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Introduction to Informatics

for Students of Other Subjects (TUM-BWL)


Social Computing
Prof. Dr. Georg Groh Research Group Fakultät für Informatik

Part 0:
Content and Goals of this Module,
Fundamental Terminology of Informatics

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.


Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.

39 = 3 ∗ 10& + 9 ∗ 10)

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.

● Data: sequences of symbols.

39 = 3 ∗ 10& + 9 ∗ 10)

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.
1 2 3 4
● Data: sequences of symbols. 38 39 38 40
(--> data-structure: formally defined
organizational form of data for efficient
39 = 3 ∗ 10& + 9 ∗ 10)

Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.
1 2 3 4
● Data: sequences of symbols. 38 39 38 40
(--> data-structure: formally defined
organizational form of data for efficient
39 = 3 ∗ 10& + 9 ∗ 10)

● Encoding: Mapping a sequence a of symbols

of an alphabet A to a semantically
equivalent sequence b of symbols from an 100111
alphabet B
Informatics: Fundamental Terminology
● Informatics: subject: information + information processing
(representation, storing, mapping, transmission etc.)
with computer-systems.
(--> theory of Informatics, applied Informatics, Computer Science (hardware etc.))

● Information: has a formal representation

(with syntax + semantics) (initial encoding)
in the form of data.
1 2 3 4
● Data: sequences of symbols. 38 39 38 40
(--> data-structure: formally defined
organizational form of data for efficient
39 = 3 ∗ 10& + 9 ∗ 10)

● Encoding: Mapping a sequence a of symbols

of an alphabet A to a semantically
equivalent sequence b of symbols from an 100111
alphabet B = 1 ∗ 2+ + 0 ∗ 2, + 0 ∗ 2- +
1 ∗ 2. + 1 ∗ 2& + 1 ∗ 2) 10
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112

○ What is the decimal encoding / decimal representation of 1010101012 ?

34510 34010 34110 34210
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112

○ What is the decimal encoding / decimal representation of 1010101012 ?

34510 34010 34110 34210
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112

○ What is the decimal encoding / decimal representation of 1010101012 ?

34510 34010 34110 34210

● 16-system („Hexa-decimal Numbers“) (Base: 16, sixteen number symbols: :

{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F}): example: 2F16 = 4710
○ What is the hexa-decimal encoding / hexa-decimal representation of 4910 ?

3116 3416 2AF16 A316
● 10-system („Decimal Numbers“) (base: 10, ten number symbols:
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}): example: 4910

● 2-system („Binary Numbers“) (base: 2, two number symbols :

{0,1}): example: 1002 = 410
○ What is the binary encoding / binary representation of 4910 ?
1100012 1101002 1100002 1100112

○ What is the decimal encoding / decimal representation of 1010101012 ?

34510 34010 34110 34210

● 16-system („Hexa-decimal Numbers“) (Base: 16, sixteen number symbols: :

{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F}): example: 2F16 = 4710
○ What is the hexa-decimal encoding / hexa-decimal representation of 4910 ?

3116 3416 2AF16 A316
Content and Learning Outcomes of the Lecture

● Datenbases and SQL

● Object-Orientierted Programming: Java (+ VBA)

● Algorithms and Data Structures

Learning Outcomes

● Practical capability to use databases and object-oriented

programming languages for the solution of basic problems in
academia and job

● Understand and memorize selected basic concepts and ways of

thinking of Informatics to built upon in advanced lectures and be
able to communicate and collaborate with Informatics co-workers 17
Part I: Databases and SQL

A large share of the slides and elements of slides were taken over from Prof. A. Kemper, TUM,
( and the book [1]. These will not all be cited separately for reasons of legibility. 18
Books in German

● [1] A. Kemper , A. Eickler

Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung.
Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011. ab 8. Auflage.

● [2] A. Kemper, M. Wimmer

Übungsbuch Datenbanksysteme
Oldenbourg Verlag, ab 3. Auflage, 2011.

Books in English

● [3] Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.

Sudarshan: Database System Concepts
McGraw Hill, 2010

Part I.1: Introduction and

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

● Typical Challenge of Informatics: Storing data

● Database Management System (DBMS): Informatics system for storing

data that allows for efficient queries on these data.

● Expectation / Requirements:
− regarding storage and manipulation of data: e.g. security, safety and
− regarding query processing: e.g. efficiency
− regarding query results: correctness and completeness (usually both
100 % ßà compare information retrieval (< 100 % precision and

Motivation for Using a DBMS

Typical problems of information processing without a DBMS

● redundancy and inconsistency

● limited accessibility and linkability

● problems w.r.t. multi-user operation (e.g. lost update)

● Loss of data (<-> safety (backup, revovery))

● violation of integrity conditions (<-> enforcement)

● security problems

● high costs for application development

Levels of Abstraction of a DBMS

Profs Library Administration View1 View2 View3 ...

Tabelle Student
MatrNr VName NName ...
Logical Tier
... ... ... ...

001010101010101000111 Physical Tier

Data Independence

• physical independence
• logical independence
Data Modelling

cutout of the
real world
conceptual schema

Relational XML object-oriented

schema schema schema

Data Modelling: Example

real world: university

conceptual modelling

MatrNr PersNr
Students Professors
attend Name
Title 26
Logical Data Models

● Network Model

● Hierarchical Data Model

● Relational Data Model

● XML Schema

● Object Oriented Data Model

● Object Relational Schema

● Deductive Data Model

The Relational Data Model

Students attend Lectures

MatrNr Name MatrNr LectNr VorlNr Title
26120 Fichte 25403 5022 5001 Grundzüge
25403 Jonas 26120 5001 5022 Glaube und Wissen
... ... ... ... ... ...

select Name
from Students, attend, Lectures
where Students.MatrNr = attend.MatrNr and
attend.LectNr = Lectures.LectNr and
Lectures.Title = `Grundzüge´;

update Lectures
set Title = `Grundzüge der Logik´
where LectNr = 5001;

Database Design: Abstraction Levels

1. Conceptual Level

2. Implementation Level (logical level)

3. Physical Level

Phases of Database Design

Information Requirements Analysis

Requirements Specification

Conceptual Design

ER Schema

Data processing Implementation Design
Logical DB-Structure

Physical Design Hardware/OS-

Physical DB-Structure
Requirements Analysis

1. Identification of organisational units

(e.g. matriculation office)

2. Identification of tasks that must be supported

(e.g. calculate marks, register for exams)

3. Plan for collecting requirements

(e.g. who do I ask when? Regarding which requirements (e.g. regarding performance?)

4. Collect requirements
(information structure requirements, data processing requirements)

5. Filtering
(e.g. check for completeness, comprehensibility)

6. Classifications
(map information to objects, relations, operations and events)

7. Formalization
(-> result: formal requirements specification)

Information Structure Requirements

● objects (e.g. university employees)

● attributes (e.g. salary)

● relations between objects (e.g. examining)

Object Description: University Employee

Object Description: University Employee Relation Description: conduct examination
Object Description: University Employee
• number of instances: 1000
number of instances: 1000
• • attributes: • related objects:
number of instances: 1000
• • attributes: • Professor (as examiner)
• EmployeeNumber
• attributes:
• EmployeeNumber
• type: char • Student (as examinee)
• EmployeeNumber
type: 9char • Lecture (as subject)
• • length:
type: 9char
• length:

• range of values: • attributes of the relation:
• • length:
range of 9 0…999999999
values: 0…999999999 • Date
• number
• range ofofrepetitions:
values: 0
• • degree of of repetitions:
definition: 100 0% • Time
• number
• degree of of repetitions:
definition: 100 0% • Mark
• identifying:
• degree yesdefinition: 100
of %
• Salary • • identifying: yes
identifying: yes
• number of instances: 100000 (per year)
• Salary
• type: decimal
• Salary type: (8,2)
• • length:
type: (8,2)
• length: decimal

• number of repetitions: 0
• length:
number of(8,2)

• degree
• of definition:
number of 90 %0 0
degree ofno
• • identifying: definition: 90 %
degree ofno
• • identifying: definition: 90 %
• identifying: no

Data Processing Requirements

Process Description: Creation of Transcript

• frequency: biannual
• required data:
• exams
• examination regulations
• student information
• …
• priority: high
• amount of required data:
• 500 students
• 3000 exams
• 10 examination regulations

Phases of Database Design

Information Requirements Analysis

Requirements Specification

Conceptual Design

ER Schema

Data processing Implementation Design
Logical DB-Structure

Physical Design Hardware/OS-

Physical DB-Structure

● Entity
MatrNr Name Semester
● Relationship
○ binary, ternary, recursive...
● Attribute audience

● Key enrolledIn
○ unique attribute or course
○ unique combination of attributes
● Role
LectNr Title Credits

University Schema
Predecessor Successor
MatrNr LectNr

Name Students enrolledIn Lectures Credits

Semester Title

Mark examine read

Name Assistants workFor Professors Room

EmployeeNr Name
Relations as Mathematical Relations
e.g. likes

E1 : Human R E2 : Food
R Í E1 x E2
E1 E2
Hannah Spaghetti
Horst Sushi
Judith R Steak
(Hannah, Sushi)

E1 = {Judith, Hannah, Horst} (Horst, Sushi) E2 = {Spaghetti, Sushi, Steak}

(Judith, Spaghetti)

(Horst, Spaghetti)

R = {(Hannah, Sushi), (Horst, Sushi), (Judith, Spaghetti), (Horst, Spaghetti)}

z.B. marriedTo
1 1
E1 (e.g. Men) R E2 (e.g. Women)
R Í E1 x E2

1:1 E1 E2 1:N


e.g. memberOfParliament
1 N
E1 (e.g. State) R E2 (e.g. Human)
R Í E1 x E2

1:1 E1 E2 1:N


e.g. read
N 1
E1 (e.g. Lecture) R E2 (e.g. Professor)
R Í E1 x E2

1:1 E1 E2 1:N


e.g. enrolledIn
E1 (e.g. Lecture) R E2 (e.g. Students)
R Í E1 x E2

1:1 E1 E2 1:N



A car repair shop needs a database. Create an ER model, such that the following entity-
and relationship types and attributes are modelled correctly:

• car with the attributes vehicle identification number, brand, model,

year of manufacture
• customer with the attributes customer number, family name,
telephone number
• repair order with the attributes order number and date
• spare part type with the attributes product code, producer
• regards between car and repair order
• awards between customer and repair order (a repair order is assumed
to be awarded by one customer only)
• requires between repair order and spare part type

vehicle model brand year of
identification manufacture
customer family telephone
number name number

car customer


spare part
requires repair order

product order date

code number 43
vehicle model brand year of
identification manufacture
customer family telephone
number name number

car customer

spare part N M
requires repair order

product order date

code number 44
Mini Exercise A

● What are the functionalities of the following relation?

(ready to drive)
wheel attachedTo


wheel 1 attachedTo
1 (ready to drive) wheel N attachedTo
M (ready to drive) wheel
1 attachedTo
N (ready to drive) wheel
N attachedTo
1 (ready to drive)
car car car car
Mini Exercise A

● What are the functionalities of the following relation?

(ready to drive)
wheel attachedTo


wheel 1 attachedTo
1 (ready to drive) wheel N attachedTo
M (ready to drive) wheel
1 attachedTo
N (ready to drive) wheel
N attachedTo
1 (ready to drive)
car car car car
Mini Exercise B

● What are the functionalities of the following relation?

Guest books


1 1 N M 1 N N 1
guest books single room guest books single room guest books single room guest books single room
Mini Exercise B

● What are the functionalities of the following relation?

Guest books


1 1 N M 1 N N 1
guest books single room guest books single room guest books single room guest books single room

A single room may be rented by different guests at different times

Functionalities of n-ary Relations


E3 R E2

Functionalities of n-ary Relations


1 M
E3 R E2

Partial Functions

in general:

En R E2


R : E1 x ... x Ek-1 x Ek+1 x ... x En ® Ek right-unique

Partial Functions

in general:
for some of these
E1 there could also
N be a 1

En R E2


R : E1 x ... x Ek-1 x Ek+1 x ... x En ® Ek

Partial Functions - Example

N 1
FÍXxY ; F: X ® Y X F Y

F Í ℤ x ℤ; N 1
F = { …, (-3,9), (-2,4), (-1,1),
(0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), … }

F: ℤ® ℤ
F(x) = x2

Partial Functions - Example

N 1
FÍXxY ; F: X ® Y X F Y

F Í ℤ x ℤ; 1 1
F = { (0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), … }

F: ℕ ® ℕ
F(x) = x2

(injective Function)

Partial Functions - Example

N 1
FÍXxY ; F: X ® Y X F Y

F Í ℤ x ℤ; 1 1
F = { (0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), … }

F: ℕ ® ℕ of course ℕ Í ℤ
à we could also model: F Í ℕ x ℕ
F(x) = x2
1 1

(injective Funktion)(but then the aspect of functionalities

would be trivial here)
Partial Functions - Example

N 1
FÍXxY ; F: X ® Y X F Y

• a relation # ⊆ %×' is a “partial function” if it is right-

unique: all ( ∈ % have at most one function value
F Í ℤ x ℤ; #(() ∈ ', some ( ∈ % may not have1a function value. 1
• a partial function # ⊆ %×' is “left total” or “total” (in
F= { (0,0), (1,1),mathematics
(2,4), (3,9), …then
only } often written as “#: % → '“) if all
( ∈ % have a function value #(() ∈ '
• a function is “left unique” or “injective”: all y ∈ ' have at
most one ( ∈ % with 2 = # (
F: ℕ ® ℕ
• a function is “surjective” or ”right total” if all y ∈ ' have
F(x) = x2 at least one ( ∈ % with 2 = # (
• a function is “bijective” if it is surjective and injective ßà
all y ∈ ' have exactly one ( ∈ % with 2 = # (
(injective Function)

Example: ternary relation supervise

1 Professors
Students N supervise


there are two partial functions:

supervise: SeminarTopics x Students ® Professors

supervise: Professors x Students ® SeminarTopics

Example: ternary relation supervise
1 Professors
Students supervise
Mark SeminarTopics

supervise: SeminarTopics x Students ® Professors

supervise: Professors x Students ® SeminarTopics

Enforced Consistency Constraints:

1. Students may do only one seminar topic with the same professor (in order
to enforce a certain topic broadness) (cmp. 1 at SemiarTopic)

2. Students may submit the same seminar topic only to one professor – they
may not submit a seminar topic to one professor and later submit the same
seminar topic to a different professor (in order to prevent cheating) (cmp. 1
at Professors)

However, the following states are still possible

• Professors may “reuse” seminar topics (issue topics to a couple of students)

• The same topic my be issued by several professors (but then of course to
different students)
Example: ternary relation supervise
Example issue of
the relation supervise p1
b1 p2
b2 p3
b3 p4
s3 b4
s4 b5
b6 t3
Dashed lines mark illegal instances
SeminarTopics 59
Mini Exercise A

● We have the following ER Diagram:

! ⊆ #1×#2×#3×#4 already contains the tuples (aa, bb, cc, dd) and (aa, gg,
cc, ee). Is it legal to add the tuple (aa, bb, ee, ff) to B ?


yes no
Mini Exercise A

● We have the following ER Diagram:

! ⊆ #1×#2×#3×#4 already contains the tuples (aa, bb, cc, dd) and (aa, gg,
cc, ee). Is it legal to add the tuple (aa, bb, ee, ff) to B ?


yes no

Adding the new tuple does not violate any of the

consistency constraints specified by the two partial
functions E1xE2xE3àE4 and E1xE2xE4àE3
Mini Exercise B

● We have the following ER Diagram:

Apples Pears

1 1
1 N

Oranges Mangos

! ⊆ Apples × Pears × Oranges × Mangos already contains the tuples

(a1, p17, o9, m6), (a1, p17, o9, m102) and (a4, p5, o45, m6). Is it allowed to add
the tuple (a1, p23, o9, m6) to B? Why / why not?


yes no
Mini Exercise B

● We have the following ER Diagram:

Apples Pears

1 1
1 N

Oranges Mangos

! ⊆ Apples × Pears × Oranges × Mangos already contains the tuples

(a1, p17, o9, m6), (a1, p17, o9, m102) and (a4, p5, o45, m6). Is it allowed to add
the tuple (a1, p23, o9, m6) to B? Why / why not?

no: that the tuple (a1, p17, o9, m6) is in B implies that
A B adding (a1, p23, o9, m6) would violate the integrity
condiction specified through the partial function
yes no Apples x Oranges x Mangos à Pears
Mini Exercise B

● We have the following ER Diagram:

further examples:

Apples (a112, p17, o9, m6): adding not allowed; would violate
the partial fctn. Pears x Oranges x Mangos à Apples

1 1 (a1, p17, o9, m34): adding allowed

1 N (a1, p17, o89, m6): adding not allowed; would violate
the partial fctn. Apples x Pears x Mangos à Oranges

Oranges (a22, p11, o9, m102): adding allowed


! ⊆ Apples × Pears × Oranges × Mangos already contains the tuples

(a1, p17, o9, m6), (a1, p17, o9, m102) and (a4, p5, o45, m6). Is it allowed to add
the tuple (a1, p23, o9, m6) to B? Why / why not?

no: that the tuple (a1, p17, o9, m6) is in B implies that
A B adding (a1, p23, o9, m6) would violate the integrity
condiction specified through the partial function
yes no Apples x Oranges x Mangos à Pears
Mini-Assignment: Enter the Functionalities!
Predecessor Successor
MatrNr LectNr

Name Students enrolledIn Lectures Credits

Semester Title

Mark examine read

Name Assistants workFor Professors Room

EmployeeNr Name
Mini-Assignment: Enter the Functionalities!
Predecessor Successor
MatrNr LectNr
Name Students enrolledIn Lectures Credits
Semester N Title

Mark examine read

EmployeeNr 1
1 Rank
Name Assistants workFor Professors Room
N 1
EmployeeNr Name
(min, max)-Notation
R Í E1 x ... x Ei x ... x En
(min1, max1)
n, ma m ax 2)
xn ) (m in 2 ,
En R E2

(mini, maxi)

For every ei Î Ei there are

• at least mini many tuples of the kind (..., ei , ...)Î R and
• at most maxi many tuples of the kind (..., ei , ...)Î R
Example for (min, max)-Notation: Polyeder

Polyeder PolyID
N Cube
Face FaceID
Edges EdgeID Example-
StartEnd X

Example for (min, max)-Notation: Polyeder

Polyeder PolyID
1 (4, *)
N (1,1) Cube
Face FaceID
N (3, *)
M (2, 2)
Edges EdgeID Example-
(2, 2) Polyeder:
StartEnd X
M (3, *)

Relation Hull as Table / Mathematical Relation

Polyeder PolyID
1 (4, *)
N (1,1)
Face FaceID
PolyID FaceID
Tetraeder_Horst Face_1
Tetraeder_Horst Face_2
Tetraeder_Horst Face_3
Tetraeder_Horst Face_4
Octaeder_Heiner Fc_a
Octaeder_Heiner Fc_b
Octaeder_Heiner Fc_c
... 70
Weak, Existence-Dependent Entities

Height BldNr RoomNr

1 N
Building lies_in Room

● Relation between “strong” and “weak” type is always 1:N

(or 1:1, rarely)
● Why can’t that be a N:M-relation?
● RoomNr is unique only within a building
● Key of Room is: BldNr and RoomNr.


Employees EmployeeNr
Rank Is-a ResearchArea

Professors Assistants

Room EmployeeNr

Professors Assistants


Exercise A

Exercise A

1 1

Exercise A

(0,1) (0,1)

1 1

Exercise A

1 N

Exercise A

(0,*) (0,1)

1 N

Exercise A

N 1

Exercise A

(0,1) (0,*)

N 1

Exercise A


Exercise A

(0,*) (0,*)


Exercise B

Exercise B
à find an
example to non-
trivial modelling
overlap between
functionalities and

let e.g. E1 := {1,2}, E2 := {a,b}, E3 := {x,y}, and R = {(1, a, x)}.

• N:M:1 functionality e.g. forbids adding the tuple (1, a, y).

• idea: express that forbiddance by setting max1, max2 or max3 to 1:
• max1 = 1. à adding (1, a, y) would be forbidden BUT the tuple (1, b, x) would be also
be forbidden, but would be allowed with the N:M:1 functionality.
• max2 = 1. à adding (1, a, y) would be forbidden BUT adding the tuple (2, a, x) would
also be forbidden, but would be allowed with the N:M:1 functionality.
• max3 = 1. à adding (1, a, y) would not be forbidden according to (min,max) but would
be forbidden due to the N:M:1 functionality AND adding the tuple (1, b, x) would be
forbidden according to (min,max), but would be allowed with the N:M:1 functionality.
Exercise B
Further example:

1 Professors
N (0,*)
Students supervise
(0,*) 1
(0,*) SeminarTopics


there are two partial functions:

supervise: SeminarTopics x Students ® Professors
supervise: Professors x Students ® SeminarTopics

two enforced Consistency Constraints:

Students may submit the same seminar topic only to one professor
Students may do only one seminar topic with the same professor
Exercise B
Further example:

1 Professors
N (0,*)
Students supervise
(0,*) 1
(0,*) SeminarTopics

these have to be like that (e.g. such that
professors can reuse seminar topics) but (as such)
there are two partial functions:
may violate consistency constraints, which can be
supervise: SeminarTopics x Students
the 1:N:1 functionalities
supervise: Professors x Students ® SeminarTopics

two enforced Consistency Constraints:

Students may submit the same seminar topic only to one professor
Students may do only one seminar topic with the same professor
Exercise B
Further example:

1 Professors
1 (0,*)
Assistants supervise
(0,1) 1
(0,1) DissertationTopics


Exercise C

Model a train information system, in which the most important features are
represented: start and destination stations and stations connected
by the train, including arrival and departure times.
Provide functionalities as well as (min, max)!

Exercise C

Exercise C

Exercise C

N 1

Exercise C

N 1

Exercise C

N 1

1 1


Exercise C

N 1

1 1


Exercise C

N 1

1 1
1 1


Exercise C

N 1

1 1
(0,*) 1 1 (0,*)


Exercise C

N 1
(1,1) (0,*)
1 1
(0,*) 1 1 (0,*)


Exercise C

N 1
(1,1) (0,*)
1 1
(0,*) 1 1 (0,*)
(1,*) (1,*)

(1,1) (1,*)

Exercise D

In computer graphics, surfaces are usually approximated with

triangles (triangulation)

complement the following incomplete ER diagram for such a triangulation with

functionalities and (min,max)!

triangle boundary line boundary point

Exercise D

In computer graphics, surfaces are usually approximated with

triangles (triangulation)

complement the following incomplete ER diagram for such a triangulation with

functionalities and (min,max)!

triangle boundary line boundary point
(3,3) (1,2) (2,2) (2,*)

Relational Design

Phases of Database Design

Information Requirements Analysis

Requirements Specification

Conceptual Design

ER Schema

Data processing Implementation Design
Logical DB-Structure

Physical Design Hardware/OS-

Physical DB-Structure
Foundations of the Relational Model

Let A1, A2, … , An be Attributes und

D1, D2, ... , Dn their Domains (ranges of values)

● Mathematical Relation: R Í D1 x ... x Dn

Example: telephone book Í string x string x integer

● Tuple: t Î R
Example: t = („Mickey Mouse“, „Main Street“, 8124711)

● Schema: determines the structure of the stored data

Example: telephone book:
{[Name: string, Street: string, TelephoneNo:integer]}
Notation: sch(R)

Foundations of the Relational Model

Name:String Street:String TelephoneNo:
Mickey Mouse Main Street 4711
Donald Duck Broadway 95672
... ... ...

• Extension: the current state of the data base

• Key: minimal set of attributes whose values determine a tuple
• Primary Key: underlined
– One of the key candidates is chosen as the primary key
– significance: identifying tuples
ER University Schema
Predescessor Successor
MatrNr LectNr
Name Students enrolledIn Lectures Credits
Semester N Title

Mark examine read

EmployeeNr 1
1 Rank
Name Assistants workFor Professors Room
N 1
EmployeeNr Name
Relational Representation of Entities

Students: {[MatrNr:integer, Name: string, Semester: integer]}

Lectures: {[LectNr:integer, Title: string, credits: integer]}

Professors: {[EmployeeNr:integer, Name: string, Rank: string, Room: integer]}

Assistants: {[EmployeeNr:integer, Name: string, ResearchArea: string]}

Relational Representation of Relations
A 1k1 ... A11



A21 An1
E2 En

A 2k 2 A nkn
... ...

R:{[ A11 ,...., A1k , A 21 ,..., A 2k ,..., An1 ,..., Ank , A ,..., A ]}1 kR
$!#!"1 $!#!"2 $!#!"n $!#!
key ofvon
E1 E1 Schlüssel
key of von
E2 E 2 Schlüssel
key of von
En En Attribute
of R R
Relational Representation of Relations: Example
MatrNr LectNr

Name Students enrolledIn Lectures Credits

Semester Title

Students enrolledIn
MatrNr ... MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001 LectNr ...
... ...
27550 5001 5001 ...
26120 ...
27550 4052 ... ...
... ... 28106 5041 4052 ...
27550 ... 28106 5052
... ...
... ... … …

primary key of enrolledIn

enrolledIn: {[MatrNr: integer, LectNr: integer]}

foreign keys 108

Relational Representation of Relations: Example 2
EmployeeNr LectNr
Professors read Lectures
... 1 N ...

Professors read Lectures

EmployeeNr ... EmployeeNr LectNr LectNr ...
2125 ... 2137 5001 5001 ...
... ... 2125 5041 5041 ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
2125 5049
... ... 5049 ...
... ...
2137 ... ... ...

primary key of read

Only that is the primary key of
read !!! The related Prof is
read: {[EmployeeNr: integer, LectNr: integer]}
already uniquely determined
via 1:N
foreign keys 109
Refinement of Relational Schemas
EmployeeNr LectNr
Professors read Lectures
... 1 N ...

"#1:N relations (also 1:1 rel.) can be refined:

● initial design:
Lectures: {[LectNr, Title, Credits]}
Professors : {[EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room]}
read: {[EmployeeNr, LectNr]} ! read: {[LectNr, EmployeeNr]}

● Refinement via aggregation:

Lectures: {[LectNr, Title, Credits, readBy]}
Professors : {[EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room]}

Refinement of Relational Schemas
EmployeeNr LectNr
Professors read Lectures
... 1 N ...

"#1:N relations (also 1:1 rel.) can be refined:

● initial design:
Lectures: {[LectNr, Title, Credits]}
Professors : {[EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room]}
read: {[EmployeeNr, LectNr]} ! read: {[LectNr, EmployeeNr]}

● Refinement via aggregation:

Lectures: {[LectNr, Title, Credits, readBy]}
Professors : {[EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room]}

Rule: Relations with identical keys may be aggregated but

only those and no others!
Refinement of Relational Schemas
EmployeeNr LectNr
Professors read Lectures
... 1 N ...

example: extension of Professors and Lectures after Refinement:

Professors Lectures
Employee Name Rank Room LectNr Title Credits readBy
Nr 5001 Foundations 4 2137
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5041 Ethics 4 2125
2126 Russel C4 232 5043 Epistemology 3 2126
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125
2133 Popper C3 52 4052 Logic 4 2125
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126
2136 Curie C4 36 … … … …
2137 Kant C4 7

Refinement of Relational Schemas

Beware: That is not how it works: (à Anomalies)

Professors Lectures
Employee Name Rank Room reads LectNr Title Credits
Nr 5001 Foundations 4
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5041 5041 Ethics 4
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5049 5043 Epistemology 3
2125 Sokrates C4 226 4052 5049 Mäeutics 2
... ... .... ... ... 4052 Logic 4
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5022 5052 Philosophy of Science 3
2136 Curie C4 36 ??? 5022 Advanced Theology 2
... ... .... ... ... … … …

● Update-Anomaly: What happens if Sokrates moves to another room?

● Delete-Anomaly: What happens if “Advanced Theology“ is removed?
● Insert-Anomaly: Curie is a research prof only and doesn’t teach.
Relational Modelling of Weak Entities

N Mark
MatrNr Students take Exams

encompass conduct

LectNr M M EmployeeNr
Lectures Professors

Exams: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, Mark: integer]}

Relational Modelling of Weak Entities

N Mark
MatrNr Students take Exams

encompass conduct

LectNr M M EmployeeNr
Lectures Professors

Exams: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, Mark: integer]}

encompass: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, LectNr: integer]}
conduct: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, EmployeeNr: integer]}

Relational Modelling of Weak Entities

N Mark
MatrNr Students take Exams

encompass conduct

LectNr M M EmployeeNr
Lectures Professors

Exams: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, Mark: integer]}

encompass: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, LectNr: integer]}
conduct: {[MatrNr: integer, ExamID: string, EmployeeNr: integer]}

Foreign key to a weak entity: the (globally unique) key of the weak entity
Exams, that is MatrNr and ExamID, must be taken over as foreign key into the
relations encompass and conduct. 116
Mini-Exercise A

● We have the following ER Diagram:

has Room
RoomNr State the relational schema for
NrOfBeds the entity Customer and the
relation booked considering a
possible refinement (that is AFTER
Price booked a possible refinement)! Don’t
forget types!

PassportNr Customer

Customer: {[PassportNr:string, GivenName:string, FamilyName:string]}

booked: {[RoomNr:integer, BookingKey:integer, PassportNr: string, Price:integer]}
Customer: {[PassportNr:integer, FirstName:string, FamilyName:string, Price:integer]}
booked: {[RoomNr:integer, PassportNr: string, Price:integer]}
Customer: {[PassportNr:integer, FirstName:string, FamilyName:string, Price:integer,
RoomNr:integer, BookingKey:integer]}
Mini-Exercise A

● We have the following ER Diagram:

has Room
RoomNr State the relational schema for
NrOfBeds the entity Customer and the
relation booked considering a
possible refinement (that is AFTER
Price booked a possible refinement)! Don’t
forget types!

PassportNr Customer

Customer: {[PassportNr:string, GivenName:string, FamilyName:string]}

booked: {[RoomNr:integer, BookingKey:integer, PassportNr: string, Price:integer]}
Customer: {[PassportNr:integer, FirstName:string, FamilyName:string, Price:integer]}
booked: {[RoomNr:integer, PassportNr: string, Price:integer]}
Customer: {[PassportNr:integer, FirstName:string, FamilyName:string, Price:integer,
RoomNr:integer, BookingKey:integer]}
Mini-Exercise B

● We have the following ER Diagram:

keyOfA keyOfB
1 1

State two possible relational

models for the relation R (let the
type of the keys be integer)!

keyOfC C D keyOfD

R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}

R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
Mini-Exercise B

● We have the following ER Diagram:

keyOfA keyOfB
1 1

State two possible relational

models for the relation R (let the
type of the keys be integer)!

keyOfC C D keyOfD

R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}

R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
R:{[ keyOfA:integer, keyOfB:integer, keyOfC:integer, keyOfD:integer ]}
Exercise C

train information system:

convert the ER-model into a
rational schema (initial

Exercise C

train information system:

convert the ER-model into a
rational schema (initial

• city: {[name: string, state: string, inhabitants: integer]}

• station: {[name: string, number of tracks: integer]}
• train: {[trainID: string, length: integer]}

Exercise C

train information system:

convert the ER-model into a
rational schema (initial

• city: {[name: string, state: string, inhabitants: integer]}

• station: {[name: string, number of tracks: integer]}
• train: {[trainID: string, length: integer]}

• is in: {[stationName: string, cityName: string, state: string]}

• start: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
• final destination: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
• connects: {[fromStation: string, toStation: string, trainID: string, arrives: date, departs: date]}
Exercise C

Refine the ER model by

eliminating relations!

1. city: {[name: string, state: string, inhabitants: integer]}

2. station: {[name: string, number of tracks: integer]}
3. train: {[trainID: string, length: integer]}

4. is in: {[stationName: string, cityName: string, state: string]}

5. start: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
6. final destination: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
7. connects: {[fromStation: string, toStation: string, trainID: string, arrives: date, departs: date]}
Exercise C
• city: {[name: string, state: string, inhabitants:
• station: {[name: string, number of tracks:
integer, cityName: string, state: string]}
• train: {[trainID: string, length: integer,
startStation: string, finalDestinationStation:
• connects: {[fromStation: string, toStation:
string, trainID: string, arrives: date, departs:

1. city: {[name: string, state: string, inhabitants: integer]}

2. station: {[name: string, number of tracks: integer]}
3. train: {[trainID: string, length: integer]}
(4) à (2)
(5) à (3)
4. is in: {[stationName: string, cityName: string, state: string]} (6) à (3)
5. start: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
6. final destination: {[trainID: string, stationName: string]}
7. connects: {[fromStation: string, toStation: string, trainID: string, arrives: date, departs: date]}
Exercise D
Nr designator name inhabitants

1 electoral N 1 federal
located in
provide an initial district state
relational model 1
and refine!
associated year
of 1 N electoral
electoral achieves
sub-district result

Nr is_a
# votes # votes
receives first vote second vote

1 N
N direct 1 1 political 1
nomination receives
candidate parties

social family
insurance nr name #members
name 126
Exercise D
initial relational model:

1. located in: {[districtNr: integer, stateName: string]}

2. associated: {[subDistrictNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
3. of: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
4. nomination: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, partyName: string]}

5. electoral district: {[nr: integer, designator: string]}

6. federal state: {[name: string, #inhabitants: integer]}
7. electoral sub-district: {[nr: integer, voting location: string]}
8. direct candidate: {[social insurance nr: integer, family name: string ]}
9. first vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, candidateSocSecNr: integer, #votes: integer]}
10. second vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, partyName: string, #votes: integer]}
11. political parties: {[name: string, #members: ineteger]} 127
Exercise D
initial relational model:

remark: the three weak relationships

receives, achieves, receives are also initially
not modelled separately but right away
absorbed into the entities first vote and
second vote. electoral result is not modeled
separately because it is “absorbed” into first
vote and second vote (because of is_a)
1. located in: {[districtNr: integer, stateName: string]}
2. associated: {[subDistrictNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
3. of: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
4. nomination: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, partyName: string]}

5. electoral district: {[nr: integer, designator: string]}

6. federal state: {[name: string, #inhabitants: integer]}
7. electoral sub-district: {[nr: integer, voting location: string]}
8. direct candidate: {[social insurance nr: integer, family name: string ]}
9. first vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, candidateSocSecNr: integer, #votes: integer]}
10. second vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, partyName: string, #votes: integer]}
11. political parties: {[name: string, #members: ineteger]} 128
Exercise D
5’ electoral district: {[nr: integer, designator:
string, stateName: string]}
8’ direct candidate: {[social insurance nr: integer,
family name: string, districtNr: integer]}
11’ political parties: {[name: string, #members:
ineteger, candidateSocSecNr: integer]}
7‘ electoral sub-district: {[nr: integer, voting
location: string, districtNr: integer]}

1. located in: {[districtNr: integer, stateName: string]}

2. associated: {[subDistrictNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
3. of: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, districtNr: integer]}
4. nomination: {[candidateSocSecNr: integer, partyName: string]}
(1) à (5)
5. electoral district: {[nr: integer, designator: string]}
(3) à (8)
6. federal state: {[name: string, #inhabitants: integer]} (4) à (11)
7. electoral sub-district: {[nr: integer, voting location: string]} (2) à (7)
8. direct candidate: {[social insurance nr: integer, family name: string ]}
9. first vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, candidateSocSecNr: integer, #votes: integer]}
10. second vote: {[year: integer, subDistrictNr: integer, partyName: string, #votes: integer]}
11. political parties: {[name: string, #members: ineteger]} 129

● How do you get along with the course so far?

I don’t get a thing L I whish god wouldn’t have allowed Informatics to

exist on this earth
I understand some things well, some others not so well. However, I
have to review stuff at home

C All in all I understand the stuff quite well

D Groh HURRY UP !!!! I’M B O R E D !!!!!

Relational Algebra and SQL

The Relational Algebra

minimal algebra syntactic sugar

• s Selection • ÷ Division
• p Projection • Ç Intersection
• x Cartesian Produkt • ⨝ Join
• r Renaming • ⟗ Outer Join
• È Union • ⋉ Semi-Join (right)
• - Set Minus • ⋊ Semi-Join (left)
• ⟕ Left Outer Join
• ⟖ Right Outer Join
• ...


sP : E → E‘ with P: Predicate, E: Relation (Table), E‘: Relation

sP (E) selects all Tuples (Rows) of E, which satisfy P.
Result: Relation (Table) E‘

Example: s Semester > 10 (Students)

MatrNr Name Semester sSemester > 10 (Students)
24002 Xenokrates 18
25403 Jonas 12 s MatrNr Name Semester
Semester > 10
26120 Fichte 10 24002 Xenokrates 18
26830 Aristoxenos 8 25403 Jonas 12
27550 Schopenhauer 6
28106 Carnap 3
29120 Theophrastos 2
29555 Feuerbach 2 133

The Selection predicate P in sP (E) is a (first order logic) formula: it can

be evaluated to true or false and is constructed of

● names of attributes of the argument relation E

● Constants

● arithmetic comparison operators =, <, ≤, >, ≥, ≠

● logic operators ∧ (and), ∨ (or) und ¬ (not)

P is evaluated on all e ∈ E. If P(e) = true, e is included

into the result relation E‘.


PA : E → E‘ with A: sub-set of attributes of E: “chooses columns”

Employee Name Rank Room
Nr PRank(Professors)
2125 Sokrates C4 226
2126 Russel C4 232 PRank Rank
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 C4
2133 Popper C3 52
2134 Augustinus C3 309
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7

Cartesian Product
example: E‘ = Professors x enrolledIn

Professors enrolledIn E‘= Professors x enrolledIn

Employee Name Rank Room MatrNr LectNr Employee
Nr Name Rank Room MatrNr LectNr
x =
26120 5001
2125 Sokrates C4 226 27550 5001 2125 Sokrates C4 226 26120 5001
2126 Russel C4 232 2125 Sokrates C4 226 27550 5001
... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... 2125 Sokrates C4 226 25403 5022
2137 Kant C4 7
... ... 2126 Russel C4 232 26120 5001
25403 5022 ... ... ... ... ... ...
2126 Russel C4 232 25403 5022
... ... ... ... ... ...
2137 Kant C4 7 25403 5022

• problem: large results (e.g. |E‘| = |Professors| * |enrolledIn| = 7 * 12 )

• ”better" operation: Join (see later)

● sch(E): set of all attributes of E

e.g.: sch(Professors) = {EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room}

● E.A : qualified name of the attribute A in relation (table) E

e.g.: Professors.EmployeeNr, Assistants.EmployeeNr

Professors Assistants
Employee Name
Rank Room x Employee
Name ResearchArea Boss
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Professoren x Assistants
Professors.Employee Professors.Name Rank Room Assistants.Employee Assistants.Name ResearchArea Boss
Nr Nr
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


● sch(E): set of all attributes of E

e.g.: sch(Professors) = {EmployeeNr, Name, Rank, Room}

● E.A : qualified name of the attribute A in relation (table) E

e.g.: Professors.EmployeeNr, Assistants.EmployeeNr

● e.A : for tuples (rows) e ∈ E : value of the attribute A in e

e.g.: (2125, Sokrates, C4, 226).Name = Sokrates

● e.{A1,A2,...} : (analogous)

e.g.: (2125, Sokrates, C4, 226).{Name,Rank} = (Sokrates, C4)

● of attributes: example:
rprecursor ¬ predecessor(isPrerequisiteFor)

● of whole relations: example:

riPF1 (isPrerequisiteFor)


why? Example: determining indirect predecessors (2nd level) of

the lecture 5216:

PiPF1. Predecessor( siPF2.Succesor=5216 Ù iPF1.Successor = iPF2.Predecessor

( riPF1 (isPrerequisiteFor) x riPF2 (isPrerequisiteFor) ) )

riPF1 (isPrerequisiteFor) x riPF2 (isPrerequisiteFor)

iPF1 iPF2
Predecessor Successor Predecessor Successor
5001 5041 5001 5041
... ... ... ...
5001 5041 5041 5216
... ... ... ...
5052 5259 5052 5259

(required: identical schema in both relations!)

Example: E‘ = Π EmployeeNr, Name (Assistants) !""Π EmployeeNr, Name (Professors)


ΠEmployeeNr, Name (Professors) ΠEmployeeNr, Name (Assistants) EmployeeNr Name

PersNr Name PersNr Name 2125 Sokrates

2126 Russel

2125 Sokrates 3002 Platon

2126 Russel
!" 3003 Aristoteles 2127 Kopernikus

3004 Wittgenstein 2133 Popper

2127 Kopernikus
3005 Rhetikus 2134 Augustinus
2133 Popper
3006 Newton 2136 Curie
2134 Augustinus
3007 Spinoza 2137 Kant
2136 Curie
3002 Platon
2137 Kant 3003 Aristoteles
3004 Wittgenstein
3005 Rhetikus
3006 Newton
3007 Spinoza
Set Minus, Intersection

(analogous to union)

● Example for set minus:

MatrNr of Students that have not taken an exam:

ΠMatrNr (Students) - ΠMatrNr (examine)

● Example for intersection:

Find employeeNr of all C4 Professors that read at least one lecture:

PEmployeeNr(rEmployeeNr¬readBy(Lectures)) Ç PEmployeeNr(sRank=C4(Professors))

intersection may be expressed via set minus: R Ç S = R - (R - S) 142

Natural Join

given: two relations R and S: (regard overlapping attributes Bi)

R(A1,..., Am, B1,..., Bk)
S(B1,..., Bk, C1,..., Cn)
then we define the Join R ⨝ S as

R ⨝ S = PA1,..., Am, R.B1,..., R.Bk, C1,..., Cn(sR.B1=S.B1 Ù...Ù R.Bk = S.Bk(RxS))

A1 A2 ... Am B1 B2 ... Bk C1 C2 ... Cn
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Natural Join
Example: Students ⨝ enrolledIn:
Students enrolledIn Students ⨝ enrolledIn
MatrNr Name Semester MatrNr LectNr Name Semester MatrNr LectNr
24002 Xenokrates 18 26120 5001 Fichte 10 26120 5001
Schopenhauer 6 27550 5001
25403 Jonas 12 27550 5001
Schopenhauer 6 27550 4052
26120 Fichte 10 27550 4052
26830 Aristoxenos 8 ⨝ 28106 5041 = Carnap
27550 Schopenhauer 6 28106 5052 Carnap 3 28106 5216
28106 Carnap 3 28106 5216 Carnap 3 28106 5259
29120 Theophrastos 2 28106 5259 Theophrastos 2 29120 5001
29555 Feuerbach 2 29120 5001 Theophrastos 2 29120 5041
29120 5041 Theophrastos 2 29120 5049
Feuerbach 2 29555 5022
29120 5049
Jonas 12 25403 5022
29555 5022
25403 5022

Remark: Join is associative: (A ⨝ B) ⨝ C = A ⨝ (B ⨝ C)


Let us have:
R(A1,..., An)
S(B1,..., Bm)

then we define the Theta-Join R ⨝Θ S (Join with Join-Prädikat !"#as:

R ⨝Θ S := $Θ (R x S) R ⨝q S
A1 A2 ... An B1 B2 ... Bm
● Example:

R ⨝A1>B1 ∧ A3<B2 S

Relational Division

● Definition: t Î R ÷ S if for each tuple ts Î S a tuple tr Î R exists

such that:

∀ A ∈ sch(S) : tr.A = ts.A und tr.(sch(R) – sch(S)) = t

Example: R S R÷S
÷ V = M
m1 v1 v1 m1
m1 v2 v2
m1 v3
m2 v2
m2 v3

● we have: R ÷ S = P(R - S)(R) - P (R - S)((P (R - S)(R) x S) - R)


● What is the result of R ÷ S?


● What is the result of R ÷ S?

Grouping and Aggregation

● γ not part of core relational algebra but nevertheless a very

important operator (ßà select with groupby )

● γA; f (E) groups according to attribute (or set of attributes) A and

applies to each group an Aggregate Function (or set of aggregate
functions) f . (possible aggregate functions: count(), max(),
min(), sum(), avg() etc.)

gSemester; count(*)(Students) greadBy; count(*),sum(Credits)(Lectures)

gSemester;count(*)(Students) greadBy; count(*),sum(Credits)(Lectures)
Semester count(*) readBy count(*) sum(Credits)
18 1 2125 3 10
12 1 2126 3 8
10 1 2133 1 2
8 1 2134 1 2
6 1 2137 2 8
3 1
2 2

Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many columns does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
8 7 4 1
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many columns does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
8 7 4 1
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many rows does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
8 7 4 1
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many rows does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
8 7 4 1
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many rows does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2 1 2 21 0
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all students that got a 1
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 by Sokrates!
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
● How many rows does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5052 5259

2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn

MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A B C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2 1 2 21 0
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
are also read by p.
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2 or that read lectures which do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049 Schema of table Professors
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
are also read by p.
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2 or that read lectures which do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
● How many columns does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A are also readBby p. C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
8 or that read7lectures which4do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
● How many columns does the answer-table of this partial expression have?
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A are also readBby p. C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
8 or that read7lectures which4do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
● How many rows does the answer-table of this
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
2125 Sokrates C4 226
5001 5043 partial expression have?
5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A are also readBby p. C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
70 or that read10
lectures which1do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find professors whose
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures depend only on self-
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 read direct predecessors!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
● How many rows does the answer-table of this
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
2125 Sokrates C4 226
5001 5043 partial expression have?
5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 Remark: We were looking for all those profs p which
examine 29120 5041 only read lectures for which all direct predecessors
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 A are also readBby p. C D
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 This includes profs that do not read any lectures at all
70 or that read10
lectures which1do not have predecessors.
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find students that attend
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures for which they do
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 not have the correct
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 prerequisites!
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find students that attend
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 lectures for which they do
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 not have the correct
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 prerequisites!
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
2125 Sokrates C4 226
We construct a hypothetical instance
5041 5216 of enrolledIn that would be valid if all
5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052 students would also be enrolledIn all
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36 required prerequisite lectures.
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
We then subtract from this instance
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
3002 Platon Ideology 2125
27550 5001 the actual instance of enrolledIn, such
27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041 that the sought for students remain.
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Structured Query Language (SQL)

● „Implementation“ of relational algebra for DBMS

● consists of :
○ Data Definition Language (DDL): creates table structures
○ Data Manipulation Language (DML): delete, insert, modify etc.
‒ Query Language (QL): search

● one “recent” standard: SQL99

Professors Lectures
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room MatrNr Name Semester
LectlNr Title Credits readBy
2125 Sokrates C4 226 24002 Xenokrates 18 5001 Foundations 4 2137
2126 Russel C4 232 25403 Jonas 12 5041 Ethics 4 2125
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 26120 Fichte 10 5043 Epistemology 3 2126
2133 Popper C3 52 26830 Aristoxenos 8 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125
2134 Augustinus C3 309 27550 Schopenhauer 6 4052 Logic 4 2125
2136 Curie C4 36 28106 Carnap 3 5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126
2137 Kant C4 7 29120 Theophrastos 2 5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126
29555 Feuerbach 2 5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133
isPrerequisiteFor 5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
Predecessor Successor enrolledIn
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137
5001 5041 MatrNr LectNr
5001 5043 26120 5001
5001 5049 27550 5001 Assistants
5041 5216 27550 4052 EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
5043 5052 28106 5041 3002 Platon Ideology 2125
5041 5052 28106 5052 3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125
5052 5259 28106 5216 3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126
28106 5259 3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
examine 3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
29120 5001
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark 3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5041
28106 5001 2126 1
29120 5049
25403 5041 2125 2
29555 5022
27550 4630 2137 2
25403 5022
Data Definition Language: Data Types
corresponds to
relational modelling up
Data Types in SQL:
to now:

● char (n), varchar (n) ● string

● integer ● integer
● numeric(p,s) ● ?
● blob for large binary data ● ?
● clob for large string attributes ● ?
● date ● ?
● xml for XML documents ● ?

Data Definition Language: Create and Alter

create integrity constraints

create table Proessors

Name varchar(30) not null,
Rank character(2),
Room integer);

• ALTER TABLE Proessors RENAME TO Professors;
• ALTER TABLE Professors ADD familyStatus varchar(50);
• ALTER TABLE Professors DROP COLUMN city;
• ALTER TABLE Professors MODIFY (Name varchar(50));

Data Manipulation Language: Insert

insert into Students (MatrNr, Name)

values (28121, `Archimedes‘);

value ‘null’

MatrNr Name Semester

29120 Theophrastos 2
29555 Feuerbach 2
28121 Archimedes -

Data Manipulation Language: delete and update

deletion of tuples
delete from Students
where Semester > 13;

modifying tuples
update Students
set Semester = Semester + 1;

Query Language: select

Example: simple SQL-Query


select EmployeeNr, Name EmployeeNr Name

2125 Sokrates
from Professors 2126 Russel
where Rank= ´C4´; 2136 Curie
2137 Kant

select <---> Translation into Relational Algebra

general (unnested) translation into

SQL-query : relational algebra:

select A1, ..., An

P A1, ..., An (sP (R1 x ... x Rk ))
from R1, ..., Rk
where P;

Queries Using Several Relations (Tables)

example: which professor reads Mäeutics?

select Name, Title

from Professors, Lectures
where EmployeeNr=readBy and Title=‘Mäeutics’;

PName,Title (sEmployeeNr=readBy !Title=‘Mäeutik’(Professors x Lectures))

select Name, Title
from Professors, Lectures PName,Title ( sEmployeeNr=readBy !Title=‘Mäeutik’(Professors x Lectures))
where EmployeeNr=readBy and Title=‘Mäeutik’;

VorlNr Title Credits readBy
Employee Name Rank Room
Nr 5001 Foundations 4 2137
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5041 Ethics 4 2125
2126 Russel C4 232 ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2137 Kant C4 7 4630 The Three Critics 4 2137

Professors x Lectures
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room VorlNr Title Credits readBy
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 Foundations 4 2137
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5041 Ethics 4 2125
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125
2126 Russel C4 232 5001 Foundations 4 2137
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2137 Kant C4 7 4630 The Three Critics 4 2137
select Name, Title
from Professors, Lectures PName,Title ( sEmployeeNr=readBy !Title=‘Mäeutik’(Professors x Lectures))
where EmployeeNr=readBy and Title=‘Mäeutik’;

Professors x Lectures
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room VorlNr Title Credits readBy
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 Foundations 4 2137
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5041 Ethics 4 2125
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125
2126 Russel C4 232 5001 Foundations 4 2137
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2137 Kant C4 7 4630 The Three Critics 4 2137

sEmployeeNr=readBy !Title=‘Mäeutics’(Professors x Lectures)
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room VorlNr Title Credits readBy
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5049 Mäeutics 2 2125


PName,Title ( sEmployeeNr=readBy !Title=‘Mäeutics’(Professors x Lectures))

Name Title
Sokrates Mäeutics
Queries Using Several Relations (Tables): Tuple Variables

example: which students attend which lectures?

select Name, Title

from Students, enrolledIn, lectures
where Students.MatrNr = enrolledIn.MatrNr and
enrolledIn.LectNr = Lectures.LectNr;

alternatively: (recommended): use tuple variables:

select s.Name, le.Title

from Students s, enrolledIn e, Lectures le
where s. MatrNr = e.MatrNr and
e.LectNr = le.LectNr

(equivalent to ρ operator) 179


State a select statement equivalent to the following relational algebra expression!


State a select statement equivalent to the following relational algebra expression!

Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find all students that got a 1
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 by Sokrates!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find all students that got a 1
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 by Sokrates!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 select, s.MatrNr
Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137
from Students s, examine e, Professors p

Predecessor Successorwhere p.Name=’Sokrates’
5001 5041 and p.PersNr = e.PersNr
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049 and e.Mark = 1
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052 and e.MatrNr = s.MatrNr;
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find all students that got a 1
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 by Sokrates!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 select, s.MatrNr
Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137
from Students s, examine e, Professors p

Predecessor Successorwhere p.Name=’Sokrates’
5001 5041 and p.PersNr = e.PersNr
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049 and e.Mark = 1
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052 and e.MatrNr = s.MatrNr;
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Set Operations union, intersect, minus

● example for union:

( select Name Π!"#$%&''(')"*)'+,-,

from Assistants ) Π!"#$%./01$''0/'+
( select Name
from Professors);

● intersect, minus: analogously

Nested Sub-Queries: exists

existential quantifier exists

example: professors that do not read lectures:

select p.Name
from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr );

Nested Sub-Queries: exists

existential quantifier exists

example: professors that do not read lectures:

select p.Name Correlation

from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr );

Nested Sub-Queries: exists

existential quantifier exists

example: professors that do not read lectures:

select p.Name Correlation

from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr );

remark: of course, in this case it would be possible to de-correlate

both via join, e.g. with the equivalent of

Nested Sub-Queries: in

example: professors that do not read lectures:

select p.Name Correlation

from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr );

variant with in

select p.Name
from Professors p
where p.EmployeeNr not in ( select readBy
from Lectures);
Nested Sub-Queries: in

example: professors that do not read lectures:

select p.Name Correlation

from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr );

variant with in

select p.Name No Correlation

from Professors p (more efficient)
where p.EmployeeNr not in ( select readBy
from Lectures);
Exercise A

Decorrelate the following query!

select p.Name
from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from examine e
where e.EmployeeNr = p.EmployeeNr );

Exercise A

Decorrelate the following query!

select p.Name
from Professors p
where not exists ( select *
from examine e
where e.EmployeeNr = p.EmployeeNr );

select p.Name
from Professors p
where p.EmployeeNr not in (
select e.EmployeeNr
from examine e );

Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find names of professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 which lecture “Quantum
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 Theory” and have already
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3 given a grade of 6 for it!
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find names of professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 which lecture “Quantum
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 Theory” and have already
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3 given a grade of 6 for it!
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria
select distinct
4 2137 isPrerequisiteForp.Name

from Lectures
Predecessor Successor v, Professors p, examine pr
Rank Room where v.readBy = p.employeeNr
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 and 5001
5049 Theory’
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 and 5043
v.LectNr 5052 = pr.LectNr
2133 Popper C3 52
2134 Augustinus C3 309
and 5041
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
or MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon select p.Name
2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics
3004 Wittgenstein
Professors p 28106 5041
28106 5052
3005 where exists ( select *
Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws
2126 from Lectures v, examine pr
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature
29120 5001
examine where v.readBy = p.employeeNr
29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark and v.Title=’Quantum Theory’
29555 5022
and v.LectNr = pr.LectNr
25403 5022

27550 4630 2137 2 and Mark=6 ); 194

Comparison with "all"

Example: Find the students with the longest study times!

select Name
from Students
where Semester >= all ( select Semester
from Students);

Comparison with "all"

Example: Find the students with the longest study times!

select Name
from Students
where Semester >= all ( select Semester
from Students);

Remark: Usually only distinct results are reported automatically. E.g. for the
query select Semester from Students the number ’2’ is only
included once in the result, although there are maybe 500 students in the
second semester. You can enforce this behaviour by stating
select distinct Semester from Students

Comparison with "all"

Example: Find the students with the longest study times!

select Name
from Students
where Semester >= all ( select Semester
from Students);
more efficient:
select Name
from Students
where Semester >= ( select max(Semester)
from Students);

Comparison with "all"

Example: Find the students with the longest study times!

select Name
If using aggregate functions without attributes to group
from Students
by (that is applying the !-Operator without an attribute
where Semester
list but with >= allof)( select
a (list Semester the missing
grouping will result in from
one group containing all tuples
and the aggregate function(s) is (are) applied to this one
more efficient:
In this sub-query, max(Semester) is applied to the ONE
group that contains ALL the students.
select Name
from Students
where Semester >= ( select max(Semester)
from Students);

Comparison with "all"

Example: Find the students with the longest study times!

select Name
from Students
where Semester >= all ( select Semester
from Students);
more efficient:
select Name
from Students
where Semester >= ( select max(Semester)
from Students);

Remark (1) : besides all we also have any

Remark (2): all does NOT correspond to the all-quantifier ∀ (from
logics). “Students that are enrolled in all 4 hour lectures”
Aggregate Functions and Grouping

● aggregate functions: avg, max, min, count, sum, median

select avg(Semester) from Students;

● Grouping:

select readBy, sum (Credits)
from Lectures
group by readBy;

Aggregate Functions and Grouping

grouping: example 2: which C4 professor reads long

lectures on average?

select readBy, Name, sum(Credits)

from Lectures, Professors
where readBy= EmployeeNr and Rank = 'C4'
group by readBy, Name
having avg(Credits) >= 3;

Aggregate Functions and Grouping

grouping: example 2: which C4 professor reads long

lectures on average? aggregate fct.:
separately for
select readBy, Name, sum(Credits) each group

from Lectures, Professors

where readBy= EmployeeNr and Rank = 'C4'
group by readBy, Name
having avg(Credits) >= 3;

selects only
as before: selects
certain groups
certain tuples from
the Cartesian
product (Theta Join
or Selection)

Lectures x Professors select readBy, Name, sum(Credits)
from Lectures, Professors
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room where readBy = EmployeeNr and Rank = 'C4'
group by readBy, Name
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2125 Sokrates C4 226 having avg(credits) >= 3;

5001 Foundations 4 2137 2126 Russel C4 232

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

selection with where condition

σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors)
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors) select readBy, Name, sum(Credits)
from Lectures, Professors
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room where readBy = EmployeeNr and Rank = 'C4'
group by readBy, Name
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7 having avg(credits) >= 3;
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

grouping with groupBy

greadBy, Name (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors))
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
greadBy, Name (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors)) select readBy, Name, sum(Credits)
from Lectures, Professors
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room where readBy = EmployeeNr and Rank = 'C4'
group by readBy, Name
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 having avg(credits) >= 3;
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

computing the aggregate function avg

greadBy, Name; avg(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors))
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room avg(credits)
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 3.333
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232 2.667
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
greadBy, Name; avg(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors)) select readBy, Name, sum(Credits
from Lectures, Professors
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room avg(Credits) where readBy = EmployeeNr an
group by readBy, Name
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 having avg(credits) >= 3;

5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 3.333

4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
5052 Philosophy of Sci. 3 2126 2126 Russel C4 232 2.667
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 2126 Russel C4 232
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

selecting groups with having

σavg(Credits)>3 (greadBy, Name; avg(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors)))
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room avg(Credits)
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 3.333
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

σavg(Credits)>3 (greadBy, Name; avg(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors))) select readBy, Name, sum(Credits
from Lectures, Professors
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room avg(Credits) where readBy = EmployeeNr an
group by readBy, Name
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 having avg(credits) >= 3;

5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 3.333

4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7

computing aggregate function sum

σavg(Credits)>3 (greadBy, Name; avg(Credits), sum(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors)))
LectNr Title Credits readBy EmployeeNr Name Rank Room avg(Credits) sum(Credits)
5041 Ethics 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226 3.333 10
4052 Logic 4 2125 2125 Sokrates C4 226
4630 The Three Critics 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7
4 8
5001 Foundations 4 2137 2137 Kant C4 7


ΠreadBy,Name,sum(Credits) (σavg(Credits)>3 (greadBy, Name; avg(Credits), sum(Credits) (σreadBy= EmployeeNr ∧ Rank = 'C4‘ (Lectures x Professors))))
readBy Name sum(Credits)
2125 Sokrates 10
2137 Kant 8 207
Aggregate Functions and Grouping

● actual processing is not that schematic

● application of aggregate functions: SQL creates one result

tuple per group
! in the select clause (except for the aggregated) only those
attributes may be listed which are also listed in the group by

● example: how many lectures does each student visit?

select count(e.LectNr), e.MatrNr,
from enrolledIn e, Students s
where e.MatrNr = s.MatrNr
group by e.MatrNr, s.Name

Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find names of professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 which give more than 3
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 lectures!
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 find names of professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 which give more than 3
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6 lectures!
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
Wittgenstein Linguistics
Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics
28106 select p.Name
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
from Lectures v, Professors p
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 where v.readBy = p.EmployeeNr
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049 group by v.readBy, p.Name
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
28106 5001 2126 1
having count(*) > 3;
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Nested Queries

1. sub-query in where clause

example: the results of which exams are

better than average?

select *
from examine ex
where ex.Mark < ( select avg (Mark)
from examine );

Geschachtelte Anfragen

2. sub-query in select clause

● for each result tuple the sub-query is executed

● example: determine the teaching load for each professor

select p.EmployeeNr, p.Name, ( select sum (le.Credits) as teachload

from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr )
from Professors p;

This sub-query is correlated (uses attributes of the

enclosing query)


Implement the previous query with a group by!

determine the teaching load for each professor

select p.EmployeeNr, p.Name, ( select sum (le.Credits) as teachload

from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr )
from Professors p;


Implement the previous query with a group by!

determine the teaching load for each professor

select p.EmployeeNr, p.Name, ( select sum (le.Credits) as teachload

from Lectures le
where le.readBy = p.EmployeeNr )
from Professors p;

select readBy, Name, sum(Credits) as teachload

from Lectures, Professors
where readBy = EmployeeNr
group by readBy, Name;

Correlated vs Uncorrelated Sub-Queries

example: which students are older than professors?

● correlated version:
select s.*
from Students s
where exists ( select p.*
from Professors p
where p.BirthYear > s.BirthYear );

● uncorrelated version:
select s.*
from Students s
where s.BirthYear < (select max (p.BirthYear)
from Professors p);
advantage: sub-query has to evaluated only once.
Decorrelation of Correlated Sub-Queries via Join

e.g.: which assistant has a boss who is younger than he/her?

select a.*
from Assistants a
where exists
( select p.*
from Professors p
where a.Boss = p.EmployeeNr and p.BirthYear>a.BirthYear )

--> decorrelation via Join:

select a.*
from Assistants a, Professors p
where a.Boss = p.EmployeeNr and p.BirthYear>a.BirthYear;

Nested Sub-Queries

3. sub-query in from clause:

--> using a result table of a sub-query as a table:

example: who is enrolled in more than two lectures?

select tmp.MatrNr, tmp.Name, tmp.noOfLectures

from ( select s.MatrNr, s.Name, count(*) as noOfLectures
from Students s, enrolledIn e
where s.MatrNr=e.MatrNr
group by s.MatrNr, s.Name ) tmp
where tmp.noOfLectures > 2;

All-Quantification via count-Aggregation

● all-quantification may always be expressed via count aggregation.

● e.g.: MatrNr of students that are enrolled in all lectures:

select e.MatrNr
from enrolledIn e
group by e.MatrNr
having count (*) = (select count (*) from Lectures);

( count(*) in having counts all tuples of a group )

All-Quantification via count-Aggregation
E.g.: MatrNr of students that are enrolled in all 4 credit lectures:

select s.MatrNr
from Students s
where not exists
( select le.*
from Lectures le
where le.Credits=4 and not exists
( select enrolledIn.*
from enrolledIn e
where e.LectNr = le.LectNr and e.MatrNr = s.MatrNr ) );

analogously to the logical identity ∀" #$%& " ≡ ¬∃" ¬#$%&(")

(where x is a variable and Pred(x) an expression of first oder logic)

All-Quantification via count-Aggregation
E.g.: MatrNr of students that are enrolled in all 4 credit lectures:

select s.MatrNr
from Students s
where not exists
( select le.*
from Lectures le
where le.Credits=4 and not exists
( select enrolledIn.*
from enrolledIn e
where e.LectNr = le.LectNr and e.MatrNr = s.MatrNr ) );
select e.MatrNr
from enrolledIn e, Lectures le
where e.LectNr = le.LectNr and le.Credits = 4
group by e.MatrNr
having count (*) = ( select count (*)
from lectures le
where le.Credits = 4 ); 220

Practise for yourself:

either with the web-interface
or with XAMPP

SQL Web-Interface


• download for your OS,

• install,
• execute “uni-database.sql”,
• work on that database in your browser

Lectures Students
VorlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all professors that in
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 total read more than 10
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 credits of lectures
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Lectures Students
VorlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
Find all professors that in
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 total read more than 10
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 credits of lectures
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
3002 Platon Ideology 2125
27550 5001 select Name
27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126
28106 5041 from Lectures, Professors
28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5216 where readBy = EmployeeNr
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001 group by Name
examine 29120 5041

MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark

29120 5049 having sum(Credits) > 10;
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 determine which professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 have which assistants!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3 columns of the result:
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
profName, assiName
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
write a select statement to
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 determine which professors
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 have which assistants!
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3 columns of the result:
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
profName, assiName
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics select p.Name as profName, a.Name as assiName
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126 from Assistants a, Professors p
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
where a.Boss = p.EmployeeNr ;
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students We are looking for a select statement that
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
determines the names of students that are
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 enrolled in at least one lecture with 3
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 credits AND in at least one with 4 credits
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Logic 4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 Bio-Ethics 2 2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133 29555 Feuerbach 2
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
4630 The Three Criteria 4 2137 isPrerequisiteFor
Predecessor Successor
5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name Rank Room
5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226 5001 5049
2126 Russel C4 232 5041 5216
2127 Kopernikus C3 310 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 enrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
26120 5001
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
27550 5001
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics 2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics 2126 28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
28106 5259
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
29120 5001
examine 29120 5041
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2
Exercise A
Lectures Students We are looking for a select statement that
LectlNr Title Credits readBy MatrNr Name Semester
determines the names of students that are
5001 Foundations 4 2137 24002 Xenokrates 18
5041 Ethics 4 2125 25403 Jonas 12 enrolled in at least one lecture with 3
5043 Epistemology 3 2126 26120 Fichte 10 credits AND in at least one with 4 credits
5049 Mäeutics 2 2125 26830 Aristoxenos 8
4052 Variant Logic1 (via Join):
4 2125 27550 Schopenhauer 6
5052 Philosophy of Science 3 2126 28106 Carnap 3
5216 select distinct s.Name
Bio-Ethics 2 as NameStudent
2126 29120 Theophrastos 2
5259 The Wiener Circle 2 2133
from Students s, enrolledIn h,29555 Feuerbach
enrolledIn 2
hh, Lectures v, Lectures vv
5022 Advanced Theology 2 2134
where s.MatrNr =4 h.MatrNr
4630 The Three Criteria 2137
s.MatrNr = hh.MatrNr Predecessor
and Successor
h.LectNr = v.LectNr and 5001 5041
EmployeeNr Name
v.creditsRank Room
= 3 and 5001 5043
2125 Sokrates C4 226
hh.LectNrC4= vv.LectNr
Russel 232
5001 5049
5041 5216
2127 vv.creditsC3= 4 310
Kopernikus 5043 5052
2133 Popper C3 52 5041 5052
2134 Augustinus C3 309 5052 5259
2136 Curie C4 36
2137 Kant C4 7 Variant 2 (viaenrolledIn
MatrNr LectNr
select distinct s.Name
26120 5001 as NameStudent
EmployeeNr Name ResearchArea Boss
from Students s, enrolledIn
27550 5001 h, enrolledIn hh
3002 Platon Ideology 2125 27550 4052
3003 Aristoteles Syllogistics where s.MatrNr = h.MatrNr and s.MatrNr = hh.MatrNr and
2125 28106 5041
3004 Wittgenstein Linguistics h.LectNr
2126 in (select v.LectNr
28106 5052
3005 Rhetikus Celestial Mechanics 2127
28106 5216 from Lectures v
3006 Newton Keplerian Laws 2127
3007 Spinoza God and Nature 2126
28106 5259 where v.credits = 3
29120 5001
) and
examine 29120 5041
hh.LectNr in (select v.LectNr
29120 5049
MatrNr LectNr EmployeeNr Mark
29555 5022 from Lectures v
28106 5001 2126 1 25403 5022 where v.credits = 4
25403 5041 2125 2
27550 4630 2137 2 )


(1) A. Kemper , A. Eickler: Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung. Oldenbourg Verlag

(2) A. Kemper, M. Wimmer: Übungsbuch Datenbanksysteme. Oldenbourg Verlag
(3) Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts
McGraw Hill, 2010
(4) Jan Van den Bussche, Stijn Vansummeren: Translating SQL into the Relational
(URL, Oktober 2014)

Recommendation for Studying

● minimal approach:
understand the slides and practices ER-modelling, translation into the
relational model and SQL select statements with a selection of the
assignments from the assignment sheets!

● standard approach:
minimal approach + read the corresponding parts of [1]: chapter 1, chapter
2: 2.1-2.12, chapter 3: 3.1-3.4, chapter 4: 4.1- 4.12!
If you need to use a corresponding English book, read the correspodning
parts of [3].
Do all the assignments from the assignment sheets!

● interested students:
standard approach + read in [1]: 2.13, 4.13-4.21, Kapitel 6 + do more
assignments from [2]: chapters 2, 3, 4 and 6!

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