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(Industry Profile & Company Profile)


1. Introduction to FMCG Industry

FMCG or Fast-Moving Consumable Goods Industry is also known as Consumer-Packaged goods
industry (CPG) industry whereby goods are produced, packaged, distributed or consumed within a short
period of time, which mainly include non-durable products like grocery, dairy products, soft drinks, fruits &
vegetables, toilet paper, cosmetics, medicines and many more consumables and domestic products. FMCG
sector includes all convenience goods which are readily available and regularly consumed by consumers
which are highly-perishable goods in nature. FMCG products are highly in demand, sold quickly with
affordable prices in the market. FMCG sector in India is fourth largest sector in economy and contribution to
employment opportunities is more than 3 million. Fast-moving consumer goods are the major segment of
consumer goods. They fall into the non-durable goods category which are consumed immediately as well as
which have a short shelf life.

FMCG sector are mainly divided into mainly three broad categories likewise Foods & Beverages,
Households and personal care and Health care. Following diagram shows contribution of these 3 into overall
FMCG sector of India with appropriate examples.

 FMCG Sector Categories: Contribution to Indian FMCG Sector & its examples

Household and
Household and
personal care
personal care

1. Foods & Beverages:

o Food & Beverages contribute 19 % of the FMCG sector.
o Foods & Beverages segment contains soft drinks, bottled water, DAIRY PRODUCTS, fruits
& vegetables, juices, bakery products, chocolates, ice cream, Meat, Rice, Sugar, ice cream,
milk, etc.
2. Household & Personal Care:
o Household sector contributes 50% of the FMCG sector.
o This segment includes oral care, skin care, Toiletries, cosmetic products, Deodorants, paper
products, fabric wash, cleaners etc.
3. Health Care:
o Healthcare contributes 31% percent of the FMCG sector.
o This segment includes Over the counter medicines or Non-prescription drugs and ethicals.



19% Foods & Beverages

31% Households & Personal care
Health Care



These merchandises are obtained regularly, are devoured quickly, are estimated low, and are sold in
huge amounts. Besides of these, A subset of FMCGs is Quick Moving Customer Gadgets which include
electronic items such as versatile phones, MP3 players, computerized cameras, GPS Frameworks and Tablet
phones. These are replaced more regularly than other electronic products.

Additionally, such items are consumed every day by individuals over the all over the globe. Hence,
these companies have an extraordinary nearness within the day-to-day life of the individuals. These items
have a less rack life and are frequently accessible at pocket-friendly costs, given, they are expended each
day. They are continuously in request and when it comes to a country like India that includes a large
populace and expansive buyer base.

FMCG industry contribute a wide area while dairy industry itself a different segment which is a part
of FMCG industry. Following mentioned details shows a brief note of dairy industry.


Dairy items are delivered by the dairy industry for sale to buyers. The dairy industry produces and
markets milk, milk by-products and dairy substitutes. Portion of the bigger financial scene, this industry
incorporates little and expansive dairy farms, dairy processors and those enterprises included with
promoting, offering and transporting dairy products. Small and expansive family-owned farms give raw milk
to processors. These farms care for crowds of dairy animals that deliver the raw milk to the farm at that point
offers for benefit. Exceptionally little farms may milk cows by hand, whereas bigger farms utilize machinery
to assist milk cows on a normal basis.

In prior a long time, numerous family units possessed their own ‘family cow’ or secured milk from a
neighbor. With the increment in urban populace less families may manage to keep a cow for private utilize
& besides there were other issues moreover just like the high cost of milk generation, issues of sanitation and
many more. limited the hone; and gradually the family dairy animals within the city were disposed of and
city cattle were all sent back to the rural regions.

Inside the dairy industry, dairy processors pasteurize and homogenize raw milk. This process is
utilized to expel destructive bacteria from raw milk, making it secure for the common open to consume.
Dairy processors too bundle the wrapped-up item and offer it to basic supply retailers and restaurants.
Beyond making milk secure to drink for the common public, dairy processors moreover give another critical
benefit. Milk by-products like butter, cheese, cream, yogurt and ice cream - are too created at dairy handling
offices. Other by-products made by dairy handling facilities incorporate dry, vanished and condensed milk
products. Transportation companies, retailers and customers play a critical part within the dairy industry.
Without appropriate transportation and capacity hardware, the dairy industry would be constrained to local
markets. Retailers give the mechanism for offering the ultimate item and can respond to customer request by
ensuring satisfactory supply of dairy products. the dairy industry supports the economy in many ways. It
gives financing for community advancement plans through the installment of taxes, and it permits for
thousands of employment opportunities.

Thus, the production of milk in dairy farms and the preparation & processing of milk & by products
of milk at dairy plants frame the dairy industry. Beside creating numerous sorts of milk, the industry also
makes butter, cheese, curd, ice cream etc. Dairying produces food items that shape a normal portion of
numerous people’s diets, and in many parts of the world it could be a huge commerce and major employer.
Without appropriate handling and storage, milk ruins easily and can possibly transmit maladies & infections.
Ordinarily, dairy farms and plants are controlled by government sanitation regulations & laws to guarantee
that their items meet fundamental quality and safety rules & guidelines. Milk and dairy items are noteworthy
sources of protein, basic minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, iodine) and a few
vitamins, (the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1, B3, B6, B12). In a western diet, dairy items give
between 40 and 70 percent of the suggested every day calcium admissions. The execution of procedures to
progress and reinforce milk process optimization is of crucial significance inside the dairy industry. The
quick deterioration of drain items strengths dairy processors to basically optimize and arrange their
production plans. The business model is to see at the work force, to decrease or eliminate any time and asset
wastage, pointless costs, bottlenecks, and mistakes whereas achieving the method objective of making a
quality thing.

The Indian Dairy Industry is one of the biggest and speediest developing industry within the nation
that give sufficient work opportunities and contribute essentially to the economy of the nation. The Indian
Dairy Industry is comprised of various dairy companies that deliver a assortment of milk items such as drain
powders, dahi, yoghurt, cheese, cream, paneer, buttermilk, butter, ghee, shrikhand, flavored milk, chocolate,
ice cream and many more. Based on the fat substance, these milk companies offer milk to serve diverse sorts
of clients. It is one of the fastest developing businesses in India.

After the white transformation took put in India, the dairy industry has developed at a tremendous
rate. There's a huge number of brands that are accessible within the advertise for shoppers to select from.
The items made up of milk are healthy as well as delicious and preferred by each area of the society. The
milk which is delivered in India is devoured by nearly the whole populace of India. The increment in these
numbers is what making a difference the dairy industry to develop more on a huge scale and to create
different sorts of dairy items. So, In India, the dairy industry plays a basic portion. India is the world’s
biggest milk generation country. Additionally, dairy items are expended in an expansive sum. The dairy
items are cheap as well as full of nutrients.



Roughly, 150 million family units around the all over the globe are engaged in producing milk. The
worldwide dairy items market is anticipated to witness critical development over the forecast period.
Developing world populace base, rise in per capita wage, increment in customer awareness level with
respect to dietary values of dairy items and, alter in shopper nutritional designs are the key drivers regulating
the market development.

World milk manufacturing is anticipated to extend by 177 million tons by year 2025, at an normal
development rate of 1.8% per annum within the following ten years. Over the same period, per capita
utilization of dairy items is anticipated to extend by 0.8% and 1.7% per year in developing nations, and
between 0.5% and 1.1% in developed economies.

The primary demonstrates of dairy usage dates lower back over six thousand an extended time, and these
days dairy objects are delighted in all around the world. Over the beyond couple centuries there was an
excellent sum of creativeness and improvement in relation to handling, aging, and devouring dairy objects.
In 2019, the esteem of the dairy marketplace round the world turned into evaluated to be nearly 720 billion
U.S. dollars, that is predicted to expand to 1,032 billion dollars through 2024.

Milk marketplace outlook

In phrases of manufacturing, the good-sized majority of dairy merchandise are made with cow’s milk. India
tops the listing with the maximum wide variety of milk cows of any country, at 56.5 million cows, at the
same time as the main manufacturer of cow milk withinside the international is Europe, accompanied via
way of means of the USA and India. Although East Asian nations do now no longer have an extended
records of milk consumption, in current years China has greater than tripled its home milk manufacturing
quantity since year 2000.

Worldwide trade

One of the abundant results of globalization is that dairy items are presently devoured all over the world, and
each year gigantic amounts of milk and cheese and other dairy items are exchanged between nations.

Source: Global dairy industry - statistics & facts | Statista

In the year of 1988, the production is 530 million tons and in 2018 it goes around 843 million tons.
India is the world largest milk producing country which production rate is around 22%, taken after the US,
China, Brazil, Pakistan etc.


The worldwide dairy items market estimate was valued at 481 billion US dollar in the year of 2019 and
is anticipated to develop at a CAGR of 2.5 percent from 2020 to year of 2027. The rising utilization of dairy
items and moving buyer preference from meat to dairy items for protein improvement are the noteworthy
drivers for this market’s development.

 Milk production all over the globe: Total production and worldwide country wise

Milk Milk
Country name production Rank Country name production Rank
(Million tons) (Million tons)
India 137.5 1st
The Netherlands 12.7 11th
U.S. 84.3 2nd
Pakistan 41.6 3rd Turkey 12.2 12th
China 33.9 4th Poland 12 13th
Brazil 32 5th Argentina 11.4 14th
Germany 31.1 6th Italy 11.3 15th
30.1 7th Mexico 11.1 16th
Ukraine 10.2 17th
France 25.2 8th
New Zealand 21.3 9th Australia 9.8 18th
United Kingdom 14.1 10th Iran 9.8 19th
Canada 8.9 20th
Source: global-

Milk production (million tons)




40 33.9 32 31.1 30.1
20 14.1 12.7 12.2 12 11.4 11.3 11.1 10.2
9.8 9.8 8.9


India is the largest milk producing country in entire world. In India, dairying is the tool of country social
& economic development. India contributes to around 15 percent of the worldwide milk generation and
stand as a biggest maker of milk with 122 million metric tons in the year of 2011. Through the financial year
2018-19, India is the driving milk producing nation within the world which accounts for around 21 percent
of the total global market share.

It could be a noteworthy contributor to farmers' pay as around 70 million agriculturists are

specifically included in dairying. The improvement of India’s dairy division begun through a program called
“Operation Flood” propelled on thirteenth January 1970, which was the world's biggest dairy improvement
program and a point of interest venture of India's National Dairy Advancement Board (NDDB). It impelled a
staged, multipronged approach that included assess motivations, nourishment quality guidelines,
appropriations on inputs, framework arrangements such as cold chain and charge. Against this scenery of
wide government bolster for agriculturists and partnered intermediaries, handfuls of private dairies have
risen. India has the world's biggest dairy group with over 300 million cows, creating over 187 million tons
of milk. India is to begin with among all nations in both generation and utilization of milk. Most of the drain
is locally devoured, in spite of the fact that a little division is additionally traded.




A) NDDB (National Dairy Development Board):

NDDB is and instrument or paradigm of country’s growth and development by transforming dairying is
a tool for rural development of India founded in 1969 at Annand. NDDB was especially founded for
exploitation of for the purpose of exploitation of empowerment, modernity tradition & inaction with
development & growth. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) become designed in 1969 on
Anand Dairy Cooperative outlines of making district cooperative of milk manufacturers at village level
which goal at series of something quantity of milk they produce and charge to the them with the pleasant of
milk they supply. Then this milk is processed and furnished to the humans at metropolitans and different
towns at nominal charges. NDDB is an initiative under the world's biggest dairy development program;
Operation flood launched to make an India - a milk sufficient nation.


Operation flood was a rural development program started by India’s National Dairy Development Board
(NDDB) in 13TH Jan, 1970. Operation flood also referred as ‘White Revolution’ is a gigantic project
propounded by govt of India for developing dairy industry in the country. Operation surge was begun in
1970 under the direction of Dr. Verghese Kurien, Chairperson NDDB, Anand and Mr. Jamnadas Patel in
Khera, Gujarat. Thus, operation flood is the world's major dairy development program launched to make an
India - a milk sufficient nation. Operation flood strategy’s objectives include,

 Expansion of milk production

 Reasonable prices of dairy products to customers
 Expand rural income etc...

Gujarat is certainly considered one among the biggest milk generating states in India with the
contribution of 7.75% proportion withinside the overall milk manufacturing of India. Total contribution of
Gujarat state in milk production of India is around 7.75 percentage. In Gujarat, there are total 17 cooperative
unions and total private dairy plants are 25 which contains collection of milk around 3.45 billion liters. There
are approximately 30 lacks milk producers and around 15000 cooperative societies of production of milk.

Contribution of milk in the rural GDP of Gujarat is around 22 percentage & is one of the greatest
segments for supporting business within the state. As per Census information of Gujarat, Total population of
state is around 102 lacks, out of which 42.6 lacks people are directly and indirectly engaged with dairy &
milk processing industry as their primary/secondary source for income. Over the dairy region is energetic in
maximum of the districts, a number of the districts nevertheless wishes to be introduced withinside the lively
dairy network.

Source: Dairy - Sector Overview | Sector wise Development | Activities |(

GLPC (Gujarat livelihood promoting company) affiliations within the Dairy Sector:

GLPC is involved in advancing business within the dairy division by encouraging specialized and budgetary
help to the beneficiaries through different Central and State supported plans. In the year 2011-12, GLPC
encouraged in distinguishing proof and financing of milk creatures to around 30,000 family units within the
state contributing to an extra generation of almost 540 lacks liters of milk every year.

The milk generation in Gujarat state primarily comprises of cow milk and buffalo milk. The Gujarat
dairy advertise displayed very strong development during 2015 to2020. Looking forward, IMARC
anticipates the advertise to develop at a CAGR of 15.5 percentage in the next years of 2021 to 2026.

Growth of Gujarat in milk production:

Gujarat kept on retain its fifth position within the nation in terms of milk generation for the last seventeen
years of long time.


1. Amul:

When it’s around dairy company in India, the primary title that comes to the intellect is Amul. Amul
is the most seasoned and biggest dairy company in India, which was established within the year 1946 by
“Verghese Kurien”. Amul may be a title of quality and believe and holds the major portion of milk items in
India. A few of its prevalent items like; Paneer, Butter, Milk powder, Milk, Ice cream, Chocolate, Chocolate
powder etc. and Whipping Cream, Brown Ghee, Cheese Spread are a few of the recently propelled items of

2. Mother Dairy

Mother Dairy was established in a 1974 and its possessed by the National Dairy Improvement Board.
Mother Dairy collects milk from Dairy Cooperatives, test for its quality, prepare in its state of the
craftsmanship milk handling plants and supply the prepared milk items within the market. • Mother Dairy
holds a critical market share of dairy items within the Delhi National Capital region and has 6 dairy
fabricating plants within the country.

3. Aavin:

Aavin could be a brand of milk items claimed by Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Makers Alliance
Limited. Aavin was built up in a 1958 and since its initiation it has persistently given quality wealthy items.

Toned milk, Butter, Full Cream Milk, Enhanced Milk, Ghee, Cheese, Buttermilk and etc. are a few of its
profitable offering items.

4. Kwality Walls:

Kwality Wall’s produces different exceptionally great quality milk items and trade them to over twenty
nations over the worldwide. A few of its key items are Milk, Ghee, Curd, Lassi, Paneer and Ice Cream.

Kwality Restricted is a Worldwide Organization for Standardization certified Dairy Company, which was
set up in a 1992. Kwality Restricted has six drain preparing plants within the nation and offers its drain items
beneath the brand title of “Dairy Best”.

5. Dudhsagar Dairy:

Next one is Dudhsagar Dairy, a Dairy Company in Gujarat, which was begun in a 1969. Dudhsagar Dairy
may be a quick developing dairy company, accomplished a development rate of 25.0% in turnover amid the
budgetary year 2013-2014. The company has secured the 7th position within the list of Beat ten Dairy
Companies in India.

6. Karnataka Co-Operative Milk Federation (KMF)

Karnataka Co-Operative Milk League (KMF) is positioned 3rd within the list of best 10 Dairy
Companies in India. KMF is one of the biggest Dairy Cooperatives in India and a pioneer in Dairy items in
South India. Karnataka Co-Operative Drain Alliance offers its Drain Items beneath the brand title of
“Nandini”. • The item line of KMF is endless and comprise of more than 60 Drain Items. A few of KMF
incorporate Conditioned Drain, Curd, Buttermilk, Ghee, Drain Powder, and etc.


Orissa State Co-operative Milk Producers Federation, famously named as OMFED may be a Dairy
Company in Odisha, which was begun within the year 1985. The fundamental items of Orissa State Co-
operative Milk Producers League incorporate Conditioned Milk, Curd, Ghee, Cheese, Butter and Ice Cream.
Separated from milk items, OMPED moreover produces Natural product Juices, pickle, Jam, etc.


MILMA stand at 4th within the list of best 10 dairy companies in India. Kerala Co-Operative milk
Showcasing Alliance is famously recognized as MILMA was shaped in a 1980. • The item line of MILMA
incorporates Drain, Curd, Buttermilk, Drain powder, Paneer, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Ghee and a few other

9. Parag Milk Foods Ltd:

Parag Milk Foods Ltd was established within the year 1992 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The
company is locked in within the fabricating and preparing of milk and milk items. The Company offers a run
of items, which incorporate cheese, ghee, whey proteins, paneer, curd, yogurt, drain items, fluid milk, milk-
based refreshments, and milk powders.

10. AP Dairy:

Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. (AP Dairy) was begun in a 1960 and since
its initiation it has ceaselessly given fabulous quality drain products. Andhra Pradesh Dairy offers its drain
items beneath the brand title of “Vijaya”.


Rivarly among

Threat of new
Bargaining power of
entrants into the

Barganing power of
Threat of substitutes

1. Rivalry among competitors: (HIGH)

Existing competition in overall dairy industry is high because milk is basic necessity of livelihood so there
are ample amounts of dairy products distributors are available into the market. As well as local milkmen,
private firms and cooperatives for distribution of milk and dairy products like amul, sorath dairy, maahi
dairy, dudhsagar dairy etc. so existing rivalry is high.

2. Bargaining power of Buyers: (HIGH)

Bargaining power of buyers is high in dairy industry because there are several milk distributing companies
available into the market and milk is the basic need of people so it is easily available into the market at cheap
rate due to price sensitive nature of buyers because large no. of buyers & large no. of sellers available into
the market. So, if one supplier charges more, then they will shift to another supplier. As well as local
milkmen provide home to home delivery of milk. So, buyers can bargain and become price setter.
3. Bargaining power of suppliers: (LOW)

Bargaining power of suppliers is low because large number of suppliers available into the market as well as
local milkmen also provide milk. Therefore, they cannot charge high price from buyers. Another reason is
that milk and dairy products are most frequently consumed by almost all the population. Therefore, supplier
cannot fix the price so bargaining power is relatively low due to fixed rate of dairy products.

4. Threat of Substitutes: (LOW)

Threat of substitute is low because there is no close substitute available for milk and dairy items. Companies
may differentiate their product by adding specification like, flavored milk, in case of ice cream; flavor of ice
cream etc. but that’s not a close substitute considered in dairy industry. So, threat of substitute is relatively

5. Threat of new entrants: (HIGH)

In Dairy Industry, Threat of new entrants into the market is high because there is no barrier to entry and exit
to the market. So new companies can easily come into the market as well as dairy products demand is very
high which is consumed by almost all the buyers so, high demand creates a easy way to come into the


Mother Dairy is a dairy corporation based totally out of India that makes, distributes and offers milk
and milk products. Mother Dairy Fruits And vegetables Pvt. Ltd. Right now, mother dairy is one of the
greatest milk fabricating plants in Asia. Mother dairy offering around 27,00,000 Liter. of milk per day. The
center superiority of mother dairy is the level of believe that it has made in customers intellect with respect
to item quality and perfection. Mother dairy company headquarter is found in Noida, UP, India. Mother
Dairy not only produce dairy products, but also manufacture a variety of fresh foods, vegetables, frozen food
products, fruit pulp and juices as well as popular variety of edible oils like groundnut oil, refined sunflower
and soyabean oil under the brand name of SAFAL & DHARA; to meet the daily requirement of every

Safal and Dhara is co-brand of mother dairy which covers a major geographical
portion in country.

 Mother dairy is at second position under the FMCG industry and ranks 39th among beat best
companies as per one survey of 2015.
 Mother dairy is entirely claimed subsidiary of NDDB. It was an activity under operation flood, the
world's greatest dairy advancement program propelled to form an India - A milk sufficient country.
 Mother Dairy is ISO Certified corporation, Quality of milk is vital significance for the company and
subsequently it has invested and installed excessive tech automated machinery and equipment to
ensure high quality, reliability & safety. Thus, Mother Dairy cresting culture of total quality.
 Mother Dairy received many certifications under the authorities of FSSC, Halal, EIA, ISO, FDA for
good food and safety program of mother dairy fruits & vegetables private limited company. Also

received many awards like Safety Innovation award, CII 5S Excellence Award, Brand Excellence
Award, CII Cold chain Award, ICC Excellence Award, Award for best maintained cold storage etc...


Name of Company Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Private

Limited Company
Industry Food processing: Dairy industry
Founded by (Parent Company) National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
Establishment year 1974
Headquarter Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Revenue of company 10000 – 11000 Cr. Rs. In the year of 2020
Status of company Active
Company Brands Dhara and Safal
Recently, MAAHI co-brand of mother dairy


Company Logo

 Vision:

Vision of the Mother Dairy company is to serve the quality products to the final consumer at reasonable
price and provide fair return to manufacturers.

 Mission:

“Mother Dairy’s legacy is inherently connected to the agreeable development in India with assurance &
pride; we'll proceed to serve our farmers, rural India & our buyers.



Mother Dairy founded in the year of 1974 and the establishment of the mother dairy plant; Junagadh is
founded in the year 2005. Junagadh Dairy Certified with ISO 22000:2005, ISO 9000:2008, EIA and Halal.
As well as awarded with “Large Food business – Dairy for the year 2015” presented by CII on 1st Dec,

Name of Company Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Private Limited company
(Junagadh dairy – Unit of MDFVPL)
Location Opp. Zaffar Maidan, Gandhi gram Dairy Road, Junagadh-362001

Organization Type Private Limited Company

Establishing Year 2004-05
Coverage Area 5000 Sq. Feet
Email Address
 Mother Dairy, Junagadh plant:


Accounting Department

Enginnering Department

HR & Admin Department

Manufacturing Department

Purchase/Store Department

Information Technology Department

& MIS Department

EHSS - Environment, Health, Safety &

Security Department

Quality Assurance Department

1. Finance & Accounting Department:

The essential reason of the finance office is to screen and report on the budgetary position of the mother
dairy and to supply a fabulous level of best benefit to their open shoppers, clients and customers in other
cities. The finance branch of a commercial enterprise takes duty for organizing the monetary & accounting
affairs which includes the practice and presentation of suitable debts and the supply of monetary statistics for
managers. Finance & accounting department mainly deals with following main functions in mother dairy.

 Book keeping
 Preparation of P & L Account & Balance sheet
 Providing statistics & information to management
 Preparing Budgets
 Manage funds etc.

2. Engineering Department:

Engineering departments are in rate of growing revolutionary gadgets to carry out superior substances
into the sector and designing, introducing, keeping and enhancing plants for solid and productive efficient
manufacturing. Using elemental technology which includes machinery, power, measurement, control, etc., in
cooperation with technology/manufacturing departments and officers out of doors the company, they're
selling the creation and preservation of device with the sector’s great competitiveness. Thus, Engineering
department of mother dairy deals with designing productive manufacturing of dairy products by proper use
of advanced machinery.

3. HR Department:

HR Department of mother dairy manage the employees work under the company mother dairy by
providing proper facility, compensation, manage salary & overall welfare activity. Besides of this, HR
Department deals with proper utilization of men, machinery to carry out company activity effectively by
managing the staff. So, HR department deals with recruiting, selection, provide training & Development,
Compensation of well qualified employees in company which is pivotal for success of mother dairy.

4. Manufacturing Department:

Manufacturing department of mother dairy deals with production of dairy items by proper application of
milk processing manufacture procedure like procurement of raw material, Gradation, Checking Quality &
Quantity by applying different test like, Acidity, Lactometer, Test-4, Machine testing etc. After that
pasteurization of dairy items, Grade preparation, Packaging & Distribution is to be made by production
department of mother dairy.

5. IT & MIS Department:

Information technology (IT) is one element of that infrastructure this is used for gathering and
transmitting data. Thus, IT Department deals with information technology tools to manipulate multifaceted
operations of dairy plant and to disseminate facts successfully and efficiently via way of means of
minimizing losses during handling, processing, production and transportation of milk and milk products.

MIS Department deals with Controlling hardware and software program structures used for business-vital
decision-making inside an enterprise. The MIS branch turned into initially the entire of information
technology. Management information system (MIS) refers to a massive infrastructure utilized by a
commercial enterprise or corporation.

6. Quality Assurance (QA) Department:

Quality assurance (QA) is a manner of stopping errors and defects in synthetic merchandise and keeping
off issues while handing over services or products to customers. Mother Dairy take after a strict framework
of quality affirmation to preserve a high quality of milk given to the customer.

7. Purchase/Store Department:

The purchase department deals with purchasing the raw material needed for an organization to run by
maintain a continuous flow of right material at right time while stores or material control department deals
with keeping appropriate records of all material transactions. Thus, the duty of the purchasing division is up
to the time the material is received within the stores and is affirmed by the inspection division.

8. EHSS Department:

Environmental health and security (EHS) officers review and screen environment, machineries and
forms to guarantee safety as per government rules and directions and industry benchmark. Their most
imperative objective is to secure Workers, clients and the environment at any fetched. Thus, EHSS deals
with the protection of Environment and Human Health, Safety, and Security (EHSS)

 Total number of on the role heads in each department in Mother Dairy,

Junagadh Plant:
Sr. No. Department Head Count
1 Accounts 8
2 EHSS 1
3 Engineering 49
4 HR & Admin 3
5 IT & MIS 7
6 Manufacturing 85
7 Purchase/Store 10
8 Q. A. 19
Total 182


 Mother Dairy with Maahi Milk Producers Company Ltd.:

NDDB introduced MAAHI brand to the Saurashtra, Kutch & Ahmedabad region where
mother dairy produces milk and dairy products under the name of MAAHI as co brand of mother dairy fruits
& vegetables pvt ltd company by NDDB with an idea to generate one independent dairy producing
company. Therefore, it started operations with mother dairy from March 2018.

Currently, Maahi is selling dairy products in pouches as a co- brand product with mother
dairy which is especially manufactured at NDDB’s Junagadh & Madhapur Dairy Plants.

NDDB is switching over its business operation from Mother dairy to Maahi – a Sanskrit name, which means
‘earth’. Maahi produces almost all the variety of dairy products including milk, curd, buttermilk, sweets, ice
cream, ghee, milk powder etc.



No. Product Name Brand Name Items
1. Milk & Dairy Products Mother Dairy Milk, Butter, Cheese, Ghee, Flavored Milk,
Ice-Cream, Curd, Lassi, Milk Powder etc.…
2. Edible Cooking Oil Dhara Groundnut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Vegetable
Refined Oil, Mustard Oil, Soyabean Refined
Oil etc.….
3. Frozen Fruits & Vegetable Safal Fruits & Vegetables, Processed Products like
Items Ketchup, Juice, Fruit Pulp, Jam etc.….


Mother Dairy, Junagadh mainly deals with process of packaged milk by applying all quality standards and
laboratory tests but produce and sell three major products under Junagadh district with brand name of
Mother Dairy which mainly includes.



1. GHEE:

 Better Aroma
 Natural Colour
 Processed with clean hygienic method for best food safety & quality of ghee
 Smooth texture and higher Granules
 It comes in three variations: - Cow Ghee, Buffalo Ghee and Khaanti Ghee (Brown Ghee)
2. White Butter:

Mother dairy fabricating and providing a wide collection of White Butter from Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Mother Dairy offers a No Included Salt Butter, that comes with goodness of normal butter and no sodium
included to it. In Today's ways of life, whereas adjusted food and work out remains the key mantra to be stay
healthy, cutting back high sodium is one straightforward way to lower hazard of hypertension and related
cardiovascular illnesses.

3. Milk Powder (SMP) (Skimmed Milk Powder):

skimmed milk powder is a dairy item which made by fading skimmed milk till it is fully dry. This
powder is very easier to store & transport than skimmed milk in liquid form, and also it is naturally less


1. MILK:

1. Taaza (Toned Milk)

Brand name Maahi
Type Pasteurized milk
Packaging Size 200 ml, 400 ml and 500 ml
Shelf Life of product 2 Days
Packaging Type Packet
Price Rs. 44/ litre
Certification ISO

2. Gold
Type Pasteurized milk
Brand name Maahi
Shelf Life 2 days
Packaging Type Packet
Size per pack 500 ml and 6 litres
Fat 6 percent
Keep under Refrigeration at 8
Condition of storage
degrees Celsius or below
Price Rs 56/ litre
Certification ISO certified
3. Super Gold
Brand name Maahi
Price Rs. 29/ pack
Type Pasteurized milk
Packaging Type Packet
Size Per Pack 500 ml
Fat 7 percent
Shelf Life of product 2 days
Condition of storage Keep under Refrigeration at 8

degrees Celsius or below
Certification ISO certified
4. Fit n Fine
Brand Maahi
Packaging Type Packet
Quantity Per Pack 200 ml and 6 litres
Fat 1.5 percent
Price Rs. 36/ litre
Product Shelf Life 2 days (See Use by Date)
Milk SNF rate 9 percent
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C
Storage Condition
or below
Certification ISO certified
5. Lite
Type Pasteurized
Brand Maahi
Price Rs. 210/ pack
Packaging Type Packet
Quantity Per Pack 6 Litres
Fat 0.5 %
Shelf Life 2 days
Milk Snf 8.7 %
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C
Storage Condition
or below
Certification ISO

6. Chai Shakti
Type Pasteurised & Standardised milk
Brand name Maahi
Quantity Per Pack 1 Litre
Fat 4.5 percent
Shelf Life 2 days
Milk Snf 8.5%
Keep under Refrigeration at 8
Condition of storage
degrees Celsius or below
Certification ISO certified
7. Chai Special
Type Pasteurized
Brand Maahi
Packaging Type Packet
Price Rs. 43/ litre
Quantity Per Pack 500 ml, 1 litre and 6 litres
Shelf Life 2 days
Keep under Refrigeration at 8
Condition of storage
degrees Celsius or below
Certification ISO

2. Buttermilk:

1. Refreshing Buttermilk
Brand Maahi
Usage/Application Home, Hotel, Restaurant
Available in 400 ml,500 ml and
Quantity Per Pack
6 litre pack
Price Rs 24/ litre
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C
Storage Condition
or below
Shelf Life 2 days (See Use by Date)
Certification ISO

2. Curry Special (Khati Chhash)
Brand Maahi
Quantity Per Pack Available in 400 ml and 700 ml
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C
Storage Condition
or below
Price Rs. 13/ pack
Shelf Life 2 days (See Use by Date)
Packaging Type Poly Pack
Certification ISO
3. Spiced Butter milk (Masala Chhash)
Brand Maahi
Quantity Per Pack 200 ml
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C or
Storage Condition
Price Rs. 5/ pack
Flavour Spiced
Shelf Life 2 days (See Use by Date)
Certification ISO

4. Curd:

1. Toned Curd (Taaza Dahi)

Brand Maahi
Available in 85g & 200 g Cups and
Quantity Per Pack
200g, 400g & 1kg Pouches
Price Rs 60/kg
Shelf Life 7 Days (See Use by Date)
Benefits Good Health
Under Refrigeration at 8 deg C or
Storage Condition
Certification ISO
2. Lite Curd
Brand Maahi
Packaging Type Pouch
Quantity Per Pack Available in 170 g and 1 kg
Shelf Life 7 Days (See Use by Date)
Price Rs. 45/ kg
Under Refrigeration at 8 degree C
Storage Condition
or below
Certification ISO

5. Ghee:

1. Maahi Pure Ghee

Brand Maahi
Packaging Types Pouch & Tin
Packaging Size 500 ml
Rs. 505 / litre of tin, Rs. 490/
Price litre for 1 litre pack, and Rs. 249
/ pack for pouch
Shelf Life 6 Months from date of packing
Storage Condition Cool and dry place
Certification ISO

2. Cow Ghee
Brand Maahi
Jar, Tin (Available)
Available in 200 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
Packaging Size
and 5 litre & 15 kg
Price Rs. 495/ litre
Shelf Life 12 Months from date of packing
Cool and dry place
Certification ISO

3. Premium Cow Ghee
Brand Maahi
Packaging 500 ml
Packaging Jar
Shelf Life 9 Months from date of packing
Price 495 Rs. Per pack
Storage Cool And Dry Place
Certification ISO

6. Milk Powder:

1. Skimmed Milk Powder

Brand Maahi
Packaging 500 g,1 kg, 25 Kg (Available)
Shelf Life 18 Months from date of packing
Protein 36%
Grade Standard Grade
Storage Cool and dry place
Certification ISO


Strengh Weakness


1. Strength:
 Mother Dairy has well-recognized brand name
 Easy procurement of raw materials from nearby farmers and supplies with affordable price.
 Mother dairy provides a huge amount of Dairy products range with subsidiary cobrands in different
suitable geographical regions.
 It is an ISO certified company.
 Good employee strength and skilled workforce
 Strong and efficient supply chain network
 Advanced technology is used for manufacturing dairy products
 Quality assuring in milk processing by application of different quality & quantity test parameters.
 Popular for its quality and affordable price of milk and dairy products.
 Good infrastructure & plant outlet.

2. Weakness:
 Limited Outlets in case of Subsidiary cobrands of mother dairy like Dhara & Safal for
manufacturing juices, fruits pulp, frozen food & edible oils are not been produced & distributed in
some MDFVPL plants; those units are limited only to produce & deliver high quality dairy products.
 High competition in the dairy industry like Amul, Sorath Dairy etc which also include local
milkmen so it is weakness to survive in the market.
3. Opportunities:

 Open a greater number of mother dairy outlets
 Company can market & advertise their products to target maximum customers.
 Make available Dhara & Safal to each & every plant of mother dairy to cover almost major segment
of products.
 Dairy products are basic requirement and which is consumed by almost all the population so it has
high market potential for consumables in India.

4. Threats:
 There are low barriers to entry into the market so it becomes threat for mother dairy.
 Lack of awareness in customers for clean & hygienic milk production.
 The increase in inflation rises the cost of production and it may affect the profitability of business.
 Shortage of skilled labor in market can make it difficult for the company to attract talent with right
skills set.
 Change in regulatory framework and introduction of new strict regulations impose a major threat to
the mother dairy because compliance with legal standards is more complex and challenging for




C, PRIMARY STUDY: “A Study of Employee Job Satisfaction in
Mother Dairy Private Limited Company”


 HRM:(Human Resource Management)

There is a well-versed quote announcing that; “Employees are the assets of the
workplace.” Which determines that employees are most vital instrument of the organization. For the
purpose of maintaining workforce into the workplace, HRM department is there for well-being of personnel.
Human Resource management is defined as managing human asset in a workplace.


Worker satisfaction is a wide term used by the HR professional to depict how fulfilled or content workers
are with their occupations, their employment experience, and the organizations they work for. Employee
satisfaction is one crucial metric that can help to determine the total wellbeing of an organization, which is
why numerous organizations utilize regular surveys to measure worker satisfaction and track satisfaction
patterns over time. A high satisfaction level shows that representatives are cheerful with how their boss
treats them. Employee satisfaction could be a degree of employees' contentedness with their work, whether
they just like the work or individual perspectives or aspects of occupations, such as nature of work or

 Meaning & Definition of Employee Job Satisfaction:

Employee satisfaction could be a degree of how happy employees are with their work and
working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be huge advantage to any organization, as
happy workers will be likely to advantage to any company.

Siegal and Spear expressed that ‘Employee satisfaction is emotional reaction

characterizing the degree to which individuals like their job.’ Schultz expressed that work fulfillment is

basically the psychological disposition of individuals towards their job. Vroom characterized work
satisfaction as workers’ passionate orientation towards their current work roles.



Mother dairy give attention interest at the human aspect of organizational existence and it makes clear the
significance of making suitable structures of shared meaning to assist individuals work together towards
anticipated outcomes. Every person withinside the workplace is a crucial part that retains the mother dairy
wheel rotating. Following shows the parameters which satisfies most to employees at Mother Dairy.

Training & Coaching &
Employee Welfare
Development Mentorship

Work life balance Job security Pay and benefits

Corporate culture:
Feel of Fruitful peer Career growth &
belongingness Relationship within future opportunities

Staff appreciation
Staff appreciation
Working Condition scheme
scheme of Mother
of Mother Dairy
& Working Flexibility (Kaizen, Star performer
(Kaizen, Star performer
Environment of the
of the month,
month, Creativity,
5S Jagruti Group etc)
Jagruti Group etc)

Al Idrus, Salim and Ahmar, Ansari Saleh and Abdussakir, Abdussakir (2018) present a study on Job
Satisfaction in dairy industry. The objective of this research is to reveal the effect of: organizational learning
on market orientation, job satisfaction on market orientation, organizational learning on business
achievement, job satisfaction on business achievement and market orientation on business achievement.
Research is designed to use quantitative approach. Research is conducted at dairy cattle milk cooperatives in
East Java with a sample of 46 cooperatives. Research has given several findings like: higher level of
organizational learning and job satisfaction will produce higher level of market orientation, organizational
learning can increase business achievement, job satisfaction is helpful to increase business achievement but
it is not statistically significant and market orientation may reduce business achievement of dairy cattle milk
cooperatives in East Java.


Sonali Dhawan (2017) present a research paper on a Study of Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Its Impact
on their Performance; With Special Reference to Jabalpur Sahakari Dudh Sangh, Jabalpur. She states that
Work is one of the most absorbing things men can think and talk about. It fills the greater part of the waking
day for most of us. For the fortunate it is the source of great satisfaction, for many others it is the cause of
grief. In this paper, work is focused on the satisfaction level of employees in the dairy industry, factors
which affect their motivation levels and the ways to improve it.


Sanjay Rajoria, H. Parmar (2018) present a study research paper on job satisfaction level of employees in
dairy based industries. Job satisfaction among employees is necessary important parameter that affects the
employee’s involvement for achieving goal of the organization. This study was accomplished for finding
their job satisfaction level and the factors affecting performance of the employees. In this research work, 45
respondents were randomly selected from a dairy based industry. The job satisfaction level was found
moderate within the study population. The job satisfaction level among employees of dairy based industry
found “moderate” and to improve this as high, the organization require to apply suggested corrective
measures. The need of employees like promotions, bonuses, pay, working environment and safety are the
key factors for achieving the goal of the organization.


Josheena Jose Lincy Raphael (2015) present a study on dairy based industry namely a study on job
satisfaction of lower-level employees in Milma at Thrissur Dairy. Job satisfaction can define as extent of
positive feelings or attitudes that individuals have towards their jobs. When a person says that he has high
job satisfaction, it means that he really likes his job, feels good about it and values his job dignity. Job
satisfaction is important technique used to motivate the employees to work harder. It is often said that “A
HAPPY EMPLOYEE IS A PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE”. This paper is focuses on the level of job
satisfaction of lower-level employees in Milma at Thrissur Diary. Based on the survey, the paper attempts to
gain insights into the satisfaction level from the perspective of the lower-level employees. Factors including
salary of employees, performance appraisal system, promotional strategies, employee’s relationship with
management and other co- employees, training and development program, work burden and working hours
are found important for improving job satisfaction of lower-level employees in Milma.


Mohsin Shaikh, Bobby Jacob (2020) presents a study on job satisfaction. The influence of employee
engagement and employee satisfaction on employee performance and the firm’s performance is well
established. In this paper we seek to find a connection between the gender of the employees as well as the

job roles on these factors. The study is part of a larger study on the importance of facilitation of retirement
planning by corporate human resources departments for their corporate employees and its implications for
the employee and employer. The study has been conducted based on the response to a questionnaire
circulated among employees working in various corporates in Pune region. The data in this study is culled
from the data of the main study. The study is based on a questionnaire to which 404 respondents who are
employees of different companies in Pune had participated.


Swati Dhir, Tanusree Dutta (2020) present research on employee satisfaction. The purpose of this study is
to quantitatively examine the impact of perceived supervisor support, person-job fit (PJF) and person-
organization fit (POF) on the company’s value through job satisfaction (JS). Data were collected from 220
respondents selected from different organizations in India using standard questionnaires. To estimate the
hypothesized model fit indices, partial least square structural equation modeling was used. Findings suggest
that there is a significant relationship among supervisor support, PJF and POF with JS and perceives
company value.


K Kadir, A Hardiyana, RO Satria (2021) examines a study on employee satisfaction. This study departs
from the existence of problems in employee job satisfaction, which indicate the non-optimal work
commitment of employees. Instead, this study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of
organizational commitment components on employee job satisfaction. To determine the magnitude of the
influence of the organizational commitment component on employee job satisfaction, the researcher used a
quantitative approach by testing a sample of 57 employees. The data analysis technique used multiple linear


Atishree Bhardwaj, Swati Mishra & Trilok kumar Jain (2020), examines an analysis to understanding
the job satisfaction of employees in banking industry. The purpose of this research is to observe employee
satisfaction with respect to their position in various commercial banks, including private, public banks in
Rajasthan, and to examine how various variable factors affect employee satisfaction. This study
characterizes the factors that lead to higher level of job satisfaction. These factors relate to the manager,
remuneration, reorganization, remuneration, promotion, work safety and relationships in the work
environment. The research shows that there is a positive correlation and connection among job satisfaction
& the award, remuneration, job security, promotion opportunities and good relations with employees. The
survey results also show that the majority of bank employees in the banking sector are satisfied.


Sunita singh Sengupta, Damini Saini (2019) execute one study on employee satisfaction. The study results
recommend that the leadership pay more attention to increasing employee commitment so that employee job
satisfaction can fulfill. In this article, an attempt is made to explore whether ethical leadership in Indian
context impacts the ethical climate and perceived satisfaction of employees. The study also analyzes the
meditating effect of ethical climate upon the relationship of ethical leadership and managerial satisfaction. A
non-probability, convenience sample was obtained. The study is helpful in addressing the gap of empirical
analysis in relation with ethical leadership, ethical climate and in managerial satisfaction in the Indian
service sector corporations.


Dr VRS Babu Yalamarthi (2020) examines a study on employee job satisfaction. A literature analysis
including the different research papers, associated research papers, theses or institutional studies. In order to
comprehend the work satisfaction of scholars and industrial workers in prior studies all over the world, the
author has analyzed almost 21 journal articles, research papers, theses or organizational findings. The study
indicates that employees' satisfaction and satisfaction are important for the success of the company, their
efficiency, their dedication, their quality of work and much more. There is an important amount of research
in the job satisfaction field, including a number of types of questions, with many dimensions.


Neeraj Kumari (2016) pursued observational research on behavior and criteria in the service sector against
job satisfaction. The research is done with a certain framework and observations into the life insurance
scheme. Throughout the analysis, it is found that life insurance employees are usually satisfied. The
researcher stresses the facets of incentives and financial advantages, and personal recognition, which has a
dominant function to play, factors such as the company's goals, the reputation and credibility of the
company, sustainability with the role, and the personality of the employee. The researcher further suggested
that managers take care of recruiting and personnel decisions to make a constructive contribution to the
human resource to effectively aware of the organization’s future needs.


Rabindra Kumar Pradhan, Sangya Dash (2017) examines a research study. There is a dearth of research
examining relationship among HR practices, employee engagement and job satisfaction in public sector
undertakings in India. The present study makes an attempt to shed light on this largely neglected area of
research by examining the mediating function of employee engagement between HR practices and job
satisfaction. Data were collected from 393 executives through a questionnaire survey. HR practices were
found to be positively linked with job satisfaction. Further, employee engagement significantly mediated the
relationship between HR practices and job satisfaction.


Kanika Garg, Mrudula Mishra (2018) present one research paper on Job Satisfaction and Work
Engagement, the purpose of this article is to study the level of job satisfaction among the managers at
various hierarchical levels of private sector banks in India and also to study the relationship between job
satisfaction and work engagement among managers at various hierarchical levels. There are several studies
that link job satisfaction with work engagement, a closer examination is needed to understand whether it is
intrinsic or extrinsic job satisfaction that enhances work engagement. This shows that the job satisfaction is
the key driver of work engagement. Data were collected from the 148 managers at various hierarchical levels
working in private sector banks in India. The results show that the managers who are working in private
sector banks are more satisfied with intrinsic job satisfaction rather than extrinsic job satisfaction and also
found that there is positive relationship between job satisfaction and work engagement among managers at
various hierarchical levels of private sector banks in India.


Elangovan & Sridhar Rajendran (2020) present a study to analyse impact of functional interdependency
on employee satisfaction with performance appraisal in the real estate industry. The study aims to find the
factors that can improve the satisfaction with performance appraisal of employees whose deliverables are
highly interdependent on other functions. Organizational justice, rater competence, inter-functional conflict,
and cohesion are considered the mediating variables. To test the model, the data are collected through a
survey using a questionnaire from the executives of Indian real estate companies who have undergone the
appraisal process at least once. The results show that functional interdependency has a negative impact on
satisfaction with performance appraisal. Although conflict and cohesion are found to influence satisfaction
with performance appraisal, they did not mediate the effect of functional interdependency on satisfaction
with performance appraisal. However, the study found that rater competence and organizational justice have
a mediating effect.


Bayad Jamal Ali & G. Anwar (2021) present a research paper on An Empirical Study of Employees’
Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. Human Resource Management is getting more important in
the business nowadays, because people and their knowledge are the most important aspects affecting the
productivity of the company. One of the main aspects of Human Resource Management is the measurement
of employee satisfaction. Companies have to make sure that employee satisfaction is high among the
workers, which is a precondition for increasing productivity, responsiveness, quality, and recognition
service. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the level of employee satisfaction and work motivation. It also
deals with the effect the culture has on employee satisfaction. The theoretical framework of this thesis

includes such concepts as, job satisfaction, motivation, and rewards differences. One of the biggest strengths
of the organization is the relationship and communication between the employees and the managers.


Pertti Vaisanen (2019) present a study on job satisfaction. This study explored the factors of job satisfaction
and dissatisfaction with the recommendations given by the researchers in seventy recruited research studies,
which have been conducted for literature review of teachers’ job satisfaction in developing countries. The
main purpose of the study was to explore the various relevant factors and, based on them, give
recommendations and solutions for the enhancement of the jobs of teachers who work in educational
institutions in developing countries. Conducive working conditions, promotional opportunities, fair
remuneration, support from headteachers, colleagues and the community, teacher empowerment, and
friendships were found to be the major factors affecting the job satisfaction of teachers. An autocratic
management style, mistrust, a non-transparent system, a work-life imbalance, an ineffective
teaching/learning environment, and unavailability of resources were found to be the main factors affecting
job dissatisfaction.


Joseph Ouma Osewe & Jarso Yusuf Gindicha (2021)present a study on determine relationship between
training and development and employee job satisfaction in the Judiciary of Kenya. The research population
consisted of 5,419 judicial officers and staff. Structured questionnaires containing closed-ended questions
were sent to all employees via their e-mails. The results indicated that training and development has positive
correlation with employee satisfaction. Further, training need, training relevance, training work related, and
number of trainings are positively correlated to employee satisfaction. The study shows that training and
development could contribute to increase in employee satisfaction.


Govand Anwar & Bayad Jamal Ali (2021), examines a study. The goal of this research is to look into the
link between job happiness and work engagement. The goal of the study was to look into the relationship
between (equal opportunities, personal influence, nature of career, development opportunity, employee
recognition, work challenge, supervisor behavior, ethics and integrity, and job empowerment) and job
satisfaction in Erbil's private companies. In order to examine the association between work engagement and
job satisfaction, the researcher employed a quantitative research method, but only 108 people took part in the
current study. This study emphasized the importance of workplace challenges in motivating employees to
become more involved in their organizations.


Ruirui Fang, Baojun Gao (2021) Examines a study. In this study, we utilize the employee online review
data from Glassdoor to examine whether stock market capitalizes the intangible asset value of employee
satisfaction for high-contact service firms. We hypothesize that in the hospitality and tourism industry,
employee satisfaction can efficiently motivate employees to deliver high-quality service and improve the
employee retention, thereby leading to greater shareholder value. Our finding is consistent with this
prediction that stock market investors indeed incorporate the intangible value of employee satisfaction into
the valuation models. In addition, we find that the value of such intangible asset manifests in firm’s
subsequent profitability,.


Yung Tai Tang, Yii ching lee (2021) Present a Study of Assessing Employee Satisfaction from A Regional
Teaching Hospital in Taiwan—This study is to identify critical demographic variables having significant
influences on each dimension of the employee satisfaction scale. Assessing employees’ job satisfaction is
important for healthcare organizations to address employees’ needs. Experience in organization is the most
essential demographic variable that has significant impacts medical staff whose experience in this hospital is
less than 1 year are more satisfied in salary and benefits, promotion and appraisal system, colleagues,
supervisors, and work itself. In contrast, employees whose experiences are 7-9 years have the lowest
satisfaction in salary and benefits statistically. Hospital management can initiate activities to improve staffs’
job satisfaction. through experience in organization in a high priority.


Dziuba Szymon, Ingaldi Manuela, Zhuravskaya Marina (2020) examines one research on Employees'
job satisfaction and their work performance as elements influencing work safety. Job satisfaction has a big
impact on how an employee performs his job. Both elements have an impact on job safety and employee
perception of it. A satisfied employee devotes himself to work, performs orders better, cares for others and
for himself. He feels safe in the enterprise. The aim of the paper was to assess employees' job satisfaction
and their work performance with use of simply survey. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was conducted
among employees of a chosen metallurgical enterprise who were asked to assess level of their job


G peric, S. Dramicanin, N Pavlovic (2021) examines a study, The aim of the research is to observe the
influence of internal service quality and employee satisfaction on organizational commitment of employees
in travel agencies. A sample of 150 respondents employed in travel agencies in Serbia was surveyed in April
2020. The influence of internal service quality and employee satisfaction on organizational commitment in
travel agencies was tested using multiple regression. Research findings have indicated that the increase in

internal service quality and employee satisfaction is accompanied by an increase in organizational
commitment of employees in travel agencies.


Ozturen, Ali; Lasisi Taiwo Temitope (2020) examines a study on Explicating innovation-based human
resource management's influence on employee satisfaction and performance. This study aims to build and
test an empirical model that investigates the mechanism with which innovation-based human resource
management (HRM) impacts employee satisfaction and performance in Nigerian international airports.
Results from data analysis showed that coworker support and absorptive capacity mediate the impact of
innovation-based HRM on employee satisfaction and performance. Innovation-based human resource effort
is best applied when coworker support is evident in the workplace.


Mccauley, John W. (2020) Presents one study on characteristics of attrition among navy acquisition
employees and the significance of employee satisfaction responses. The research was able to determine that
employees who are older, have more time in federal service, and have higher levels of education, are less
likely to resign from their jobs. It was also able to conclude that by examining the results of employee
satisfaction surveys and command resignation rates that job stress, commute strain, organizational justice,
and work family conflict, seem to have the most significance for predicting resignation turnover.


George Kafui Agbozo (2017) states in the study on the effect of work environment on job satisfaction: Data
from Ghana's banking sector suggests that most bank workers are physically happy with their working
environment. The researcher concluded that the atmosphere has a powerful impact on workers' happiness,
therefore highlighting the need for management to improve employees' working practices to maximize


HRM deals with effectively manage the human asset within workplace. Employees are
back bone of each organization. So, it is obligation of the administration to keep the employees to contribute
more. It is said that fulfilled representatives are more profitable. Therefore, every organization is giving high
importance to retain their workers satisfied by giving a few amenities which improves satisfaction and
reduce dissatisfaction. It is frequently said that “A pleased employee is a productive employee.” employee
satisfaction is to degree whether an employee’s needs are being met at work and how fulfilled they are with

their in general work experience. the term Employee satisfaction is quite frequently used for an individual's
attitude towards the specific aspects of the total work situation.

In a job satisfaction of employees; that is motivated as well as committed towards high quality performance.
The central point in job satisfaction is on the employee’s individual sentiments, positive or negative, almost
their business relationship. Employee Satisfaction is an employee’s emotional state of bliss with workplace.
Employees are greater involved with operating in surroundings they enjoy. Employees has positive attitude
and state of mind towards the workplace, that’s called Employee Satisfaction in real manner. While
employees are satisfied with their job, there are benefitted with high quality of work, loyalty & higher
retention rates of employees, Employees are more committed with their workplace and they become more

This study is based on measuring the employee satisfaction level of employees of Mother
dairy fruits & vegetables private limited company by considering Employee working conditions, pay &
benefits, Employee welfare, Job security, Feel of belonging, Workload & stress level, Flexibility at work,
corporate culture and many more employee satisfaction parameters.


The problem statement of the project is

“Study of Employee Satisfaction level of employees with Mother

Dairy Private Limited Company.”
Workers are the heart of each organization; since company’s victory is completely depended upon
viability and execution of employees. Hence, it is mostly alluring to hold workers by fulfilling them. In
today’s fast-paced world and progressively competitive market, it is more significant than ever for
organizations to persuade and engage your most prominent asset—your workers. Worker satisfaction
overview is an exceptionally successful instrument that measures and keeps up a positive culture inside the
organization. The satisfaction of staffs is straightforwardly associated with the proficiency of an organization
which is why it is critical for them to guarantee in the event that their employees are happy with their work
or not. Satisfied Workforces are the ones who are enormously loyal towards their organization and adhere to
it indeed within the most exceedingly bad situation. When workers feel the corporation has their top interests
by heart, they frequently support its goals and mission; work hard to achieve objectives. Keeping personnel
safe and satisfied can lead to higher sales with lower costs.

Thus, Job satisfaction is important indicator of how employees feel about their job as well as reduce
absenteeism, turnover etc at workplace. Significance of employee satisfaction at the workplace includes
mainly Employee retention & loyalty, Positive working environment, Effective peer relationship among
workplace, Increased productivity, Employee Motivation, Performance enhancement, Reduce Absenteeism,
Low employee turnover etc...

Worker satisfaction at the company not only aids the firm to progress & grow but also helps the
workforces to improve their skill, expertise, proficiency and knowledge. Moreover, the manager &
supervisors ought to provide challenging works to their workers to guarantee that their ability is utilized
ideally coming about in their work satisfaction and advancement at the organization.


 Primary Objective:
To measure the level of job satisfaction among employees of mother dairy fruits & vegetable private
limited company.

 Secondary Objectives:
To analyse the impact of employer – employee relationship and friendly working environment to
reach higher level of job satisfaction in company.
To analyse the impact of working hours of company with respect to higher job satisfaction level.
To analyse the extent of stress & anxiety within the company for specific job positions.
To examine the impact of Training & development & job satisfaction.
To analyse the employee welfare facilities provided by the company for better job satisfaction at
Mother Dairy Company.


Research Methodology Survey Method

Research design Descriptive

Data Source Primary & Secondary

Type of questionnaire Structured Questionnaire

Population of study Employees of Mother Dairy Company,

Junagadh (182 Employees)

No. of Questions 18 questions

Sampling method Non probability convenience sampling


Sample unit Employees of Mother Dairy Company,


Sample size 60 Employees

Sampling Area Junagadh




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