Isslandy Ayu Hermalia - 204420012 - Quis 1

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NIM: 204420012

1. Please answer these questions briefly:

a. Hi, how are you?
Iam fine
b. Where do you live?
I live on Jl. Kyai saman hudi, Probolinggo City
c. What is your favorite subject in college?
My favorite subject in college is education innovation
d. Do you like watching movie? Tell me your favorite movie and why
do you like it?
Yes, my favorite movie is Conjuring. I like the film because very
interesting and I really like horror movies
e. What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid if I lose my parents and my sister
f. Tell me places that you want to visit?
i really want to visit dubai
g. Also why do you want to go there?
because there is a city very beautiful
h. In what age do you plan to get married?
I plan to get married when I am 25 years old
i. Where do you plan to work after getting Bachelor degree (s1)?
I will work according to my department in college which is
teaching at elementary school and I want to open a business
j. Please tell me, what is it that probably makes your parent happy
and proud of you?
because I'm the person obedient.
1. Make a list of 10 activities (Verbs) that you do in everyday life. (write in
both English and Indonesia)
a. Eat : makan
b. Drink : minum
c. Study : belajar
d. Allow : mengizinkan
e. Accept : menerima
f. Agree : menyetujui
g. Join : bergabung
h. Judge : menilai
i. Watch : menonton
j. Wash : mencuci
2. Please write 10 objects arround you now! (write in both English and
a. Bag : tas
b. Smarthphone : telepon pintar
c. Laptop : laptop
d. Bed : Kasur
e. Soap : sabun
f. Pillow : guling
g. Book : buku
h. Pencil : pensil
i. Pencil case : tempat pensil
j. Glass : gelas
3. Make 2 declarative sentences, 2 imperative sentences, 2 interrogative
sentences, 2 exclamatory sentences and 2 compound sentences. (tema
semua kalimat harus berhubungan dengan kampus)
4. a. Declarative sentences :
• this classroom is dirty
• Class ends in 2 hours
b. Imperative sentences :
• don’t lazy to go campus!
• Don't wake up too late!
c. Interrogative sentences :
• Has the psychology education class started?
• What's the schedule for thursday?
d. Exclamatory sentences :
• Wow, this course is so hard!
• Wow, this classroom is so hot!
e. Compound sentences :
• Our group got 2nd place and Mala's group got 3rd place..
• Nita is doing observations and Ica is interviewing the informants

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