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Key events since

start of mandate MESSAGE FROM

15 Feb: General Council selects

Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the
Message from Director-
General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
WTO’s seventh Director-General.

1 Mar: On first day in office,

DG calls on WTO members to
adopt a “change of approach”

to deliver results. s I write these words, the drop on record. But in the second
world continues to grapple half of the year, as lockdowns began
15-17 Mar: DG makes official visit with the COVID-19 pandemic to ease, trade rebounded strongly,
to Nigeria, meets President and its devastating health and propelled by demand resulting from
Muhammadu Buhari and senior economic consequences. Close to extraordinary levels of fiscal and
members of the government. 4 million people have already lost monetary support, particularly in
their lives. Millions more have lost advanced economies, as well as
23 Mar: DG is joined by heads
of WHO, IMF, World Bank, livelihoods, or had their education the containment of the pandemic’s
OECD, UNCTAD at Aid for Trade interrupted. Even as vaccine impact in several Asian countries.
stocktaking event. production and roll-out gathers Restraint in the use of trade
speed, the supply of doses remains protectionism was another important
31 Mar: DG announces the WTO’s
far below what is needed. Poorer factor in the trade rebound: policies
2021 trade forecast.
countries are being left behind did not prevent supply chains from
31 Mar: DG addresses G7 in vaccine access and economic restarting operations. Ultimately, for
trade ministers. prospects. People are dying even 2020 as a whole, merchandise trade
though the means exist to save them. would go on to decline by 5.3% in
1 Apr: DG establishes Delivery Unit to volume terms, and 7.6% in value – a
coordinate efforts to reach outcomes at
When 2020 started, we had barely severe contraction, to be sure, but
12th Ministerial Conference.
heard of the novel coronavirus, and smaller than that seen in 2009, during
9 Apr: DG attends World Bank-IMF had no inkling of the impact it would the global financial crisis.
spring meetings in Washington DC. go on to have on people’s lives and
the global economy. Importantly, trade’s resilience
14 Apr: DG calls “vaccine summit” with represented a lifeline for millions,
WTO members, vaccine manufacturers,
international organizations to address
The pandemic has had major effects enabling access to food and other
vaccine inequity. on global trade – and on the day-to-day essential supplies. Despite some
work of the WTO, which is the subject initial disruptions, the value of trade
26 Apr: On EU Trade Policy Day, of this annual report. The multilateral in medical products rose by 16%,
DG discusses WTO reform with trading system has played an important and trade in personal protective
Valdis Dombrovskis, European
part in efforts to fight COVID-19, and equipment expanded by 50%.
Commissioner for Trade.
I am convinced that the WTO can and Agriculture trade was relatively
29 Apr: DG participates in must do more. unhindered, which meant vital food
videoconference with German supplies continued to move around
Chancellor Angela Merkel. In late 2019, WTO economists were the world, including to net food-
projecting 2.7% growth for world importing developing countries. As
4 May: DG announces her four Deputy
merchandise trade in 2020 – modest trade has picked up again, there
Directors-General: Angela Ellard
(United States), Anabel González by historical standards, due in part to have been supply shortages, logistics
(Costa Rica), Jean-Marie Paugam protectionist measures and continuing bottlenecks, and price spikes, but all
(France), Xiangchen Zhang (China). tensions around trade policy. By March would have been vastly more disruptive
and April 2020, much of the global had businesses and households
10 May: DG meets with Italy’s Prime
economy had come to a sudden stop, been compelled to look for domestic
Minister Mario Draghi and senior
members of the government in Rome to amid the large-scale implementation of alternatives to imported products.
discuss global response to COVID-19. business closures, travel restrictions,
and social distancing measures In Geneva, the WTO had to suspend
18 May: DG participates in Summit on necessary to curb the spread of in-person gatherings in March and
the Financing of African Economies in
COVID-19. Trade went into free fall. April. Negotiations, regular committee
Paris, convened by French President
Emmanuel Macron, attended by African meetings, and other discussions
heads of state, heads of international In the second quarter of 2020, the subsequently resumed in virtual and
organizations and EU leaders. volume of world merchandise trade hybrid formats, in line with the health
shrank 15% year-on-year, the steepest authorities’ recommendations. The

006 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 21
Key events since
start of mandate

19 May: DG meets EU Commission

President Ursula von der Leyen and
President of European Council Charles
Michel in Brussels to discuss vaccine
equity and role of trade in combating
the pandemic

21 May: DG addresses G20

leaders at Global Health Summit
on vaccine inequity.

26 May: DG delivers address at

graduation ceremony for Class of 2021
of Johns Hopkins University School of
Advanced International Studies.

31 May: DG meets with Kazakhstan

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to
discuss Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of
12th Ministerial Conference.

1 Jun: DG joins leaders of IMF, World

Bank, WHO in call for US$ 50 billion
investment in health, trade, finance to
end pandemic.

2 Jun: DG meets CARICOM Secretary-

General Irwin LaRocque, addresses
CARICOM Council for Trade and
Economic Development.

5 Jun: On World Environment Day,

DG calls for sustainable trade
to protect environment and
ensure inclusiveness.

5 Jun: DG addresses meeting of APEC

Ministers Responsible for Trade.

The WTO can and must play a critical role in 7 Jun: DG welcomes President Kersti
Kaljulaid of Estonia to WTO.
accelerating COVID-19 vaccine production
and in ensuring a strong, sustained, and 8 Jun: On World Ocean Day,
DG calls on WTO members to
inclusive global economic recovery. conclude agreement on curbing
harmful fishing subsidies.

9 Jun: DG welcomes Tunisia’s

Head of Government, Hichem
Mechichi, to WTO.
Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12), many of the trade restricting measures
originally scheduled for June 2020 in were unwound, though too many still 9 Jun: DG participates in Africa
Kazakhstan, was postponed, and is persist. Perhaps surprisingly, measures Roundtable with President Steinmeier
(Germany) and President Macky
now set to be held in Geneva from seeking to facilitate trade were more Sall (Senegal).
30 November to 3 December 2021. numerous and covered more traded
merchandise, by value, than the 11 Jun: DG discusses trade issues with
The WTO stepped up its longstanding new restrictions – US$ 225 billion prime ministers and ministers
monitoring work to shed light on compared to US$ 180 billion. The of Organisation of Eastern
Caribbean States.
trade measures governments were information on trade measures was
introducing in response to the published on a new area of the WTO
12 Jun: DG addresses G7 leaders
pandemic, including an early spate website dedicated to the COVID-19 at summit hosted by the
of export restrictions on medical pandemic, along with members’ United Kingdom.
products. The analysis revealed that proposals related to the pandemic,

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 21 007

and a series of papers by WTO create jobs, and promote sustainable

Secretariat officials looking into development – the WTO must deliver
different aspects of the pandemic’s results this year. By responding
impact on global trade. together to a global crisis without
precedent in our lifetimes, members
Other aspects of WTO work continued can begin to rebuild the trust needed
despite COVID-19 restrictions. to address future challenges.
Eleven dispute settlement reports and
decisions were circulated in 2020, Between now and MC12, WTO
including a long-awaited report on members can contribute to vaccine
tobacco plain packaging. However, equity by freeing up vaccine supply
the system’s appeals function chains and improving access to raw
remained blocked. materials, working with manufacturers
to increase production volumes and
Echoing trends in the wider economy, investment in new manufacturing
the pandemic accelerated the capacity in developing countries,
move online for the WTO’s training and finding pragmatic solutions to
programmes for government officials questions of technology transfer, from developing countries. In 2020, know-how, and intellectual property,
over 13,500 participants benefited including the proposed TRIPS waiver.
from these activities, including new
e-learning courses. The WTO Another key deliverable for 2021 is
also continued to support multi- a long-awaited agreement on curbing
agency programmes, such as the harmful fisheries subsidies. This will be
Enhanced Integrated Framework, critical for marine sustainability and for
a provider of policy diagnostics and the WTO’s credibility as a negotiating
targeted funding to least-developed forum – one where members are
countries. In addition, our Aid for capable of jointly addressing problems
Trade work programme was adapted of the global commons.
to reflect the economic impact
of COVID-19 and to respond to For many members, a successful
members’ needs. MC12 will have to include meaningful
outcomes on agriculture. By building
Looking ahead to 2021, the WTO on their discussions over the past
can and must play a critical role in year on public stockholding, export
accelerating COVID-19 vaccine restrictions for humanitarian
production and in ensuring a strong, purchases by the World Food
sustained, and inclusive global Programme, transparency, and
economic recovery. To live up to its domestic support, members can
founding objectives of using trade to bolster food security, enhance
help people – to raise living standards, predictability around applied tariffs,

008 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 21

The multilateral trading system has played

an important part in efforts to fight COVID-19,
and I am convinced that the WTO can and
must do more.

and lay a foundation for subsequent frameworks are currently weak or

work to reduce distortions in absent, and to harness the power on
agricultural production and trade. trade for environmental sustainability
and greater social inclusion.
Finding a path forward on dispute
settlement will be necessary to place On a personal note, I would like to
rule-making at the WTO on a firmer thank WTO members for appointing
footing. I hope that members will be me to serve as the seventh Director-
able to agree this year at least on the General of this institution. I am
contours of the changes they wish to honoured by the trust you have placed
see in how the system operates. in me, and will continue to do my
utmost to help members reform and
And finally, groups of WTO members revitalize the WTO, and ensure that it
have made substantial progress in continues to deliver for people around
areas such as investment facilitation, the world.
e-commerce, and services domestic
regulation, as well as on empowering
women and small businesses in the
global economy. Two new initiatives on
trade and environmental sustainability
were launched last year, one looking
at a wide range of issues including
climate change, and the other focused
on plastics pollution. Participating
members can use these initiatives to DR. NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA
agree on rules where international DIRECTOR-GENERAL

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