Universidad Tecnologica de Campeche: Cesar A Cuellar Tun

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2 “D”

By: Diana M. Hdez Sánchez

English Class

One of the fundamental reasons why studying English is so important is because English
is fundamental when it comes to finding work. English will give us access to a better
education and therefore to the possibility of a better job. Our job opportunities will multiply
as soon as we master the language.
Both in government areas and in multinational companies, regardless of your field of work,
English will always give you advantages when it comes to promoting or accessing another
job, helping you to improve your current employment situation. Another important reason
to learn English is that we will be able to access a better education, without limiting
ourselves to the universities or training centers of our own country or study a career at a
foreign university.
It will also give us access to more current and complete information, we will know the
latest advances and we will be able to access most scientific, academic and technological
texts, written in English
Studying English is important because it will show you other cultures, lifestyles and
different ways of thinking. You will be able to meet new and interesting people and
understand their customs. This way it will give you the opportunity to see yourself with
different eyes, and you may discover aspects of yourself or your culture that you hadn't
thought about before. Speaking English will allow you to travel around the world and make
yourself understood. You will be able to enjoy your trip fully as English is spoken on all five
continents, and it will avoid stressful situations caused by the language barrier.

By: Diana M. Hdez Sánchez

English Class


English, in addition to being considered the universal language, is the most used language
for scientific research and business work. It is statistically proven that mastering English
increases the chances of getting a good job by 40%. The importance of English in the
world of work has skyrocketed.
It is a fact that has been demonstrated statistically and that is becoming more and more
pronounced. And how not to be if it is considered the universal language and a mandatory
requirement to succeed in the business world. Knowing and mastering this language
raises the chances of getting a good result in the short term. There are more and more
institutions and academies that allow learning, through intensive English.
For example to be able to speak English practice for at least a few minutes each day.
Challenge myself to listen, read and even say things in English that are considered too
difficult. If we want to speak English fluently, we need to make it an important part of our
daily lives. The three tips to learn English that I would apply serious: Watch movies and
series. This tip allows you to spend some leisure time while studying English. It also helps
you to know typical expressions. Listen to music. Everyone has a favorite song in English
and probably some have no idea what it says. A fun way to learn the language is to look
for the lyrics of that song you love so much and analyze it. You can also practice your
pronunciation while singing them. Song lyrics give you access to the sonority of words,
accents and help you learn how to pronounce English correctly. Read books. Whether
fiction or non-fiction, reading books in English, from comics to the classics of English
literature, you will acquire vocabulary and grammar. To learn English fast it is important
that you write and concentrate on knowing the basic verbs, such as to be, to get, to have,
as well as modal verbs, etc. Practice how to combine them and how ...
Knowing English at a technical level the greatest amount of information is available in
English, therefore it is essential to maintain an adequate level that allows you to keep
updated in your area of knowledge either technological, or scientific, and be competitive in
the labor field, giving you greater possibilities to ascend internally in the company where
you work and at a certain time occupy management positions.
I turned on English and it helps me communicate with people from countries around the
world, not just those who speak English. With a good understanding and communication in
English, you could travel all over the world. English skills will also help me in any company.
If I visit some offices, companies, government organizations, or even math or engineering
companies, I will see the importance of English. Any large company will hire its
professional staff after knowing if the people they are hiring are good at English or not. It
improves job opportunities, it strengthened my brain, it helped me empathize. By learning
it, you will understand the music in that language; television and film often don't offer
subtitles in your language, so you do understand English. In the same way I give myself

By: Diana M. Hdez Sánchez

English Class
the opportunity to carry out and exercise your profession and put my knowledge at the
service of a greater number of clients in different parts of the world.

One of the strategies to learn the English language was to watch movies in English
without subtitles as we mentioned before, listen to songs and you can practice your
pronunciation while singing them. The lyrics of songs give you access to the
sonority of the words, accents and help you learn how to pronounce English
correctly. English is fundamental to everyday and professional life, because with it
we can develop and have another perspective of life. The need to master the
English language is established in society, and this can be verified statistically,
since knowing this language increases by 44% the chances of getting a good job.
conclude that it has been of great importance personally for me, since I have
learned a lot the basic part of English, it is gratifying for me to have a good
progress in terms of the second language and that good to know that the university
requires this language as a degree requirement because English is the most
spoken language in the world and in the future I know that having knowledge in the
language will be of great importance for my performance as a professional.
English is important because we can occupy it in everyday life, an example of this
is when we have a magazine from another country and the articles are in this
language, in this case English would help us to translate it and understand what it
means, another example would be the case of a song, if we do not know English
we would not understand what the author of this wants to express.
Also if a person knows how to speak, translate and listen in the future ...

By: Diana M. Hdez Sánchez

English Class

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