(Micro) Community and Hospital Acquired Infection

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1. Streptococcus − Gram-positive cocci (pairs). Capsulated, − Most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia.

pneumoniae − Alpha hemolysis on blood agar

2. Staphylococcus − Gram-positive cocci (clusters). − Beta hemolysis on blood agar, selective growth on mannitol salt agar
aureus − Usually causes bronchopneumonia
3. Haemophilus − Gram-negative coccobacilli.
influenzae − Requires chocolate agar with hematin (factor X) and NAD+ (factor V) for culture
4. Mycoplasma − No cell wall. Not seen on Gram stain. − .Classic cause of atypical (“walking”) pneumonia.
pneumoniae − Cultured on Eaton agar. − Outbreaks are frequently seen among military
− Interstitial pattern on CXR looks worse than patient does recruits and in prisons
5. Legionella − Gram-negative rod that stains poorly − Grows on charcoal yeast extract culture with iron and cysteine.
pneumophila − requires silver stain. − Aerosol transmission from environmental water sources (eg, air
− Labs show hyponatremia. conditioningsystems, hot water tanks, cruise ships).
6. Chlamydia − Obligate intracellular organisms. − Giemsa or fluorescent antibody-stained smear shows cytoplasmic inclusions.
− Cell wall lacks muramic acid. − C pneumoniae and C psittaci cause atypical pneumonia..
− Does not show up on Gram stain.
7. Klebsiella − Gram-negative rod. − Associated with aspiration pneumonia in diabetics, alcoholics,and IV drug users.
pneumoniae − Red “currant-jelly” sputum. − Large mucoid colonies with abundant polysaccharide capsules.
8. Pseudomonas − Gram-negative rod. − Produces pyocyanin (blue-green pigment) and has grape-like odor.
9. aeruginosa − Non-lactose fermenting, oxidase (+).
10. MRSA and VISA − Like S.Aureus but resistant to methicillin and Vancomycin.
11. Moraxella − Gram-negative diplococcus. − Typically associated with otitis media (children) and COPD
12. catarrhalis − Associated with cold-agglutinin (IgM) exacerbations (elderly), but can cause pneumonia in the latter
autoimmune hemolytic anemia population.
13. Anaerobes − Part of normal oral flora. − Associated with aspiration pneumonia.
14. Coxiella burnet − Rickettsial organism. − Causes Q fever, which presents as pneumonia.
ii − Obligate intracellular. − Transmitted by spore inhalation from cattle/sheep amniotic fluid.
15. Virus − Most commonly influenza virus, RSV,(single-stranded negative strand helical enveloped, RNA viruse )
− adenovirus (double-stranded non-enveloped DNA viruses )Causes atypical pneumonia

By :- Ahmed Nasser

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