Unit 4. Caring For Those in Need Task 1 Decide Whether The Following Statements Are TRUE or FALSE

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Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. Foul as it is, the ancient tannery in Morocco has been providing livelihood for its inhabitants for generations. T
2. The interviewed boy couldn’t stand the smell of the tannery when he started work as he had no idea of it
beforehand. F
3. The father of the interviewed boy has been in the business more than 10 times as long as he does. T
4. Although cleaning the animal hides is not the filthiest task, those involved are highly likely to contract a disease.
5. The water where the remains of animal skins are washed into will flow somewhere else. F
6. One perk of being a tanner is that you are close to water during hot months. T
7. The chemical composition of pigeons’ faeces can turn animal skins into cloth. F
8. To soften the hides, tanners wear special boots and knead on them in the vat of excrement for several hours. F

Complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or NUMBERS from the recording
The Hawaii 2014 law that forbid sitting or lying on sidewalks was labeled as (1) discriminatory against the
There were over (2) 600,000 homeless people in the US in 2013
A lot of homeless people in the US are having trouble procuring (3) employment and (4) housing
Sitting or lying in public spots are illegal in (5) a third of US cities
Strict anti-homeless laws may force the homeless to move to cities with (6) laxer legislations against them.
The “Homeless Bills of Rights” is intended to grant the homeless (7) equal access to certain rights
Maryland’s law protects the homeless from falling victim to (8) hate crime
Laws in the US are generally (9) evasive remedies for more serious problems

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