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In which of the following blood vessels is resistance to blood flow highest?

1 / 1 punto
large arteries



Pregunta 2

In which blood vessels do gases and nutrients exchange between the blood and tissues?

1 / 1 punto
large arteries
large veins



Pregunta 3

In which of the following blood vessels is blood pressure lowest?

1 / 1 punto
large arteries
large veins

large veins

Pregunta 4

Which blood vessels are the major determinant of peripheral resistance?

1 / 1 punto



Pregunta 5

In which blood vessels is blood pressure highest?

/ 1 punto
large arteries
small arteries


Pregunta 6

The innermost layer of the blood vessel wall consists of ___________ and is called the

1 / 1 punto
endothelium. . . . tunica media
endothelium. . . . tunica intima
smooth muscle. . . . tunica media
smooth muscle. . . . tunica intima
endothelium. . . . tunica intima


Pregunta 7

A decrease in blood volume can cause a decrease in blood pressure.

1 / 1 punto

True. If the only physiologic change is the decrease in blood volume, we would expect a
decrease in blood pressure.


Pregunta 8

Which layer of an arterial wall is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and the
continuous flow of blood through the circulation?

1 / 1 punto
tunica media
tunica interna
tunica externa

Tunica media. This layer contains mostly smooth muscle. Smooth muscle tone in the tunica
media helps maintain blood pressure. The pressure gradient (i.e., the difference in blood
pressure in one part of the system versus another) from the aorta to the large veins which
empty blood into the right atrium is critical in maintaining blood flow through the
circulation. Remember that blood will flow from a region of high pressure to a region of
low pressure.


Pregunta 9

Which of the following factors has the biggest impact on peripheral resistance?

1 / 1 punto
blood vessel length
blood viscosity
blood vessel diameter

Blood vessel diameter. In fact, peripheral resistance is inversely proportional to the change
in vessel radius to the 4th power. Thus, small changes in blood vessel diameter can cause
significant changes in blood pressure.


Pregunta 10

In the Week 1 case study you learned about Isabelle, who has ventricular septal defect
(VSD). As a result of VSD, during ventricular systole some blood flows from the left
ventricle to the right ventricle. This results in a higher than normal right ventricular volume
and pressure during ventricular diastole. What do you think would happen to blood volume
and pressure in the pulmonary circulation as a result of VSD?

1 / 1 punto
Pulmonary blood volume and blood pressure would increase.
Pulmonary blood volume and blood pressure would decrease.
Pulmonary blood volume would decrease and blood pressure would increase.
Pulmonary blood volume would increase and blood pressure would decrease.

Pulmonary blood volume and blood pressure would increase


Pregunta 11

When practitioners assess blood pressure, they listen carefully for the first Korotkoff sound,
which indicates _____________.

1 / 1 punto
heart rate
mean arterial pressure
diastolic pressure
systolic pressure
systolic pressure


Pregunta 12

Here is the Case Study you will use to answer questions 12-18. I hope you enjoy the case!

Blood Pressure Case Study


Ms. Morgan is a 43 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with hypertension. Her
physician made the diagnosis after noting her blood pressure was greater than 150/90 at
three consecutive clinic visits. About a month ago she started an anti-hypertensive
medication. She does not exercise, works a sedentary job, frequently eats fast food (high
sodium content), and smokes ½ pack of cigarettes daily. Being diagnosed with
hypertension was worrisome to Ms. Morgan due to her family history of medical problems.
Her mother has hypertension and atherosclerosis, and a few years ago had a myocardial
infarction (a heart attack). Her father has hypertension and diabetes. Today Ms. Morgan is
at her physician’s office for a follow-up appointment. She is relieved to learn her blood
pressure today is 120/76.

Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure of greater than _____ systolic or ______


/ 1 punto
120 . . . 70
130 . . . 80
140 . . . 90
150 . . . 100


Pregunta 13

Which blood vessel is typically auscultated when measuring systemic blood pressure?

1 / 1 punto
femoral artery
subclavian vein
brachial artery

brachial artery


Pregunta 14

Which of the following are the primary factors determining Mrs. Morgan's blood pressure?

1 / 1 punto
stress, exercise and diet
peripheral resistance, diet, exercise
peripheral resistance, blood volume, cardiac output
blood volume, blood viscosity, cardiac output

peripheral resistance, blood volume, cardiac output


Pregunta 15

Mrs. Morgan's physician explained to her that her anti-hypertensive medication (i.e., a beta-
adrenergic blocking agent) decreases the effects on the heart of the sympathetic nervous
system. How does Mrs. Morgan's beta-blocker medication cause her blood pressure to be

1 / 1 punto
Blocking sympathetic nervous system effects on the heart will cause the heart to beat
more slowly and with less force. This will reduce cardiac output and, as a result, cause
mean arterial pressure to decrease.
Blocking sympathetic nervous system effects on the heart will cause the heart to beat
more rapidly and with greater force. This will increase systolic pressure but cause an
overall decrease in mean arterial pressure.

Blocking sympathetic nervous system effects on the heart will cause the heart to beat more
slowly and with less force. This will reduce cardiac output and, as a result, cause mean
arterial pressure to decrease.

Pregunta 16

In the month since Ms. Morgan has last seen her physician she has done some research
about hypertension. She has learned that experts agree on a number of risk factors
associated with the condition. These include: 1) aging (becomes more common after age
40; 2) race (more common in blacks); 3) family history of HTN; 3) being overweight or
obese; 4) sedentary lifestyle; 5) using tobacco; 6) too much dietary sodium (salt) and too
little dietary potassium; 7) drinking too much alcohol (i.e., more than one drink per day for
women, two drinks per day for men).

Clinicians refer to risk factors as being modifiable if they are factors over which an
individual can exert control. Of the recognized risk factors associated with HTN, which are
NOT modifiable?

1 / 1 punto
family history, smoking, fast food diet
body weight, sedentary job, smoking
family history, aging, race
body weight, family history, sedentary job

family history, aging, race


Pregunta 17

Mrs. Morgan asks her physician why her high intake of dietary sodium could be
contributing to HTN. The physician explains that she may be retaining extra sodium which
in turn can cause her to retain additional water in the blood and extracellular fluid (i.e., the
fluid that surrounds all of the body cells). How can this contribute to HTN?

1 / 1 punto
The increase in blood volume will cause an increase in blood pressure.
The increase in blood volume will cause constriction of the veins.
The increased blood volume will cause dilation of the arterioles.

The increase in blood volume will cause an increase in blood pressure.


Pregunta 18
Nicotine, which is present in tobacco products, acts through several mechanisms to cause
intense vasoconstriction. How would smoking cessation improve/reduce Mrs. Morgan's
blood pressure.

1 / 1 punto
It would reduce her blood volume.
It would reduce her peripheral resistance.
It would increase her blood viscosity.
It would increase her cardiac output.

It would reduce her peripheral resistance, which would lead to a decrease in BP.


Pregunta 19

If untreated, chronic hypertension can damage the blood vessel walls leading the blood
vessels to become narrow and constricted. This condition is called thrombosis.

1 / 1 punto

False. The condition of stiffened, thickened walls which causes the vessels to narrow is
called atherosclerosis. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel.


Pregunta 20

If untreated, chronic hypertension can also cause a pattern of change in heart structure and
function which is called heart failure. Initially, the ventricles will enlarge because stroke
volume decreases and end systolic volume is chronically elevated. As the condition
progresses, the myocardium becomes thicker. What might be the temporary benefit of
increasing ventricular wall thickness?

1 / 1 punto
The greater wall thickness will be in proportion to the dilated ventricles.
The increased wall thickness will allow the myocardium to generate greater force
during contraction, resulting in an improved stroke volume.
The greater wall thickness will make the heart stronger and allow it to use more

The increased wall thickness will allow the myocardium to generate greater force during
contraction, resulting in improved stroke volume.

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