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Problem perception smart city Munich

Main finding related to the problem’s roots

- There are too many cars in Munich for it’s infrastructure to accommodate (sustained by
interviews etc.).
- This is not because the infrastructures are inadequate, but because car ownership
enormously high in contrast compared to other places in the world.
- Increasing infrastructure, is like buying new hose for an obese person. Not a root solution,
thus that will only cause more traffic.
- In 2019, 852263 vehicles among which 724,303 cars were registered. In 2014 this was
778158, the cars/100 residents increased with 2.32 % in this period (source: Private car ownership also
sig. increased:
- Car ownership is relatively high in Munich compared to other big cities:

Figure 1: own creation using python seaborn and 2017 data from Munich, 2014 data for other cities:
Bauordnung/Stadtentwicklung/Grundlagen/Haushaltsprognose.html and
- Also much higher than in other big cities in Germany (though not than in Germany on

Interesting articles

Reasons not to have a car from carsharing users in figure 2 below, the only two reasons why people
say they have no car the city of Munich can influence, are costs and parking space. Costs: make
parking more expensive (relatively easy from a technical point) or road pricing (hard). Make parking
harder, easy from a technical perspective: e.g. Fraunhoferstraße.

Figure 2: Reasons not to have a car for carsharing users in Munich

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