The Great Hack Nisrina Nada Oktaviani E1111201026

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Nama: Nisrina Nada Oktaviani

Nim: E1111201026
Prodi: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu: Dini Haiti Zulfany

The Great Hack

I’ve watched several of documentary film, but this is my first time to watch documentary film
about International Relations. The movie is The Great Hack and this movie released on July
24, 2019 you can watch this movie on Netflix. The truly at the beginning of this movie, I was
confused about the storyline. What they tell? How can be like this? But in the middle of the
movie, slowly I can understand what they means.
The Great Hack tells about David Caroll, he is professor and parent who afraid of the social
media can misuse his daughter’s data and information. To be honest maybe many of us
missed the terms and conditions page before click okay or I received. We use any social
media on PC or handphone without considering our privacy is safe or not.
David Caroll bravely sued Cambridge Analytica to have his data back. Cambridge Analytica
is English consulting firm that is working together on the Donald Trump and Brexit campaign
teams. They takes almost all adult data in the United States on social media and identify it
like date birth, hometown even emotions. What his favorite color? What his fell right now?
What is he thinking? It’s very unsettling. They use our feel and emotions to influence his
choice later in the election. Isn’t ownership of personal data part of human rights?
This film is very interesting to watch because can make us to understand the relevant cases in
this world. In an interview Karim Amer and Pedro Kos (authors of The Great Hack) said that
the aim of this film is not to shed all the mistakes in Cambridge Analytics. But teach us to be
careful about using social media.
I learn a lesson from The Great Hack is don’t underestimate the terms and conditions page,
before click okay we must read it carefully. And if can don’t share our feelings on social
media too often, better we can tell our feelings to our best friends who can keep a secret and
give us some solutions. BE WISE WHEN USING SOCIAL MEDIA.

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