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Spoken Word: New Generations

By: Nox

Dear new generations,

We are built from a government that is lost, from families that have fallen apart, and a society
that has lost its way. They’ve tried every solution to fix said society yet none have succeeded,
for in order to fix this society they must fix us. We as the new generation have low self-esteem
because of the six exhausting hours we are forced to go to school, to sit in a chair listening to
lectures and why we are wrong in our opinions. Not only this but because of the terms used to
describe our generation we are known to be reckless and metally ill due to our channel of
thought. Which is designed to be one of change but instead it’s perceived as a menace because
it’s different when compared to past philosophers’ and teachers’ ideas. Yet although we have
not lived as long as our teachers and professors we know far more than any past generation
can compare to. Due to the fact that with each generation there is change, in each person, there
is a unique set of intelligence and skills. As many people know Beethoven was an amazing
composer but he was also deaf and blind. Many people couldn’t see his talent apart from his so-
called disability. That is until he made them listen. Oftentimes we try to do something similar but
we are constantly not given the chance to do so and instead are ignored. People in our lives say
they want to give us the best opportunity in life, but what happens if instead, all we need is a
chance at life. Giving us the freedom to make decisions for ourselves so we are able to broaden
our mindset and learn something new for ourselves. For when someone instructs you to do
something that you lack interest in there is no merit. Therefore you will never learn anything
from it. But going out on our own is unheard of because we are all also scared. This means
there must be someone brave enough to stand out among others. But if we put our minds to it
the reality dawns that it’s simply perspective. Growing up we learned in every story there is the
clear villain and the hero we are taught which is which but never know why, this is a conundrum
and has caused us to lose a proper perspective. As many of us know from old films such as the
lion king, Scar was the villain yet it never explained why he was put into the position of this
character. Misleading us to believe that all villains can be seen when in reality they could be
your lover or friend and in some cases the hero. Although many people wish for happiness it
isn't always the way life goes as so sadness creates an unfillable void. Many people choose to
fill this void with drugs, sex, and alcohol thinking that this feeling will go away if only for a while.
Yet in reality, it only fills this absence for a short amount of time before it comes back in full
strength. A therapist would recommend talking to someone or a prescription that could take this
feeling away if you took a pill and washed it down twice a day. But a friend such as myself
would recommend finding something you enjoy: it could be painting, writing, or a sport.
Whatever it may be indulge yourself in it, let your emotions play into this hobby creating a safe
outlet. Knowing some people grew up thinking that the only way to fill the void was through
violence due to the parent’s neglect. Oftentimes this is what creates a mindset towards good
and evil or a predestined path for downfall. For everything, good will come to an end someday
whether we want it or not. In saying this I believe that there isn't a way to stop time or what will
happen in the future. What we can do is simply make the best out of it. By going to those
recitals, and hanging out with your friends, by following your dreams, and in turn, it won’t
become a waste of a life. Instead, you will have created something you wanted and in turn, will
have affected others in your life positively. This new generations is what we long for and what I
so wish everyone could experience someday.

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