat exchanger
i internal or ‘build-in’ model by modifying the heat transfer co-
loss constant part of the electro- efŽ cient, as a result of the change in the
mechanical power losses physical properties of the secondary heat
r refrigerant transfer  uid will also be presented.
t theoretical power The paper describes the extensions below, along
w water with a comparison to experimental data.
1 Introduction
2 Modeling of the scroll compressor
This paper describes two extensions to a recently
developed parameter estimation-based steady For the scroll compressor, compression is
state simulation model of water-to-water recipro- accomplished by the rotary motion of two
cating vapor compression heat pumps.1 The goal interfacing, spiral-shaped scrolls. At the suction
of the model is to support design and energy cal- state, refrigerant vapour is trapped in a pocket
culations made by engineers who select heat at the outer periphery of the scrolls. As the
pumps from catalogues. In contrast to other scrolls move, this pocket is continuously made
detailed models previously presented,2–9 the smaller, compressing the vapour as it proceeds
parameters for this model may be estimated toward the discharge port. The scroll com-
solely from commonly available catalogue data. pressor’s Ž xed volume ratio is set by the
It is, in many respects, similar to the model geometry of the scrolls and the location of the
developed by Bourdouxhe et al.8 except that it discharge port. This feature provides the scroll
does not require internal measurements such as compressor with different performance charac-
condensing and evaporating temperatures and teristics from those of reciprocating com-
subcooling and superheating temperature differ- pressors.
ences. Instead they are treated as intermediate A few scroll compressor models have been
variables and parameters estimated from manu- described in the literature.10–14 However, these
facturers’ catalogue data. The two extensions to models are targeted at the redesign of the scroll
the model maintain the same approach, requiring compressor for improved performance. The
only catalogue data: models require an exhaustive description of all
the components in the compressor such as the
· The Ž rst extension involved the development conŽ guration of the scrolls, the location of the

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 205
ports, and the rotation speed, etc. The high num-
ber of parameters in these models make them
infeasible for use with the parameter estimation
based modeling approach, at least in cases where
the overall heat pump performance is modeled.
Winandy et al.,15 presented a hermetic scroll Pi = P2

refrigeration compressor model, which shares

some signiŽ cant features with the screw com-
pressor model presented by Lebrun et al.16 Simi- P1
lar to screw compressors, scroll compressors
have ‘built-in’ pressure ratio or internal pressure V
ratio, deŽ ned by the following equation. Figure 1 Thermodynamic cycle of a scroll compressor
under design conditions
pi = (1)
Where pi is the ‘built-in’ pressure ratio, Pi is the ratio varies and it does not match the internal
internal discharge pressure and Pe is the evapor- pressure ratio.
ating pressure. When the condensing pressure is lower than
Another related characteristic to the ‘built-in’ internal discharge pressure, over-compression
pressure ratio is the ‘built-in’ volume ratio, vi, occurs. In this case, the trapped gas pocket is
which is the ratio of the volume of the trapped compressed above the condensing pressure and
gas pocket immediately after closing to the vol- expands into the discharge as the port is
ume of trapped gas pocket immediately before uncovered, with resultant lost work. Figure 2
opening to discharge. If the compression is shows the thermodynamic cycle with over-
assumed to be isentropic, the relationship compression; the lost work is represented by the
between the ‘built-in’ pressure ratio and the shaded area.
‘built-in’ volume ratio is: When the condensing pressure is higher than
the internal discharge pressure, under-
pi = ngi (2) compression occurs. In this case, the trapped
pocket opens early to a higher pressure in the
The ‘external pressure ratio’, which is the ratio discharge line and then must pump against this
of the condensing pressure (Pc) to the evaporat- higher pressure for the remaining rotary motion
ing pressure (Pe), is also important:
Pc P
p= (3)
The difference between external pressure ratio
and ‘built-in’ pressure ratio results in three P2
modes of operation of the scroll compression
process—design operation, over-compression
Pi >P2
and under-compression. Under design con-
ditions, the ‘built-in’ pressure ratio is equal to
the external pressure ratio. Figure 1 shows the P1
thermodynamic cycle with design condition.
This should be the optimal operating point. V
However, the scroll compressor operates over a Figure 2 Thermodynamic cycle of a scroll compressor
range of conditions where the external pressure with over-compression loss

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206 Water-to-water heat pumps

of the scrolls, requiring higher torque than would efŽ ciency of the compressor. The actual power
have been required if the pressure had built up input for the compressor is calculated by the fol-
gradually to the condensing pressure. This oper- lowing equation:
ation mode is shown in Figure 3, and again, the Çt
lost work is represented by the shaded area. Ç=
W Ç loss
+W (6)
Both over-compression and under- h
compression may lead to energy losses in the Where W Ç is the compressor power input, W Ç t is
compressor. The theoretical power consumption the theoretical power, h is the electro-
of the compressor will be a little higher than the mechanical efŽ ciency, and W Ç loss is the constant
power required to perform a pure isentropic part of the electro-mechanical power losses.
compression. Due to the absence of suction and discharge
If external pressure ratio matches the ‘built- valves and theoretically negligible re-expansion
in’ pressure ratio, the isentropic power consump- volumes, the refrigerant volume  ow rate at the
tion is: beginning of the compression, VÇ r, is equal to the

Wt =
g21 F
g 21
PeVÇ r p g 2 1 G (4)
product of the volume of the pockets that seal
the suction gas at the beginning the compression
and the rotational speed. Thus, the refrigerant
If the external pressure ratio does not match the mass  ow can be determined as:
‘built-in’ pressure ratio, the power consumption
VÇ r
will be higher than that of the isentropic process: Çr=
m (7)

Wt = P VÇ · Where nsuc is the speciŽ c volume at the suc-
g21 e r

tion state.
g 2 1 p 1 g 21 In practice, leakage will reduce the refrigerant
+ p g 21 (5)
g ni g i mass  ow rate in the scroll compressor calcu-
A simple linear representation, which follows lated by Equation (7). In the scroll compressor
the same modeling approach as the reciprocating model presented by Chen et al.,17 the leakage
compressor discussed previously, has been used due to the gap between the bottom/top plate and
to account for the electrical and mechanical the scrolls and the gap between the  anks of the
two scrolls has been discussed quantitatively.
Based on the analysis of Chen et al.,18 the leak-
age was found to be a function of the ratio of
discharge pressure and suction pressure. To sim-
P2 plify the calculation, the discharge pressure is
assumed to be equal to condensing pressure and
the suction pressure is equal to the evaporating
pressure. Hence, the leakage rate is deŽ ned as
Pi < P2
Ç leak = C ·
m (8)
Where Pc is condensing pressure, Pe is evaporat-
ing pressure, and C is the coefŽ cient to deŽ ne
V the relationship between pressure ratio and leak-
Figure 3 Thermodynamic cycle of a scroll compressor age rate.
with under-compression loss The refrigerant mass  ow rate calculated in

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 207
Equation (7) is then corrected by subtracting the
leakage mass  ow rate calculated in Equation 13

(8). To summarize, the parameters chosen to rep- 12 +10%

resent the scroll compressor model will be

VÇ r, ni, C, Wloss and h. These parameters, along 11
with the UA values for both heat exchangers and 10
the superheat, are estimated from catalogue heat 9
pump data. (As described later, use of antifreeze
further increases the parameters.) 8

2.1 Scroll compressor model validation 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Since, in our application, the scroll com- WCat(kW)

pressor model is only used within a heat pump Figure 5 Calculated power versus catalogue power
model, it is difŽ cult to directly validate its oper- (hypothetical reciprocating compressor)
ation. One indirect validation is to apply two
variations of a water-to-water heat pump capacity and power consumption when the heat
model—one with reciprocating compressor, the pump is modeled with a hypothetical reciprocat-
other with scroll compressor, to a water-to-water ing compressor. Figures 6 and 7 show the heat-
heat pump model that actually has a scroll com- ing capacity and power consumption when the
pressor. The scroll compressor model may be heat pump is modeled with a scroll compressor.
judged successful if it improves the overall per- The RMS errors are summarized in Table 1. In
formance of the heat pump model. A Florida addition, Table 1 shows the RMS errors of the
Heat Pump model WP 120, which utilizes a heat pump model prior to adding the leakage
Copeland scroll compressor, has been modeled parameter ‘C’ to the model. It noticeably
with both variations of the water-to-water heat improves the model performance.
pump model. Figures 4 and 5 show the heating As can be seen from Figures 4–7, the perform-

85295 105295 125295 145295 165295 185295
55 185295



-10% 125295


25 85295
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Figure 4 Calculated heating capacity versus catalogue heating capacity (hypothetical reciprocating compressor)

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208 Water-to-water heat pumps
85295 105295 125295 145295 165295 185295
55 185295






25 85295
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Figure 6 Calculated heating capacity versus catalogue heating capacity (scroll compressor)

ance of the heat pump model is signiŽ cantly
improved, both for predicting heating capacity
and power, when the scroll compressor equipped
12 heat pump is modelled with the scroll com-
pressor version of the heat pump model. There-

-10% fore, use of the scroll compressor model is rec-
10 ommended for a heat pump with scroll

8 3 Modelling of heat pump performance

with antifreeze
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

WCat(kW) It is common in ground source heat pump sys-

Figure 7 Calculated power versus catalogue power
tems to utilize an antifreeze mixture, sometimes
(scroll compressor) called ‘coolant’, as the secondary heat transfer
 uid. As compared to a system using pure water,

Table 1 A comparison of the model prediction RMS errors

Heating capacity Power Heat of extraction

Reciprocating compressor 1.27% 3.15% 2.19%

Scroll Comp. w/o leakage 1.32% 1.03% 2.15%
Scroll Comp. w/leakage 0.30% 0.67% 0.62%

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 209

this degrades the heat pump performance. It and physical properties. Thus, it may vary con-
would be useful to be able to model the impact siderably as a result of changes in  uid proper-
of antifreeze on the performance of the heat ties when antifreeze is added to water. The
pump. Unfortunately, very little information is geometry of the heat exchanger may not be
available from manufacturers with regards to the known, but is likely to be a co-axial heat
change in system performance when antifreeze exchanger. Some manufacturers also use com-
mixtures are used. The Trane Company has pro- pact heat exchangers. For the purpose of calcu-
vided the most detailed procedures to adjust the lating a degradation factor, it is reasonable to
catalogue data for pure water to the performance assume a co-axial heat exchanger geometry, with
with antifreeze mixtures.19 Correction factors for the coolant  owing through the inner tube. In
heating capacity, cooling capacity and power this case, the Sieder-Tate correlation20 may be
consumption are presented versus the concen- taken as a reasonable approximation:

tration of the antifreeze mixture in tables and 0.14
charts. Given the very limited amount of data Nu = 0.027 Re0.8Pr0.33 m/mw (9)
available, only a preliminary effort has been
made to develop a procedure for adjusting the However, since we are only interested in the
model. This procedure is described later along relative performance, we are only assuming that
with a check of how it performs compared to the the general form of the equation and the
Trane correction factors. exponents are correct.
Heat transfer taking place in the condenser or Substituting the deŽ nitions of the dimen-
evaporator will be affected by the degraded heat sionless group into Equation (9) yields:
transfer coefŽ cient, density and speciŽ c heat of
the  uid. In the parameter estimation model, the h = 0.027u0.8d2 0.2m2 0.47r0.8C0.33
p k
previously assumed constant heat transfer co- The relationship of the convection heat transfer
efŽ cient will be replaced by a variable heat coefŽ cients between  uids with different physi-
transfer coefŽ cient that depends upon the  uid cal properties can be found as follows, providing
side volumetric  ow rate. This allows the separ- that the volumetric  ow rate or velocity is the
ate estimation of the refrigerant side resistance same.
and coolant side resistance. Assuming the forms
of the correlation for the  uid to heat exchanger
wall convection allows an estimate of a degra-
dation factor by substituting in correct values of
2 0.47
0.8 Cp1

density, speciŽ c heat, viscosity and conductivity.
The degradation factor multiplies the  uid-side A degradation factor of the convection heat
heat transfer coefŽ cient estimated for pure water, transfer coefŽ cients between antifreeze and pure
so that the heat pump performance with anti- water is deŽ ned as:
freeze can be predicted. (hA)antifreeze
DF = (12)
3.1 Derivation of antifreeze degradation
factor Since the heat exchanger dimensions do not
The overall heat transfer resistance consists of change when antifreeze is used, the degradation
a coolant side convection heat transfer resist- factor can be reduced to:
ance, refrigerant side convection heat transfer hantifreeze
resistance, a tube wall resistance and, perhaps, DF =

a fouling resistance. According to classical heat
transfer theory, the coolant side convection heat mantifreeze 2 0.47
rantifreeze 0.8
transfer resistance is a function of  uid velocity mwater rwater

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210 Water-to-water heat pumps

S Cpa n tifr e e z e
Cpw a te r D S
kwater D 0.67
the fact that water source heat pump catalogues
give performance data for a range of water  ow
rates. Using an analogy to the Wilson Plot22
The degradation factor for propylene glycol sol- allows the two resistances to be estimated separ-
ution is plotted in Figure 8 against the concen- ately when pure water is used. Then, the pre-
tration by per cent volume with different tem- viously described degradation factor may be
peratures. The propylene glycol properties were applied when antifreeze is used.
calculated with the functions developed by The overall heat transfer coefŽ cient is a func-
Rees.21 tion of coolant side heat transfer coefŽ cient,
refrigerant side heat transfer coefŽ cient, tube
3.2 Volumetric  ow-dependent heat wall resistance and fouling resistance.
exchanger model
1 1 1
In order to apply the degradation factor = +
developed in the previous section, it is necessary (UA)total (hA)refrigerant (hA)coolant
to split the heat transfer resistance between the + Rwall + Rfouling (14)
coolant side convection and the other parts
(refrigerant side convection, tube wall resistance If the sum of the resistances of refrigerant side,
and fouling). The heat pump model described tube wall and fouling is assumed constant and
previously1 only used a single UA value for each deŽ ned as:
heat exchanger. This did not lend itself to differ- 1
entiating between the two resistance compo- R9 = + Rwall + Rfouling (15)
The modiŽ ed procedure takes advantage of Then Equation (14) can be reduced to:

Figure 8 Degradation factor for propylene glycol/water mixture by per cent volume

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 211

1 1 where the  ow rate is varied on one side of the

= + R9 (16) heat exchanger. As discussed previously, for a
(UA)total (hA)coolant
water-cooled condenser, total heat transfer
From the Sieder-Tate Correlation, the coolant resistance, denoted as 1/Uo, is the sum of the
side convection heat transfer coefŽ cient is: individual resistances including water side heat
h = 0.027u0.8d2 0.2m2 0.47r0.8Cp0.33k0.67 (17) transfer resistance, tube wall resistance, refriger-
ant side resistance and fouling resistance if appli-
Since the temperature range in which the coolant cable. The water side convection heat transfer
operates is relatively small, physical property coefŽ cient, denoted as hi, can be assumed to fol-
variations of pure water are negligible. Thus, for low the relationship given by Equation (23), pro-
pure water, the convection heat transfer co- vided the temperature range is not large.
efŽ cient may be assumed to be a function of
 uid velocity only. hi = (constant) (V0.8) (23)
u0.8 The ‘Wilson Plot’ for the condenser then will be
Let (hA)water = , R9 = C2, Equation (16)
C1 a graph of 1/Uo versus 1/V0.8. If the refrigerant
becomes: side heat transfer coefŽ cient remains constant,
the overall heat transfer resistance should be a
1 C1
= + C2 (18) straight line in the plot. The intercept of the
(UA)totalFwater u0.8 straight line on the 1/Uo axis is equal to the sum
Or of refrigerant side resistance and tube wall resist-
1 In other words, C3VÇ 2 0.8 is the estimated cool-
(UA)totalFwater = (19)
C1u 2 0.8
+ C2 ant side resistance and C2 is the estimated resist-
ance due to refrigerant to tube wall convection,
Since  uid velocity is related to the volumetric tube wall conduction and fouling, if any. C2 and
 ow rate by the cross-sectional area of the C3 can be estimated from catalogue data given
pipe as: for use with pure water.
VÇ Then, the degradation factor can be applied
u= (20) when the model is used with antifreeze:
Then 1
(UA)totalFantifreeze = (24)
C3VÇ 2 0.8/DF + C2

(UA)totalFwater = (21)
VÇ 2 0.8
3.3 Antifreeze model performance
C1 + C2
A Regrettably, there is little data available from
manufacturers of water-source heat pumps
Let C3 = C1A0.8; then the overall heat transfer regarding performance with antifreeze. What is
coefŽ cient takes the form: available only covers water-to-air heat pumps.
1 As a preliminary check on the effect of anti-
(UA)totalFwater = Ç (22) freeze on the water-to-water heat pump model,
C3V 2 0.8
+ C2
we have used it to model a water-to-air heat
This part of the procedure is analogous to a tech- pump for which the manufacturer has provided
nique introduced by Wilson in 1915.22 The tech- correction factors for use with antifreeze (a
nique, which is often called ‘Wilson Plot’ by Trane GSUJ 018, which utilizes a scroll
later authors, is used to infer heat transfer co- compressor), operating in heating mode only. In
efŽ cients on both sides of a heat exchanger when heating mode, the water-to-water heat pump per-
the total resistance is measured for series of tests forms much like the water-to-air heat pump,

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212 Water-to-water heat pumps
Table 2 Parameter estimation results for the Trane water- As can be seen in Figure 8, the degradation
to-air heat pump model GSUJ 018 (heating)
factor varies with both antifreeze concentration
Parameter Estimated value and temperature. Since temperature varies
throughout the simulation, the degradation factor
Swept volume, VJ r 1.28 3 102 3 m3 /s (162.7 ft3 /h)
Built-in volume ratio, ni 2.21
is recalculated at every model iteration as a func-
(UA)load 0.425 kW/°C (806 Btu/h-°F) tion of temperature and concentration. The tem-
C3 0.125 perature is taken as the average of the inlet and
C2 1.11°C/kW (5.86 3 1024 (h-°F)/Btu)
h 0.897
outlet coolant temperatures. Once calculated, the
Wloss 0.55 kW degradation factor is applied as shown in Equ-
Superheat, DTs h 16.79°C (30.22°F) ation (24). In addition, properties such as density
and speciŽ c heat used in the model implemen-
tation have to be changed to match the tempera-
since there is no condensation of water vapour ture and concentration of the antifreeze solution.
on the refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger. The model has then been run with the same
The manufacturer has tabulated performance inlet temperatures and volumetric  ow rates
data for operation with pure water. In addition, given in the catalogue, along with a range of
three groups of correction factors for cooling concentrations of propylene glycol. Figure 9
capacity, heating capacity and pressure drop shows the resulting resistances for three different
across the heat pump are also provided by the  ow rates, averaged for all entering  uid tem-
manufacturer in case an antifreeze mixture peratures, as a function of propylene glycol con-
(propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, or methanol) centration. The water-side resistance varies sig-
is used as the source side secondary heat transfer niŽ cantly as the propylene glycol concentration
 uid. The parameters estimated for the heat increases. The effect is most signiŽ cant at low
pump model (with scroll compressor and two-  ow rates.
parameter evaporator model) are given in Table The increased heat transfer resistance that
2. The resulting RMS errors for 35 points are occurs with increasing concentration of propy-
1.35%—heating capacity, 1.68%—heat extrac- lene glycol results in a decreasing heating
tion rate, and 0.52%—power. capacity. The manufacturer has provided a cor-


Rtotal (F-Hr/Btu)

Rtotal (C/kW)

0.21 l/s (3.3 GPM)
1.5 0.8 0.32 l/s (5.0 GPM)
0.38 l/s (6.0 GPM)
R’ 0.4

0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Concentr ation in Pe rcent Volum e

Figure 9 Evaporator overall heat transfer resistance (Trane GSUJ 018 water-to-air heat pump)

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 213

rection factor that multiplies the heating capacity freeze. Further experimental work is needed to
with pure water to give the heating capacity with establish the accuracy of the model.
an antifreeze mixture. This is given only as a Since propylene glycol properties vary sig-
function of the concentration of propylene gly- niŽ cantly with temperature, the sensitivity to
col. Presumably, the reduction in heating heat pump entering  uid temperature was also
capacity also varies with the  ow rate and examined. For a single, intermediate  ow rate,
entering  uid temperature. We have calculated the correction factors were calculated for three
the reduction in heating capacity for a range of different entering  uid temperatures. The results
propylene glycol concentrations,  uid  ow rates, are shown in Figure 11. While some variation
and entering  uid temperatures. The calculated in correction factor may be observed, the differ-
correction factor is taken as the ratio of the heat- ences over the expected range of temperature are
ing capacity calculated with antifreeze to the not as signiŽ cant as the differences over the
heating capacity calculated (with the model) for allowable range of  uid  ow rates.
pure water.
Correction factors provided by the heat pump 4 Field validation of the water-to-water
manufacturer may be compared to correction heat pump model
factors calculated with the water-to-water heat
pump model in Figure 10. The model-calculated As mentioned earlier, additional experimental
correction factors are averaged for all catalogue- work is needed to validate the extensions to the
speciŽ ed entering  uid temperatures at each  ow water-to-water heat pump model. It would be
rate. As can be seen, the correction factors for particularly useful to do so in a laboratory where
the three different  ow rates show some diver- the  ow rates and propylene glycol concen-
gence from the manufacturer’s single curve. trations could be readily varied. This has not yet
Assuming for a moment that the curves calcu- been done—this section of the paper reports on a
lated with the model are correct, the manufac- simpler ‘Ž eld validation’. Experimental data was
turer’s single curve probably provides a reason- collected from an operating water-to-water heat
able approximation for designers. However, it is pump, which contains a scroll compressor and
desirable for modelling purposes to be able to utilizes a 42% by weight propylene glycol on the
more accurately represent the effects of anti- condenser side and pure water on the evaporator

Correction Factor

0.21 l/s (3.3 GPM)

0.32 l/s (5.0 GPM)
0.38 l/s (6.0 GPM)
Manufacturer’s CF
0 10 20 30 40 50
Concentration in Percent Volum e
Figure 10 Heating capacity correction factor with varying  ow rates (Trane GSUJ 018 water-to-air heat pump)

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214 Water-to-water heat pumps


Correction Factor

0.97 7.2 C (45 F)

20.0 C (68 F)
30.0 C (86 F)
0.95 Manufacturer’s CF


0 10 20 30 40 50
Concentration in Percent Volum e
Figure 11 Heating capacity correction factor with varying entering  uid temperatures (Trane GSUJ water-to-air
heat pump)

side of the heat pump. (The application in this load side  uid temperatures, entering source
case was a pavement heating system rather than  uid temperatures, a 1.51 L/s (24 GPM) source
a building.) Additional information regarding the  uid  ow, and a 5.56°C (10°F) temperature rise
heat pump, instrumentation, other operating con- on the load side. With an entering source  uid
ditions, etc. is given by Jin.23 temperature of 4.44°C (40°F) and a leaving load
The test was performed on a Florida Heat  uid temperature of 48.9°C (120°F) the heating
Pump (FHP) model WP120 water-to-water heat capacity is 33.54 kW (114 442 Btu/h).
pump with nominal cooling capacity of 35.2 kW Catalogue data were used to Ž t coefŽ cients for
(10 tons). The unit is design to operate with the water-to-water heat pump model (with scroll
entering  uid temperatures between 27°C compressor and two-parameter condenser and
(20°F) and 49°C (120°F). The manufacturer evaporator models). Table 3 gives the estimated
gives heating capacity, heat of absorption, and parameters for the model. Note that in this case,
power consumption data for a range of leaving both the evaporator and condenser are modelled

Table 3 Parameter estimation results for the FHP water-to-water heat pump model WP120

Parameter Estimated value

Swept volume, VJ r 8.09 3 102 3 m3 /s (1028 ft3 /h)

Built-in volume ratio, ni 2.43
Load side heat 6.095 3 102 2
exchanger, C3
Load side heat 0.186°C/kW (9.82 3 102 5 (h-°F)/Btu)
exchanger, C2
Source side heat 5.747 3 102 2
exchanger, C3
Source side heat 6.086 3 102 2 °C/kW (3.21 3 102 5 (h-°F)/Btu)
exchanger, C2
h 0.95
Wlo ss 3.35 kW
Superheat, DTs h 16.70°C (30.06°F)

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 215

with the two-parameter heat exchanger model. sumably, this transient behavior is due to the
The resulting RMS errors for 20 points are: heat storage inside the heat pump and  uid trans-
1.28%—heating capacity, 1.99%—heat extrac- port delays during start-up. During the last 5
tion rate, and 1.78%—power. hours, the temperature deviation is much
One data set is selected here for presentation. smaller, and results in a RMS error of about 6%
In this case, the heat pump was operated con- in the heating capacity and about 11% RMS
tinuously for over 9 h. The  uid temperatures error in the source-side heat transfer rate. On
and  ow rates vary over time. However, some- both sides, the model over-predicts the heat
thing approaching a quasi-steady-state operation transfer rate compared to the experimental
is achieved, particularly during the last 5 h. The measurement. Jin23 gives a detailed uncertainty
 uid  ow rates are shown in Figure 12. Exper- analysis of both the experimental measurements
imentally measured entering and exiting  uid and the model predictions. The errors described
temperatures are shown in Figures 13 and 14. fall within the uncertainty analysis. There is also
The model has been used to determine leaving the possibility that the individual unit perform-
 uid temperatures and power consumption, tre- ance has fallen below the catalogue speciŽ -
ating the experimentally measured entering  uid cations. (In the uncertainty analysis, the cata-
temperatures and  ow rates as inputs. The leav- logue data were assumed to be accurate to within
ing  uid temperatures are plotted in Figures 13 65%. Degradation of performance due to foul-
and 14, and power consumption is plotted in Fig- ing, refrigerant charge leakage, mechanical wear,
ure 15. etc. was not quantiŽ ed.)
Figures 13 and 14 show quite good agreement Figure 15 shows a comparison of the meas-
between the measured leaving  uid temperatures ured electrical power consumption and the
and the model predictions. The maximum devi- model-predicted electrical power consumption.
ation (around 4°C or 7°F) is observed at the Ž rst Consistent with the over-prediction of heat trans-
two points after the heat pump is turned on. Pre- fer rates, the model over predicts the power con-




Source f low
Flow r ate (GPM)
Flow rate (l/s)


Load flow

0.6 10

Circulating pump on

0.0 0
12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00

Figure 12 Heat pump load/source side  ow rates

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216 Water-to-water heat pumps

Load EFT & LFT (C)

Load EFT & LFT (F)


System On 40

-8 20

-18 0
12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00
Tim e

Load EFT Load LFT Exp Load LFT Sim

Figure 13 Heat pump model validation in heating mode: load side entering/leaving  uid temp



Source EFT & LFT (C)

Source EFT & LFT (F)

System On 30


-13 10

-18 0
12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00
Tim e

Source EFT Source LFT Exp Source LFT Sim

Figure 14 Heat pump model validation in heating mode: source side entering/leaving  uid temp

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Hui Jin and J Spitler 217


Heat pump power (kW)

6 Heat pump on

12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00

HP Power Exp HP Power Sim

Figure 15 Heat pump model validation in heating mode: power input

sumption. During the last 5 h, the RMS error of heat pump start-up. For many types of energy
the model compared to the experimental power calculations this will result in a very small error
consumption is about 7%. This is slightly below in the prediction of energy consumption. How-
the estimated combined uncertainty of the ever, if the heat pump cycles on and off fre-
experimental measurement and the model. The quently, as in some residential applications, it
model assumes a perfect energy balance—in may be worthwhile to consider a simple dynamic
heating mode, the source side heat transfer rate model. In order to retain the physical basis of
plus the compressor electrical power consump- the model, and the ability to estimate all para-
tion will always equal the load side heat transfer meters from catalogue data, it is likely that a
rate. In practice, this may not be met due to dynamic model would be very simple—say, tre-
losses from the heat pump e.g., heat transfer ating the heat pump thermal mass as a lumped
from the compressor shell. Furthermore, errors capacitance.
in the experimental measurements necessarily
preclude a perfect measured heat balance. The 5 Conclusions and recommendations
relative energy imbalance, calculated as the dif-
ference between the load side heat transfer and A parameter estimation based model of water-
the sum of the source side heat transfer and com- to-water heat pumps has been revised to include
pressor heat, divided by the sum of the source scroll compressors and allow an accounting for
side heat transfer and compressor heat, in the last the effects of antifreeze. A Ž ve-parameter scroll
5 h, varies between 3% and 7%. compressor model has been incorporated into the
To summarize, the heat pump model gives heat pump model. As the goal of the heat pump
reasonably good agreement to the experimental model is to produce a physically-realistic model
data. The most signiŽ cant error occurs during the for which all parameters can be estimated from

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218 Water-to-water heat pumps

catalogue data, the scroll compressor sub-model cant. However, further investigation into a
was validated by comparing the results of both dynamic model that retains the beneŽ cial charac-
the scroll-compressor-equipped and reciprocat- teristics of this model—its physical basis and
ing-compressor-equipped heat pump models ability to estimate all parameters from catalogue
applied to catalogue data for a scroll- data, is recommended.
compressor-equipped heat pump. The scroll
compressor version of the heat pump model
gives noticeably improved results over the recip- Acknowledgements
rocating compressor version. It was noted that
the overall accuracy of the heat pump model was The revisions to the water-to-water heat pump
improved by including the Ž fth parameter into model and experimental measurements were
the scroll compressor model: a differential funded by the U.S. Federal Highway Adminis-
pressure-dependent leakage. tration under Grant No. DTFH61–99-X-00067.
A preliminary investigation of a methodology Support by the Federal Highway Administration
for modelling the use of antifreeze solutions with does not constitute endorsement of the views
water-to-water heat pumps has been described. expressed in this paper.
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